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New Look MSE Forum Sneaky Peek Feeback

MSE_Martin Posts: 8,272 Money Saving Expert
First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
edited 10 May 2010 at 12:41PM in Site feedback
Important Update:

Thanks for all the great feedback in the now closed new MSE forum
thread. I'm glad the vast majority of you like it according to the poll.
  • Don't know about this: Read my intro directly underneath which explains what's happened.
  • Already seen it: I've started a new thread to help me really. I've been through and collated all the feedback - and responded to it. So I wanted to start a new thread to check anything I've missed rather than seeing lots of duplicates - see the text in this colour below for the collated list.
Original Post

Hi folks,

We're working on a new look for the forum - and the first ALPHA draft is done - we'd like your feedback (please read the notes below first though)

Change to the new look

Change back to the old look (if you want to feel free to stick with the new one - providing you're aware its not 100% finished)

You can switch the looks as often as you like, its no problem

Note the switch is done via a cookie - so if you clear cookies you'll revert to the old look automatically

Notes on the new look

The idea is to brush up the visuals, so they're a little more modern, its been three to four years since we last changed it

We've focused on the colours and lines of the forum rather than the overall design - as we know many forumers don't like too much change (do remember though different monitors view colours different ways).

Once this is done we plan to look at the resource bars and the right hand side too (one step at a time though) - hopefully by the time we go properly live we'll have tidied the resource bars up a bit (see the credit card board for how the tidy up will look - compare it to the debt-free board for the old one) but then we have plans to make the content more relevant to the individual post - but that's a way off.

Feedback we'd like from you?
  • What do you think of it?
  • Do you prefer it to what we have now (please remember all change takes some getting used to)
  • Are there any glitches?
  • Is there anything missing?
  • Any suggestions for change?
  • NOTE: We know the thread stats box isn't fully functioning at the moment - its there so you can see the look
We know we can't please everyone all of the time, but we will do our best to listen to sensible or technically achievable suggestions and promise to incorporate them if we can.

Please try it for a few days before making your mind up

While we welcome glitch feedback and suggestions immediately - in terms of whether you like it, if you instinctively don't please stick with it for a a few days. I've been using it for a week now, and at first it felt very strange and a little uncomfortable - however now if i click back to the old look that looks strange and I much prefer this.

We really want to improve the forum but we're aiming to do it with you - as we know how important it working smoothly is.

Also we may have moved and shifted some functionality (either deliberately or unwittingly) so if there are any negative changes you spot please tell us (or ones you like too)

The Roll Out Plan

This is the testing stage - so expect changes to be made live if you're in the test forum look.

Once we're happy with it we will then turn it on so all members will automatically get this view - however we will then add an option in the user CP so you can turn it back to the old look if you prefer.

Thanks so much for your time - and big plaudits to Ian, Neil, Brendan, Darren, and the others who've been working on this trying to balance a new look with sensitivity to not changing too far.


Update - My responses to your suggestions.

Hi folks, I've personally been through all your feedback and collated a list of it. If I've missed anything please report it below - though do help me by not re-reporting any of these (though you can discuss my responses).

However I should note, I need to talk to my team about what can and what can't be implemented (and always rememer you can always select the old look if you really hate it).

I've done this in note form - so do forgive any scrappiness.
  • Bolding the usernames on the left: Yep we can do that.
  • The thanks buttong: Lots of posts about this and how it operates, the fact that its tough to keep track off - yep we can sort that like it used to be – it wasn’t a designed change - we just need to fix it.
  • Sub Forums difficulty seeing them in the main menu: We may consider bolding them it should help.
  • New Smilies: We can look at that, though its not a priority in the redesign.
  • Spam Button: Yes we’ll ensure that’s there as it is now (Im not quite sure how it is now – as I have a slightly different user panel on buttons as I’ve got more options ;) )
  • Like it button: The aim is the like it button will be disappearing at some stage soon and we plan to use the 'thanks' for the original post in a thread to be the new marker for the 'wow factor' which will replace the likeability rating we currently have (the factor element will ensure its relevant to the rest of that board - not just absolute thanks). However if we haven’t done that by the time we launch the redesign the like it button will be back as currently.
  • Ratings in the grabbit board: Yes they’ll be there one way or another – see the above.
  • Mulit-Quote: While there’ve been a few requests to make this button bigger – my view is we already have a lot of buttons and this is an advanced option. So those regular users who need it will know what it is and can use it.
  • Avatars: Hopefully they're all now working (let us know below) – if not we’ll ensure you can. I know some don’t like the auto-avatar 'shadowy man' put on for those who don’t have them. Im not wedded to it either way so will chat with the team about whether we can turn it off (think its probably part of the template software).
  • Thread stats box. Mixed comments on this – and in a way I knew this would be the most contentious. However this is an important box for the site – for people coming to see the strength and also to help people social network the content (which many have requested). We’ll take a look to see if we can streamline it to take up less space. Also I know someone mentioned difficulties it gave in cutting and pasting content – well I will ask the team to look at that, to make it easier.
  • Issues about stickies etc: Sorry folks, for the moment I’m going to concentrate on the design rather than operations issues – one thing at a time :)
  • The Thanks text at the bottom of each post: Some want it more prominent some less. While i think going quite as bold as before isn’t necessary – we can up the font size a touch.
  • Option to change black text on white: Hmmm not really thought about this – the fact its too bright, we can look at an option – but probably no this design iterations, we may look at a customisable options going forward.
  • Marker for subscribed threads being bigger: OK I must admit I don' t use this function and don’t know what it is – so I can’t comment on it – but we will look at it.
  • Split username on posts: Yes I can see that for longer usernames that does happen, but then again making the left smaller has improved the overall dimensions. We will put our heads together about anthing we can do.
  • The Traffic Light: Glad you like the traffic light which shows whether a poster is online or not it was quite deliberate (ok I admit i only noticed it when i read the feedback, don’t know if the team added it or it was just in the template J)
  • Signatures and the spacing above it and making it a full line: Yes absolutely we’ve lost some space – i had already asked for that to be put back before we put it back for testing – its on the list to do we’ll put it back as was.
  • Bigger font size of the links in the green bars: We’ll see if we can increase these slightly – though too much may look strange. We’ll have a play.
  • Positioning of the spam button: Yes I think there’s an argument for separating it from the like and thanks as some have requested.
  • Hover over of the first post in the main forum menu: Yes you can read that in the old forum not in this one – don’t know why its gone but will see if its possible to bring it back.
  • Bigger page numbers: Yep we’re looking at the page number display
  • Updating the start here button: Yes, we’re doing that (its actually in my notes introducing the forum about what we’re doing with the resource bar). To see the newer version see the resource bar on the credit card board. However further ahead of that we aim to make the content reflect the page content so the links are more relevant and helpful.
  • View status box: Someone wrote this is too big – im afraid I wasn’t quite sure what this referred to – please do let me know.
  • Abuse button web form: Thanks for all the notes requesting a web form rather than an email from - on this – though its not a part of this redesign but we are aware of it as an issue and its on the list. The problem is the abuse team management tool (many of the abuse team work outside the office) needs emails to feed it – so its a much bigger change than it seems. Plus the lack of a genuine email that its coming from can make things difficult (especially in contentious libel claims)
  • Animated Avatars: Not looked at this at all – i’ll ask the techie team, but I’m not going to prioritise it if its tough.
  • Broken missing images on user profiles page: Yep we’ll look at that.
  • Justification of the left hand side: Yes I think it probably would be better with the left hand side stuff (user name stats etc) left justified.
  • Overlap from the MSE news box: Someone (Triker) wrote “Obviously the 'overlap' from the latest MSE news box needs sorting, but probably been mentioned loads before me.” Acually I don’t know what this means – pls explain.
  • Thread stats stats: As said that isn’t fully working yet – however the point about whether it should count the first threads thanks or entire threads thanks is one we will discuss.
  • Subsribed thread button: We’ll have a look at whether we can add a button showing what thread’s you’ve subscribed to.
  • Make OP look different in a thread: This isn’t a design issue but a technical issue, again its on the fabled list- as is considering auto installing the OP at the top of every subsequent page (either in full or as a drop down) but these are bigger changes than you’d think and therefore not priorities just yet.
  • Change the green shading. Some say too dark – some to light – the problem is different monitors render colours a different way. Looking at different ones in the office – it can vary, this is just a classic problem when designing a website, we have to go for the mid-ground.
  • Expired button on the comp board: Yes we will do that wasn’t deliberate – are we missing any other buttons – please tell us.
Thank you

I think thats it - thanks for all the feedback - we'll do our best to make it work (though of course there were oppossing views on a few things)

I was delighted to see some who reacted against (thankfully less than one in four) later came back to say after using it for a bit they'd changed their minds. Its really uplifting for us to know this is a popular improvement - with many saying its neater, cleaner and better for the visually impaired.

Do let me know if I've missed anything - or there are other things which people haven't reported.

Martin Lewis, Money Saving Expert.
Please note, answers don't constitute financial advice, it is based on generalised journalistic research. Always ensure any decision is made with regards to your own individual circumstance.
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    MARTINS_DOLL Posts: 11,141 Forumite
    edited 9 May 2010 at 1:16AM
    Thank you Martin for giving us the expired button back.... :beer:
    It makes our hard working BGs job on the comps board a lot easier!

    They really do have their hands full with merges, Game Overs and helping newbie comp posters as to how to post the comp in the correct format!
    ................................... MSE MARTIN LEWIS ... :A ... THANK YOU.......................
  • fermi
    fermi Posts: 40,544 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post Combo Breaker Intrepid Forum Explorer
    Another broken/missing image in the new style.


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  • southernscouser
    southernscouser Posts: 33,745 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    MSE_Martin wrote: »
    The Traffic Light: Glad you like the traffic light which shows whether a poster is online or not it was quite deliberate (ok I admit i only noticed it when i read the feedback, don’t know if the team added it or it was just in the template J)

    This was on the old style forum aswell. :undecided

    I still think it's a bit too big.
  • fnc63
    fnc63 Posts: 4,018 Forumite
    MSE_Martin wrote: »
    Update - My responses to your suggestions.

    Bolding the usernames on the left: Yep we can do that.

    Thread stats box. Mixed comments on this – and in a way I knew this would be the most contentious. However this is an important box for the site – for people coming to see the strength and also to help people social network the content (which many have requested). We’ll take a look to see if we can streamline it to take up less space. Also I know someone mentioned difficulties it gave in cutting and pasting content – well I will ask the team to look at that, to make it easier.

    Issues about stickies etc: Sorry folks, for the moment I’m going to concentrate on the design rather than operations issues – one thing at a time :)

    Marker for subscribed threads being bigger: OK I must admit I don' t use this function and don’t know what it is – so I can’t comment on it – but we will look at it.

    Positioning of the spam button: Yes I think there’s an argument for separating it from the like and thanks as some have requested.

    Hover over of the first post in the main forum menu: Yes you can read that in the old forum not in this one – don’t know why its gone but will see if its possible to bring it back.

    Justification of the left hand side: Yes I think it probably would be better with the left hand side stuff (user name stats etc) left justified.

    Subsribed thread button: We’ll have a look at whether we can add a button showing what thread’s you’ve subscribed to.

    Thank you

    Do let me know if I've missed anything - or there are other things which people haven't reported.


    Thank you :D
    a couple of those above were what i pointed out and are nice to see will change

    Bolding the usernames - nice, i was also one to suggest that - i also felt it would be nicer if we cold bold thanked count - on the old it was

    Post Count: 7,245
    Thanked 36,975 Times in 4,696 Posts

    that was bold and i would prefer to see

    Post Count: 7,245
    Thanked 36,975 Times in 4,696 Posts

    Thread stats box - it certainly does muck up c+p amongst other things and so i thought i would help out a little and try with the streamlining effect - i only have pappy old MS paint to hand, so im sure you can make the real thing look a lot better, but you get the gist of the layout i propose


    i feel this would be best served as a fixed box within the OP but above any text posted by a new post, or below the signature line - thoughts please ?

    Issues about stickies etc - i did and think probably was the only one to bring this up and i accept your comment, so long as this could perhaps be next time ;)

    Marker for subscribed threads being bigger - this is a serious issue for me - again it looks total pap the one now displayed, along with my mention before here of hating the "go to first" + "go to last" post and particularly the "sticky" button icons - they are all just too slim and matchsticky! if you know what i mean - cant we just keep the ones we already have that show more direction and definition to what they actually do without having to hover over them to read a popup to find out

    Positioning of the spam button - im not so sure about the spam button being separated, i did suggest the thanks button being separated though as this is the one that is obv used the most and really could be with standing alone so that it can be hit upon more easily than possily unintentionally hitting on a wrong option

    Hover over of the first post in the main forum menu: - dont know if you have already fixed this, or perhaps it was onyl one user with problems, but for me this is still available and i am on an old IE7 - had me worried when i first saw this and prior to checking it out i really would have suggested scrapping the entire update had it not been possible lol as it such a fundamental feature

    Justification of the left hand side - again something else that i suggested and i am glad that you agree, although i dont feel the centre alignment was a bad thing, it can make the "thanked count stand out quite a bit more, it was just the stars that werent centred, so would be happy with centralising it all if the stars followed the rest of the formatting

    Subsribed thread button - same issue really as the "Hover over of the first post" point - this i can see, but obv some cant - but the button icon i can see is like the rest i mentioned in the point above "Marker for subscribed threads being bigger" - is total pap

    well thats me done here - once again "Thank you"

    2014 WTD ~ CH10OC50CW55PC10AB25BA120SB15OC30BC160BV105OC30CT20GC10GB100

    Apparently everything has a happy ending and if you havent arrived at the happiness, it hasnt ended yet :think:

  • itsallinthemind
    itsallinthemind Posts: 3,114 Forumite
    fnc63 wrote: »

    Thread stats box - it certainly does muck up c+p amongst other things and so i thought i would help out a little and try with the streamlining effect - i only have pappy old MS paint to hand, so im sure you can make the real thing look a lot better, but you get the gist of the layout i propose


    i feel this would be best served as a fixed box within the OP but above any text posted by a new post, or below the signature line - thoughts please ?

    This is a FANTASTIC idea:T Could it be incorporated to the top before the OP's post? I think this is so much cleaner :)

    Positioning of the spam button - im not so sure about the spam button being separated, i did suggest the thanks button being separated though as this is the one that is obv used the most and really could be with standing alone so that it can be hit upon more easily than possily unintentionally hitting on a wrong option

    Could you not put the thanks button say in green instead of blue? Or just put spam/abuse in a different colour, or to the left?

    You have said the multi quote button can not be made bigger or have text added. I'm not sure if it just me, but I really dislike the pink and orange speech bubbles:o

    The same goes with the red moneysavingexpert.com logo. The red on green just looks wrong to me? I think touches of colour look fantastic, but the red logo just does not sit right in my eyes? I think MSE deserves a more up to date logo, it almost lets the new look down!

    Both top banners need rejigging in my view.

    In regard to the OP's posts being in a different colour or at the top of each post, duplicating on each post seems unneeded to me personally and just more to scroll through for mobile users, especially as some first posts, due to complexity of deals, can be incredibly long?

    I think that the work done so far is FANTASTIC! :j:j:jWhilst I am sure all MSE'rs are keen to use this great new look as soon as possible, I would rather wait longer for a better look/use site?
  • meher
    meher Posts: 15,910 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    edited 9 May 2010 at 1:17PM
    Green shade matches with the header although the header is of a slightly lighter shade - it's still just about right imo. I quite liked the subtlity of username shade and the font size and how it looks like at the mo. Thing is, the way it is designed, is just perfect that there's nothing distracting and it looks cool and yet not flashy. But then my eye sight is peculiarly sharp and sensitive; anything out of place strikes me. So likely my suggestion to leave it all untouched would be a minority.

    I dread the thought of letting in bigger animated avatars, little ones are distracting enough. Not intending to be difficult, promise :o but many animations are fast moving and scary too. I think it could be centrally administered to make it slow moving though.

    The OP statistics box doesn't seem to be an issue for me but I can't see the point in view counts and thanks in it when it's all there on the OP anyway. May be if they are taken out, and just leave in the social networking links, it wouldn't be so much of an issue.
    View status box: Someone wrote this is too big – im afraid I wasn’t quite sure what this referred to – please do let me know.
    I think she meant statistics box on our user profile page, which used to be pretty much a small one.

    fermi's post @3 suggests an image and I can't see any, neither does it show as a link - is it a glitch?
  • custardy
    custardy Posts: 38,365 Forumite
    Name Dropper Photogenic First Post First Anniversary
    re the multi quote Martin
    nobody was asking for a bigger button,just that its more obvious when selected
    so reducing the size of the speech bubbles but keeping the same size button is more the idea
  • fermi
    fermi Posts: 40,544 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post Combo Breaker Intrepid Forum Explorer
    Well, I seem to now have a post_thanks.gif button on my own posts? :cool:

    Doesn't actually do anything though.

    (I had to click it to find out. You do, don't you? :o:p)

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  • fermi
    fermi Posts: 40,544 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post Combo Breaker Intrepid Forum Explorer
    meher wrote: »
    fermi's post @3 suggests an image and I can't see any, neither is it showing as a link - is it a glitch?

    No. I deliberately stopped the forum turning it into a link, since it was a broken one. Just posted the plain text url instead.

    This is the broken image
    > tag.png

    If you are using Internet Explorer (or some other browsers) that should show up as a broken image placeholder. If you are using Firefox, then most version of that will just not display anything.
    Free/impartial debt advice: National Debtline | StepChange Debt Charity | Find your local CAB

    IVA & fee charging DMP companies: Profits from misery, motivated ONLY by greed
  • Aesop
    Aesop Posts: 23,773 Forumite
    Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    LoL, yes fermi, we all have a thanks button on our own posts. And yes, I pressed it too, to see if I could thank myself...... :rofl:

    I don't like the colours on the multiquote, think they are too bright, maybe a bit more muted colours in line with the rest of the new look website?

    Still like this though, much better, and with anything there will always be teething problems, etc, but great that we can provide our feedback and opinions.
This discussion has been closed.
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