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Car Insurance Article Discussion



  • Thanks for that, I will check that I get the 500 at least!

    Too late to do quidco now, should have done my research better... but I did get a much better price from Privelege through Tesco than direct, so the net saving might not be all that great.

    But I am happy... I just insured a brand new group 17 car for £415, so another testimony to Martin's method (and make sure you try all the sites - it was the fourth step that saved me further £160) - my existing insurer wouldn't even insure the car!

    Quentin wrote: »
    No, but you do get 500 clubcard points if you bought priviledge through the Tesco comparison site.

    The £50 voucher is for buying Tesco's own insurance.

    If its not too late, cancel the policy then buy it again through quidco. You get £60 cashback for taking out a priviledge insurance policy via quidco.
  • Hi there,

    I hope someone has some ideas for me....
    I own a corsa LS 1200, 1996, a second car for me, in November my son took out an insurance policy on it for himself, his sister and me as named drivers, both youngsters at the time still learning. The cost from Quinn 1293.00. My daughter passed her test in December, we informed Quinn - no change to the policy cost. My son passed today (whoopee!) he telephoned Quinn to hear they now want £257.00 per month for the duration of the policy an increase in monthly premiums of a whopping £158.00!!!!! per month.:eek:

    Does anyone know how or why? or if there is anything I can do about it? The car is worth about £500 - any advice truly appreciated as son devastated.

  • Hi,

    I followed the article on car insurance as mine is up for renewal next week. Using confused.com, I managed to get a quote for £358.34 with Sheila's Wheels. Following the advise in the article, I then looked on Quidco and found that SW's were offering £35 cashback through that site. Happy days I thought, until I went through the whole process again and entered exactly the same information to be given a quote of £380 instead! With the £35 cashback, it still works out less than going through confused, but why should I be given two separate prices? I asked Sheila's Wheels and they said that some comparison sites lower the prices, but I don't understand how they can do this! If anything you would expect to get a cheaper price going direct! Have I missed something here - can anyone help?

  • rsharp
    rsharp Posts: 18 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post
    redlizzy wrote: »
    I hope someone has some ideas for me....
    I own a corsa LS 1200, 1996, a second car for me, in November my son took out an insurance policy on it for himself, his sister and me as named drivers, both youngsters at the time still learning. The cost from Quinn 1293.00. My daughter passed her test in December, we informed Quinn - no change to the policy cost. My son passed today (whoopee!) he telephoned Quinn to hear they now want £257.00 per month for the duration of the policy an increase in monthly premiums of a whopping £158.00!!!!! per month.:eek:

    Does anyone know how or why? or if there is anything I can do about it? The car is worth about £500 - any advice truly appreciated as son devastated.


    Hi redlizzy,

    The reason is that when your son was learning, he could only drive the car with an experienced driver, e.g. you. Now he has passed his test he can drive it alone, which is seen as a bigger risk to insurance companies.

    The value of the car has little effect on the premium (unless very high value), as the third party (liability) section of the policy may provide cover for several million pounds.

    As soon as he gets his first year's NCD (No Claims Discount) he should shop around using the excellent guide on this website and the premium should drop. There are companies that do NCD accelerator, which I believe give you 1 year's NCD in 10 months or similar.

    I know all this doesn't help your son reduce his premium but I hope it helps to explain it.


    P.S. I work for a large insurance company and used to be in motor / household sales - now in household claims.
    MSIQ = 158 :j
  • hello to cut a long story short ive allways had company vehicles and now in my present employment im not so ive decided to get a small run around.partner has car with me as named driver and ive no no claims discount 3 points on liscence 3 yeas ago. and claimed for a stolen motorcycle last year. now im getting quotes back of (highest was 1600 quid. about a grand was average on a car that is worth about 500 quid i find this absolutly agrevating! apparently im still classed as a young driver i will be 27 next month and ive been driving over 9 years why am my quotes so high whats the best way to get them down? i pay 115 quid as a named driver on my partners insurance and they want a grand for me to drive a banga!!!!
    any help with this would be great
  • Janjel
    Janjel Posts: 93 Forumite
    I was wondering if anyone can advise what to do about a car insurance claim. i was insured with Direct line and had my car stolen and burnt out in August last year. I rang them and informed them of this. I got a new car and asked them to change my insurance to this - they did not do it and said they could not trace call for me informing them to do so - I only found this out when i was stopped by police in December 2008 who informed me that i was driving with no insurance. It turns out they were still insuring old car!!!!
    Finally got them to change insurance in December to new car after a lot of unhelpfulness from customer service who were very rude. Bumped into a car yesterday - rang DL about it who informed me that as they had not received DD payment they cancelled my policy at end of january - they said i did not give them new bank details - which i did. So i am not insured for accident and other driver is hassling me!!!! i am now with another insurance company as from today. Direct line is the worst insurance company i have ever dealt with!!!!
  • pjala
    pjala Posts: 420 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post
    quidco gives you Churchill car insurance for £100 off!
    Was cheaper than aig and esure for me
  • Hi

    I've got a similar problem trying to insure my 17 year old son who has just started to learn to drive. The quotes to add him to my insurance are horrendous. We thought of buying him an old banger for him to insure himself, but by the sound of it, that will be no cheaper?

    Any advice gratefully received for the cheapest way of insuring him.
  • Truc
    Truc Posts: 6 Forumite
    Hi all,
    One year ago I was with the post office insurance and got a good deal. At the end of the policy the renewal was expensive and I was not entitled to any discount as a current customer, therefore last year I used another company.
    This year, time for renewal, moneysupermarket.com comparison came up with £122 including the £50 cash back. I tried to go ahead with the quote but the site says "Quote Sold".
    So, I tried again but on the Post Office own site, this time coming up with £218 with £50 cash back, this making it £168 total, higher than moneysupermarket.com but still not so bad, but again I could not accept the quote.
    Telephoning the Post Office, asked exactly the same details, but now the quote is £350 with £50 cash back, that is over double the original quote.
    They explained to me that the original quote and the quote on their website is only for new customers. They keep my details on record and I will NEVER be able to have a quote as a new customer.
    Now then, can they really do this, is there not some sort of law that prevents them from doing this. Regardless of the cash back, the fact that will keep me on file as a customer and not allow me a new quote has to be wrong.
    Oh, I have not had any claims with them, (or anyone else for that matter), no legal problems or anything, it is just pure discrimination against a good returning customer.
    What can I do?
  • Thanks for telling us your experience with the Post Office Truc. I was with them and have just renewed with someone else for this year. I too was thinking I could prob go back to them next year as they always seem the cheapest. If I could add to Truc's question - do all insurers treat you as an existing customer forever, even once you've left them?
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