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Con artists - "Approved Garages"



  • hucker
    hucker Posts: 112 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post
    Are you a bit of a far right racist then?

    A bit? No, I'm extreme right. I don't tolerate extremist religions taking over our country in a silent war that you left wingers don't even know is happening.
  • hucker
    hucker Posts: 112 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post
    "State why you believe sex is different than say a game of chess."
    A game of chess is far more satisfying.

    I'm guessing you must have a really small appendage then.
  • hucker
    hucker Posts: 112 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post
    I've been reading this thread with morbid fascination. I've never met such an unpleasant poster on here. I thought perhaps you were just trying to give the Tories a bad name with your nastiness and stupidity, but now I see you really are that nasty. (edit, and stupid)

    Why do you think right wing is nasty? It's the left wing that STEALS money from everyone.
    Incidentally, how much does your medical insurance cost, because I fear one day you're going to need it.

    I don't have any insurance at all for anything (except 3rd party car insurance to keep the pigs at bay). Insurance is a gamble, I don't gamble, I don't play the lottery either.
  • Mercdriver
    Mercdriver Posts: 3,898 Forumite
    Fifth Anniversary First Post Name Dropper
    hucker wrote: »
    Why do you think right wing is nasty? It's the left wing that STEALS money from everyone.

    I don't have any insurance at all for anything (except 3rd party car insurance to keep the pigs at bay). Insurance is a gamble, I don't gamble, I don't play the lottery either.

    No. You have it wrong. Both wings redistribute wealth but in different directions.

    You talk about extremist religion and your views on sexual abuse as if your views aren't offensively extremist. Thank God, Allah, Buddha, whatever you are one of a kind. And every area in Scotland voted to remain, so you are in the minority in more ways than one.
  • hucker
    hucker Posts: 112 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post
    Jackmydad wrote: »
    Ah come on Joe, you know those ultrasonic cleaners (and the fluid! :eek:) are dirt cheap.
    To say nothing of odds and ends like Bergeon screwdrivers etc. etc. etc.
    And I thought fully synth car engine oil was expensive until I bought some Moebius watch oil. . .
    I've had a little play at watch cleaning and repair. Anyone who does it professionally has my utmost respect.
    Seventy five quid an hour is cheap for those skills.

    You should charge for your time, plus the precise cost of the parts you use. I get (from my reputable garage) a bill stating the time he spent working, and a bill for anything he used, like the oil he put in the engine, etc, etc.
  • hucker
    hucker Posts: 112 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post
    Joe_Horner wrote: »
    What, so £8700 a litre for Moebius 9010 isn't cheap? :D

    Multiplied by the 3 to 6 different lubricants any given movement might need it does add up - even bought in small quantities some go out of date before you use them and have to be ditched.

    Or the 39 different sizes of battery, some of which you might use 1 from a box of 10 before they're out of date - and some might even cost more individually than your (standardised) battery charge so you effectively give them away at a loss.

    But costs like that don't need to be paid for apparently :rotfl:

    I replaced my own watch battery for 99p - to go in a watch with a thermometer, an altimeter, and a barometer. But if you want to buy overpriced watches just because they look pretty....
  • hucker
    hucker Posts: 112 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post
    Mercdriver wrote: »
    Are you seriously suggesting that sexual abuse is equivalent to cheating at chess?

    Go and play in the middle of the M6 at rush hour.

    When did I mention cheating at chess? I mentioned PLAYING chess. Chess and sex are both enjoyable pastimes. If you think one of them is somehow disgusting, you need to go back a few centuries, you'll fit right in.
  • hucker
    hucker Posts: 112 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post
    Jackmydad wrote: »
    The stuff I bought was the "cheap" natural oil.
    The 8000.
    £6100 a litre. :D
    I did only buy 1 ml though!

    But all (half) joking aside, it goes to show how many unseen costs there are.
    And that's with any business.
    Anyone who runs a business and doesn't make a profit on materials is going to be not running a business before long.

    The point is not how much you charge, but WHERE you charge it. And YET AGAIN, the local reputable garages around here do not charge markup. And yet they've been in business for decades. So I guess you're spouting rubbish.
  • hucker
    hucker Posts: 112 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post
    Mercdriver wrote: »
    Much is assumed about what is charged by suppliers. If you are Joe Bloggs paying at point of sale you might be charged one price. But as a garage paying by invoice you might be charged a different price entirely. Suppliers often charge different prices to different people at different rates based on the assumed value for the end provider.

    Then the supplier is the one doing the ripping off. If I owned a garage and was charged more for a part than my customer could get it for, I'd change supplier.
  • AndyMc.....
    AndyMc..... Posts: 3,248 Forumite
    First Post Combo Breaker
    hucker wrote: »
    I live in Scotland, where we don't treat our kids as slaves.

    I wonder why your sig is banned....

    Yeah your kids leave at 16 and sign on like their dad.
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