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Brexiters should be 'Ashamed of the harm to come"



  • mrginge
    mrginge Posts: 4,843 Forumite
    The lifelong Tory-voting unionist who now resorts to the guardian for their propaganda.

    How times have changed.
  • BobQ
    BobQ Posts: 11,181 Forumite
    Ninth Anniversary 10,000 Posts Name Dropper Combo Breaker
    It would be really good if the fairy tale that we leave the EU and all live happily ever after were true but it isn't. It is true that remaining had its downsides too but British arrogance eventually won through. Making the best of this decision means compromise but while many of those who voted for Brexit are now willing to compromise, the hardcore Brexiteers continue to pretend that everything is rosy.

    Sadly it is not rosy, there is a price to pay for our bravado. We now saddle future generations with a lower standard of living and more debt. But we have won the imagniary and intangible benefits of re-asserting our sovereignty. We can look forward to stopping immigration (which we still need due to demographics), passing all of our own laws (which will be different how?), and negotiating our own trade deals (which will be better how?).

    The price of Bravado may indeed be worth paying but let us not pretend that it does have a price.
    Few people are capable of expressing with equanimity opinions which differ from the prejudices of their social environment. Most people are incapable of forming such opinions.
  • BobQ
    BobQ Posts: 11,181 Forumite
    Ninth Anniversary 10,000 Posts Name Dropper Combo Breaker
    mrginge wrote: »
    The lifelong Tory-voting unionist who now resorts to the guardian for their propaganda.

    How times have changed.

    Yes play the man and not the ball if you must.
    Few people are capable of expressing with equanimity opinions which differ from the prejudices of their social environment. Most people are incapable of forming such opinions.
  • PaulW1965
    PaulW1965 Posts: 240 Forumite
    BobQ wrote: »
    It would be really good if the fairy tale that we leave the EU and all live happily ever after were true but it isn't. It is true that remaining had its downsides too but British arrogance eventually won through. Making the best of this decision means compromise but while many of those who voted for Brexit are now willing to compromise, the hardcore Brexiteers continue to pretend that everything is rosy.

    Sadly it is not rosy, there is a price to pay for our bravado. We now saddle future generations with a lower standard of living and more debt. But we have won the imagniary and intangible benefits of re-asserting our sovereignty. We can look forward to stopping immigration (which we still need due to demographics), passing all of our own laws (which will be different how?), and negotiating our own trade deals (which will be better how?).

    The price of Bravado may indeed be worth paying but let us not pretend that it does have a price.

    CLAPTON Posts: 41,865 Forumite
    10,000 Posts Combo Breaker
    BobQ wrote: »
    It would be really good if the fairy tale that we leave the EU and all live happily ever after were true but it isn't. It is true that remaining had its downsides too but British arrogance eventually won through. Making the best of this decision means compromise but while many of those who voted for Brexit are now willing to compromise, the hardcore Brexiteers continue to pretend that everything is rosy.

    Sadly it is not rosy, there is a price to pay for our bravado. We now saddle future generations with a lower standard of living and more debt. But we have won the imagniary and intangible benefits of re-asserting our sovereignty. We can look forward to stopping immigration (which we still need due to demographics), passing all of our own laws (which will be different how?), and negotiating our own trade deals (which will be better how?).

    The price of Bravado may indeed be worth paying but let us not pretend that it does have a price.

    all you are doing is criticising brexiters and making up imaginary views that you ascribe to them : could be said to be playing the people and not the ball.
  • I do wonder if dear Hamish is having some kind of breakdown? Going from 'being annoyingly right' he went to being completely wrong when it came to Brexit! OK, many of us made the wrong call and expected the worse. So far things seem to have gone alright and the skies not fallen in. Hamish seems to be wishing for doom and gloom with the Economy just like his adversaries wishing for a Property slump on HPC.
  • kinger101
    kinger101 Posts: 6,317 Forumite
    Part of the Furniture 1,000 Posts Name Dropper
    PaulW1965 wrote: »

    Nobody has evidence, because we don't have a crystal ball. Although I initially thought we might go for a Brexite-Lite option, I don't think that's palatable for those that voted leave and would be political kryptonite for anyone who tried to invoke it.

    So it's likely we'll be completely out with no free market with the EU. The biggest threat here to the UK economy would be the loss of the banking sector once the banking passport goes. I know it's fashionable to hate bankers, but they do pay billions in income tax.

    Will the gains from possibly improved trade with the rest of the world balance this out? I'm skeptical.
    "Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance" - Confucius
  • Thrugelmir
    Thrugelmir Posts: 89,546 Forumite
    Part of the Furniture 10,000 Posts Name Dropper Photogenic
    BobQ wrote: »
    It would be really good if the fairy tale that we leave the EU and all live happily ever after were true but it isn't. It is true that remaining had its downsides too but British arrogance eventually won through. Making the best of this decision means compromise but while many of those who voted for Brexit are now willing to compromise, the hardcore Brexiteers continue to pretend that everything is rosy.

    I see nothing particularly rosy irrespective if we are in or out of the EU. As it's global headwinds that pose the real challenge. To improve our lot as a Nation we all have to work harder, save more and borrow less, and be more productive. There's no magic solutions. Just the single actions of millions of people.
  • Jonbvn
    Jonbvn Posts: 5,562 Forumite
    Part of the Furniture 1,000 Posts
    setmefree2 wrote: »

    As for William Reegan - he should stick to fiction writing - because there is very little factual information in this article - it's just a grumpy old man rant worthy of Victor Meldrew.

    TBH, over the period since the Brexit vote, nearly all opinion articles in the Grauniad have taken the "terrible Brexiters" stance, such that it is almost starting to seem like a single issue rag.

    It is interesting to see how polarised the media is on this issue. The BBC in particular should hang it's head in shame given it's partisan approach to Bremain.
    In case you hadn't already worked it out - the entire global financial system is predicated on the assumption that you're an idiot:cool:
  • globalds
    globalds Posts: 9,431 Forumite
    Hamish you really should have gone with my suggestion for a thread ..

    Team GB fail to beat the USA shocker ..Another sign of the decline of a nation that can barely punch above it's weight .
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