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Frump to Fab 2019 - Here We Go Again



  • Wednesday2000
    Wednesday2000 Posts: 7,483 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper Photogenic First Post
    edited 1 November 2019 at 11:57AM
    maman wrote: »
    That's a lovely gesture making a special meal at home Wednesday. happy Halloween Anniversary.:)

    I suppose IF is a variation on 5:2 but bringing it down to a daily basis. Let us know how you get on. I suppose if you're not a big, breakfast fan then it could work well.
    Happy Anniversary, Wednesday. Have a lovely time.

    Thank you both.:A

    I wouldn't mind losing a few more pounds but I'm more interested in the health aspect. I was looking on a diabetes forum and it seems like quite a few people use it to control their blood sugar. Type 2 diabetes runs in my family and my HbA1C level is normal but I have to keep getting it checked. I just got it done so I would like to see if it came down if I can stick to eating this way until my next check.

    I'm finding it quite easy as I just think about how my body is repairing itself when I'm fasting and how my liver is helping me burn fat. It's much more of a motivation than thinking about losing weight, for me anyway.:T

    It must be harder in the fasting periods if you work around people stuffing their faces with food, though.:rotfl: I'm lucky that I'm at home.

    ETA - During the 10 hour eating window I'm eating whatever I like as well as I wanted to see if it made any difference to my normal weight. I will weigh myself next Monday and see.
  • maman
    maman Posts: 28,691 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Anniversary First Post
    sheilavw wrote: »
    Morning all.

    Maman for the double up, go to nectar website, put your card number in and then the amount of points you want to exchange.
    I only had £17.58 so was only able to double up £15 to £30, they then post you the voucher and I think the date for spending is something like 13th to the 19th November

    Thanks for that Sheila. I suppose that when I have a voucher I can use it in one of the online 'shops' that they advertise on the website/app. Maybe I'm being too cynical but it bothers me that if, when I go to spend the voucher, the products I want are mysteriously unavailable then the points are lost. :(

    You're motivating me with your painting LL. Last night after dinner I had a thought that the dining room was looking a bit dingy probably enhanced by the dark evenings and artificial light. It's not a large room and would simply need a fresh coat of paint. The worst bit would be the numerous glazing bars on the bay window (Georgian style multi paned windows). I'll broach the subject with DH later.;) We've also talked about the need to replace our carpet in the stairs/hall/landing. We knew it was getting past it but it took a real hammering with all the trades up and down during the bathroom renovation. At the same time we'd have the same carpet in the sitting room which we'd paint. But that's a job for the new year.:)

    All I've got planned for today s doing my meal plan and shop. I'm still feeling very fragile and tired. It would seem that something in what I'm eating is making me feel like this but I have no idea what.:(
  • candygirl
    candygirl Posts: 29,455 Forumite
    Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary First Post
    MAMAN does the weather and dark nights maybe affect you?I've been literally exhausted this week, since the clocks went back :( Can hardly get my head off the pillow:(
    Fire part still hasn't come, n I had a leak from the shower today.Don't think I put the screen across properly :(
    Just paid the remainder of Zeus vet bills, n I have to take Bon for her boosters on Mon.Hope I'm not a blubbering wreck :o
    "You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf"

    (Kabat-Zinn 2004):D:D:D
  • lessonlearned
    lessonlearned Posts: 13,337 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post I've been Money Tipped!
    edited 2 November 2019 at 9:57AM
    Good morning everyone.

    I'm another one who is constantly tired at the moment. I know I've probably been working a bit too hard but I think the clocks going back and the darker shorter daylight hours don't help either.

    Maman........sounds like a good plan. I have decided that this dining room is the last time I paint an entire room by myself. Time to face facts, it's just beyond me. This house has high ceilings, lovely and spacious but tough when it comes to painting. I've finally admitted that Ano Domini has caught up with me......it gets us all in the end ......if we are lucky. ;).

    I was sharply reminded of this yesterday......bumped into an old acquaintance and it turns out that a mutual acquaintance of ours had died - just 63 and that the husband of another mutual acquaintance is terminally ill.

    Both heavy smokers and both lung cancer so I guess it could be argued their untimely deaths were self inflicted but even so it's still very sad and very sobering to see one's peers falling by the wayside. It makes me very grateful, that, by comparison, my aches and pains don't impact that much. They are certainly not life threatening, just a minor annoyance.

    Anyway, after a bit of a lecture from both my plumber and my DIL about doing too much LOL, I have had a decorator round to give estimates and I was pleasantly surprised. I think he quoted me very fair rates so I have decided that he can finish the rest of the painting - the kitchen (including more beams), hall and sitting room.

    I still enjoy painting and I will still do all the woodwork, doors etc and of course the kitchen cabinets to stretch the budget but I'm done with ladder work. I'll get him to do it after Christmas, he can have a straight run and hopefully it will all be finished by Easter. It's dragged on long enough. I want the renovations finished by the end of next year. Or at least the downstairs - I can leave the loft room for a while.

    Getting help will free my time so I can crack on with other projects. And at my age I'm getting very conscious that we can always get more money but we can't get more time. It's irreplaceable. Once we've spent that time, it's gone.

    Sistergate ....an update.

    Well it would appear the money has gone already. Quelle surprise. They have decided they need to downsize. The house has been on the market for over 3 months but no takers, despite a flurry of viewers when it first went up for sale and despite knocking £10k off the asking price.

    I'm not surprised. They have overpriced it because that flash expensive extension is actually very poorly designed. The space needs rejigging and that won't come cheap so it will be putting people off.

    It gives me no pleasure to be proved right but I just knew this would happen. And now my poor sister is working even longer hours to stay afloat, in a job that has become increasingly difficult and stressful.

    A golden opportunity to make their lives easier and plan for an early retirement just thrown away. Her husband is ageing badly, despite him being quite a bit younger than she is and he has now developed health issues (self inflicted I'm afraid). I can see dark times ahead for her.

    Greed and arrogance make a lethal combination. So sad but I knew karma would get them in the end. We reap as we sow.

    Had a lovely brunch with a friend yesterday, then a few bits from Aldi. Wore my pistachio green jacket. Nice and cheerful, got some nice compliments about how well I looked. Always gratifying, ha ha.

    All is good here, a nice restful weekend planned. Was hoping to plant some spring bulbs but the forecast isn't great.

    Have a lovely weekend. Keeeeep fabbing.
  • Wednesday2000
    I had plans to tackle my garden today but it is lashing it down with rain!

    I watched a live question and answer session with Ashok Gupta the other day and he said you should get 15 minutes of daylight as soon as you get up. I had forgotten that advice.:o Typically the rain was up to the door this morning so I had to stand in the doorway looking into the sky. I was listening to the end of the rugby as well. Grr!:mad:

    I rejigged my living room last night and it looks more spacious. I moved my desk right next to the door so I can hopefully get more daylight. I put away my trampoline in an upstairs cupboard as this medication is making me slightly dizzy. I have got out my yoga mat instead and I will attempt some stretching and sit-ups today. I bet my stomach muscles will find that hard.:rotfl:

    I'm going to read the second section of my new book today. It's all about working with your circadian rhythms so very apt at the moment.

    My husband has two weeks annual leave starting Monday. I am going to go out one day next week and look in the chazzers of a more affluent area near me. I know I said I was only going to look in the £1 charity shops but I will have a mooch and only buy something if I love it.:A I wanted to look for some red tops and a red bag to add some colour to my mostly navy and black outfits, lol. Maybe pink tops as well.

    We want to watch the new Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan show next week as I get it on Amazon Prime. I would recommend that series.:)
    candygirl wrote: »
    MAMAN does the weather and dark nights maybe affect you?I've been literally exhausted this week, since the clocks went back :( Can hardly get my head off the pillow:(

    I get like that too. I need to get extra daylight in the winter months and I take a vitamin D supplement all year round.

    I have swapped to very bright light bulbs in my living room as that is meant to help.
    maman wrote: »

    All I've got planned for today s doing my meal plan and shop. I'm still feeling very fragile and tired. It would seem that something in what I'm eating is making me feel like this but I have no idea what.:(

    When that happened to me I had to keep a food diary. It turns out I have a problem with coffee and a sweetener called aspartame. It's in diet drinks, chewing gum and even in some crisps. It took me a while to figure that out.
  • maman
    maman Posts: 28,691 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Anniversary First Post
    Sistergate ....an update.

    Well it would appear the money has gone already. Quelle surprise.

    OMG! That's amazing....or maybe not.:(

    So all the greed and manipulation of your dad's finances came to nothing. You obviously made the right decision to take the moral high ground and walk away. I admire you for that.:T

    Great idea about getting in a decorator. While we'll probably manage the rooms ourselves , we bought in for the exterior of the house and the hall/stairs/landing.

    Yes I'd read about aspartame Wednesday but I really hardly eat or drink anything with sweeteners, certainly not recently. That's what's so perplexing. With the exception of some ham and occasional sausages I don't eat processed food. I cook everything from scratch. I think it must be food as I've skipped a couple of meals this week (not deliberately just busy) and I've felt better for it, less tired and less bloated. I'm keeping a food diary but nothing is jumping out at me.

    Good luck with your venture to CSs further afield. They can sometimes be rich pickings although I believe that some chains move stock around. There's a not particularly affluent area of our city where I take my car to be serviced and I'm often lucky with the CRUK shop there. I'm sure they're labels that aren't donated locally.

    I read in today's paper that Selfridge's have started selling second hand clothes. I think it's an eco message mainly but as a spokesperson pointed out we always consider second hand cars before making a purchase so why not clothes? I think this trend will encourage timeless, classic clothes too if they need to stand the test of time.

    It's grim here too. Not particularly wet but grey and incredibly blowy. I doubt I'll be venturing out today. I have some ironing to do if I don't get a better offer.;)
  • lessonlearned
    lessonlearned Posts: 13,337 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post I've been Money Tipped!
    Maman.......do you take a probiotic. I read somewhere that as we get older our microbiome often needs extra help. I have been taking them regularly for a couple of years now and it has made a huge difference.

    In fact last week I misplaced them and went for around 10 days without them. My tummy started playing up a bit after about a week. Thankfully i found them again and Im back to rights again.

    Yes the money didn't last long.....just over 2 years. Shocking really but it's pretty much what I expected.
  • sugarbaby125
    sugarbaby125 Posts: 3,335 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post
    Hello Ladies,

    I am waiting for a friend who is a computer expert to come to my home and diagnose what is wrong with my laptop and whether or not it is worth repairing it. It gave up working yesterday. I am not even able to log on. He has just left with my laptop and he will be able to repair it and return it on Monday for me. :j

    My younger son has come to visit us for a few hours, so he is kindly allowing me to use his laptop. :T

    I went to a really lovely and inspiring Spoken Word event full of talented black performance poets of all ages and both genders at Clapham Library yesterday evening. I had a really enjoyable evening and it made me want to write some new poems myself. I will have to make time to get writing even though I am busy. It was an event organised to celebrate the work of Toni Morrison who I love. It was a free ticket event, but it was a very popular event and I had to go on a waiting list to get a ticket, but eventually I got an email offering me a ticket, which I duly snapped up. :D

    I am going to The Vaults Theatre tonight to see Ages Of The Moon. I am really looking forward to it. :D
  • Wednesday2000
    I wore my grey maxi dress out yesterday and thought it looked a bit billowy and big on me.:huh: I stepped on the scales today and I lost 3 pounds last week! I measured myself and I lost 2 inches from my hips!

    I cannot believe that as I have been eating loads in my 10 hour eating window. I have been roughly calculating how many Weight Watchers points I have been having each day and it's been near 50 or 50+ points most days!!!:o:D

    Unbelievable, I would highly recommend Intermittent Fasting if anyone wants to lose weight. The science behind it is undeniable from what I've been reading. It's the easiest "diet" I have ever tried.:T

    Here are the free podcasts if anyone is interested.:)



    I have to go and get a blood test this morning. I'm going to wear my short black mini dress, leggings, boots and my new blue Tu coat as it is a little chilly. I am supposed to exercise just before breaking my fast (as that is when your body is in fat burning mode) so I will go for a brisk walk beforehand.

    Ooh, I can use my new bright blue bag today too as it will match the coat!
  • chanie
    chanie Posts: 3,319 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post
    The Ordinary skincare is currently on offer with 23% off. The products are pretty reasonable anyway (e.g. £5-£10 a product and they last for months). I have been using the products for ages now and recommend them.
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