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  • fuddle
    fuddle Posts: 6,823 Forumite
    Oh Lyn you must have had a shock! I dare say Maisie was fussing about you wondering why on earth you were down there. Light duties for you today I expect. I have a pan of broth on so when I dunk into it later I'll raise to calm cosy healing.

    Gan canny. *Be careful how you go. ;)
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0 Newbie
    First Anniversary First Post I've been Money Tipped!
    edited 11 October 2017 at 2:20PM
    I'm actually fine today, I have a sore rib where I think I must have landed on a stone and some bruises on my hands that are a bit sore but I'm moving as normal and not in any sort of discomfort. Maisie did come and look at me in an 'upside down' way but then decided to jump down onto the beach because I wasn't all that interesting. Just feel stupid for not watching my footing on what I KNOW is an uneven path. I'm off to walk the Cookster in a few minutes so that will give my muscles a nice stretch, I promise to Gan canny petal, same applies to you though!!! Hope you're feeling better and more positive today and that you got a decent night's sleep, makes all the difference to your mindset in the day doesn't it?

    Well, the walk was well worth it as I've come back with a pocket full of lovely succulent chestnuts t5hat the wind is bringing down from the trees, going to enjoy them roasted in the oven as part of supper tonight!
  • [Deleted User]
    Morning all, just to say I'm off to Nell for the weekend for a concert Saturday and a D of E walk with the bronze beginners on Sunday. I'll try to stay in touch by reading but it's always busy on a weekend like this. Back home on Monday so I'll catch up then if I can't while I'm away.

    FUDDLE hope you are still making progress health wise and are now feeling better and more positive about things xxx.
  • fuddle
    fuddle Posts: 6,823 Forumite
    Hi Lyn. Enjoy DofE with Nell and the gang and especially the concert.

    I'm stuck in a worry about it all Lyn but as the days go on I get a little used to it. My first appointment is on Wednesday so hopefully I will get some sort of plan/knowledge. I've never smoked, I don't drink and will never again now but I am over weight. I'm already watching my salt and saturated fat intake and I'm determined to help myself. I've had fluid all year around my heart and in my lungs that was never dealt with. I've managed, slogging up this hill, wracked with stress and a high salt high fat comfort food diet while in that state. Now we know I can maintain healthily but I've cried an awful lot. Life is so precious and something that I took for granted. It's been a shock but strip away all the baggage from the last year and I have a decent chance with the life I have somehow managed to cobble for myself. No more A Levels. No more searching for more. I'm happy just being me, plodding on with my own personal daily purpose.
  • pollyanna_26
    pollyanna_26 Posts: 4,839 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post Photogenic
    Finally back online . DD has been ill , I've had Bronchitis and the laptop has been with the family techie .

    Fuds love I know you will be worrying but you are possibly in the best position ever to tackle the health situation . You've worked your way through so many hard and worrying situations and come through all the storms of life . It sounds as though you have good medical support now and you have learned your way around the system .
    I'll be thinking of you on Wednesday , I think about you daily anyway . Your candle is lit as I write this and I've managed to track down 4 more so with the one still in use and the other still in the box we'll manage for quite a while .
    Take care and pace yourself as much as you can . xxxx

    Have a lovely time with Nell Lyn wrap up well , some windy weather heading our way . I hope you and HWK are over the horrible cold and your ribs are not bothering you too much now .

    Haven't caught up so sending warm wishes to all . I've missed you .
    Chrome has been installed but am posting on Firefox as a lot has been changed on the lappy and I need a couple of days to get over lack of sleep and feeling rough . To post on Chrome I need to alter my email as I changed provider earlier in the year . First I'll have to remember the "safe place" I put my original mse details I printed when I first joined the site . I'll need to change my email details for mse and don't want to end up like other posters finding myself a newbie !!!

    Take care all
    Much love
    polly x
    It is better to light a single candle than to curse the darkness.

    There but for fortune go you and I.
  • fuddle
    fuddle Posts: 6,823 Forumite
    To have you all there is just wonderful. Unfortunately, I have sunk very low these past days. I saw glimmer of improvement each day but the negatives always won out. Today DH is fishing, I have started beginners yoga on youtube and have a pan of broth on without bacon or stock cube for low salt. I've just looked on the stock cube ingredients and added as many of my own dried herbs.

    My low salt cooking knowledge is rubbish but I think this is where the nurses will help me next week. The important thing is I am able to walk up the stairs without getting out of breath for the first time in more than a year now the fluid is being drawn out by the diuretics and I have more colour in my face. The improvements in one week has been fantastic and now I know,I will live my life as healthily as I can.

    So much to learn and with so much stocked food that is too high in salt and saturated fat :eek: but it's all something for me to focus on and learn about. My appointment with the nurse is on Wednesday which is the year anniversary of my mam so I don't know how I will be this coming week. All I can tell you is that today I'm rolling up my sleves and tomorrow I'm back on the school walk although down hill only... I will get the bus up until I have spoken to the nurse. I do know that cardio is a must though but I just want to know I'm stable first.

    Thank you for being there and giving me an outlet. I'm off to go work out how to make and preserve my own baked beans. :)
  • pollyanna_26
    pollyanna_26 Posts: 4,839 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post Photogenic
    There is a more positive tone to your post today fuds. Over the past year so much has altered with your mindset and you know you can and will deal with whatever comes your way . I remember you going back through everything this time last year and doing that has given you a clear idea of how things needed to change .
    The advice will be there from the hospital about diet and management .I stopped adding salt to almost everything in the 80s apart from potatoes for boiling or mashing .
    I use marigold organic stock powder for stews , soups etc but you'd need to check the salt content of that after you've been given your guidelines on Wednesday .
    Store cupboard food will be used up by the family but not you .
    Start to introduce healthier meals in between serving the normal stuff . The hardest thing will be getting the girls and your husband used to the new regime . You will be more on board because it is a personal health issue for you .
    This week remember your Mum with the knowledge that she is at peace and her struggles are over .
    polly xxxx
    It is better to light a single candle than to curse the darkness.

    There but for fortune go you and I.
  • fuddle
    fuddle Posts: 6,823 Forumite
    There's been a welcome shift to my mood today, definately polly. :) I don't want to be making a fuss about food changes but they all know that gravy and dumplings are no longer prominent. I'm not too sure where I'm going with it yet but I will find a way to make healthier meals for us all without making a hoohah. My mind is frantic with change but theirs need not be. I don't even want fatty salty food. It's like it's switched on a kind of survival instinct in me. X
  • pollyanna_26
    pollyanna_26 Posts: 4,839 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post Photogenic
    You can make healthy gravy and vegetable stocks in fact it's very MSE to do so . I use Atora vegetarian suet for dumplings have done for years . I prefer it , I only add a little white pepper to the mix no salt . You'd need to compare fat levels between ordinary animal suet and veggie . You can read the ingredients on supermarket sites .
    You will hopefully leave on Wednesday with advice and diet sheets .
    It could be worth asking at the hospital if they can recommend suitable books . If they do your library may be able to order them in for you to look at .
    When you research online stick to the uk . You'll need to follow current NHS guidelines .

    I can't remember how the veggie experiment you tried for one the daughters went but mixing in non meat meals is useful as herbs and spices add the flavour rather than stocks that mimic meaty flavours .
    Someone had a thread on OS a few weeks ago and I posted a recipe for Carrot , Tomato and Lentil Soup which is warming and filling .
    Perhaps when you absorb the information from the hospital and get this week over you could start a thread on the new way of cooking and eating . So many have restricted diets I'm sure you'll get lots of ideas .

    I've once more been battening down the hatches , I'm hoping the last of "Ophelia" will miss us but we do have the warnings here . The downside of living by the sea and barely 3m above sea level .

    It is better to light a single candle than to curse the darkness.

    There but for fortune go you and I.
  • Nargleblast
    Nargleblast Posts: 10,762 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary Debt-free and Proud!
    fuddle, most salt tends to be in processed foods. Cooking from scratch is the healthy way to go. You can get low salt stock cubes for gravies, so stew and dumplings can still be on the menu. With cooked vegetables, a bit of butter (unsalted) and a dash of lemon juice is good, or dried herbs, or white or black ground pepper (take care with white pepper if you are not used to it, it is powerful stuff).

    Tinned baked beans come in low salt versions if your home cooked recipe doesn't work. If you like Indian or Chinese food, the takeaway versions are full of fat and salt so have a go at home made curries etc with loads of different spices.

    If you are a crisp eating family then learn to make your own oven baked potato or vegetable crisps. If salted nuts are your thing, you will soon adapt to unsalted. Bit like giving up sugar, really - a few days of screwing your face up when you have a cup of tea, then all of a sudden someone puts sugar in it by mistake and you find it revolting.

    After a while you will find most ready made things too salty for your taste, and you will naturally opt for fresh, healthy foods. So will your family. We all need salt in our diets but a varied selection of foods will provide that without the added salt courtesy of the food industry.

    Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to switch your household over to the healthiest diet possible. Exciting times ahead!
    One life - your life - live it!
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