My Quitting Smoking Diary - yours too!

Sue-UU Posts: 9,565 Forumite
Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary First Post
edited 16 January 2013 at 11:44AM in Debt free diaries
Hi everyone,

This isn't so much about me keeping a diary for myself, but was my journey to finally quitting without the use of hand-held devices. Now it can be used as a diary for others too, you? Essentially it's my diary as, believe me, I will certainly be chipping in :). I am also here to help and support you, should you need it, so too will others who have quit the same way!

Please feel free to come on when you feel like quitting, you will get the advice and support necessary.

I stopped smoking 13 years and 4 months ago! It seems massive to me now....and it could be for so many others if you also wish to quit for good! Often enough it's so much easier for us than we first imagine, we all get ideas in our minds of it being sooo hard, and yes, for some people it's like that for a short while, but a lot depends on your approach.

I gradually cut down, bit by bit until I finally got down to just 2 ciggies a day, which I would only allow myself to have late at night. Sounds crazy, but it made it all so much more easy. Then late in the evening on Christmas Day 1998 - the time I would normally have had my 2, I thought to heck with this, if I can manage all day long then I can give it up completely!

So, I put the ciggies back in the tin (yes roll ups for cheapness) and hubby and I soon went onto bed. That was my first day without smoking!!!! :j It felt great and I was fairly sure that from then on I should be able to look ahead to having 2 at night (my little game of pretence) but not actually doing so......and it worked! Taking it all day by day....I was off!!!

From the 3rd day on it was all so easy and the nicotine (I found out later) was out of my system, then my cough was almost gone and I was so very chuffed to bits....excitement was not the word....I was absolutely elated!!!! I had been worried silly for a few years that I wouldn't be around to see our youngsters grow, all sorts had gone through my mind and if you're reading this then you'll no doubt know just what I mean.

From then on I soon realised that, in actual fact I hadn't given up anything - all I'd done was to gain - in living my life without all the times of......."What if I haven't enough money to buy any :eek:?" "Will anyone mind if I smoke :eek:?" "On no, I've forgotten my fags/lighter!!!! :eek:" Those weren't even half of the many things that go through a smoker's mind, their lives are ruled and so often ruined by them.

After two weeks I just knew I would be able to quit, but then a month was over before I knew it and I carried on feeling fantastic. Every day, week, month to me was such a huge achievement and now as I look back to all that time gone by....absolutely smoke-free I am ecstatic! :D

That was the way it was for me, but we all have our own plans/ideas of what's best to do, which NRT etc; whether it's an overnight decision or what you've planned for some time. Whatever feels it, you have nothing to lose...but so much to gain

Please, please don't let them rule your life any longer. Let's see if I, and others who have quit, can help you through this momentous time, this journey, be it small or slightly longer - to emerge triumphant at the end!!! :grinheart I made it and so have many here on MSE....anyone can, all it takes is determination, patience and keeping busy in mind and body


If you wish to stop smoking and ultimately quit it then: Set your date to stop, introduce yourself on the thread, then, day by day, or whenever you wish, post your achievements. Give vent to all your feelings as often as you wish, we've heard it all before on previous threads, I promise you. After getting over the tougher times then come and shout about how delighted you are! :grinheart

Please always add the amount of time quit for and the means used on the Title Bar of each post as it helps you, me...and all others who wish to choose what's best for them! ie, on mine I would currently put 13 years 4 months, cold turkey. Many thanks.

Most of the links below were added by Jo1972 who quit smoking in 2007!!! I quit on Christmas Day 1998 and many on our previous "Giving Up Smoking" threads here on MSE have quit for at least 3 years, many for 2 - so far! We've had in excess of 32 people who have quit...why not add your name to the growing list?!!!

Here are a few links to web sites that you might find useful for info on various types of NRT, support groups etc.

Link to Silk Quit meter to keep check on your savings, amount not smoked and life saved etc

Link to quit smoking website

Niquitin website

Link to info on new drug for quitting smoking

Link to info in champix drug

Link to ASH

Link to Max Kirsten's stopping smoking site (watch the smoking vid!) - thanks to TNG for this link :D

Recommended books:

The Nicotine Trick by Neil Casey
"Easyway to quit smoking" by Allen Carr. Also his Audiobook

Recommended App

QuitNow! app free on Android Phones where you can even access a chat room instantly to get help 24/7!! Many thanks to RainbowDreamer for that information and recommendation.

Recommended easy helper:

Get yourselves an
elastic band to pop on your wrist to give yourself a wake-up call.....whenever it's needed
. Found and recommended by warez22!

Below is a wonderfully inspiring way of viewing stopping fags is also from warez22.

****"I view it as like swimming across a lake, when you have got to a certain point, it is much easier to keep swimming forward to the other side, than to turn around and swim back. And the reward for one is so much greater than the other, even though you have swum much the same distance. Bizarre analogy, I know, but it works for me."*****

Below is another highly motivational post from Pennylane about how stopping smoking was viewed by a friend, Martin Newell and how it helped her. Take a look, it's marvellous!

<<<"When I quit (nearly 8 years ago) I came across the following words by Martin Newell, who had also quit smoking.

I could really relate to his words on stopping smoking and I wrote them out and read them often. Sometimes I would get into bed at night and drift off to sleep imagining me on this raft floating away. :rotfl:

*****"The days turned into weeks, the weeks into months. I never went back. It wasn't even that difficult. Like Papillon, the Frenchman on Devil's Island, my raft carried me farther and farther away until I could no longer see my former place of imprisonment."*****

That is just what it's like and you just never want to go back once you are free.">>>


There are so many reasons to give up smoking, so many benefits too, not least of all our health and pockets!

Below is a list of reasons that make all fellow quitters so pleased they stopped smoking. I sincerely hope this gives everyone encouragement along the way and that fellow posters give you all the help and support you need in either going ahead and stopping, or continuing your quest to be smoke-free. :D

Not having to go outside to smoke when the weather is awful.

Having lovely smelling hair, body and clothes and no brown stains on your fingers!

Coming home to a nice smelling house

No more sore throat and burnt feeling tongue, though initially you may have a sore throat and/or cold after first stopping. Don't worry, it's all part of the process of your body beginning to get rid of all the rubbish, but it doesn't happen to everyone.

Not worrying about whether you've got cash for ciggies all the time...or concerns about where to go to stock up!

Not getting evil looks from passers by when you have a ciggie break on the pavement, at work or anywhere else, especially if the smoke goes near them!

Smelling smoke from other people and thinking that actually it smells foul and realising you might be able to actually give up.....worth a try surely...nothing to lose so why not?!

Having a £2,000 + a year tax-free pay rise :j

Being able to concentrate on what you're doing without thinking about going and having a ciggie as soon as you've finished eating, cleaning, working, shopping - most things!

OH saying how much better the house/flat smells now

No hacking cough that can be so embarrassing and wakes OH up as well as you!

Taking deep breaths of clean, fresh air.

Being quite a bit richer - quickly!

Having a pink tongue not a brown, mucky one!

Your lungs getting rid of rubbish (always cough it up and out!)

Paintwork will stay whiter as will ceilings.

Lovely clean teeth instead of gradually brown, rotting ones!

More energy and being able to go up hills/stairs easier. :j

Arteries becoming un-clogged.

A longer lifespan. :heart2:

Not having to go outside the pub for one.....and pitying those who do!

Setting a great example to your kiddies/youngsters and not being terrified they too may take it up!

Finally, but most importantly, here's the reason we're doing it (thanks to Adz for researching the info):

At 20 minutes after quitting:
At 8 hours:
  • Carbon monoxide level in blood drops to near normal
  • Oxygen level in blood increases to normal
At 24 hours:
At 48 hours:
  • Nerve endings begin grow again
  • Ability to smell and taste improves
Between 2 weeks and 3 months:
  • Circulation improves
  • Walking becomes easier
  • Lung function increases
  • Smokers cough starts to cease
Between 1 to 9 months smoke-free:

Starting as early as a month after you quit smoking, and continuing for the next several months, you may notice significant improvements in these areas:
  • Coughing
  • Sinus congestion
  • Fatigue
  • Shortness of breath
At One Year Smoke-Free: Your excess risk of coronary heart disease is decreased to half that of a smoker after one year.

At Two years Smoke-Free: Your chance of achieving long-term success with quitting tobacco increases significantly after two years.

At 5 years smoke-free:
  • from 5 to 15 years after quitting tobacco, stroke risk is reduced to that of people who have never smoked.
At 10 years smoke-free:
At 15 years smoke-free:
  • risk of coronary heart disease is now similar to that of people who have never smoked
  • risk of death returns to nearly the level of people who have never smoked

All the very best to everyone, may you achieve your dream!

Sue x
Sealed Pot Challenge 001 My Totals = 08 = £163.95 09 = £315.78 10 = £518.80 11 = £481.87 12 = £694.53 13 = £1200.20! 14 = £881 15 = £839.21 16 = £870.48 17 = £871.52 18 = £800.00 19 = £851.022021=£820.26[/SizeGrand Totals of all members (2008 uncounted) 2009 = £32.154.32! 2010 = £37.581.47! 2011 = £42.474.34! 2012 = £49.759.46! 2013 = £50.642.78! 2014 = £61.367.88!! 2015 = £52.852.06! 2016 = £52, 002.40!! 2017 = £50,456.23!! 2018 = £47, 815.88! 2019 = £38.538.37!!!! :j


  • SaLoGo
    SaLoGo Posts: 1,025 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Here's my 2 pennies worth...

    I started smoking when I was 12/13. It was easy back then, a 10 pack was less than £1! Soon enough I was addicted and in my 20's got up to 30 a day.

    I first tried stopping in 2008. I don't think I really wanted to. It was out of pressure from in laws more than anything. Ex hubby quit too and for the first few weeks it was fine and I was using patches. Then hubby started again and I had lost all motivation by then so started again. But I found because I had stopped for a while I didn't like the taste! Instead of using that as a reason to quit I found menthols were much easier to smoke. Soon enough I was back to 30 a day.

    The next time I tried was January 2011. I was moving in with a new partner who didn't smoke so felt obliged to quit. This time I tried Champix. That didn't go well! I did stop for a few weeks but began having really bad mood swings, nausea (despite taking the tablets with food) and I just wasn't handling it very well so for my own sanity (and the sake of my relationship!) I gave up giving up (again). OH was supportive and said I will do it when I am ready.

    In October 2011 OH proposed (completely out of the blue!) and we began planning our wedding. I could never get an image from my first wedding out of my head. It was a stunning (even if I do say so myself!) photo on my before the ceromony but I had a fag in my hand and it just ruined the photo! So, that was my incentive to stop. I don't want to be a smoker on my wedding day. I don't want to have pictures of me in a beautiful gown with a fag in my hand. I don't want to smell of smoke at the altar and I don't want to have to keep going outside for a fag every half hour! I'd decided to quit at New Year. I wasn't smoking in the house since moving in with OH so had cut down to around 10 a day at the point.

    We went on a last minute holiday in December and I couldn't resist buying 400 duty free fags :o. I said to myself that I would smoke these and that would be it. I was down my my last 40 fags when the MIL to be brought me 200 back from her holiday. She didn't know I was planning on quitting! We didn't know anyone else who smoke menthols so my quit date was posponed again.

    So, at 10pm on Friday 23rd March 2012 I had my last fag and went straight to bed. I put on a patch the next morning and haven't looked back since! If I'm honest, I'm not using the patches as 'prescribed' I tend to wear one every other day at the moment. I'm still using the 21mg until I run out. I've got about 6 left. When they've run out I'm going to move down to the 14mg and then the 7mg and hopefully come off them altogether. I'm using them how I am because it's working at the moment. I know it's not 'correct' way to do it but it's working and that's all that matters to me at the moment.

    I had what I think is 2 break-throughs today... Normally when my OH is on a night shift I get a lot of cravings because I am bored. When I crave I snack and after I've eaten I crave even more because I've eaten. Anyway, I was telling my friend this morning about how I was doing when I realised that when my OH was on his night shift last night I hadn't had a craving or started snacking for the first time! I was soooo chuffed with myself!

    The 2nd was when I got home from my friends house (who smokes in her house) I had to change my top because it stunk of smoke! Now, my ex SIL used to moan when she had to do this and I used to think 'get over yourself'! But now, I get it! It really does cling to your clothes even when you're not smoking!

    I am now (3 hours off) 8 weeks smoke free :T partly thanks to my wonderful supportive OH, my impending nuptuals and my sheer determination to quit for good this time.

    Apologies for the length of this post! :o
    :beer: Been smoke free for 4 years!! :beer:
  • Sue-UU
    Sue-UU Posts: 9,565 Forumite
    Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary First Post
    SaLoGo wrote: »
    I had what I think is 2 break-throughs today... Normally when my OH is on a night shift I get a lot of cravings because I am bored. When I crave I snack and after I've eaten I crave even more because I've eaten. Anyway, I was telling my friend this morning about how I was doing when I realised that when my OH was on his night shift last night I hadn't had a craving or started snacking for the first time! I was soooo chuffed with myself!

    The 2nd was when I got home from my friends house (who smokes in her house) I had to change my top because it stunk of smoke! Now, my ex SIL used to moan when she had to do this and I used to think 'get over yourself'! But now, I get it! It really does cling to your clothes even when you're not smoking!

    I am now (3 hours off) 8 weeks smoke free :T partly thanks to my wonderful supportive OH, my impending nuptuals and my sheer determination to quit for good this time.

    Hi Sal and a very warm welcome! Please, don't apologise for the length of your post, it will more than likely be a great help as you move further along your journey. I found it so interesting to see the reasons you've quit for in the past, the reasons you went back to it also. For most of us, others are very influential in how well we do or don't do! Right now it seems as though you couldn't have greater motivation to spur you on, nor a better supporter. :)

    The parts I've quoted above are those momentous times that suddenly hit us and make us know, that we really are doing so very well. BTW, many congratulations on 8 weeks ciggie-free!!! :T Doesn't that feel absolutely wonderful, almost unbelievable from what I remember.

    It doesn't matter how you're using the patches, you're doing what feels best for you which is fantastic and just the way we should be quitting - as we can handle it best!

    Don't forget to keep us updated as you go along, Sal - and all best wishes for your journey which is certainly moving swiftly on. :)

    Sue x
    Sealed Pot Challenge 001 My Totals = 08 = £163.95 09 = £315.78 10 = £518.80 11 = £481.87 12 = £694.53 13 = £1200.20! 14 = £881 15 = £839.21 16 = £870.48 17 = £871.52 18 = £800.00 19 = £851.022021=£820.26[/SizeGrand Totals of all members (2008 uncounted) 2009 = £32.154.32! 2010 = £37.581.47! 2011 = £42.474.34! 2012 = £49.759.46! 2013 = £50.642.78! 2014 = £61.367.88!! 2015 = £52.852.06! 2016 = £52, 002.40!! 2017 = £50,456.23!! 2018 = £47, 815.88! 2019 = £38.538.37!!!! :j
  • SaLoGo
    SaLoGo Posts: 1,025 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    I does feel fab! I feel so strong and powerful! I think having the wedding next year has been the biggest help. The £120 a month I would have spent on fags is now going on the wedding.

    I honestly believe this is it this time. I'm also starting work again after 2.5 years at home so will be way to busy to even think about smoking!
    :beer: Been smoke free for 4 years!! :beer:
  • Sue-UU
    Sue-UU Posts: 9,565 Forumite
    Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary First Post
    I always believe in keeping the mind focused on wonderful memories as well as dreams for the future, you Sal have so much which must be buzzing around in your head continuously.

    You truly do sound so determined and what better time than starting out on a whole new life together, that as well as a new job is so much to look ahead to. That cash will be a terrific bonus!

    Sweet dreams, Sal.

    Sue x
    Sealed Pot Challenge 001 My Totals = 08 = £163.95 09 = £315.78 10 = £518.80 11 = £481.87 12 = £694.53 13 = £1200.20! 14 = £881 15 = £839.21 16 = £870.48 17 = £871.52 18 = £800.00 19 = £851.022021=£820.26[/SizeGrand Totals of all members (2008 uncounted) 2009 = £32.154.32! 2010 = £37.581.47! 2011 = £42.474.34! 2012 = £49.759.46! 2013 = £50.642.78! 2014 = £61.367.88!! 2015 = £52.852.06! 2016 = £52, 002.40!! 2017 = £50,456.23!! 2018 = £47, 815.88! 2019 = £38.538.37!!!! :j
  • Denis_UK
    Denis_UK Posts: 105 Forumite
    Sue-UU wrote: »
    Hi everyone,

    I gradually cut down, bit by bit until I finally got down to just 2 ciggies a day, which I would only allow myself to have late at night. Sounds crazy, but it made it all so much more easy. Then late in the evening on Christmas Day 1998 - the time I would normally have had my 2, I thought to heck with this, if I can manage all day long then I can give it up completely!
    day by day....I was off!!!


    Hi Sue

    Your method was similar to the way I stopped except I carried on smoking the same number of cigs with one exception, I reduced the amount I inhaled week by week.

    On the fifth week I inhaled no smoke at all, like you I had no nicotine addiction at all the rest was easy.

    I still get one small pang,I have a season ticket for a football team I used to have two or three fags before I went in the ground, I still get flashbacks as I get near the ground,other than that I have no desire to smoke again.

    Best wishes Denis

    ps Roll on July 16th one year smoke free
  • Sue-UU
    Sue-UU Posts: 9,565 Forumite
    Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary First Post
    Hi Denis! It's so very good to see you here. I thought from what you said on one of the other threads (!!) that we had quit pretty similarly, great minds see! :D

    Just like you, I missed the 'excitement' cigs for a while, but I'm pleased to say it hasn't affected me for years and I couldn't feel better about having said cheerio to them.

    Please keep coming on here and helping out, we need folk like yourself to give others the incentive and help them know that it really is possible to quit. I certainly hope you'll be back here on 16th July proud as a peacock at a full year! :grinheart

    Lovely to see you Denis. Best wishes to the family too.

    Sue x
    Sealed Pot Challenge 001 My Totals = 08 = £163.95 09 = £315.78 10 = £518.80 11 = £481.87 12 = £694.53 13 = £1200.20! 14 = £881 15 = £839.21 16 = £870.48 17 = £871.52 18 = £800.00 19 = £851.022021=£820.26[/SizeGrand Totals of all members (2008 uncounted) 2009 = £32.154.32! 2010 = £37.581.47! 2011 = £42.474.34! 2012 = £49.759.46! 2013 = £50.642.78! 2014 = £61.367.88!! 2015 = £52.852.06! 2016 = £52, 002.40!! 2017 = £50,456.23!! 2018 = £47, 815.88! 2019 = £38.538.37!!!! :j
  • SaLoGo
    SaLoGo Posts: 1,025 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Denis_UK wrote: »
    I still get one small pang,I have a season ticket for a football team I used to have two or three fags before I went in the ground, I still get flashbacks as I get near the ground,other than that I have no desire to smoke again.

    I get flashbacks too. Main one is coming out of the supermarket after a weekly shop.

    OH has come up with a new benefit to me quitting... he says I'm a safer driver! I always used to smoke while driving and he says I used to be too busy trying not to burn myself that I didn't concentrate on the road as much lol.
    :beer: Been smoke free for 4 years!! :beer:
  • Sue-UU
    Sue-UU Posts: 9,565 Forumite
    Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary First Post
    Most of us get what I term as 'habitual reminders' at certain times we associate most with cigs, Sal, I'm pretty sure that's where the psychological Nic left imbedded in our brains for a while.

    They don't last too long though and the longer we've quit for the less they happen and less they last for. In other words...we beat the blighter in the end!!! :mad: ;)

    Your OH has a point there as most smokers drive whilst juggling with a fag..lighter etc; the times I see folk frantically steering round a bend with a ciggie hanging from their mouths! Have you cleared the stench from your car yet? Most folk do as soon as they stop.

    You're getting there, Sal, and very good for you! :D

    Sue x

    For all those lurking and wondering if YOU too can do it, you can certainly give it a try and you may well surprise yourselves.

    Sue x
    Sealed Pot Challenge 001 My Totals = 08 = £163.95 09 = £315.78 10 = £518.80 11 = £481.87 12 = £694.53 13 = £1200.20! 14 = £881 15 = £839.21 16 = £870.48 17 = £871.52 18 = £800.00 19 = £851.022021=£820.26[/SizeGrand Totals of all members (2008 uncounted) 2009 = £32.154.32! 2010 = £37.581.47! 2011 = £42.474.34! 2012 = £49.759.46! 2013 = £50.642.78! 2014 = £61.367.88!! 2015 = £52.852.06! 2016 = £52, 002.40!! 2017 = £50,456.23!! 2018 = £47, 815.88! 2019 = £38.538.37!!!! :j
  • SaLoGo
    SaLoGo Posts: 1,025 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Sue-UU wrote: »
    Your OH has a point there as most smokers drive whilst juggling with a fag..lighter etc; the times I see folk frantically steering round a bend with a ciggie hanging from their mouths! Have you cleared the stench from your car yet? Most folk do as soon as they stop.

    Lucky for me I've had a new (to me, not brand new!) car since stopping so it's very fresh!!
    :beer: Been smoke free for 4 years!! :beer:
  • Sue-UU
    Sue-UU Posts: 9,565 Forumite
    Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary First Post
    So Sal, yet another reason to have to always keep in mind to stay free from fags and all that's bad about them. You couldn't really have any more reasons to stay away from them! :)

    How's your throat now, better since the cold went? How about the eating?

    Sue x
    Sealed Pot Challenge 001 My Totals = 08 = £163.95 09 = £315.78 10 = £518.80 11 = £481.87 12 = £694.53 13 = £1200.20! 14 = £881 15 = £839.21 16 = £870.48 17 = £871.52 18 = £800.00 19 = £851.022021=£820.26[/SizeGrand Totals of all members (2008 uncounted) 2009 = £32.154.32! 2010 = £37.581.47! 2011 = £42.474.34! 2012 = £49.759.46! 2013 = £50.642.78! 2014 = £61.367.88!! 2015 = £52.852.06! 2016 = £52, 002.40!! 2017 = £50,456.23!! 2018 = £47, 815.88! 2019 = £38.538.37!!!! :j
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