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Slimming World support thread 2



  • Becks81
    Becks81 Posts: 426 Forumite
    edited 15 March 2014 at 8:14PM
    Hello all, hope everyone is enjoying the weekend and the wonderful weather we are having today. I even managed to get some washing out on the line today for the first time this year.

    I would like to report a loss of 3lb please Shala. Really pleased with this as I was 100%. Only 1lb to go to get my stone award, so am continuing being good as I really want it on Wednesday. I haven't had chance to read through properly as been so busy today with loads of body magic. I went swimming this afternoon and really enjoyed it, its inspired me to look into some aqua aerobic classes. A friend has agreed to go with me which is nice, she has a bad back so this all seems perfect for us both.

    Well done to all the losers, and anyone struggling keep posting
  • Becks81
    Becks81 Posts: 426 Forumite
    Thanks for doing the chart Shala!

    Mrs_Ryan how lovely of your mum to treat you, I have no doubt that you deserve it so enjoy it - that's what mums are there for. I hope you enjoyed your walk today

    Daisy don't be too hard on yourself, I still dream about my nasty ex that fleeced me for over £3k and it still effects me 10+ years on, goodness knows what I'd do if I saw him. Big hugs to you.

    Stay strong plmbl, keep posting on here, its so hard when the demons in your head are telling you to have a munch. I am forever battling with them, but am luckily in the zone at the moment, and my desire to get my stone award is far greater at the moment. Take care of yourself, I have full respect for you caring for your husband, can only imagine how tough things get for you.

    Maman I'm so sorry I'm late but belated birthday wishes for you, I hope you enjoyed your day.

    Sary I agree about the being tired thing, lack of sleep is awful, I sometimes struggle on a Friday as I'm so run down from the week, that this is my lazy time when I would usually go for a take away rather then cook. Anyway hope you enjoy your evening in what ever you do.

    Mildredd sorry your in pain again, hopefully things will have improved for you over the weekend.

    Everyone else hope all is well. A big welcome to all the newbies.
  • lucky-legs
    lucky-legs Posts: 276 Forumite
    edited 15 March 2014 at 9:34PM
    Mildredd wrote: »
    This week is a write off again :@ my gallbladder is ruining my food :/ and then when it kicks off I want comfort food :( I've stopped counting syns this week as I don't want to upset myself into another binge? With paracetamol it's easy to stick to sw? It's when i have an attack then I have to go onto strong painkillers which wipe my appetite out and cause the poogods to abandon me so then I end up back logged and then I get back into sw and end up with poo gods visiting with a venegence :( pah just poo really

    On a positive note I have my 1st consultant appointment :) so fingers crossed the waiting list won't be very long and ill be sorted before summer :)
    Thanks tazzy. He had a motorbike accident 3 years ago and has seizures and memory problems because of it. I'm his carer, it's a hard road sometimes Xx

    Mildredd, I had an appointment with my consultant for my gall bladder last week, here the waiting time is 3 to 4 months. Sounds like you have been really going through the mill, I feel for you. My gall bladder started to play me up around September last year, I had a few attacks around once every two to three weeks. I had a really horrible attack on Boxing Day, it pretty much lasted the whole day, but this time after I was sick the pain carried on for around another hour, by far the worst attack I've had to date. I went for my scan in January and they found "several tiny stones".

    I'm personally in a quandry at the moment as the consultant has offered me the operation but I've not had any more attacks since Boxing Day so I'm thinking I don't want to have an operation if it's not completely necessary. On the other hand if it does start up again I'll have to wait 3 to 4 months for the op (only good thing is that the consultant has said I don't have to be refferred from my GP again, I've just to call is secretary and they will add me to the list).

    Hope your consultant is as good as mine is, he had all the time in the world for me, and explained everything. Also encouraged questions and did not make me feel rushed or silly at all. When he wrote to me post consultation the letter was also very personal and included specific thing that we had discussed. He is also about my age and VERY good looking which probabally helped a bit....hmmm maybe I will have that operation afterall!! :rotfl:

    Mrs R great news on the dress and it sounds beautiful too, your mum sounds like a gem, can I borrow her sometime?

    Daisy/Lantanna Great news on the dates, everyone deserves to have a special someone, I hope these men turn out to be just that for you x

    PLMBL Hope your hubby gets well soon xx My hubby rides a motorbike and I hate it. He has only started riding just over a year ago, I think it is some kind of midlife crisis! I constantly worry when he is out on it :(

    My menu for today, not been very good I'm afraid, probabally not eaten enough, often happens when I'm busy...

    B - 2 x egg on 2 x brown bread toast
    L - non existant!
    S - 2 x low fat crisps (velvet crunch and walkers pops)
    EM - Diet coke chicken, with boiled rice and a few McCains oven chips
    Will also be having a drink or two this evening
  • Saint_Chris
    Saint_Chris Posts: 3,876 Forumite
    0.5lb loss for me this week.

    Would have liked more but I didn't so it's hard work this week.
  • greentiger
    greentiger Posts: 2,411 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Evening all.

    Review of Saturday's Plan (may the footie gods be kind! They were not!!!! :()
    Breakfast: scrambled eggs & smoked salmon no - it was hexb porridge made with water & salt and served with alittle hexa milk
    Lunch: trumpy/dynorod soup - first time making this, wondering if it's wise before we go out very tasty, plus ML yogurt
    Dinner: BBQ chicken in SC, using homepride can (5), mash & peas no , not that either, as I explained in an earlier post. Dinner at son's was spaghetti bolognaise (2 syns maybe), mixed crunchy salad and 1 slice garlic bread (4.5 syns)
    Snacks: mandarin and nothing else so far

    Total (so far): 6.5

    Sunday's plan
    Breakfast: ML yogurt and fruit
    Lunch: trumpy soup
    Dinner: BBQ chicken, mash, peas (5)
    Sewing 83/COLOR]Woollies 9Card s 47Reading 23/40
  • tazzyb
    tazzyb Posts: 325 Forumite
    Hope you are all having a good weekend.

    Breakfast - 1 slice of wholemeal toast, with 1 laughing cow light triangle (hexa and b) banana, muller light yoghurt
    Lunch - salad, hard boiled eggs, ham, cottage cheese, 2 x ryvita (hexb) muller light yoghurt
    Tea - pasta, smoked salmon, broccoli, sweetcorn, mushrooms, onion, asparagus, peas. Melon and strawberrys

    Syns skimmed milk in cuppas 1, Kinder chocolate 6, tassimo creamer pod 2. 9 in total.

    Was hoping to go for a walk on the beach with my son and the dogs today but its going to be to cold. Back to the drawing board. Sunday is family day so we like to do something with our 14 month son every Sunday. Struggle for free things when the weather is a bit rubbish.
  • pollysg
    pollysg Posts: 207 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Hi everyone, hope you enjoyed the sun yesterday.

    shala-moo, 2lbs off please for last week.


  • SwipernoSwiping
    Good Morning all you lovely people. I hope you all have great plans for today. We're hoping to hit castles and sand today.

    Fell of the wagon this week, had to work realllly hard to pull it back from Thursday. Beginning to see little point in ruining all my hard work on WI day. So here's to trying to stay on plan ALL week, not just half of it.

    Could you put my -1 and 1/2lb loss on the chart please Shala, thank you.
    Bought new clothes yesterday, debating whether to buy the upper or lower, decided to go with the lower... and they fit... YES!
  • beanielou
    beanielou Posts: 90,961 Ambassador
    Academoney Grad I'm a Volunteer Ambassador Mortgage-free Glee! Name Dropper
    Great news SwipernoSwiping on the new togs in a lovely smaller size :j :j
    I am a Forum Ambassador and I support the Forum Team on Mortgage Free Wannabe & Local Money Saving Scotland & Disability Money Matters. If you need any help on those boards, do let me know.Please note that Ambassadors are not moderators. Any post you spot in breach of the Forum Rules should be reported via the report button , or by emailing forumteam@moneysavingexpert.com. All views are my own & not the official line of Money Saving Expert.

    Lou~ Debt free Wanabe No 55 DF 03/14.**Credit card debt free 30/06/10~** MFW. Finally mortgage free O2/ 2021****
    "A large income is the best recipe for happiness I ever heard of" Jane Austen in Mansfield Park.

    ***Fall down seven times,stand up eight*** ~~Japanese proverb.
    ***Keep plodding*** Out of debt, out of danger. ***Be the difference.***
    One debt remaining. Home improvement loan.
  • joedenise
    joedenise Posts: 16,670 Forumite
    First Post Name Dropper First Anniversary
    It's another beautiful day. Hope everyone's enjoying it. It was lovely to see my sheets blowing on the line yesterday. Doing another load of washing at the moment and will get that out as well.

    Having another EE day today:

    B - SW fryup
    L - ham salad sandwich with LTL mayo instead of spread (HEB + 0.5)
    D - roast pork dinner

    HEA will be SS milk as usual in teas throughout the day.

    Going to try to keep syns very low today as had at least 2 days worth yesterday! Need to pull back between now and Wednesday.

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