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OS Saturday 26th May '07



  • slowlyfading
    slowlyfading Posts: 13,429 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary
    Good morning everyone :)
    Well, its a nice-ish day outside, so I'm going to wash some sheets and put them on the line to dry :) Also got a list of things to do that's a mile long! Am going to attempt to do 6 hours of revision today - i really need to get cracking on the next subject.
    Having home made soup for lunch (leek and potato) and then I'm having vegetable casserole for tea :)
    hope everyone has a good day.
    sf x
    Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.
    Personal Finance Blogger + YouTuber / In pursuit of FIRE
  • lil_me
    lil_me Posts: 13,186 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    Morning all, another one here who prefers the weekends and having the boys at home, saying that other peoples kids tend to end up driving me insane.

    Just found out someone I dislike for a darn good reason is getting the house next door to me, so I am going to price up a big fence for between the two houses. Only has a short one now. Something that will have to wait until we are back from holiday of course.

    Started with housework this morning, still trying to figure where I can put this huge food processor I bought, truth is I probably shouldn't have got it as seriously lacking in space! Will figure something out.

    Hope everyone has a great day :)
    One day I might be more organised...........:confused:
    GC: £200
    Slinkies target 2018 - another 70lb off (half way to what the NHS says) so far 25lb
  • beemuzed
    beemuzed Posts: 2,188 Forumite
    Mortgage-free Glee!
    Hi Everyone!
    weather here very, very dull - and Cold! Keep remembering the fabulous Easter Bank Holiday weather, but I think we're now back to normal!
    Want to echo the advice to Kyle - definitely needs sorting out, and if there is an infection it'll get worse untreated. Tru - your list made interesting reading, but it must have been your delivery of it that did the trick - I'd have just been left well alone for hours with the work still to do myself!
    Queenie, good luck with the wheelchair pushing - I tried to push my Mum around a tourist attraction during Easter hols and because it wasn't over-used the tyres were not good. In fact, despite being pumped up they were flat again half way round and I ended up lifting instead of pushing every time I turned a corner.....a little explanation for my recent back problems?!! Have to say I even find pushing GD's buggy strange - the balance isn't the same as when her Dad was in his pushchair! OK, I'm just feeble, I admit it.
    Anyway, ((hugs)) to all feeling less than well, lonely,depressed, or just plain fed up. Catch up with all your goings on later.
    Think twice before spending anything!
  • Crazychik
    Crazychik Posts: 1,994 Forumite
    Good Morning All

    Sorry, Ive not posted until now, been busy trying to tidy the house up before we go away.

    However, not sure what to do now.

    exOH text said he'll bring the kids back at 7pm sunday, I said its his bank holiday to have them, he told me to grant the time for him to be with his dad.

    After speaking with dlb and her DH, Ive now discovered that my exOH football team is playing at wembley on Monday! I know him & his brother was getting tickets.But I have no proof that they have any.

    Now the question is, do I go to London as normal, and let him sort out his own childcare, and wait for the abusive texts to come through on Sunday night when Im not home. Or do i stay at home and hope that it doesn't cause any more problems (ie - ex phoning my dad and getting him involved again). If he is going to the football match, I find it pretty sick that he's using his dad as an excuse.
    And if dad is as bad as he says, why isn't he allready there?

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  • mioliere
    mioliere Posts: 6,838 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    tru wrote: »
    1. Dont ask me for advice, ignore it then blame me when it all goes wrong.

    2. When you have a problem with the thing that went wrong don't ask me to fix it 'because you're the mum'.

    3. Everyone - don't moan (and I mean yell and whine) when your favourite t-shirt isn't washed, you're the one who left it screwed up on your bedroom floor for a week.

    4. While we're on the subject, don't drop your dirty washing next to the laundry basket - if it's not IN the basket, I'll ignore it.

    5. Wet towels screwed up on the bed.

    6. Every chopping board, knife and worktop left dirty - when they've made one peanut butter sandwich. Specially when I've just cleaned the kitchen.

    7. Mr tru - when you go out to play laser tag with your mate and his 2 kids, don't invite them back to the house at 9.45pm then let the boys (aged 9 and 10) get the guinea pigs and rabbit out and leave a trail of sawdust and hay all over the house. And don't give them permission to pull up my home-grown salad leaves so they can feed the pets. Specially when I'm curled up on the sofa wearing only a dressing gown.

    8. Don't moan on friday mornings when I go to the office for an hour - I know it's your day off but it's my job. You'd soon moan if I didn't have a job.

    9. I leave the house most mornings too, why is everyone's shower more important than mine?

    10. Apparantly I have a very easy life and can do what I want, when I want. Apparantly I just don't understand how hard everyone else has it.

    11. Why do the eff do I still live here? :undecided

    There's more but I can't be bothered to type it all.

    The reason I have time to post this now is because mr tru is still in bed. Even though it was his idea to go out today :rolleyes:
    Oh well at least the tax man likes me, I've just had a refund of £242.

    Oh, TRU - I don't know what to say except I know EXACTLY what you mean! You get the feeling that, if you left, they'd only notice when they started running out of food and clean clothes! You rant as much as you like - you're amongst friends here who know only too well what it's like! Try and get some 'me' time today!


    Squares: 11, Animal blankets: 2
  • twink
    twink Posts: 3,827 Forumite
    morning all

    sunny day here, have ds1 and squishy staying and she is more than welcome to bake if she wants :D
    will get kyle to go back to the drs if no better, its not actually the tooth but a bit of gum below a tooth that had swollen out, seemingly common when pregnant and can grow back, so a laser had been used to get rid of it, didnt realise the little monkey hadnt been doing the salt rinses though, thank you for everyones concern, much appreciated

    catowen good luck at the footie ;)
    catznine glad you enjoyed your holiday
    queenie good luck looking for a car and hope you have an enjoyable time with your friend
    emmy hope you manage to get sorted out at the dentists
    miolier thats terrible the way the bank has treated your mum, hope you can sort it out and dont worry about kyle, will soon sort her out
    csarina bet the garden will look heaps better when you have finished with it
    penny-pincher hugs hope the sun comes out for you

    hugs to all xx
  • Emmy
    Emmy Posts: 1,929 Forumite
    Options may of us with 'teeth' problems!!!!!

    Hugs to us all x x x
    :heartpuls Number 1 Aunty Gok fan :heartpuls
  • elona
    elona Posts: 11,806 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    washing machine is on its second load and sat here with hot lemon and honey drink as DH has kindly given me his sore throat.

    Will head up to bed for an hour and see if that makes me feel better.

    It is our 25th anniversary tomorrow and DH suggested we all go for a nice meal but right now I would pay good money not to go anywhere.

    Feel tired run down and thoroughly grumpy - if anyone one else pesters me I am going to burst into tears.

    Why if DH decides to start painting the kitchen do I have to totter around moving stuff? he is doing one bit at a time - not cutting in and it will need at least three coats.

    Once I feel a bit better I will start to do some of it myself - at least then it is done right. Then will probably be asked why washing, ironing and cooking has not been done!

    DH has just made a point of washing the grill pan - it will be left scummy and the sink wil be a disgrace but I am expected to be grateful for it giving me another job to wash and rinse and dry properly!!! Then have to do the sink!

    I can hear ominous crashing and banging coming from the kitchen so I am going to lie down and leave them all to it.
    "This site is addictive!"
    Wooligan 2 squares for smoky - 3 squares for HTA
    Preemie hats - 2.
  • elona
    elona Posts: 11,806 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    Just realised how nasty I sound.


    Big hug to everybody.
    "This site is addictive!"
    Wooligan 2 squares for smoky - 3 squares for HTA
    Preemie hats - 2.
  • Bargain_Rzl
    Bargain_Rzl Posts: 6,254 Forumite
    Afternoon :hello:

    Have found a hopefully more permanent solution to keeping my laptop running until I get a new one. The corner that needs to be sellotaped to the table in order to straighten out the loose connections is now firmly weighted down with my Lakeland pestle and mortar that my mum bought me for Christmas :rotfl: Not quite the housewifely OS purpose it is intended for, but it's doing the job! And because it has to be on a flat surface, and I'm using it with an external keyboard and mouse rather than the internal keyboard and touch pad, the other advantage is I have to physically sit down and DECIDE to be on my computer... rather than lounging on the sofa and just using it cos it's THERE... which might actually mean I spend less time on the thing :D:o - what's that I hear you say? Fat chance? How VERY dare you? :D

    Annnyyway :D

    I have got very little done today so far. I've nipped out for a newspaper, then sat on the sofa reading it. Does that count as being productive? :D:o I had a lie in this morning, and was grateful(genuinely!) to be woken by the postman ringing my bell to get me to let him in to the communal hallway. He gave me a bit of a fright, actually - he often rings my bell (as I'm Flat 1 so the default choice :rolleyes:) but normally not until gone 11am... so when he rang at 9:30 I thought I'd SERIOUSLY slept in!

    I have a singing lesson later which was meant to be at 2:30, but my teacher rescheduled to 5 which is great as it means I can go via the market, and grab all the bargains just before closing time :D

    kyle, I'm sorry you're in pain - I hope you get it sorted with the dentist really soon.

    Right, need to do some tidying, and work out what I am going to cook for tea tonight :)

    Love Rzl xx :wave:
    :)Operation Get in Shape :)
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