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Decluttering 2012, this year, definitely ...



  • System
    System Posts: 178,107 Community Admin
    Photogenic Name Dropper First Post
    A few months ago i had a grand sort out of clothes that fit me and clothes that were too big however, today i decided to sort out even further the clothes i dont wear (because i dont feel comfortable in) or dont particularly like.... Its left me with three pairs of skinny jeans, 2 pair of leggings, 7 dresses, 5 long shirts, 3 camisoles and two longline cardigans (and a jacket that ive had years but is so special that ive not had an occasion to wear it). Now, my husband has more clothes than me. Well at least i now know where i was going wrong.
  • luxor4t
    luxor4t Posts: 11,125 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Anniversary Photogenic First Post
    So very inspired by these posts! I was thinking about a 'minimalist' room when my eye fell on the china cabinet - with DH's help (OK, arm twisting) I can clear most of the contents without really noticing the items have gone. Most of them mean very little to me, and I have not looked at them for a very long time so I'll fill another CS box tomorrow :T
    I can cook and sew, make flowers grow.
  • pollys
    pollys Posts: 1,756 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker Mortgage-free Glee!
    Yet more paperwork sorted this evening so will be shredding tomorrow. I have sorted the Christmas cards and made some into gift tags. Decluttered the ironing pile but the children are in bed so will put it away tomorrow.

    Night, night, will be back tomorrow.

    Pollys x
    MFW 1/5/08 £45,789 Cleared mortgage 1/02/13
    Weight loss challenge. At target weight.
  • Yorkielass
    Yorkielass Posts: 2,235 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Great to see a new thread, I was a regular on the old one until November when I just lost steam. - great to see so many new people on this thread - it really does help I promise.

    One thing we went through a phase of doing on this thread - which I felt helped me, was to do a list of "OUTS" and where they'd gone then a list of "INS" (other than necessary and consumable food & drink etc) if you like a confessional - great reason not to buy that thing when you drop some bits off at the charity shop!

    We (my OH and I) live in a 3 bed semi - we're very lucky to have lots of space and yet it's pretty full. I'm pretty good at decluttering but run a brownie & guide unit & do crafts so do have 'stuff' and OH has several hobbies which have stuff. We decided in September 2010 we needed to move house and I set about on a decluttering mission once more but sadly we're still in the same house. I know we can afford a house where we want to move and can get the mortgage we'd need, we just can't sell out current house. Because of this wanting to move creating new storage solutions etc have been put on hold for all this time and things are getting worse, we've let things slip in December & now really need to get sorted again so we can be ready for any viewings we get - fingers crossed!

    This weekend I've done a clearout and inventory of the food supplies and so know what we've got and that we've got stuff we'll actually use and I've joined the don't throw food away challenge to try and conquer that.

    We also did a tip run with cardboard, some WEEE, some paper & tetra packs so the garage is pretty good now & all recycling from inside the house is in the garage.

    My aims for January are:

    1. To go through all my clothes & work out what I realistically need to keep & ebay/charity shop/textile recycle the rest - then if I have any gaps look at where I can buy things to fill them.

    2. Finish our accounts, I was slack with them at the end of last year so I have a pile of receipts to sort out then shred.

    3. Do the filing, decluttering doesn't have to mean out of the house, can include finding proper homes for things.

    4. Having been through all my itunes today I've realised I've got some music I never listen to on there - so I'm going to go through my cds and do a cull I think, I don't own loads and have did a music magpie last year but hope to do another one!

    5. List 10 things from my ebay box. I did pretty well end of 2010/start of 2011 - then things all went a bit wrong with life and then small ads at work was culled without warning & I did well selling there so I lost momentum. This is in addition to any clothes.

    All the money I make from selling stuff (apart from maybe clothes which I might use to buy new things) goes into a bank account and the intention is that will pay for any new furniture we might need if we do manage to move.

    Good luck everyone!
    Initial Mortgage January 2024 - £160,000
    Initial Mortgage free date - January 2058
    Mortgage as of 1st February 2024 - £159,134.98
    Overpayments to date - £79.62
    Current Mortgage free date - January 2058
  • Aarons_mummy
    I haven't decluttered as such today just more tidied, ok severely tidied out. I am going to get some storage boxes before taking the decorations down so they can go straight in without having to resort them at a later date. I'm also going to sort my clothes out and get things into the vacuum bags (the poundland ones are good and hold tons!) along with some storage boxes for the shed.

    At this rate my house is just going to be stacks and stacks of boxes, baskets and tidiness!
    Credit Card: £796 Left/£900 October 2011 :eek:
    Store Card: £100 October 2011 :o
    Declutter 100 Things In January 100/100:j:beer:
    No Buying Toiletries 2012
  • mummyjane
    mummyjane Posts: 391 Forumite
    Photogenic First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Morganlefay - well done for achieving so much, your daughter sounds really supportive :)

    I am definitely decluttering this year as early 2013 we are moving and have far too much stuff. I am going to try and do a couple of car boots to make a bit of money at the same time as whittling it all down. Where to start though - any advice greatfully received lol :)
    GC 2023 June £72/500 NSDs 1/10
  • JayneC
    JayneC Posts: 912 Forumite
    Spent most of the day cleaning the kitchen and did manage to chuck a few things but have to confess to retrieving some plastic packaging from the recycling that I WILL use for seed trays! I started looking through the box of [STRIKE]old carp[/STRIKE] childhood memorabilia, but got bored and just decided to just chuck it all. It's still waiting by the door though as it was dark and trying to get out the back is a bit difficult due to the obstacle course out there!! DS1 commented that he liked what I'd done to the yard when he came home from uni, lol. Particularly liked the arty upside down, broken washing machine:p Well I got it as far as the end of the decking but then decided I wasn't going to be able to push it over the gravel. I need somebody to help me carry it but there's a bike (not even ours, belongs to DS2's friend) and a pile of old bricks in the way as well as my log pile - oh dear....And the yard isn't even top of the list.

    Back soon. Have to go as DS2 is hovering...
    Official DFW nerd - 282 'Proud To Be Dealing With My Debts'
    C.R.A.P.R.O.L.L.Z member # 56
  • Shortie
    Shortie Posts: 2,224 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    taplady wrote: »
    my Mum also says no washing on new years day but I did some anyway:eek::D
    DH's Nan always told em you wash away your good luck if you do washing on New Years day. I always stuck by this one (I'm not normally superstitious) but today DS2 split his lip while we were out and wiped blood all over his grey coat sleeve (niiiiice) and I didn't want it to stain so I shoved it in the wash.

    Of course, it was rude not to put a whole wash on, so I did :rotfl:

    SShhhhhh... maybe Lady Luck will never notice!
    April 2021 Grocery Challenge 34.29 / 250
  • *zippy*
    *zippy* Posts: 2,979 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post
    I will join you too please :) I've spent the last few years decluttering, but I have a couple of rooms that need tackling again. I keep procrastinating about sorting the kitchen and OH was so fed up with it this afternoon he cleaned out the cutlery drawers and a few kitchen cupboards, my DD's made a point of showing them to all visitors it was such a novelty :rotfl:

    So I want to spring clean the kitchen and try to clear the work surfaces so its easier to keep on top of and I need to sort the clothes in the spare room wardrobes. I've taken down all the Xmas Decs and dumped them on the dining room table, which underneath it all is still laid from Christmas dinner so think that will be my first job.
  • minuettoallegretto
    Major efforts yesterday in my bedroom - I've done everywhere except under the bed :eek: and the car is now full, waiting for the tip to open. I gave up at about 3pm cos I'd had enough, but got a second wind about 7pm, so sorted out the DIY desk - it's an old child's desk with 8 drawers that I keep screwdrivers, hammers, torches, bin bags etc in. It's now looking much better and the drawers actually close properly!
    I've figured out that if I work at the same speed today as the other 2 days, I can get upstairs finished today - and as tomorrow we're going to view the other house I might declare that a day off. Then I'll be refreshed (and hopefully have a good motive) ready for tackling downstairs.....fingers crossed!
    I love having this thread to report back to - even if noone reads it, I feel like you guys keep me accountable - so a huge THANK YOU to all of you.:grouphug:
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