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  • nursemaggie
    nursemaggie Posts: 2,608 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post
    burtha That poem sounds very like Spike Milligan though it could be much older.

    Hang on in there you will get their. Just keep fighting and running.
  • wondercollie
    wondercollie Posts: 1,591 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post
    Softstuff wrote: »
    Monnagran, I have a mental image of you with full mountain gear, walking poles and a rope over one shoulder ;) Enjoy your Aldi expedition.

    I think any deviation from what is economical to produce is expensive. It still boggles my mind though that so few companies exploit those niche markets, though we of the big boobs or small footsies are fewer, we're not all *that* uncommon.

    Wondercollie, I used to live with a couple of Dutch girls who'd had breast reductions and a wonderful job was done of it. Of course, they chose their surgeon and had great results. When I went for an NHS consultation and met my potential surgeon, I had doubts. He claimed all he would do would be to remove a set amount of weight from each breast and that was that, I found the approach and his bedside manner disconcerting. After all, you're stuck with the result for some time. I'm glad your DIL has some nice undies though, she's very lucky to have you.

    DIL met with a surgeon when she was 19. He frightened her with talk of loss of nipple sensation, etc. I asked around work for a list of names to get her a good referral. The one who was the best just stopped the surgical side of his practice due to failing vision, so I'm back to square one. She needs somebody with a really good beside manner and who is approachable. Unfortunately, the surgeon that meets all of the boxes doesn't do breast!

    She's not talking to me this week, I made the mistake of tellin her that the wedding wasn't all about her!
  • monnagran
    monnagran Posts: 5,284 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post Combo Breaker
    wondercollie, I bet you didnt expect anyone to pop up so soon! Was woken by the dog snoring. I dunno, you get rid of the snoring husband and inherit a snoring dog. Life's so unfair.

    It does seem strange that so many people are seeking breast reduction while many more are after breast enlargement. It's like hair. If it's straight you have to buy curlers and if it's curly you must have straighteners. But extremes of anything are simply not catered for. I guess there is not enough money in it.

    Sorry about DIL. Weddings have this effect on a lot of people. Enjoy the peace.

    Are you still doing 10 people's work? Or have they sorted out the shift system? And what about the useless colleague, has she woken her ideas up yet?
    I do hope you soon get a bit of relief from the cold.

    I'm hoping to get a couple of hours more sleep, but if I don't you may find me annoying you again.
    I believe that friends are quiet angels
    Who lift us to our feet when our wings
    Have trouble remembering how to fly.
  • Softstuff
    Softstuff Posts: 3,086 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Wondercollie, I'm sorry she's not talking to you right now, I'm not sure how weddings cause so much drama, but they certainly seem to. I've not looked for a surgeon here, frankly as long as I can get something reasonable bra wise and my physio can keep on top of my neck/shoulder issues I'll be ok. Loss of sensation wouldn't bother me greatly, I was more worried about having 2 very differently sized boobs!

    Monnagran, I worry about the girls getting all the enlargements. For the girls getting the reductions a big reason is the sheer weight. I don't know if silicon ones are lighter, but if not I wonder how their backs, necks and shoulders are after a few years.
    Softstuff- Officially better than 007
  • Emptynester
    Emptynester Posts: 123 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Anniversary First Post
    Softstuff if you have a moment to post the details/brand name of the chili and turmeric based teas I am very interested. I can't take anything with caffeine in and anti inflammatory and pain relief sound useful. I have wondered about turmeric tea before but always worried it would stain my teeth (as red bush tea did). Thank you.
  • mardatha
    mardatha Posts: 15,612 Forumite
    Bit fedup here of the weather. Far too cold to enjoy the garden and nothing growing anyway. Only got primroses and daffs out. Buddleias look dead, as do other shrubs. Day after day the wind is baltic, the sky is pewter grey, and I am not a happy Mad Arthur :(
  • monnagran
    monnagran Posts: 5,284 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post Combo Breaker
    Poor old Mad Arthur. The constant gloom really gets you down, doesn't it? Here I have the case where it is warmer outside the house than it is inside.However, the heating is NOT going on.I'll wrap myself in old duvets if necessary.

    It's my fast day today and I have been invited to coffee with a friend up the road. She always has a tempting array of biscuits on offer so a lot of character building will be going on.

    burtha, it's good to see you posting. I wonder if you realise how much we think about you and worry about what is going on in your life. As long as you are treading water and not drowning we will be relieved.
    Never heard that rhyme before but love it. Would think that it originated in the forties, the mention of submarines and bombs sort of dates it. It reminds me of my Dads favourite conundrum. "If it takes a man a week to walk a fortnight, how long does it take a man with hobnail boots on to walk across a sticky patch of treacle with no size to it?" I do wish Id left that uncorrected. Tablet had the man wearing Hotmail boots.

    I'm now going to have a nice hot shower before dashing up to my friend's house and hoping she has her heating on.


    The chief cause of unhappiness is giving up what you want most for what you want at the moment.
    I believe that friends are quiet angels
    Who lift us to our feet when our wings
    Have trouble remembering how to fly.
  • [Deleted User]
    MONNA thank you so very much for todays thought, it has brought me back to earth wiout my pink tinged specs and instead of wanting to go and live in Penzance or further away I'll set my sights back on going closer to family despite what I'm feeling today! Blessings be upon your house M'dear! x
  • [Deleted User]
    A childhood rhyme remembered from a Mabel Lucy Atwell book I had

    I had a little donkey but could I make him go
    and take me for a little ride? Oh Dear NO!
    The only way that I can see, if I want a ride
    is with my little donkey cart, to put the donk INSIDE!

    The illustrations were just lovely and this little rhyme pops into my head every time I see a Donkey!
  • Softstuff
    Softstuff Posts: 3,086 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Mardatha, I need to bring you here for a fortnight. You'd get lots of sun, but sadly no sugar in this house ;)

    Monna, stand firm against the onslaught of cookies! And if you can't, you could always fast tomorrow.

    I must have missed your post Burtha, we're all standing by with water wings for you. Your mention of life throwing you lemons reminded me of this:
    My husband and I quote it regularly, from one of our favourite video games.

    Emptynester, I have no idea whether the teas work for anything, but they are a tasty drink! Probably it's like a lot of things, unless you were having serious quantities, it wouldn't do much. In any case, haven't noticed any staining from the tumeric tea (not even the mug). The tumeric one was planet organic tumeric tea (not sure if it's available other than in Aus), the chilli chocolate one was Higher living, which is apparently available in the UK. I'm also presently trying a new dilmah one - chocolate, tumeric, ginger and almond. An unusual taste, but apparently it's also good cold. All of these have a little sort of sweetness which I enjoy from time to time. As an aside, I was previously drinking a teaspoon of tumeric in warm milk with added pepper each morning, no teeth staining noticed, but hubby swears it improved my general mood.
    Softstuff- Officially better than 007
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