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OS Saturday 26th May '07



  • yellowmonkey
    yellowmonkey Posts: 7,052 Forumite
    Photogenic First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post
    Morning all.

    Typical bank holiday down here today. Damp and not that warm. Might have to get my 14 togger out again tonight.

    Not up to much today as OH is doing a boot fair so hope that goes well. Sorted out the garden yesterday so that is looking good and the bit of rain we had last night saves me watering. Nice and tidy. There is a nice feeling of satisfaction when you tidy/redecorate something and it is nice to see the rewards for your efforts.

    Not much else going on so i will bid you good day and have a nice one.

  • tru
    tru Posts: 9,138 Forumite
    First Post Photogenic First Anniversary
    Morning all :hello:

    We're going to Slimbridge today, every time we go we see at least one person being chased by a swan :rotfl:

    I threw a tantrum yesterday. I was complaining about people just turning up at my house when they felt like it. You know how when you complain about something that annoys you then all the other annoying things start to pop into your head? Well, that happened to me :rolleyes: So I thought 'oh I'll let it all out in one go'. Soooooo, I did :D There's quite a long list and I haven't got time to type it all this morning but if you want to know, I can tell you later if you like? :D

    The end result of my tantrum was, the house is clean and tidy and I didn't have to lift a finger :D
  • Little_Miss_Saver
    Morning All

    The weathers looking great here at the mo but they forecast showers so don't know how long its going to last, I've got some washing in anyway.

    Yesterday I brought a new fridge freezer & washer dryer. Funnily enough I went & looked at the fridge freezer in the week and was umming & arring over whether or not to buy it but I'm glad I waited now because they knocked another £80 off when I went yesterday :T :T

    Today is finishing off the hall, landing & stairs, all the paper is stripped off now but I'm trying to get rid of those knobbly bits and the adhesive thats left behind and its taking forever, I can't believe that I'm going to have to repeat this again for the 3 bedrooms over the next week :eek:

    Got to sort myself out got the builder coming to give me quote for building a wall, and then off to do the weekly shop.

    Have a lovely day to anyone thats celebrating & hugs to those that want need them.

    LMS xx
    Mortgage Balance 1st May 2009 £94749.00 :(
    Current End Date 1st April 2039.
    Total Overpayments to date £950.00 :j
  • mrs_mix
    mrs_mix Posts: 1,800 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Spill the beans Tru it might give me some ideas for throwing a paddy here and getting something done
    pam xx
    I didn't say it was your fault, I said I was going to blame you

    I am one of the English sexy Shelias
    I'm also a hussy
  • Miss_Cinnabon
    Miss_Cinnabon Posts: 19,481 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Morning all, bright and sunny here, didnt sleep well last night so think i will use the lavender tonight:D

    Really sore again this morning, the worse yet, wish i hadnt bothered getting it out now! taken more painkillers, hate taken them, i normally can cope with pain but its so bad i have to.

    Dh wants to go shopping when he wakes up, for tesco weekly shopping then boys need shoes etc, will see how i feel later on.

    Also have to sort out my craft drawers, see what i need etc

    Kids love their clothes, ds1 gave me a big hug this morn, he's so sweet at times:D lo is wearing a pink jumper and bright red trousers today! very chic:rotfl:

    Catowen - ooh an admirer! hope he's well fit:D

    Catznine - welcome home, u will have to show us pics;)

    Loads of hugs
  • 1012donna
    1012donna Posts: 11,517 Forumite
    Good morning everyone!!!

    It's beautiful here today again which is good as the forecast is rain so it'll probably chuck it down later!! I'm recovering after yesterday's visit to Legoland. I ended up going to bed at 9.10pm as I was exhausted from all the walking (recovering from broken foot). At last eldests (6) 5th wobbly tooth fell out when she was eating ice cream (I know - why it didn't fall out with the crusty baguettes I don't know either) so that's her got another £1 from the tooth fairy to add to the pile. Only one more wobbly one left and then the tooth fairy might get a rest!! Phew!! We treated ourselves to fish and chips from the chip shop as we got back late and they were delicious - haven't had any take aways for 6 weeks as I'm trying to lose weight so they were extra scrummy!! No big plans for the rest of the day, probably pop to tesco's and that'll be it.

    Hope you all have a lovely day!!

    Take Care!!

    Murphy's No More Pies Club Member No. 68
  • fizzel81
    fizzel81 Posts: 1,623 Forumite
    Morning all

    Nice quite day planned for today i think.
    kids up super early, have cot bedding to wash again (teach me to give a beaker of juice)
    huge load of washing to get done looks like rain so im hopeing it holds off so i can get it dried outside.

    Going to do some baking with the boys today i think, we made biscuits last sunday they were gone by monday afternoon.

    got someone from freecycle comeing to take my dishwasher and someone else comeing to take my double buggy

    not really very interesting today here sorry
    DFW nerd club number 039 :p 'Proud To Be Dealing With My Debts' :money: i will be debt free aug 2010

    2008 live on 4k +cb £6,247.98/£6282.80 :T
    sealed pot 2670g
    2009 target £4k + cb £643.89:eek: /£6412.80
  • mioliere
    mioliere Posts: 6,838 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    tru wrote: »
    Morning all :hello:

    We're going to Slimbridge today, every time we go we see at least one person being chased by a swan :rotfl:

    I threw a tantrum yesterday. I was complaining about people just turning up at my house when they felt like it. You know how when you complain about something that annoys you then all the other annoying things start to pop into your head? Well, that happened to me :rolleyes: So I thought 'oh I'll let it all out in one go'. Soooooo, I did :D There's quite a long list and I haven't got time to type it all this morning but if you want to know, I can tell you later if you like? :D

    The end result of my tantrum was, the house is clean and tidy and I didn't have to lift a finger :D

    Hi Tru - I know exactly how you feel but at least you got a result! let's hope it's not you being chased by today's swan!


    Squares: 11, Animal blankets: 2
  • mioliere
    mioliere Posts: 6,838 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    kyle wrote: »
    Morning all, bright and sunny here, didnt sleep well last night so think i will use the lavender tonight:D

    Really sore again this morning, the worse yet, wish i hadnt bothered getting it out now! taken more painkillers, hate taken them, i normally can cope with pain but its so bad i have to.


    KYLE - LISTEN!! We know best!! Phone your dentist for his emergency cover numbers or NHS Direct 0845 46 47. You have obviously got an infection and painkillers won't get rid of that! If you keep taking them, they'll stop being effective. You probably have what dentists call 'dry socket' and they'll just clean it out (gently, I promise!) and put Alvogel in it which will kill the infection. They may give you antibiotics as well. Please do as you are told - you don't want unecessary pain. TWINK - tell her, please - it's for her own good!

    Give the lavender a go - it has really helped me. It won't help the tooth - that's up to you! Good luck!


    Squares: 11, Animal blankets: 2
  • catznine
    catznine Posts: 3,192 Forumite
    I've been Money Tipped!
    :hello: Good Morning!

    Think we are over the worse of the jetlag now as we both slept really well last night. Poor oh had to go to his course today (1 weekend a month and it had to be this weekend!:rolleyes:)

    Have loads to do today so have to strictly pace but it really does work as I seem to get loads more done that way! Todays list includes:

    changing dollars into sterling and being very good and popping it back into savings account;)

    Need to get another electric toothbrush as ours broke in the suitcase. we both need it so a necessary expense.

    Washing and ironing! :eek:

    Inventories of pantry and freezers as we will have to live out of them this month!

    Tot up true cost of holiday:eek: really not looking forward to this bit but have saved all receipts this time.

    Unpack craft goodies (fun job) :D and find homes for it all.

    Earth up potatoes and cutback herb trees!

    Make dentist appointment for scan and x-rays

    Watch whistleblower while I iron.

    Kyle - so sorry you are in so much pain, keep up the salt water rinses as they do help with the healing process also vit c if you can manage it. Came back to agree with others - please go see your dentist to check everything out!

    Emmy - so glad the implants are settling in but sorry about the dentures, let them know you are having problems though as they are meant to supply good fitting ones. Would build up or something similar be useful or my all time fav when I have problems - really creamy mashed potatoes with butter and milk whipped in, use the electric mixer to get rid of any lumps.

    Chipps - good to see you back!

    Queenie - from my experience pushing my friends wheelchair I would say always try to see things from your friends level and don't push her into display racks (yes I did do that once:o need L plates) and oh has done that to me! Make sure she can reach items she wants to look at and avoid cobbles and bumpy paths! You are a wonderful friend to J and I know she will really appreciate you taking time out to take her out.

    Must get started on the day
    Breakfast was a leftover sachet of american apple crisp oatmeal but full of sweetener! yuk
    Lunch - jacket potato with tuna, fruit (if I can find some)
    Dinner - chicken casserole in the slow cooker

    Out tonight visiting friend in London hospital, she is still there and has had more complications while I have been away so very worrying.

    Kyle - will pm you re maps and info

    Catz x
    Our days are happier when we give people a bit of our heart rather than a piece of our mind.

    Jan grocery challenge £35.77/£120
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