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Low Carb Diet (atkins)



  • Mercy
    Mercy Posts: 1,733 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    ames100 wrote: »
    day three and so far so good however im starting to hanker carbs, the bfs eating pizza atm and it smells a lot better than it used too!!

    does anyone have a good recipe for something like muffins i had a look at one of the carb forums and tried two recipies (peanut butter cookies- very fake tasting think its the splenda and leave a coating in the roof of your mouth- has anyone had the same problem with splenda and cooking?

    i used peanut butter, eggs, bicarb, tartar, splenda and butter- sounds ok to me?!

    also tried a flax cake with coconut and had a similar experience - rose well but metalic taste again and again splenda!

    After a tip off from Badger Lady I got some of the agave nectar. It's sweet enough but without the unnatural tast of some sweeteners. I recommend it but haven't had chance to put it into much yet. I too don't like the taste of most sweeteners but have only had a problem with splenda when I used too much.

    B - pigs in blankets
    L - HM curry
    D - 2 pigs in blankets to keep me going then later some belly pork with veg and some liver casserole

    Cooked both the above for 3 hrs last night so had to try them :D

    Got a serious amount of housework to do tonight, early spring cleaning :eek:

    May well be on here as a displacement activity :D

    Have a fun day, tis Friday! :j

    low carb recipe list - link on page 1 low carb support thread
    You don't have any control over what life throws at you.
    You DO have control over how you react :)
  • Badger_Lady
    Badger_Lady Posts: 6,264 Forumite
    Photogenic First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Corrr, just invented my new favourite comfort food!

    Bakewell porridge:
    - 1 cup oats
    - 1/2 cup ground almond and flaked almond
    - 1 scoop hemp protein powder
    - 1/2 tsp almond essence
    - 1 tsp agave nectar
    - 3 cups soya milk

    Tastes like bakewell tart without the jam! But I've got a couple of giant cherries to eat on the side :grin:

    Sorry I know it's not strictly low-carb but thought I'd share that with you :wink:
    Mortgage | £145,000Unsecured Debt | [strike]£7,000[/strike] £0 Lodgers | |
  • shykins
    shykins Posts: 2,759 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    thanks for the info ted, its such a shame that in the UK they wont advise lowcarb for diabetes when there is such good results coming from the UK

    i hate sweetener too but find the da vinci syrups dont have such an aftertaste

    did u allsee jamie last night? he has only gone andtipped everyone off about belly pork now we wont be able to get any for love nor money and the price will go up,,, u can go off him cant u??.... also could not belive people in the UK dont eat shoulder its the best bit

    When you know better you do better

    Atkins since 2004 - 8 stone loss maintaining
  • HC_2
    HC_2 Posts: 2,239 Forumite
    Morning :hello:

    Didn't see Jamie last night - he drives me insane and I tend to want to give him a slap. I did watch Chickens, Hugh ... and Tesco too, which I taped from earlier in the week. Didn't put Tesco in a very good light, but then very little ever does. Let's hope one day they'll get their comeuppance.

    Had a long MSN conversation with a friend of mine the other evening: he's in his fifties, very overweight and pre-diabetic. A couple of years ago he lost several stone on the Low-GI diet but has put it all back on. I tried to tell him about low-carb, to no avail. He is of the usual mindset, which thinks that Atkins et al. is unhealthy and unbalanced - and of course his doctor has told him the same thing. I don't think I'll convince him until our government and/or mainstream thinking reconsiders. He plans to do this one instead, which seems to be low GI and doesn't exclude carbs. He's done it before and says it works. Perhaps I haven't read the site fully enough, but I can't see HOW to follow the diet without buying his book. This is what Montignac has to say about Atkins:

    For decades the only diets that existed were low-calorie diets. People were convinced that the only way to lose weight was to eat less and, above all, to avoid fats which are rich in calories. Dr. Atkins, who became known in the 1970s, was the first person to recognize the role played by carbohydrates in gaining weigh. The Atkins diet, however, involves a drastic reduction of all carbs while allowing proteins and fat foods ad libitum. Considering that it makes no recommendations regarding the right choices, this represents a potential danger for those at risk of heart disease. The Montignac Method is neither a variant nor a modified version of the Atkins diet since it does not exclude any food category. As opposed to the Atkins diet, the Montignac Method even recommends carbs and proposes Glycemic Indexes (GI) so that we can choose wisely, namely low GIs. As concerns fats, the Montignac Method recommends those that reduce the risks of heart-disease. Accordingly, we have to conclude that low-calorie diets and the Atkins diet go to extremes and are thus unbalanced; while one rules out fats, the other excludes carbohydrates. What the Montignac Method proposes, more than an ordinary diet, is a balanced way of eating to lose weight and to keep fit and slim.

    I'd be particularly interested to hear your views, Ted

    Anyway, yesterday for me:

    B: none
    L: scrambled eggs
    D: sausages; cabbage and bacon
  • Ted_Hutchinson
    HC wrote: »
    I'd be particularly interested to hear your views, Ted
    Well if you listened to the Jimmy Moore interview with Richard Johnson you will know there is some research that the initiating factor isn't Carbs as Taubes/Atkins suggest but fructose. Towards the end of the talk Johnson explains that the good thing about Atkins induction is that it totally excludes fruit at that stage so it gives the body a wash out period.
    Now although I didn't do Atkins, Dr D's does say
    Fruit is certainly nutritious, but due to its high carbohydrate content it raises bloodsugar levels. (Especially bananas and grapes)
    The risk is that the fructose will be converted to fat, and stored up in the fat issue.
    If weight loss is slow you should remove fruits, bread and nuts completely from your diet.
    So in fact I excluded fruit and fruit juice completely for the first few months and only reintroduced berries and apples after my weight loss was under way. I still haven't returned to drinking fruit juice, although I do use Tomato/vegetable juices if I have an IF day. I've still not had a banana or grapes but do have berries/apple/pear/orange occasionally.

    Having read what Dr Davis has to say about wheat I don't intend to follow Dr Johnson's advice about bread, I don't think it's worth the risk.

    I see Montignac Shop actually sells Crystallised fructose which seems to indicate someone isn't up to date with the latest research or someone who puts personal profit before the best interests of his readers.
    My weight loss following Doktor Dahlqvist' Dietary Program
    Start 23rd Jan 2008 14st 9lbs Current 10st 12lbs
  • aliasojo
    aliasojo Posts: 23,053 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    shykins wrote: »
    did u allsee jamie last night? he has only gone andtipped everyone off about belly pork now we wont be able to get any for love nor money and the price will go up

    I watched this in disgust tbh. We really are a cruel race dont you think?

    I've bought my last bacon from Tesco now (notice they weren't represented but the other majors were...M&S, Sainsburys etc etc....).

    I'm going back to finding a good butcher and making sure my meat eating habits are as painless a process as is humanely possible.

    Anyway....I had 4 Atkins Bars yesterday. :o I am seriously hooked I'm afraid. My new plan of action is just to eat them to get rid of them (I had 15 bars originally as Boots had a 3 for 2 promo on so I got 3 boxes of 5 and only paid for 2 boxes ....with Boots points :D . I just cant do moderation, I've tried for years and failed which is why I have stayed fat. I need to do avoidance, at least until I'm not a 'greedy' weight anymore iyswim, so I'm not going to buy them again but I'm not going to beat myself up either as this is just a blip. (See....trying to be positive ;) ) One good thing is that the scales stayed the same this morning so at least I didn't put on.

    I'm getting really fed up with chicken and sausages though so I think I need to spend some time label reading in the supermarket to see if I can find something different but still low carb.

    I am also craving Blossom Hill!

    Have a good day all! :beer:
    Herman - MP for all! :)
  • HC_2
    HC_2 Posts: 2,239 Forumite
    aliasojo, I know exactly what you mean about moderation. I have trouble in that area too. Surely if one doughnut or packet of crisps is nice, then two (or three) will be even nicer, that's how my stupid mind works.

    I shall not even try an Atkins bar if they're that moreish!

    Like you, I'm also getting a bit fed up with my evening meals. I'm going to go through my recipe books for some inspiration.

    I buy almost all my meat from Costco, because it's incredible value and (it seems) superb quality. I think I might write to them and find out about their animal welfare standards. Their chicken breasts are twice the size of the supermarket ones. I don't think they're pumped up with water, so I wonder why they're so enormous.
  • Mercy
    Mercy Posts: 1,733 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    HC wrote: »
    aliasojo, I know exactly what you mean about moderation. I have trouble in that area too. Surely if one doughnut or packet of crisps is nice, then two (or three) will be even nicer, that's how my stupid mind works.

    I shall not even try an Atkins bar if they're that moreish!

    Like you, I'm also getting a bit fed up with my evening meals. I'm going to go through my recipe books for some inspiration.

    I buy almost all my meat from Costco, because it's incredible value and (it seems) superb quality. I think I might write to them and find out about their animal welfare standards. Their chicken breasts are twice the size of the supermarket ones. I don't think they're pumped up with water, so I wonder why they're so enormous.

    Corn and hormones? :eek:
    low carb recipe list - link on page 1 low carb support thread
    You don't have any control over what life throws at you.
    You DO have control over how you react :)
  • Badger_Lady
    Badger_Lady Posts: 6,264 Forumite
    Photogenic First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    I watched that Horizon programme about skinny people last night. Interesting stuff:

    - Even as small children, some of us stop eating when we're full, while some of us prefer to keep munching on yummies indefinitely. Likely a genetic trait.

    - A virus exists that apparently might affect 20% of the population at some point in our lives, which multiplies fat cells but is otherwise just like a cold / flu.

    - Some people have in-built systems that prevent them getting overweight even if they force themselves to keep eating - some are physically sick if they overeat, others increase their metabolic rate as soon as extra calories are introduced, and others just automatically fidget more to burn off the extra calories.

    - If you've been very overweight, it's difficult to lose the excess fat cells (well we know that don't we peeps!), and some people will always feel hungry and have to control their eating in order to maintain a new figure. Any "relaxation" is likely to pile the weight back on.

    - For those of us genetically predisposed to carrying extra weight, this was an evolved trait to help us survive through times of famine. We are therefore designed to fast intermittently.

    Depressing stuff, huh! Not really sure how it helps... :(
    Mortgage | £145,000Unsecured Debt | [strike]£7,000[/strike] £0 Lodgers | |
  • nimpoppy
    Hi all.

    Did atkins 4 years ago with great sucess. lost 3 stone. Now I have crept up and gained a stone. but i don't think that is such bad going. I have started induction again and am on day 4. No naughties as well. Lost 4lbs to date. I was just wondering whether any of you have tried to do atkins again and did it work as well as the first time.
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