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Weekly Flylady Thread 5th October 2015

bossymoo Posts: 6,924 Forumite
Combo Breaker First Post
edited 8 October 2015 at 8:42PM in Old style MoneySaving
Welcome to the weekly Flylady thread. If you need help organising your week or getting motivated when it comes to housework then come and join us.

Thank you Natty for last week's thread

Every room comes back around next week so please don’t stress about catching up

These lists are only suggestions and not a must do list; you are more than welcome to post and follow your own lists.

Also adding a declutter mission each day will help to gradually clear the clutter and make flying easier.

A few of the basics before we start the week

Hotspots are areas where if one thing gets put there, loads of other things follow!

Daily routines are anything you need to do on a daily basis like washing, swish and swipe kitchen and bathroom, ironing, making beds, vacuuming high traffic areas, making meals etc.

Night-time routines are all things which make getting ready in the morning easier, preparing clothes for the next day, making lunches, swish & swipes of the kitchen and tidying the living room before you go to bed plus personals like shower/brush teeth etc.

Fling Boogie - stick on some loud music, grab a bin bag and whiz around the house finding items that can go out with the rubbish, recycling, for charity shop, basically anything that will stop it cluttering your home.

Swish and swipe/S&S means have a quick wipe over an area such as a sink or toilet to prevent the build up of dirt. This is usually done on a daily basis

HHE/HHC/HHI Half Hour exercise/challenge/ironing ... run around for 30 minutes to the Benny Hill music frantically cleaning exercising or ironing.. other music may be used if you prefer!

Some of our abbreviations: DH- dear husband, OH- other half, KH/CF- affectionate term for ex husband or partner ;) DS/DD- dear son/daughter, DGC- dear grandchild, WM- washing machine, DW- dishwasher, LR/DR- living/dining room, RoD- room of doom, Mr S/A/T/M/L/Al- supermarkets Sainsburys, Asda, Tesco, Morrisons, Lidl, Aldi. You get the picture!

Click here to read Toots wonderful welcome guide

OK here we go!

Marvellous Monday! - a bit of everything!
Level 1
Clearing surfaces - pick your most annoying 3! Could be kitchen sink, work tops, table, windowsill, mantelpiece, bit of floor, shelf of doom. Whatever, pick 3 and lose the gibble!
Level 2
Now give the surfaces a good clean, then only put back what really belongs there.
Rehome the rest of the gibble (keep, bin, recycle)
Level 3
S&S the downstairs loo
Empty any bins and give them a S&S too
  • Put a wash on
  • Check any birthdays or other events for the month
  • Clean the outside of the front door
  • Tidy your handbag or even the car glove box :eek:

Terrific Tuesday: kitchen and dining room
Level 1

Clear the work tops / table and wipe down
Wipe over the cupboard and drawer fronts, and kick boards
Level 2
Clean the outside of the fridge - is the back easily reached? Is it a dust mountain?
Give your sink a polish
Sweep and mop the floor
Level 3
Clean the hob and oven door - and inside if you've time!
Wash a window
Put the kettle on and take a breather :)
  • Clean the cooker hood
  • Collect any laundry
  • Test smoke alarms if you've not done them recently

Wonderful Wednesday - Living Room
Level 1
15 minutes tidying up and clearing the floor
Hoover / sweep and mop these areas
Level 2
Hoover soft furnishing
Clear the table/coffee table and wipe it
Level 3
Shake rugs and cushions outside in between showers if you can!
Dust your pictures
Clean some lighting, mine have glass shades I need to unscrew and wash - let that light shine through!
  • Use up the last of a cleaning product
  • Wash a window or two
  • Polish any mirrors
  • Test the heating if you haven't already! Brrr.

Thumpin Thursday: bathroom & study / pc area
Level 1

Clean the sink, taps and grotty plugholes
Toilets! Don’t forget the outside!
Clear that cluttered windowsill or shelf
Level 2
Straighten up your desk and wipe over – desks harbour germs too!
Switch off the kit and wipe over the keyboard with an antibac wipe or similar
Switch it back on and de-fragment the disc
Level 3
Back to bathroom, clean the bath / shower
Mop the floor
Wash a window or two
  • Collect dirty towels and replace with fresh ones
  • Clean the fan / air vent
  • Do you need to replace the toothbrushes?
  • Delete some emails

TFI Friday: Bedroom(s)
Level 1

Start off clearing that floordrobe! Can any be flung?
Then dewebbing and dusting the fluffy surfaces
And then vacuum...
Level 2
Strip the bed. Air and turn the mattress if needed.
Choose your cosiest bedding to replace.
Level 3
Wash a window or two
Wipe door handles and light switches
Dust your light fitting
  • tidy a shelf or drawer
  • have a mini fling boogie
  • put any out of season stuff away
  • make a brew, and just sit and be for a while!

Away with the fairies :beer:


  • kazwookie
    kazwookie Posts: 13,907 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Anniversary Photogenic First Post
    ohh 1st in this week!

    Thank you for the lists.

    Long list of boring things to do for tomorrow
    Breast Cancer Now 100 miles October 2022 100 / 100miles
    D- Day 80km June 2024 80/80km (10.06.24 all done)
    Sun, Sea
  • bossymoo
    bossymoo Posts: 6,924 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    Hi kazw xx

    Don't know when the Tuesday list will be up - I'm out all day tomorrow! Leaving at 7.40 for breakfast club / work and then I start college tomorrow night :) not sure if I'll have time to get home in between. So probably be out. For nearly 14 hours :eek: forgive me if I don't fly tomorrow...

    Everything ready for morning, bags, laptops, lunches etc.

    So I'll catch up with you all asap xx

    Away with the fairies :beer:
  • Biscuit_monster
    Ohhh new thread already, must catch up.

    After a very poor Saturday, severe case of CBA, I've done really well today.

    [STRIKE]x Dw
    x Worktops
    x Make beds
    x Hhi
    x Kitchen floor
    x Walk dog
    x Swish and swipe
    x Vacuum living room and stairs and mop[/STRIKE]
    - Clean bathroom radiators and woodwork
    - Empty and clean out a kitchen cupboard
    x [STRIKE]Tidy up patio and path[/STRIKE]
    - Declutter bathroom floor and hoover and mop it
    - Clean bath shower sink bog
    - 15 mins clearing bottom our wardrobe
    [STRIKE]x wm
    x Empty a bin[/STRIKE]
    - Plant those new plants
    x [STRIKE]mow lawn[/STRIKE]
    - Change children bedding
    - Clean the worst windows
    - Drop bags off at charity shop
    x [STRIKE]Pay Milk bill[/STRIKE]
    - Hoover bedrooms
    x [STRIKE]Fil bird feeder[/STRIKE]
    - Tidy hall and dust
    - Sort out passports
    - Cancel direct debit

    Most progress caused by the fact some friends were meant to be coming over in the afternoon, so I was having a bit of a crisis clean. They then cancelled :(
    Hope everyone has had a lovely weekend xx
  • Mumto5
    Mumto5 Posts: 1,838 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Thanks for the new thread Bossy.

    Another busy week coming up. I'll pop in when I draw breath.
  • pigpen
    pigpen Posts: 41,074 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Anniversary Photogenic First Post
    Ta much.. we're in (ish) another crazy busy week.
    LB moment 10/06 Debt Free date 6/6/14
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    6/6/14 £72,454.65 (5.65% int.)
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  • froddington
    froddington Posts: 6,697 Forumite
    First Post Combo Breaker First Anniversary
    I'm in - thanks bossymoo :A

    Busy week here too but some flying WILL be done!

    bossymoo - hope you enjoy your college course

    Right - listy ................

    Marvellous Monday! - a bit of everything!

    Level 1
    Clearing surfaces - pick your most annoying 3!

    Level 2
    Now give the surfaces a good clean, then only put back what really belongs there.
    Rehome the rest of the gibble (keep, bin, recycle)

    Level 3
    S&S the downstairs loo
    Empty any bins and give them a S&S too
    Clean the outside of the front door
    "There's only one way of life and that's your own" - Levellers

    "I'm feeling like a Monday but someday I'll be Saturday night" - Bon Jovi
  • Dustykitten
    Dustykitten Posts: 16,503 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post Combo Breaker
    Thanks Bossy, I'll be here. List to follow tomorrow.
    The birds of sadness may fly overhead but don't let them nest in your hair
  • ionafan
    ionafan Posts: 4,480 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post
    Thank you for the new thread, bossy, and for last week's, Natty (hope your new LO is behaving himself!)

    I had a really good week and managed to achieve a lot. Hoping for the same this week!

    Today I finally got round to planting out all the perennials and bulbs that I'd bought for the back garden, and DH managed to find the location of the wiring fault on the G-gauge railway, so hopefully he can get that sorted quickly and then I can start planting up the raised bed rockery at last. I am fed up with looking out at bare roadstone chippings and no greenery. It's well over a year since he began laying the track! This week a rather posh signal box has appeared ;)

    Tomorrow I must
    - go to hospital OP appt at 09:00 (not my shoulder this time; all my appointments come at once!)
    - food shopping on the way home
    - send 2 important emails
    - WM x2 - the forecast is rain until Wednesday, so I may end up using the TD :(
    - get DH to replace the bulb in the security light
    - reading, notes and more reading
    - tidy the study: put display boards away and sort out my papers for the start of my course on Wednesday evening

    It's taken me ages to catch up with the thread, and now I'm sorry but I can't remember who said what, so I'll just send (((hugs))) all round, especially to those who aren't feeling too good atm.

    I am very tired and about to fall into bed! Goodnight all x
  • cyclingyorkie
    I'm in, well I will be waving from the sofa...

    Tomorrow I have a hospital appointment, so that will take most of the afternoon - that clinic never runs to time...

    Tomorrow morning I must remember to put tea in the slow cooker...
    :jFlylady and proud of it:j
  • lynnejk
    lynnejk Posts: 5,732 Forumite
    Rampant Recycler Debt-free and Proud!
    edited 4 October 2015 at 10:53PM
    Evening all :hello:

    I'm in and thank you Bossy for this week's thread and Natty for last week's.

    Pigpen - absolutely gorgeous picture

    Froddington - good luck with the post grad

    Bossy - hope you enjoy your new college course

    CY - re your wedding dress I think you need to look at

    Busy yesterday with doing all the month's accounts, filing and monthly meal plan. Then shuffled the freezers and froze the final batch of cooking from Friday.

    Made list and went shopping, scanned and put away. Then cooked a roast dinner (had to do it yesterday as only day DH not working) and WUDUPA afterwards.

    Today I've not done much at all apart from dailies, cook DH lunch and then my dinner and clear all the kitchen afterwards.

    Marvellous Monday! - a bit of everything!Clearing surfaces - pick your most annoying 3! Could be kitchen sink, work tops, table, windowsill, mantelpiece, bit of floor, shelf of doom. Whatever, pick 3 and lose the gibble!
    Now give the surfaces a good clean, then only put back what really belongs there.
    Rehome the rest of the gibble (keep, bin, recycle)
    S&S the downstairs loo
    Empty any bins and give them a S&S too
    Put a wash on
    Check any birthdays or other events for the month
    Clean the outside of the front door
    Tidy your handbag or even the car glove box :eek:

    (hugs) sticks and spoons for any needing some

    Hope you all have a marvellous Monday
    Bulk buy.......APR=233.76
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