Instagram block
Hi I’ve been blocked by Instagram for last 48 hours. I have no idea why and I still can’t post. Yet all my other comping friends are posting far more than me. Despite reporting the issue it looks like I’ll need to delete my account and start again. It seems so unfair as none else who I am friends with has a block. Any…
What advents are you missing this year?
Any, usually good, advents that we're missing this year so we can keep an eye out for them? Notable ones for me are BeoPlay Heart Radio Hexus Barbour Hermes Ryobi Tools T3 I'll mention Scottish Widows and Hunt the Haggis 'cause everyone's always bangin' on about them :) The Debenhams Beauty club always seems to come up too…
Gleam comps
Hi, I can't enter Gleam comps any more because I signed up with facebook and have since left FB. Anyone know how to delete my details and start afresh?
Mag Dailies Problems Again
A couple of days ago mag dailies showed errors all day so couldn't be entered. Today they are all saying ended even though most haven't. Obviously another problem. Anyone know what's going on?
entry limits on competitions
Hi for postal entries with Channel 5 or ITV is there any limits? no mention of postal entry limits in T&Cs only phone / online limits are mentioned. TIA
more threads per page query
Hi I used to view a couple of hundred threads per page and have around 20 pages but not it has changed to 25 per page and I have 189 pages! Can anyone advise how to re-set?
telephone number on online comp
Hi. When an online competition such as Heart FM asks for your telephone number - are you going to get charged?? Or is this just so they can contact you if you win?
Twitter/Instagram would anyone follow?
I've made an Instagram and Twitter account for the sake of comping, but they're both so bare at the moment! Would anyone mind following me? I'll happily follow back :rotfl: Twitter: @bloom_631 Instagram: @amberbloom5 Thank you :)
Competition shenanigans / spam!
(1) Are many people getting bogus FB you won replies. I've had a few and just delete them / don't go any further. What's their game?? (2) Is anybody getting loads of emails from .club? Don't know if my email address was harvested from a competition or auto generated?
Advent Chat ?
Looked around to see if I could find this Advent's Chat but couldn't find any. My question is A: 24/12 Lifestyle Hotels did not ask for personal details when I entered. Is that due to Google Analytics or what? Sorry if there is an advent chat... Please help. TIA
*** SEARCH FAULT *** Now Solved ***
Search is missing posts created from approx 4am 03/12 to 4am 04/12. The fault has been reported in Site Feedback As usual with Search Faults: BEWARE OF DUPES
Last Pass
Does anyone use Last Pass and use the wonderful feature that I think was called Hot Keys? This is where when you come to a page where you have to complete your name, address, email etc you can select two keys example ALT and C and by pressing these it would complete the form for you? I have had the free version of last…
Advent Bumping
May I please beg people to stop bumping advents with superfluous bumps re. well dones or duplicating comments. If a post does not open, just bookmark it and go back later. I appreciate people want to comment but because people subscribe to posts, each comment produces an extra email and just adds to the hundreds already…
World Tempus comps
Is it just me having problems logging into this site? Have done their comps for years with no problems at all, but just lately nothing works. Tearing my hair out trying to do their Advent :(
Rafflecopter problem?
I am having trouble entering rafflecopters today! Anyone else - their submit tabs won't submit?
Do excuse me if I loose the plot!
I apologise now, but will do my very best at keeping on top of both the daily Rafflecopter/Gleam thread and the Advent list. If anyone spots any mistakes or has any requests for the threads then I will try my best and sorting them for you too. But I would like to enter some advents if I get the chance also. :rotfl:
The comp names are....??
I’m so greatful for the folk that take the time t find these competitions and then share them with us. Its just made me laugh, recently, the names for a lot of the threads people have made have been a bit more obscure. Instead of “win skincare products” or “£100 tool set.” The names have been just the brand of what it is?…
How do i search (wanna try without the lists) for Advents. with A: when i try says none are there! when cleary are.. what am i doing wrong:mad::beer::p:D
Returning member, got a few questions please
Hi All! I have some time on my hands so i thought I'd return to comping and try and do it more seriously this time but I was hoping to ask a few questions as the site overwhelmed me before. Any help with any questions greatly received and appreciated. Firstly, when I was here before, the only thing I won was a £30 ikea…
How do you create autofilled new tabs?
Pretty much as per the title - I would like to be able to create duplicate tabs with the name and phone number already populated. The best example I think would be for when doing the baeur radio comps. I have not minded too much doing it manually when there are only 6 entries, but last Friday there were loads (5 separate…