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Crazy Cat Lady Chapter 3 - A New Beginning



  • Buffythedebtslayer
    CCL you were very brave to go outside, when similar stuff has happened here I have just yelled from my bedroom window!

    I hope you slept ok last night. Take care lovely XX
    Nevertheless she persisted.
  • crazy_cat_lady
    CCL you were very brave to go outside, when similar stuff has happened here I have just yelled from my bedroom window!
    :rotfl::rotfl: I was actually thinking as I was walking down the stairs that if I were watching this on a horror film I would be screaming at the stupid female for going straight out into the direction of the danger in the pitch black of night.
    The police rang me back later in the day on Monday and were busy collating the reports. Their first thought was actually that it might be ex - but I don't think he would do that (mind you I never thought that he would throw bricks). In hindsight I should have gotten them to go and speak to him because they have the power to find out where he's living. I said though that I just wanted it on record.
    Unfortunately ds is a complete wreck - he's now scared of the dark altogether and spends much of the night fretting about when it will get light again and he's awake quite late into the night not able to sleep because he's worried to the point of feeling sick. I've spoken lots to him about it and tried to reassure him, but I don't think I'm doing much good. I've told him that anxiety is something he has to live with so we need to make sure he ends up dealing with it more like me than his dad. I have a couple of strategies before I get as far as battling with the doctors to try and get an appointment.
    And speaking of - I fell foul of the doctor's receptionist this afternoon. DD has pretty bad acne, and we finally got to see the doctor about 3 weeks ago. We were trying some cream but were told if it didn't work just to phone and the doctor would prescribe something else without needing to see dd as it's so hard to get an appointment. So I rang last Thursday and then went to collect the prescription this afternoon, only to be told that 1. I hadn't rang last week and 2. dd had to see the doctor. So I asked if I needed to wait another 3 months for an appointment to see the doctor. 'We have same day appointments at 8.30 if you ring on the day'. 'Brilliant. I start work at 8am - 15 miles away and cannot get to a phone at 8.30 so that's really helpful' Anyway - after stropping and huffing at the reception she agreed to email the doctor. Phone rang within about 2 minutes of us getting home - it was the doctor. Thank god someone has some common sense - she spoke to dd and there's going to be a prescription at the docs for us tomorrow. DD asked her to repeat to me what she'd been told, and the doctor says to give it 8 weeks and if its not working then she will refer dd to a specialist. Thank goodness - I don't use the docs often but I'm really pleased that they're taking it seriously and not fobbing her off. It's not doing her self esteem any good.

    So I've just rattled a load of kid stuff off without even mentioning it being 2 days since I posted :rotfl: Sorry about that. I was quite busy yesterday - had to take ginger ninja back to the vet (he's better), get a bit of shopping in for bestie getting back from her hols, pick up the cake for my party and then party prep. I did get in a bad mood though yesterday, because lots of my guests started dropping out last minute. Doesn't do my anxiety any good because my self esteem is shot, and I got to panicking that nobody was going to turn up. However there were a nice number of people there, including a few people who had travelled a long way to be there. Which was really lovely. :D Less impressed that my own parents and my bestie didn't come due to a few rubbish excuses. Never mind.
    We had lots of fun, lots of chat, loads of cocktails and food and all very civilised with no trouble and no fighting. :beer::j And there was a lot of buffet left over so I've brought it all home, bagged it and put it in the freezer. Can you even freeze sandwiches? Or fish and chips? Well I have. And I have quite a bit of peanut butter and chocolate cake left as well - just need to slice and freeze it.
    I had an awful night of sleep - it was SO hot and I was mad drunk so I kept waking up for toilet/too/hot/needing water and headache tablets. Then my phone rang at 7am !!!!!! - my new sofa was being delivered at half past seven. So I dragged my almost dead carcass downstairs to sit and wait for my sofa, which arrived bang on time and took me less than half an hour to unpack and assemble. I instantly tried it out by lying on it and napping :rotfl:
    Then the Openreach engineer arrived not long after to look at my constantly dropping out broadband signal. He didn't find anything wrong with the line, or the box, or anything else - so he did a glorified version of unplugging everything and plugging it back in again which seems to have worked for him (but not for me the first three million times I'd done it).
    After he'd been I bagged and boxed all the leftovers and then decided it was a good time to tackle Mr S while I felt like it (£9 off £60 spend voucher that expired today). Picked dd's blazer up from the dry cleaners and dropped ds trousers in to be taken up (I wish I could do that because it cost more than the trousers actually). Then I got home and just completely flaked out on the new sofa for a good couple of hours.
    So now I feel a little bit better, but still quite rough if I'm honest. Worth it though for a nice night out with good friends. And still a few days before I go back to school to recover. But if I ever have the ridiculous idea of a party again please can someone remind me that I am far too introverted and sensitive to handle the stress and rejection that comes with planning a party.
  • beanielou
    beanielou Posts: 90,974 Ambassador
    Academoney Grad I'm a Volunteer Ambassador Mortgage-free Glee! Name Dropper
    Glad that the party went well.
    Sorry that your bestie couldent manage.

    So sorry that DS is finding it hard :(
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  • Buffythedebtslayer
    I really feel for DS XX I was once scared of the dark. I had a glo worm - yes I was very old when I still used it!!! and even now I have a light by my bed with the switch hooked over my head rest (that isn't what you call that bit on the bed..what the heck is it called??) and the fish tank's light has a timer. And I always have a torch......I am not surprised really, if your own father can throw bricks at the house you are in what would make you feel safe?

    I suppose, you CCL and your daughter... your mum, your bestie, most importantly tho, it has to be him handling I guess? Faith in yourself is actually essential. Would he say affirmations? Any regular exercise he likes? I know you might kill me for this...but would he like a pet? Hamster? Gerbil? Fish? Dog (I vote dog as one of mine comes in every night for a cuddle) Guinea pigs are good too. Does he worry about any aspect of his room in particular? There was a dark corner for me - I was more about ghosts than actually people.

    As for DD, I use Dermologica - special cleansing gel. Costs a fortune but is the ONLY thing that has ever cleared my skin up. Ever. I did the tablets from the doctor (Bad bad burny skin) I did the pill (migraines) I did no chocolate coke or crisps (sod all difference in skin but I was mostly a grumpy cow) Dermologica is the best thing that ever happened to me skin wise!

    Very impressed with food saving from the party and so glad you had a good time :) Excellent pushing out of comfort zone and having fun

    Nevertheless she persisted.
  • crazy_cat_lady
    Morning :wave:
    I am first of all reporting a decent night of sleep :j All that napping on the sofa didn't stop me getting a solid 7 hours when I finally went to bed last night. Phew - thank goodness for the cooler nights. I do love a sunny day but not too hot until I can afford air conditioning :rotfl:
    Buffy - ds sleeps in with me. Has done since the incident with his dad just before Christmas. I don't mind - it's hardly like I'm wanting to share it with anyone else. I figure he'll move back to his own room when it's ready. We've always left the bathroom light on overnight so it's not pitch black if he wakes up during the night. We have beside lamps (did you mean the headboard Buffy?) and I've even done some stuff on the Headspace app with him, which he quite likes. Plus we dug out a cbt workbook aimed at kids so we've started working through that. He was asleep early last night and seems a bit brighter this morning so fingers crossed.
    I will also bear in mind about the Dermalogica stuff for dd - we'll see how she gets on with this stuff for the moment as I'm skint but will definitely keep a note of it. It's really affecting her self confidence so I am willing to try most things.
    Work is starting to loom again in the background. Ugh. Never mind. It's been a really up and down holiday and I suppose I need the routine of work to keep me on the straight and narrow and stop me from spending. Still have a few days to enjoy though and I really want to wind down properly and do nothing.
    I'm going to have to be out for a couple of hours this afternoon as my cleaner is coming round. I need that as she hasn't been for a couple of weeks and we're living here full time at the moment. I keep on top of the essentials, but it's like a different place when she's been. If the weather stays ok we're going to walk into town, and if not we're going to drive to an outlet shopping place.
    Other than that I haven't done anywhere near what I planned with crochet and box sets this holiday so that will be my plan :rotfl:
  • f0xh0les
    f0xh0les Posts: 6,963 Forumite
    First Anniversary Mortgage-free Glee! Photogenic Name Dropper
    dropped ds trousers in to be taken up (I wish I could do that because it cost more than the trousers actually).
    (To the tune of spiderman)


    wonderweb !

    If you can use an iron, you can shorten trousers. Boom!
    Yes you can freeze sandwiches, there is a lady on one of the 'old school' moneysaving threads who makes and freezes 5 cheese sandwiches on a Sunday, and takes one out each for morning for her packed lunch, puts it in frozen and it has defrosted by lunchtime. Cake - of course it freezes ! Get you, money saver. Meals sorted for the foreseeable future.

    My kids went back to school today, they all came back with me, and they were chatting in the car, and in the kitchen together almost like they were normal human beings!! Possibly even gossiping like friends (shhhhh! I tried not to notice and did not mention it in case it all went away). Was so nice.:T They should go away from each other more often.

    :( to ds. Hopefully hearing about the police keeping an eye out will calm him a little.
    4/10/22One Year Mortgage Free Yay!
    NSTurtle # 55 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢🐢🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 No Turtle gets left behind.[/b]
  • f0xh0les
    f0xh0les Posts: 6,963 Forumite
    First Anniversary Mortgage-free Glee! Photogenic Name Dropper
    I know you might kill me for this...but would he like a pet? Hamster? Gerbil? Fish? Dog

    Hamsters are incredibly noisy at night, ours scared the hell out of dh a few nights when rattling around in their wheel. Woke him up and he was terrified there were burglars in the house rattling things - just a warning! Some gerbils are nocturnal too, so if you went that route, make sure you get a diurnal one.

    Did you mean a headboard Buffy?
    4/10/22One Year Mortgage Free Yay!
    NSTurtle # 55 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢🐢🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 🐢 No Turtle gets left behind.[/b]
  • Toni'sfriend
    Toni'sfriend Posts: 4,053 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post
    Yep, you can freeze just about anything. Although even Himself had to admit that the cucumber didn't really work .

    Hope your hangover has gone but definitely worth having it to celebrate the divorce. xxx
    Have adventures. laugh a lot and always be kind.
  • joeyjimbles
    joeyjimbles Posts: 2,221 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary
    Yay to the party, boo to the hangover, and definitely yay for the new sofa and lots of yummy leftovers ready and waiting.
    Think what you are doing with DS is absolutely great and the Headspace App is really good. Not sure what Mind are like on your side of the country, but they are supposed to offer a few things for young people that might help (Cumbria doesn't have anything near me sadly) . Some are groups which help them realise that others go through similar worries and bad things, and then there are online resources and occasional one-to-one things but you might be better with CAMHS for that. Sleep and exercise are key which of course you know - hope he continues to feel brighter
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  • teapot2
    teapot2 Posts: 3,283 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post
    Glad you enjoyed the party and that lots of folk came to celebrate with you :cool:. Great you have frozen all the leftovers too - good to have a stash of sarnies and cake :D.

    Sorry to hear DS is having an anxious time, hope that improves for you all.

    Hope you can chill a bit now for the rest of the holidays.
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