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My Diary v3.0



  • natsplatnat
    natsplatnat Posts: 3,033 Forumite
    Photogenic First Post Combo Breaker First Anniversary
    Ooh, looks like the clubc4rd exchange for train tickets is back up and running - that will move to the top of this evenings TO DO LIST!!
    start = Wed 19th Nov 2008 £21,225
    end = Mon 28th Sept 2015 DEBT FREE!
    I love a good plan - it may not work.... but I love a good plan!
  • natsplatnat
    natsplatnat Posts: 3,033 Forumite
    Photogenic First Post Combo Breaker First Anniversary
    Realised I hadn't update my G&E details on the MSE Cheap Energy Club, so I have just done so.... and I could save..... £2.00 a year if I change supplier! For the sake of 16p/month I think I will wait a while thanks! ;):)

    It is worth logging your details on there - I have set a parameter so they will email if a deal comes up that will save me £x per year! Saves me keep checking I am on a good deal!
    start = Wed 19th Nov 2008 £21,225
    end = Mon 28th Sept 2015 DEBT FREE!
    I love a good plan - it may not work.... but I love a good plan!
  • natsplatnat
    natsplatnat Posts: 3,033 Forumite
    Photogenic First Post Combo Breaker First Anniversary
    Vouchers converted to reward coupons last night! Went for a 'travel together' rail card for £10 in vouchers giving us 30% train travel for a year and then converted £18 in vouchers to give a £54 coupon for the train supplier. Perfect!!
    start = Wed 19th Nov 2008 £21,225
    end = Mon 28th Sept 2015 DEBT FREE!
    I love a good plan - it may not work.... but I love a good plan!
  • natsplatnat
    natsplatnat Posts: 3,033 Forumite
    Photogenic First Post Combo Breaker First Anniversary
    Morning All!
    Woke up thinking today was Friday, so I started the day a little disappointed! I am also a little achy after my first spin/circuits class in a month last night! Really good to get back to it though!
    Need to read and submit my meter readings tonight. Must schedule CC payments too.
    Been looking at new bathroom furniture at work this morning! We don't need much... new suite (toilet, basin and bath), new shower + glass screen rather than curtain and a towel radiator. Then there's tiles, flooring and paint. Time for a projectboard me thinks!
    start = Wed 19th Nov 2008 £21,225
    end = Mon 28th Sept 2015 DEBT FREE!
    I love a good plan - it may not work.... but I love a good plan!
  • natsplatnat
    natsplatnat Posts: 3,033 Forumite
    Photogenic First Post Combo Breaker First Anniversary
    Happy Friday! Although Fridays no longer hold the same weekly payday excitement for me, I am very glad this one is here!

    Meter reading noted last night and submitted this morning. December usage is virtually identical to Novembers which is good as we were at home a lot more in December so I was thinking it could be horrendous. I guess the real test will be if this cold snap materialises at the end of the month. Oh well, not a lot we can do about that so I won't be worrying.

    Managed to swerve OH's "Thursday night is takeaway mentality" last night. It started by OH suggesting we went out to eat and use some vouchers, which would have been ok on the cost front, but we have a meal out tomorrow for DSS b'day so not great on the intake front. Then we both decided we were too tired to go out after work and there were mutterings about a takeaway. I disappeared upstairs to sort through my bed-side table and put some washing on, OH shortened the cable on the new hall light and then I suggested using up various frozen xmas 'nibbly-bits' with some coleslaw and salad. OH agreed and dinner was created... It was a bit odd, but edible and vaguely healthy with the salad etc. More importantly it has used up bits from the fridge that would have needed to be thrown in another few days and created some space in the freezer for more useful food! And it didn't cost us any money!

    Things for the weekend....

    Lunch out for DSS birthday tomorrow
    MUST schedule CC payments + have financial review with OH.
    Discuss another house-sitting offer with OH to see if he can bare to be without me for another week! lol
    Measure 3 paintings. I now have a choice of 4 tape measure to use!
    Xmas decs in loft + lay 2 x spare floor boards up there left over from doing the landing floor; will enable a bit more space to move stuff around and sort!
    Take bag of shoes for recycling and other bag to charity shop.
    Apply for train discount card with the clubc4rd coupon; involves uploading a pic so needs a bit of time and to be done at home, not work!
    Sort details for OH's aunts 100th birthday tea-party.
    Do all the dirty washing and the fleeces the cats lay on.
    Put all clean washing away
    Would like to wash the car(s)

    Need to buy....
    • Stash of birthday cards for the year (always good to have a selection in the drawer for when I forget - usually from the card shop on a 10 for £1 deal or something similar).
    • New home card for friend (if there's not one in my card stash already!)
    • 2019 Calendar
    • Vape liquid (should really look into buying online)
    • Food for the week coming inc. lunches
    As usual I doubt whether it will all get accomplished, but I have discovered that if I don't list things then NOTHING will get done! And something is definitely better than nothing when it comes to doing!

    Right, I am logging off to do some work. Loads to do but definitely have "that Friday feeling!!"

    Have a great Friday and weekend! xxx
    start = Wed 19th Nov 2008 £21,225
    end = Mon 28th Sept 2015 DEBT FREE!
    I love a good plan - it may not work.... but I love a good plan!
  • kdalwayskint
    I should have made a list really! Grand kids here so not a lot has been done, I haven't even managed a load of washing, that will have to get sorted tomorrow as well as going to see my niece as it's her birthday, and I want to sort out a meal plan for next week

    So far wedding diet seems to be going ok, we've both lost a couple of pounds, I did feel like I could do with something naughty today, so I've had a hot chocolate!

    I was going to buy a pair of shoes and matching bag in the rooby shoe sale but it crashed just as I was going to go to the checkout!

    Hope you're keeping well x
    new challenge?
    £1 a day for Christmas 2024 £100.60 / £366 ~
    Got married 24/05/19 ~ Credit Card
    DFW Nerd #1155 ~
    LBM 25/2/09 ~ Debt at highest £8,037.35 ~ £0
  • natsplatnat
    natsplatnat Posts: 3,033 Forumite
    Photogenic First Post Combo Breaker First Anniversary
    Hi KD - I definitely need a list. I find it all too easy to put off doing even the smallest things and then get to Sunday evening and realise nothing has been achieved. At least with a list we can both see what needs to be done rather than sitting on our laurels!

    So... what did we manage...

    Things for the weekend....
    Lunch out for DSS birthday tomorrow
    MUST schedule CC payments + have financial review with OH.
    Discuss another house-sitting offer with OH to see if he can bare to be without me for another week! lol
    Measure 3 paintings. I now have a choice of 4 tape measure to use!
    Xmas decs in loft + lay 2 x spare floor boards up there left over from doing the landing floor; will enable a bit more space to move stuff around and sort! Floor boards did make it into loft, just need time to sort some stuff to make room to put them down - but at least they are out of the way for now!
    Take bag of shoes for recycling and other bag to charity shop.
    Apply for train discount card with the clubc4rd coupon; involves uploading a pic so needs a bit of time and to be done at home, not work!
    Sort details for OH's aunts 100th birthday tea-party. Invites written and will be posted today
    Do all the dirty washing and the fleeces the cats lay on.
    Put all clean washing away
    Would like to wash the car(s)
    Hall light up (finally)
    Car washer fluids, oils and tyre pressures checked.
    Roast dinner cooked - all from freezer apart from cauli-cheese, sprout and carrots.
    Took cardboard with me when I went to the recycling centre.
    Bought nieces b'day present and card - will use gift bag from my stash!

    Need to buy....

    • Stash of birthday cards for the year (always good to have a selection in the drawer for when I forget - usually from the card shop on a 10 for £1 deal or something similar). There was a 20 cards for £1 deal on... rude not to stock up at 5p / card!
    • New home card for friend (if there's not one in my card stash already!)
    • 2019 Calendar - All written out for year ahead
    • Vape liquid (should really look into buying online)
    • Food for the week coming inc. lunches - will need a few bits as the week goes on, but hoping to work our way through the freezer... and our mountain of various pastas!
    OH managed to swerve the financial review chat yesterday. It's getting to the point where I think I may just do away with the CC (as it's solely in my name) and then see how he gets on! I know it's a bit petty, and I really don't want to, but something has got to give. Could be interesting if I do! lol.

    I aim to continue with my "doing a bit every evening" at home this week. Tonights "bit" will be putting all the clean clothes away. Man that basket was heavy when I carried it upstairs last night! I can do that whilst OH makes one of his lush curries from a reduced cooked chicken we picked up at the weekend (he does have some uses!). We have naans and bhajis in the freezer, rice in the drawer along with spices and sauces + tomatoes, so shouldn't need to buy anything for tonights dinner.

    I emptied the change pot in the kitchen yesterday and I have a bag full of change sat on my desk at work to change up today. I collect all the interesting 50p coins - had a quick count up and it's amazing how quickly they add up!

    OH is on the hunt for a new TV for his Aunt (100th birthday this month), so I will leave him to hunt for the best deal and suggest checking cashback sites before buying. I am sure January is nearly as expensive as December; what with sales shopping, birthdays etc it feels like dishing out money is never ending.

    Right, eyes down - work to do! :)
    start = Wed 19th Nov 2008 £21,225
    end = Mon 28th Sept 2015 DEBT FREE!
    I love a good plan - it may not work.... but I love a good plan!
  • natsplatnat
    natsplatnat Posts: 3,033 Forumite
    Photogenic First Post Combo Breaker First Anniversary
    Just totted up my change and there's over £10! I have converted most of it into 50pence pieces so I have some to exchange for 'special' ones when I discover them. The rest will go back into the pot as 5p's .. as they take up the least space per coin! ;)
    start = Wed 19th Nov 2008 £21,225
    end = Mon 28th Sept 2015 DEBT FREE!
    I love a good plan - it may not work.... but I love a good plan!
  • natsplatnat
    natsplatnat Posts: 3,033 Forumite
    Photogenic First Post Combo Breaker First Anniversary
    I was reading a diary on here a little while ago and they were de-cluttering / minimising (onebrokelady it may have been) and I realised that it's not just a physical act, there is a real change in mind-set... mainly being able to let go! For example... I moved out of my parents house almost 20 years ago and I have kept (amongst other things) a bag of 'worn,big, fluffy slippers' in their loft since then. When they asked me if they could dispose of them (they are all worn) I fiercely objected because they were mine!! Last week my mum mentioned them and I just said "yes, I think they can go now!" I no longer have an emotional attachment to them... not bad after 20 years! I am hoping the same mentality will apply to my own house! ;)
    start = Wed 19th Nov 2008 £21,225
    end = Mon 28th Sept 2015 DEBT FREE!
    I love a good plan - it may not work.... but I love a good plan!
  • redofromstart
    I'm trying to change my headset too, I have bursts of energy and then get bored. I'm finding one broke lady's posts thought provoking and I have done a small amount as a result. Even half an hour a week is better than none at all surely?
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