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5 OS pleasures in your day today - part 3



  • Blackbeard_of_Perranporth
    5 Pop corn was wasted again as another flix of net film was watched last eve. Snatched with Ms Hawn in it, and Amy! Very good, so don't believe the reviews! Wobbleades were sunk!

    4 Had Chicken Hot Bitsers last night for tea as well. They are like a take away yet cost nought and don't have spotted muldoooons nose bits in it. very hot served on rice! Enuff chickens maturing in the freezer for next weekend!

    3 Booked train and hotel for the RAH BoPsie is too excited. We used the web to book so we were not swizzled. Looking great as BoPsie wants to do some cloth museum called Albert! No, we is doing the Science one. No as we are there we shall does both!

    2 Night fopr Tea is another prepared fish pie from BoP, served with soup and some mopre of last weeks chocolate sponge, =served up with instant lumpy custard, from milk not foamed from the kettle!

    The story of your version of the Life of BoP continues tomorrow!
  • mhagster
    mhagster Posts: 5,268 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary
    Eleven degrees today..I've not known such heady temps since ...oooh a long time!

    Nice chat with my Australian girl.

    Washing out

    Some plants planted in tubs.

    Walk. To deliver the last of the thank you cards.

    Lentil soup for lunch and some carrot and coriander for tomorrow .

    Sorted our fridge. Chopped and froze veg that was needing used up.

    Have made a list of quite a bit of paperwork that needs dealing with. Made a start and shall post them off this evening.

    Been a bit of a weepy day. I watched 'toast' on Netflix and just sobbed through most of it!
  • Frith
    Frith Posts: 8,202 Forumite
    Mortgage-free Glee! Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary
    edited 11 March 2018 at 10:26PM
    Toast, eh? I haven't watched it (or read the book) but by chance - he's another famous old boy from my tiny rural comprehensive! (He and Kit Harrington are definitely the standard bearers).

    Pleasures for today (Sunday).

    1) A lie in!

    2) Bigger son brought me up a card before he disappeared to a car boot sale.

    3) Smaller son brought me a card, box of chocolates then he made us both a cooked breakfast!

    4) Did very little all morning.

    5) Cleaned the hens out and piled some earth up around the edges of the run.

    6) Went to my parents' for tea and smaller son made the profiteroles for pudding.

    7) Bigger son has an interview tomorrow (p/t at Go Outdoors which would suit his interests). We've just sat in my bed watching Would I Lie to You.
  • Mrs_Salad_Dodger
    Hi everyone, playing catch up

    Friday’s pleasures

    1. Dry & sunny day but still chilly

    2. DSis has received all her parcels. Nice chat but she still hasn’t found out her moving date.:(

    3. No cooking again - 2nd half of yesterday’s curry for dinner :)

    4. Reading your pleasures

    Saturday’s pleasures

    1. Another dry bright day - definitely warmer:j

    2. Fried eggs on toast for lunch:drool:

    3. DH finished painting the landing & stairwell walls:)

    4. Spaghetti bolognese for dinner & enough for tomorrow’s dinner :drool:

    4. Watched Casualty

    5. Reading your pleasures

    Sunday’s pleasures

    1. Newly laundered clothes Kondo folded & put away:) it is lovely putting clothes away in neat wardrobes & drawers :T

    2. DB phoned from Germany - has been very busy. Has put in a request for another scarf & also one for his elder son - apparently they have had -14 degree temps:eek:

    3. DH has screwed down floor panels on landing - still creaky though!

    4. DH has tidied away decorating tools from spare room & landing & swept up ready for carpet fitter tomorrow.

    5. The anticipated problems putting out the old sofa did not materialise:j & the mattress, chair & fence panels are all on the drive awaiting pick up tomorrow:T. I have so much space:T:T & when BHF pick up the 7 large bags of CDs, Books, Clothes & rags I will have even more space:j

    6. Bawled my way through Call the Midwife

    7. Watched the last episode of Endeavour But was ecstatic to hear that there is another series next year. :j:j

    See you all tomorrow

    Be Kind. Stay Safe. Break the Chain. Save Lives. 

    2024 Savings Pot Challenge: As a monthly amount, running total = £166.85
    Jan £5; Feb £13; Mch £25; Apr £31:65; May £42.20; Jun £50.00; July £??; Aug £??; Sep £??; Oct £??; Nov £??; Dec £??.  Grand Total £??
  • villagelife
    villagelife Posts: 3,047 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post
    1. Breakfast at local garden centre. It is 2 for 1 with their loyalty card and we ended up eating with the friends we saw Saturday night. Neither of us had planned going til the morning. We did buy a plant as had voucher for 59% off one plant.

    2. Went for a walk and in the rare occasions the sun came out briefly it was quite warm. It was lovely seeing spring arriving with the plants and trees.

    3. Chat with DS1. He had sent me a card. He was fairly chatty.

    4. Routine in the garden and did some weeding while DH fixed the fence and did some digging.

    5. DH phoned MIL so we didn't see her. She moaned that weren't seeing her and that we never do on Mothers day. She also moaned that other people don't visit her and when they do she doesn't get a present from them! She never eats any biscuits, chocolates or sweets and doesn't read anything, won't watch DVD's and complains if given flowers as they don't last.

    6. DS2 saw his friend and then cooked a luxury fish pie. It tasted gorgeous. It was much appreciated expected he doesn't eat fish so had to cook something else for himself. There are plenty f leftovers. It was all enjoyed with a glass of wine.
  • LaineyT
    LaineyT Posts: 4,672 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper Photogenic First Post
    Sunday pleasures,

    Up early with little dog, surprisingly mild so wandered around the garden in pj’s and enjoyed birdsong.

    Picked up more carrots for girlie and dropped them off at yard, she was out in her paddock so spent some time with her in the field.

    Took a basket of spring flowers to DM’S grave, by this time it was drizzling, appropriate really.

    Home and a nap on the sofa.

    Steak and Stilton pie plus last of the C red cabbage for tea.
  • MandM90
    MandM90 Posts: 2,246 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post Combo Breaker
    Weekend pleasures:

    1. Exercise - Crossfit on Saturday and ran 8k with hubby on Sunday. Both were great starts to the day and hopefully did a bit to mitigate the damage from all the...
    2. Food. DH's friend round on Saturday and I made homamade guac, tortilla chips, then squash and white bean chilli on Saturday. On Sunday we had our parents over and I cooked mushroom bourgignon, mash and greens, then choc pud with vegan ice cream and berries. Loads of wine was consumed (spent £145 this weekend and now only have £25 for rest of month...should be doable though!)
    3. Spring springing. Everything in the garden is coming up, and we had our post-run smoothies in the garden on Sunday. Can't wait for it to be warm enough to eat out there!
    4. Having people around over the weekend drove a deep clean of the house, so it's looking fab.
    5. New bespoke wooden sash windows are being installed today :) They're keeping the 120 year old frames but it'll look much fresher!
  • [Deleted User]
    1) Coffee at the garden centre yesterday, not as crowded as I'd feared and nice coffee!

    2) Found a really pretty top to wear with some Hobbs trousers passed on by DD1 in the clothing section.

    3) Cards from the girls and grandpickles for Mothers Day.

    4) A visit to the farm shop for fresh fruit and veg followed by a country drive.

    5) Nice walk with Cookie, so mild outside yesterday and birdsong everywhere along with all the spring flowers beginning to be noticeable along the lanes, beautiful!
  • VJsmum
    VJsmum Posts: 6,970 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper Photogenic First Post
    Morning all - train back from ICT today. Feeling dreadful due to unseen MSG in last night's dinner :( The remains are in the bin

    Pleasures for yesterday

    1. Slept in a bit and woke to a bright day - though it did get cloudy and rainy later
    2. Mother's day messages from both children. Opened DD's pressie on thursday - surprise surprise it was Lush stuff :rotfl: DS said there''s a pressie waiting
    3. Went to the cinema and saw "Even when I fall" very interesting docu-film about Circus Kathmandu and child trafficking
    4. Took a walk by the sea on the way home. Was breezy but stayed dry
    5. Call the midwife :( So beautifully done - i'll miss it.

    Have a good day all..
    I wanna be in the room where it happens
  • Blackbeard_of_Perranporth
    5 Taxman has taken far too much money again! At least I pay mine in one chunk, unlike some former stokers. And put it off with their £100 fines! Rule of BoP, don’t buy flash when you need the cash! Talking offs paying far too much, just had the scam email from MSE change your supplier club thing. Again lots of little suppliers out there this month, but as BoP is automatic for the next four years into the keep BoP’s toes warm scam, these little supplier look good on paper but cannot deliver the Warm Home Discout! Again chief MSE has failed to deliver. Avoid! And do not forget to check out you’re stitched dot con for deals! I will not tell you again this week!

    4 Still on being cleaned out, BoPsie went and gots our train tickets from the machine last evening! That is now the smoke paid for! Train inn, RAH Wobbleades and BoPsie wants to see the cloth thing as well! And to think I paid the taxman as well! Usual rules as BrekFest is paid for, dog bags will be used! Note to readers, it will be carp food as always in these places! BoP was in the holiday excess once and the two staring servants were bust telling people to clear the table!

    3 Watched the Blue Lamp yesterday and was way ahead of its time in its social commentary of the time. One of the iconic films of the day that sadly no one does any more. Mind yous yesterday moaning while having proper dippy eggs with buttered marmite soldiers watching the cricket SA vs Aus, the commentators mentioned a poor shot that went for six as ‘I think he’s in for a rollicking’, except it was more like a kick in the slats! Made BoPsie wake up and clear the fluff from her lugs! On about the cricket, did you see the catch by Jonny Bairstow on Saturday!

    2 Nite as usual BoP will be trimming his beach ready looks in the gym. This will be on show at the RAH in just over a fortnight. Viewing essential. The story continues tomorrow with tales from the gym and also later in the weak, Prawn Roulette and Crab! You know you want to!

    This ends missive 1 this weak from BoP.
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