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OS Saturday 26th May '07



  • anniebooklover
    anniebooklover Posts: 1,211 Forumite
    Hi everyone

    Very late post from me but no apologies even though I have had the laziest day ever. :D Woke up and got up for a wee while - enough to do my paid-to-clicks, check my e-mail, etc, then made myself breakfast and went back to bed to finish my book while enjoying my lazy breakfast. Had a wee snooze after that then got up and did some essential cleaning.

    I made up a pamper hamper for my cousin for her birthday - she is having such a tough time of it but I can't post the reason here. She is very depressed and feeling very hopeless and alone. As someone who has felt the same way thanks to her own family, I know where she is coming from and can sympathise with her. So I will make a point of visiting her this weekend when I am in Scotland.

    DD will be 11 on Monday so I am taking her to visit "my" family. DD is SOOOO looking forward to seeing her cousins so I will put a smiley face on and pretend nothing is wrong.

    ((((hugs)))) to those who feel they need one. Congratulations to those who have something to celebrate. xx
    "Bad planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part."
    - Proverb
  • Miss_Cinnabon
    Miss_Cinnabon Posts: 19,481 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    hi all

    Think the pain is coming from my tooth, the one that was hidden behind the bit of gum, bought sensitive toothpaste today so hope it helps til i get to register with dentist, if it gets worse i will go back to dr's, thanks for advice.

    Went to tesco today and got weekly shopping, was 68 pounds, i have set a budget of 50, a bit over but i did get toothpaste, bubble bath, toothbrushes etc

    Dh took kids to shoe shops, so they all got trainers, ds1/ds2 also got wellies and lo also got slippers, first time he has worn slippers, he looks so cute:D

    Got my tesco deals in today, only 8 pounds worth! must go to tesco more often:rolleyes: going to order a day out for the summer:j

  • grannybroon
    grannybroon Posts: 2,214 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Hello you all

    Feeling much better now, thanks. Still have a muscular tummy ache but I think that down to all the retching!!! Had lovely steamed fish last night and attacked dinner tonight (yes,more frozen party food from last Saturday!).

    Tried to keep up with all you folk at work yesterday but I cannot do thanks button there and when I come home, unwind, have dinner etc too late to go back to the start of the thread. So please, think yourselves duly thanked on a daily basis.

    Well today consisted of going to Costco (for the things we didn't get get for the party). HariJ - went down the sweetie isle and just had to think of you - how many tubs of your sweets are there? Then petrol, Boots, M&S, pet shop for hamster food. When in pet shop today I saw baby hamsters and our Cookie is huge! I think I am giving him too many treats. Met another Granny and Grandad at the checkout with grandchildren who had been totally conned like me last July. Going home bearing hamster, cage, bedding etc!!!

    Catowen - you wee dark horse! Good for the esteem what?

    Kyle - how is your mouth sweatheart? Even try the bonjela. Twink, hope you are OK. Know you are a great support for her. Thanks to everyone else who has sent good wishes to me.

    Aussie Lass - where are you at the moment?

    DLB & Crazychick - I will be there when you have the garden celebrations and I will certainly tell the old witch over the back what I think of her!! Hope DH OK.

    Penny Pincher - how are you doing?

    Hugs to those who need it, congratulations to those celebrating, as usual.

    GB xxx

    PS Got an evening wedding invitation this morning for a wedding we didn't expect to go to early August. As DD should well and truly had DGS3 we have something to look forward to! A really lovely couple and touched they want us to be there.
  • elona
    elona Posts: 11,806 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    Hello again and sorry for being such a miserable old bat!

    Feel better for a lie down - tried my home made elderberry extract for the cough -:eek: - had a face like a bulldog chewing a wasp for ages - but it loosened the cough.

    Will add some honey to it later and see if that helps.

    Kitchen looks better with the white paint even if it is just a start.

    Need to talk DH into letting the top coat be something like a hint of white as I think the plain white will be too stark.

    Had a good talk with DH yesterday and have decided the two people who let us down over the house we thought we were buying have actually done us a favour! For a little bit more money we could have a house with a proper garden and garage and not feel constantly overlooked.


    Re the pamper hamper - the bookpeople sometimes have some really good deals on paperbacks - 10 novels for £9.9 or even less - can work out for less than £1 a book and great for emergency pressies if you split them up.


    If the pain gets too bad you could try gently rubbing a "little" whisky on the gum to anaesthise it - just a few drops and do not drink it if you are on tablets.

    Have fed the family a quick meal of jersey new potatoes and sausages - did not feel up to going shopping.

    Dishes are in machine and I am in P.J.s

    Have promised youngest DD that we will have a celebration of some kind tomorrow. Can't believe it is 25 years!

    Hugs to everybody - going to take some more elderberry extract - as DH said "It tastes like medicine!"
    "This site is addictive!"
    Wooligan 2 squares for smoky - 3 squares for HTA
    Preemie hats - 2.
  • taplady
    taplady Posts: 7,184 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post

    had a busy day only just managed to find time to get on here!

    (((hugs))) to kyle and Elona xxxx

    PennyPincher - hope your 17 year old sorts things out ok, my eldest lad is the same age and there's no way he could cope out on his own!

    Catowen - how did it go with the mystery admirer? was he dishy?:confused::D

    got loads of jobs to do, kitchen needs a flylady, got a pile of ironing and need to do some baking so if its wet tomorrow will make the most of it!

    DH and DS1 are watching Borat again on DVD, DS2 is out with his metal-head friends! still trying to grow his hair:eek:

    Bought a new duvet today as we've been sweltering under a 15 tog one for ages so now got a 4.5 one so hope to sleep a bit better tonight!

    Better get and do some clearing up before walking the dogs.

    take care all xxxx
    Do what you love :happyhear
  • dlb
    dlb Posts: 2,488 Forumite
    Evening guys and girls.
    Been busy busy and not had time to post.

    Thought id let you all know Crazychik has gone away for her weekend, and hasnt let fer ex know, so we are expecting him calling tomorrow night asking where she is, but we have no idea;)
    She really needs a weekend to chill out and we are almost sure her ex is off to wembley on monday.
    Ill let you know what happens.If you get to read this Emma have a great time and dont worry.

    Right im off as friends coming soon for a drink to celerbrate there 17th wedding anniversary.
    Catch you all tommorow
    Ps hope all went well at footy catowen:rolleyes: ;)
    Proud to be DEBT FREE AT LAST
  • Chipps
    Chipps Posts: 1,550 Forumite
    First Post Photogenic First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Hi again

    Well, I got my lunch out - tried a restaurant we haven't been to before. Then went to look for 2 more garden chairs to match our set from B&Q. Guess what, they didn't have any. But they did have matching parasols, so got one of those - but they didn't have any bases to match. Never mind, there was one which looked ok colourwise. Got it home, unpacked it, only to find it was completely shattered into tiny pieces & made a real mess on the carpet.

    So, back to B&Q (10 miles away), not impressed with the quality so got our money back. But while we were there we thought we'd look at plants.

    I was very happy cos they had loads of rather sad-looking plants reduced waaay down. Got several boxes for 50p each, one for 20p, and a pack of 6 geraniums with 4 still living for 10p! Overall got £27.86-worth (if in good condition) for £4.80! Most of the plants were fine, just needed a drink & repotting, so the garden is now well stocked, with loads of dwarf dahlias, some begonias, sanvitalias, petunias, busy lizzies, verbenas & geraniums.

    Then we went to a big Tesco home base type place & got a suitable parasol base for £3.96 (the broken one was nearly £16!)

    I am feeling happy now!
  • grannybroon
    grannybroon Posts: 2,214 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Just another quick dip in. Just scoffed a barrow load of Thornton's chocs given last weekend at party. I really think I am on the mend!!!

    Twink - see you have family staying this weekend. Have a good one!

  • AussieLass
    AussieLass Posts: 4,066 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    Goodevening everyone,

    We are staying in one of our relatives static caravan atm. She offered it to us ages ago and it was ok this weekend to have so here we are. :D Will be here until Wednesday morning. It's at a little place called St Monan (I think) :rolleyes: It's past St Andrews's Grannyboon. So lovely to be by ourselves and not have to share a house.

    Well after many years of toying with the idea and introducing veggie meals into our diets I decided while I was up in Orkney's to become a vegetarian. Since being here and seeing all the lovely little lambs/calves/pigs etc running around the countryside I just can't do it anymore. Feel so much better for it too.

    Cat What was he like? :D 26 is good. He could look after you in your old age.

    Well now I can't think of everybody's news. Serves me right for posting so late. Have a good night's sleep. Niteeeeeee
    Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already tomorrow in Australia. ;)

  • anniebooklover
    anniebooklover Posts: 1,211 Forumite
    elona thanks for the book people info. I do use them though it tends to be for DS, DD, nieces, nephews and donations to DD's school.

    The hamper I have put together includes some Sanctuary bath foam, face mask, foot lotion, pumice stone, body puff, deodorant, body spray, scented candles, book, miniature vodka with a cocktail shaker and recipe book, nail brush, cotton buds, etc. I bought almost everything on a BOGOF or buy 2 get 3rd free (a couple of things were even free gifts that came with other purchases). Everything else was very cheap - including the lined wicker basket. It does look lovely, even if I do say so myself and came to less than £10 per person (I have made 4 of them so economies of scale and all that. :D )

    Had a lovely "Josh Lyman" night - for anyone who watched the West Wing, you will know what I'm talking about. Its the most intelligent tv I have watched in years. I am the proud owner of all 7 series so I treat myself every so often to a huge does of Josh. :D :j May even think of making him my avatar but I'm worried that some of you OSers may take a fancy to him! :rotfl:


    P.S. edited my avi to show the lovely Josh. Now don't all drool at once!
    "Bad planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part."
    - Proverb
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