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  • mardatha
    mardatha Posts: 15,612 Forumite
    Oooooh tea please.
    AND CAKE. Lots of cake. :D
  • caronc
    caronc Posts: 8,251 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper 10 Posts
    mardatha wrote: »
    Oooooh tea please.
    AND CAKE. Lots of cake. :D
    Can do tea (chai, ordinary or green?) but sorry no cake - oh wait would a mince pie be ok I can defrost it in the microwave:D
  • mardatha
    mardatha Posts: 15,612 Forumite
    Oh magic yes ta. Am reading a book just now. one of the old Bony ones, the aborigine detective, used to be a TV series years ago. Set on on a huge sheep station in the outback, and they work hard. The cook is constantly making tea, fruit cake, scones, biscuits, rolls, and it's doing my head in :cry::cry::cry:
  • caronc
    caronc Posts: 8,251 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper 10 Posts
    mardatha wrote: »
    Oh magic yes ta. Am reading a book just now. one of the old Bony ones, the aborigine detective, used to be a TV series years ago. Set on on a huge sheep station in the outback, and they work hard. The cook is constantly making tea, fruit cake, scones, biscuits, rolls, and it's doing my head in :cry::cry::cry:

  • Mar it's lovely to come on this morning and find you here . I'm way behind on the usual threads , need to catch up on the fence . I'm really sorry you're still struggling with the health but although you're paying now at least you got out into the garden , hopefully this year the weather and health gods will align and there will be more getting out and about that isn't just hospitals .
    Hope the RV is ok . I expect you've been cracking on through the knitting , cat and fire nearby . I am planning to try the Hitchhiker but haven't finished a hat for myself yet .
    You can have a cuppa anytime but I've hidden anything sweet away after the after eight episode yesterday - feel sick just typing that .
    Why do you torture yourself with books featuring cakes ? I could sent you some lovely veggie books with lots of lovely GREEN things in .
    polly x
    It is better to light a single candle than to curse the darkness.

    There but for fortune go you and I.
  • Morning Caronc . How are you this morning ? Watch Mar with the mince pies she's in Scotland too and may waylay you with an empty cake tin -don't encourage here :D
    It is better to light a single candle than to curse the darkness.

    There but for fortune go you and I.
  • caronc
    caronc Posts: 8,251 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper 10 Posts
    Morning Caronc . How are you this morning ? Watch Mar with the mince pies she's in Scotland too and may waylay you with an empty cake tin -don't encourage here :D
    Morning polly - I'm ok unsteady as just ran the (must over due) gauntlet of washing my hair one of major challenges so only done when I absolutely have to as I'll need to not move about very much now for a good few hours. Still very MSE as my shampoo and conditioner costs have dropped :D Hope all is ok with you?
  • LameWolf
    LameWolf Posts: 11,236 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker Name Dropper 10 Posts
    LW I've just gone back to read your post about the meds situation . DD is on 4 10mg zomorph split over 2 daily doses . Luckily she is able to swallow capsules , her only issue was the the fact that as a vegetarian she had an ethical dilemma , she had to come to terms with the capsules as the alternative did not bode well . I confess I can't work out if there are a tablet version of 10mg so would welcome clarity if that is what you mean . Would pregabalin be an effective alternative to Gabapentin for your condition ? Yet again I can't recall if you've mentioned it in the past . I wish it was possible to be given new memory cells , it drives me loopy trying to remember things correctly .
    The active ingredient in Zomorph, MST Continus and Morphgesic is morphine sulphate, so from the point of view of the actual medication, it doesn't matter which you have. The only difference is the method of delivery, Zomorph is capsules, the others are tablets. MST Continus and Morphgesic are both available as 10mg doses, but there's a problem getting the Morphgesic 10mg at present - hence the saga with my meds.

    I'm vegetarian, but primarily not from ethical reasons - I literally can't keep meat/fish/anything made from rendered animal parts down. Even cheese made with "normal" rennet upsets my stomach; luckily there's a cheesemonger at the local farmers market whose products are all made with veggie rennet.

    When they tried me on Gabapentin, I had it as a liquid due to my inability to take capsules; I was offered Pregabalin as another option, but the GP did say that as it's also an anti-epileptic, the chances are I'd have just the same awful side effects, so I declined that one. I'm fine with morphine sulphate, just need the dose tweaked up a bit now (been on 30mg twice daily for some years) and to get the tweaked dose in a form I can take.:o

    I'm not too happy today; I have to go for an ECG this afternoon; and I have a major phobia of anyone other than Mr LW touching me. I even have to really steel myself to shake hands with people! :( I also don't really know why the GP (different GP, not the lady I usually see) has decided I need this, either.

    And tomorrow I have to visit the audiologist and have a hearing test - it's overdue really, but she let me off the hook last time I went because she knows I loathe them (again, the "physical contact with others" thing, plus I'm claustrophobic and can't cope with the little soundproof room they use).

    In fact, if no-one minds, I'd like to fast-forward to Wednesday, please! :D
    If your dog thinks you're the best, don't seek a second opinion.;)
  • caronc
    caronc Posts: 8,251 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper 10 Posts
    LameWolf wrote: »
    The active ingredient in Zomorph, MST Continus and Morphgesic is morphine sulphate, so from the point of view of the actual medication, it doesn't matter which you have. The only difference is the method of delivery, Zomorph is capsules, the others are tablets. MST Continus and Morphgesic are both available as 10mg doses, but there's a problem getting the Morphgesic 10mg at present - hence the saga with my meds.

    I'm vegetarian, but primarily not from ethical reasons - I literally can't keep meat/fish/anything made from rendered animal parts down. Even cheese made with "normal" rennet upsets my stomach; luckily there's a cheesemonger at the local farmers market whose products are all made with veggie rennet.

    When they tried me on Gabapentin, I had it as a liquid due to my inability to take capsules; I was offered Pregabalin as another option, but the GP did say that as it's also an anti-epileptic, the chances are I'd have just the same awful side effects, so I declined that one. I'm fine with morphine sulphate, just need the dose tweaked up a bit now (been on 30mg twice daily for some years) and to get the tweaked dose in a form I can take.:o

    I'm not too happy today; I have to go for an ECG this afternoon; and I have a major phobia of anyone other than Mr LW touching me. I even have to really steel myself to shake hands with people! :( I also don't really know why the GP (different GP, not the lady I usually see) has decided I need this, either.

    And tomorrow I have to visit the audiologist and have a hearing test - it's overdue really, but she let me off the hook last time I went because she knows I loathe them (again, the "physical contact with others" thing, plus I'm claustrophobic and can't cope with the little soundproof room they use).

    In fact, if no-one minds, I'd like to fast-forward to Wednesday, please! :D

    LW - good luck for this afternoon- an ECG's not too touchy and if you ask they might let you stick the wee pads on yourself :)
  • LW If I had the power it would be post appts now . Will be sending the vibes , it always seems to be these random never seen befores who decide you need something else . I know Mar met a few of those last year . Nowadays there really should be more awareness that not everyone is comfortable in these situations . I've been trying to find some information re the virtual appt on the web . Not much out there so GP will know . It seems to be a doctor in outpatients sitting in front of a huge screen chatting face to face to make an assessment of where best to direct the patient in front of their screen to . Probably a good time saving idea for using limited resources but my daughter's idea of personal space invasion by a perfect stranger and I imagine yours too .
    It can be from your home or work , that should go down well with the bosses .
    Thanks for the meds information . I wish things for less complicated for you . I did notice you mentioned pip awarded low care after the claim . I'm not trying to teach my granny to suck eggs but did you feel yourself that was fair . I know many don't challenge decisions due to fear of losing the lot . If I was making the award I would have seen high care as the only fair outcome .
    That's a long doggy shape hole at the moment for you , hopefully the time will pass soon , the weather will pick up as will more doggy friends be referred your way .
    Take care
    polly x
    It is better to light a single candle than to curse the darkness.

    There but for fortune go you and I.
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