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OS Saturday 26th May '07



  • Squishy
    Squishy Posts: 721 Forumite
    Good morning everyone,

    not usually awake enought to post at this time on a saturday morning :D

    We're up at twinks house for the weekend, so I've been getting spoiled already! It's always nice when someone makes you breakfast - lots of hugs to twink :) Also kyle - if you're reading this I've a lovely big bag of books here for you! I'll bring them across later :D It does sound like you've maybe got an infection though - that's how I feel when I get them so you may need antibiotics.

    Not quite sure what the plans are for today. I need to go to the chemists to pick up a prescription, and I have a boots voucher to spend (yay pigsback! my first ever 'free' voucher) so will probably make it into town at some point today. Also feel in the mood for a bit of baking if twink lets me take over her kitchen, so we'll see if anything comes of it ;) Car boot sale tomorrow which will be great - not looking for anything in particular for myself, so will just have a good old browse and see if anything looks good.

    *hugs* to all, take or leave as you please...have a good day everyone :j
  • jet77
    jet77 Posts: 1,586 Forumite
    Morning all,

    We have a blue sky which is quickly clouding over but at least it popped out to say hello!!

    My grand plan for today is to get everything ship-shape in the house - shouldn't take too long its just that some things have built up (e.g. clean washing!!) I need to go to poundshop and bank before it closes at 12 to pay in a cheque (at last!!). I've made a list and intend to stick to it!!

    I still haven't made banana cakes/w'bix flapjacks but hv eaten the chocolate I bought to make the flapjacks with (oops!). So aswell as banana cake I'm going to make cauliflower cheese and carrot cake in bulk to freeze. I was also thinking of getting some fresh sausages n doing sausage casserole in bulk while I'm cooking anyway n have got some bread which needs to become crumbs for a rainy day.

    I couldn't post yesterday, although I did try n catch up on some of the thread - I had a very bad hangover. Very, very bad hangover and severe lack of sleep!! - Oh well it was a good night and I kept to my budget so who can complain!! When I got in Benson had had severe diahorea n it was disgusting. I lifted the carpet and chucked it!! It was disgusting. I've just been out to get DD1s slippers and found puke in them!! He's fine in himself though and has a cold wet nose and is just as playful. I might boil him up some rice with veg water when I start cooking in a bit to see if it settles his tummy.

    Hope every1 has a great day n that we see some sunshine!!

    Luv Jxx
    Weekly Budget: groceries£50/petrol£50/Unnecesary£15
    DEBT PAID = 58% (£4,212/£8216):T
  • comping_cat
    comping_cat Posts: 24,006 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker Mortgage-free Glee!
    Good morning everyone,

    A busy day today, housework this morning (still sunny here, hopeing it will last as i want to get my bedding out, they have forecast rain for tomorrow so should be ok today), then DS has a football match at 1.30 (we have to be there by 12.45) followed by a trip to the cinema to see Pirates of the Carribean (well for the children, im doing some trailer verification while they watch it) and then last night i had a phone call to invite us to a BBQ, as its one of the mums at footballs birthday. Really chuffed to be asked, as i dont know that many people, so nice to be making some more friends.
    Of course, also have the little matter of my 'admirrer' at the football (im quite glad now we have to leave early because of the cinema). The coach rang last night to 'check' what time DS had to leave, and his GF was in the background shouting about a blind date (this is what another mum had rung me about earlier to warn me). Apparently he is going to be there and she will introduce him to all of us - but hes only a baby (26) so i cant see anything happening there - i will let you know later/tomorrow.
    Right, better get started, i have a lot to do before we go out.

    Kyle - i agree with the others, phone the dentist, and make sure you are using the salt water, it really will help ((HUGS)) xxx

    catzine - glad you are back safe, ive still got my travellers cheques from last years holiday, the rate is so bad our way at the mo, and cos i know we want to go again, ive left them (unless the rate comes right down again).

    ((HUGS)) to everyone (brain freeze, cant remember anything else anyone has said!!!) Hope everyone has a lovely day,

    Take care xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • tired_mum
    tired_mum Posts: 2,340 Forumite
    morning all
    hope today finds you all well
    Kyle you need to see someone and soonabout your mouth but in the meantime keep using the salt water
    Catowen how lovely to have an admirer you must fill us in later
    well i am here alone as OH and kids away till sun so i am tidying there rooms :eek: from top to bottom will probably be going to the tip tomorrow
    will be back later have a good day
  • csarina
    csarina Posts: 2,557 Forumite
    Morning all......OH came into the bedroom this morning, I was still half asleep, there is somethng queer about the kitchen!!!!!!!!! oh whats that??????? there are cupboards on the wall!!!!!!!!!!!!! I could have throttled him, threw a pillow and then put my head under the duvet!!!!!!!!! Silly idiot.

    Off to Matalan in a mo....they had some meat tins with a rack in, I need one for the oven, have been using the grill grid over a tin, last weekend the chicken dripped fat all over the floor of the oven.....uuuuuuuuukkkkkkkk.....

    OH has a big bowls weekend, playing today and tomorrow 125 anniversary of the park and bowls club opening, so they are doing a roll up for anyone who wants to have a thats my weekend wrecked.....I rashly promised to go down with him on Monday..........I am going to take a book.........I have a feeling I will need it.

    Nice meal out last night with DD and SIL four of us for £20....not bad, we had chicken OH had steak and ale pie...............

    Right off to get milk for OH's open day and my tin.

    PS warden remarked on how much better the seating area looked after OH had cleared away most of the rubbish, we just have one small area to do behing one of the seats........plants I got are doing ok.
    Was 13st 8 lbs,Now 12st 11 Lost 10 1/4lbs since I started on my diet.
  • natzini
    natzini Posts: 561 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Morning all!

    I hope you are all well, and if not, there are hugs for you!
    Kyle, get thee to a dentist, or at least a Dr... you won't regret it!!

    Not too much planned for today-sorting out the airers (taking washing off ad replacing it with new damp stuff to dry), dishwasher and wipe downs, then I'm off to work!

    Once I get back from work we'll be having our groceries delivered and we'll have the cheese and potato pie I'll be making this morning, with gravy and veg, for dinner :)

    Un sou est un sou
  • tru
    tru Posts: 9,138 Forumite
    First Post Photogenic First Anniversary
    1. Dont ask me for advice, ignore it then blame me when it all goes wrong.

    2. When you have a problem with the thing that went wrong don't ask me to fix it 'because you're the mum'.

    3. Everyone - don't moan (and I mean yell and whine) when your favourite t-shirt isn't washed, you're the one who left it screwed up on your bedroom floor for a week.

    4. While we're on the subject, don't drop your dirty washing next to the laundry basket - if it's not IN the basket, I'll ignore it.

    5. Wet towels screwed up on the bed.

    6. Every chopping board, knife and worktop left dirty - when they've made one peanut butter sandwich. Specially when I've just cleaned the kitchen.

    7. Mr tru - when you go out to play laser tag with your mate and his 2 kids, don't invite them back to the house at 9.45pm then let the boys (aged 9 and 10) get the guinea pigs and rabbit out and leave a trail of sawdust and hay all over the house. And don't give them permission to pull up my home-grown salad leaves so they can feed the pets. Specially when I'm curled up on the sofa wearing only a dressing gown.

    8. Don't moan on friday mornings when I go to the office for an hour - I know it's your day off but it's my job. You'd soon moan if I didn't have a job.

    9. I leave the house most mornings too, why is everyone's shower more important than mine?

    10. Apparantly I have a very easy life and can do what I want, when I want. Apparantly I just don't understand how hard everyone else has it.

    11. Why do the eff do I still live here? :undecided

    There's more but I can't be bothered to type it all.

    The reason I have time to post this now is because mr tru is still in bed. Even though it was his idea to go out today :rolleyes:
    Oh well at least the tax man likes me, I've just had a refund of £242.
  • Penny-Pincher!!
    Penny-Pincher!! Posts: 8,325 Forumite
    Morning Guys!

    This weather is playing havoc with my joints/bones/muscles...wheres the sunshine:confused:

    WM is on and will be dried in the TD:o ...DW needs to be emptied and toilet has been cleaned. Today there are a few odd jobs needing doing and DD has drama this afternoon for 3hrs.

    We had a visitor last night at about 8pm. A friends son who is 17 is thinking about moving out of home and needed someone to listen and advise on different things. I didnt realise things were so bad at home but advised him to speak with his mum before making any rash decisions. Obviously moving out would be the last resort, so he is going to make a date with his ma without his stepdad being there. He has the financial means to move out, but he isnt a very mature 17yr old. Hopefully he will get it sorted...infact Im sure he will!

    Queenie-It took a while for my OH to get the hang of pushing me in my wheels:D ...Ive had many bruised up legs where he hasnt judged the distance stopping properly. You will always have people walk in front of you as wheelchairs are "invisible" to many folks:confused: Also, make sure it goes in your car OK as some are quite bulky and you dont want to scratch your car up. Good Luck:p

    OH is doing some weeding later that desperately needs doing:o

    Anyway, I have to go and have a brew.


    To repeat what others have said, requires education, to challenge it,
    requires brains!
  • dannahaz
    dannahaz Posts: 1,068 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Morning everyone xxx!

    Queenie Congratulations on getting the bedroom finished. I've loved following the story... it's great when it all works out, isn't it?
    N9eav Can't wait to hear how it goes!
    LMS It really does pay to think about it first, doesn't it?!
    Kyle you MUST do something, contact your dentist AT ONCE this doesn't sound at all right.
    Catowen You never know. Looking forward to reading about it later.

    It's my brother's birthday today. He's very unhappily single, has been for many years now, and so we're taking him out to dinner to celebrate.

    Quick tidy through later on, nothing major planned HW wise. Going out withDH in a minute to a model shop. He's building a small stationary steam engine, and apparently the model shop might have some of the metal tubes he needs.

    Otherwise a quiet restful day here.

    Will pop back later and catch up on what's happening with you.

    Hugs to those who want or need them

  • Miss_Cinnabon
    Miss_Cinnabon Posts: 19,481 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Hi all

    Went to dr last week, said about the pain but he didnt say anything about an infection, just gave me tramadol, which i am never taking again.

    Havent yet registered with dentist, meant to but didnt have time, will do that monday though as i need it seen to anyway, not so bad now, managing it with solphadeine at the mo.

    Yes i am keeping up with the salt rinses, yuk! but will do me good.

    Just came down after putting lo to bed and a massive bag of books waiting for me, mum and squish must have been over! lol i have loads of books now!:rotfl:

    Ok going to have a wee break as lo is sleeping:T

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