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OS Saturday 26th May '07



  • dannahaz
    dannahaz Posts: 1,068 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    <<crazychick>> Hmm. Even if your exOH doesn't have tickets to the Match, it sounds like he was trying to get them...seems odd for someone who wants to have time with his dad. You're in a very difficult position here, and you have my sympathy.

    Let's assume for a moment that he's telling the truth. Any chance of suggesting a compromise? He keeps the kids til Monday lunchtime, and then spends the time with his dad? So you could text him and say "I understand it's important for you to be with your dad. How about I pick the kids up at Monday lunchtime? That way you get to spend time with them and your Dad"

    That seems fair to me. You haven't mentioned in the text that you already have plans, so he can't use that as ammo against you. You're suggesting you pick the kids up, so he hasn't got to faff about. If there's a problem, he can explain why he needs to see his dad on Mon morning.

    And of course if he's going to the football, it won't be any good to him.

    Good luck xxxxx

    <Elona>You don't sound nasty, you just sound fed up and stressed. xxx
  • Lucie_2
    Lucie_2 Posts: 1,482 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Haven't made it onto this thread all week, so hope I haven't missed anything too monumentous!
    New York last weekend was fab, but have been rushing round like a blue @rsed fly ever since!

    New bed was delivered on Wednesday, so have decorated the bedroom, put the bed together, moved old bed into spare room, freecycled single beds from aforementioned spare room along with other bits n pieces, put new TV up on wall, dyed curtains & put those back up, oh and been to work as well! No wonder I didn't wake up until 9.45 this morning (could also be down to the new bed being oh-so-comfy)

    We're dog sitting for my sister's babies this aft/tonight whilst they are out a "do". OH would love a dog, so he really enjoys having surrogate ones for a few hours.

    Right, off to make some lunch - a sarnie with yesterdays leftover chicken I think..........

    Hope you're all well & happy, sympathy to those with toothache, it's the most wretched thing. Enjoy your Saturday & the rest of the bank holiday weekend. :wave:
  • BusyGirl
    BusyGirl Posts: 843 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Mortgage-free Glee!
    Hi everyone.
    Just been to collect DD1 from orchestra and now both of the girls are in the front room watching a DVD called 'Guitar for Dummies' whilst strumming away on their guitars. My youngest is only 6 and we bought her a junior guitar for xmas, which was gathering dust upto now so I guess this will be a musical half-term. :eek:
    DH has been into town looking for birthday presents for me as my birthday is on Monday, can't wait to see what I get as his presents always make me laugh. Last year I got a Dr Who mug...which I love. :rotfl:
    DD2 has had a growth spurt and has grown out of most of her trousers, so I guess we'll be buying more this week. I measured her on the height chart and she is around 127cm. She is only 6 but I have to buy at least size 7-8 years clothes and her last pair of shoes from Clarks were size 1. As DD1 is also tall for her age and DH is 6ft 2, I guess I'll eventually be the shortie in this house!
    We're off to MIL's soon to do her shopping and we're going to get an Indian take-away tonight. I'll get back to my OS tomorrow (promise).
    catznine Welcome back from Florida!
    Catowen Tell us what happened later. It sounds as though there is some plotting going on a round you!
    tru Good for you. Sometimes you've just got to blow and then those around you start to make an effort (for a short while).
    Kyle If the pain doesn't get any better then you must go to your Doctor's, don't suffer.
  • twink
    twink Posts: 3,827 Forumite
    big hugs elona hope you feel better after a lie down x
  • beemuzed
    beemuzed Posts: 2,188 Forumite
    Mortgage-free Glee!
    Take care of yourself Elona - hope you feel better soon.
    Think twice before spending anything!
  • mioliere
    mioliere Posts: 6,838 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Afternoon all. CRAZYCHIK – hope you manage to get the weekend sorted out.
    ELONA – sorry you’re poorly. You need some TLC even if you have to do it yourself!
    KYLE – how’s the gum?
    Well, managed to get the shopping done, post my eBay parcels – all the buyers paid up in the end, then went to the nearest town to get DH a suit. First time he’s ever found a suit that I haven’t had to let the sleeves or the trousers down. He’s 6’4” with legs that go on forever and the longest arms you’ve ever seen. That makes him sound like an orang-utan but he’s quite handsome really! Anyway, the suit was off-the-peg and fits really well and I persuaded him to buy two new ties because one was the same colour blue as his eyes (see, he’s not an orang-utan – they have brown eyes!). What is it with men? They hate spending money on themselves, don’t they? I had to really talk him into it! I think he’ll look quite dashing and it’s not often I see him in a suit! I managed to pick up some shoes and a matching handbag in the Help the Aged shop – they’re a sort of lavender colour; the dress I am wearing for the wedding is about three shades of blue with a bit of purple so I haven’t checked to see if the lavender will actually ‘go’ with the purple bit. If not, I might mess around with some cold tea or something to darken them slightly. The shoes were £3.49 and the bag was .99p and too small to use for everyday; my usual handbag is cavernous because I seem to carry so much around with me.
    It was lovely and sunny while we walked round town and was quite enjoyable. I like shopping when you only need to look for a couple of things. Was dying for a cuppa when we got home and was going to have a snooze but DH has gone out cleaning the new love of his life – polishing up the allies – so I thought I’d type my mum’s letter to Nat West but somehow I ended up on here. Don’t know why! Have written a huge long list of things to get done before we go away on Tuesday so need to work my way through that. DH is off work until we go so I’ve instructed him to do some of the things on the list so he MAY help and not hinder, if I’m lucky!
    I left a loaf in the BM while we were shopping and DH commented on the lovely smell when we came home because it had just finished. Definitely a good tip if you’re selling a house – makes it smell really homely and inviting.
    Need to sort my knitting out because I’ve decided to take some small projects to do while we’re way; DH will be doing some more renovating of the house so I’ll keep myself occupied with – apart from cooking – knitting, reading , writing and snoozing! And in the evenings we’ll be drinking wine, of course! We have the wedding and have also been invited to a couple of dinner parties and a barbecue – we have realised that, in all our trips to France, we have quite a large circle of friends and family, both English and French! When the time comes for the dreaded move out there, we won’t be lonely.
    Well, must go and get my mum’s letter finished – I need to post it to her before we go away so that she can sign it and post it before she flies out to Italy with DS2 and his GF a few days before the wedding. We’re all getting really excited about it now. It seemed ages ago when DS1 and his GF said they were getting married in an Italian castle in June and now, all of sudden, it’s almost here! The hotel looks fabulous – they’ve paid for everyone to fly out there and two nights accommodation (although we are driving from France so they insisted we had an extra night in the hotel) and they won’t let us pay anything towards it. They said it works out cheaper than having a great big wedding in the UK; altogether, besides the happy couple, there will be DS2 and his GF, the two grandchildren, DS1’sGF’s parents and brother and brother’s GF and the guest of honour is MY mum! Sounds complicated but we all know each other really well and it’s going to be the most exciting and emotional time. There will be a trip on Lake Garda straight after the wedding as well. Oh, I can hardly wait!
    Anyway, I’m going now! Will catch up later!

    KathyXX:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

    Squares: 11, Animal blankets: 2
  • slowlyfading
    slowlyfading Posts: 13,429 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary
    Well good evening everyone!
    Had quite a productive day, though revision is really annoying me - its so boring and i just want to go and sit outside when its sunny, or watch a film, or ANYTHING that's not related to revision! Just til wednesday, and that's all my written exams done anyway.
    hope everyone's alright.
    sf x
    Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.
    Personal Finance Blogger + YouTuber / In pursuit of FIRE
  • Essex-girl_2
    Essex-girl_2 Posts: 3,503 Forumite
    Afternoon All

    (((Kyle))) hope the pain goes asap.

    Didnt get on yesterday - had a funny day.

    Today isnt much better, have painter round. Took the kids out of the way this morning into a local village and bought them some bits. Then we popped to another town to an old 1930's cinema and watched the Ninja Turtles film which actually wasnt too bad. Tomorrow we are going to see pirates.

    My kitchen, dining room and cloakroom are all out of bounds, was going to try and cook dinner but painter is still here so no hope of that. Think will have to be kebab or indian. Its also freezing here - the painter has got all the windows open. Think will actually need the heating on later, cant beleive its the same week - I got sunburnt on Thurs!

    Had stressful day yesterday as client didnt pay what they should have again so have got 2 weeks of money juggling. Situation should be resolved in about a month. May hasnt been a good month for us and cant wait for it to end.

    Anyway going to go and have a mooch on the rest of mse.

    Have a great weekend.
  • catznine
    catznine Posts: 3,192 Forumite
    I've been Money Tipped!
    catznine wrote: »
    Need to get another electric toothbrush as ours broke in the suitcase. we both need it so a necessary expense.

    Really pleased as I managed to get a new Oral B brush for £9.99 in the argos sale!`:j

    Also managed to get potatoes earthed up (hope I have done it right!) 2 wash loads is enough for today and the ironing can wait until tomorrow. I have to eat something quickly now as I have to leave soon to visit friend in London hospital.

    Catz X
    Our days are happier when we give people a bit of our heart rather than a piece of our mind.

    Jan grocery challenge £35.77/£120
  • anniestar
    anniestar Posts: 2,600 Forumite
    Just a very quick post a shave been thrown off 3 times today!!!:mad:
    Catowen any news??? You are on such a roll at hte mo hope you have lottery tickest(know I have said that before but I really mean it!![/[
    Kyle please get medical advice
    Squishy & Twink have a nice weekend
    CrazyChick HUGS. think you are 100% correct in what you are thinking is going on. Think I'd still go.
    Aussielass Hope you are having a nice day.
    Rihgt thats me off, VERY sorry to all I have missed out.NO OFFENCE INTENDED.(to be honest I threw my list across the room right into a bowl of water) Have a nice evening . A XXXXX
    Blind as you run...aware you were staring at the sun.

    And when no hope was left inside on that starry starry night.

    :A Level 42- the reason I exist. :A
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