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Decluttering 2012, this year, definitely ...



  • taplady
    taplady Posts: 7,184 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post
    Morganlefey - well done on what you've achieved with the help of your daughter.:T Good luck in eventually sorting out all the stuff in storage!
    Do what you love :happyhear
  • katep23
    katep23 Posts: 1,406 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Yippee, have cleared and dismantled the wardrobe in the spare room and now have:

    3 under bed storage thingies full of clothes - 1 is my summer clothes and 2 are OH's "will get back into when I lose some weight" clothes
    3 boxes of clothes for getting rid - my "I will fit back into them when I lose weight but am now too old for things I wore in my twenties"
    A box of miscellaneous whatnots for getting rid
    Bin bag of clothes which are only fit for rags
    Several bags of rubbish
    Loads of recycling

    Got lots of curtains which MIL gave us when we moved in but which we don't need so have to check if she wants them back, if not they are off to the charity shop / car boot.

    [STRIKE]All [/STRIKE] Most of my clothes are put away. Still need to have more of a sort out and get rid of loads but at least I have made a good start to the new year.

    OH on the other hand is sitting in his office with his head in his hands muttering something about why did he start this...
  • charlies_mum
    charlies_mum Posts: 8,118 Forumite
    Name Dropper Combo Breaker First Post First Anniversary
    Wow, some brilliant decluttering going on. Worked today and when I got home DH has moved my food cupboard from the base to a wall one. He also went through and threw away a bag full of out of date stuff.

    I will have to work and leave him at home more often :T
    You're only young once, but you can be immature forever :D
  • Sceptre
    Sceptre Posts: 110 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    We have to move for financial reasons, and I am a severe hoarder - I had rooms I couldn't get into...I would post a picture but you'd be too horrified. Then I got mice in one of them (rooms, that is) and it started to smell, and I was so ashamed of myself. So then I started to go through things, and it took so long, and we were clearly not going to be able to move for months, which is not an option. And then, along came my lovely, bossy, grown-up daughter who persuaded me to rent a storage space, box up stuff without looking at it - keeping only the clothes, kitchen stuff etc etc that I would need for next few months. She came with her husband and a van and took boxes to the store, and now the house is minimalist, clean, fragrant, mouse-free, and easy to keep like that. I am really loving it and now think before I buy anything at all. When we have moved I will get the boxes back and go through them at my own speed (I really can't afford the storage) but all this has taught me such a lesson, and i'm glad my daughter bullied me (though there was a lot of misery, crying, sleeplessness etc as it was all going on). It feels great now, and I feel (reasonably) confident that I can approach the boxes with a much clearer and happier mind when we get there.
    I am hoping that this might cheer folk up, because it was horrible, but has helped me enormously ! (and my house is so lovely now I really want to stay here - but that's another question) :beer:

    That's really brilliant morganlefay. It's lovely that you feel that it was really worth it! :j

    I dream about the minimalist look! :o:)
  • roobers_2
    roobers_2 Posts: 55 Forumite
    First Anniversary
    smeeth wrote: »
    Remember no washing clothes, windows, curtains etc tomorrow! Or you'll be washing a life away.

    First time I've ever heard that - where does it come from? Already did a wash though as my friend just replaced the solenoid for me so had to test it.

    Really need to start with the de-cluttering here too. I don't buy much but have accumulated far too much and find it so hard to go through it - just emotionally draining. Will be doing it in a week off later this month. Well done to everyone who has already started!
  • thriftwizard
    thriftwizard Posts: 4,693 Forumite
    Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary First Post
    I've just reduced my spice collection to a) what I actually use regularly, and b) what will actually fit onto & under my spice rack - everything left there fits into both categories. It may only be a little declutter, but I'm chuffed; it makes a lot of difference to how the kitchen looks!
    Angie - GC June 24: £341.07/£420: 2024 Fashion on the Ration Challenge: 15/68: (Money's just a substitute for time & talent...)
  • taplady
    taplady Posts: 7,184 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post
    my Mum also says no washing on new years day but I did some anyway:eek::D good job she's too far away to see!

    I've done well on the decluttering too today:j

    all the paperwork has been done:j old pay slips and bills all gone!

    Its a lovely feeling. DH also commented on the lounge looking good:)

    Kitchen cupboards next on the agenda - not sure when as I'm back to work tomorrow but will try a bit every day!
    Do what you love :happyhear
  • Squidge123
    Squidge123 Posts: 491 Forumite
    I'm going to declutter my room. I live with my parents and am in the smallest room of the house. I have far too much stuff to keep in this room and can barely walk in my room where I have so much stuff.

    I'm going to spend Wednesday working on it. I'm also going to start keeping all my financial paperwork in one place which means I need to find it all!
    DEBT TOTAL: £7609.44
  • Beccatje
    Beccatje Posts: 728 Forumite
    Oh I am SO going to be decluttering this year. really.. I'm fed up with the mess and the fullness of my house.
    Unfortunately, it will be an uphill battle with two teenaged girls in the house, and a husband who thinks everything could come in useful some time in the future.. ugh..

    But this lady is determined.

    Today I made a start in the bedroom where thirteen year old and zeven year old daughters sleep. Changed some stuff around, cleared out some drawers and took down old posters from the walls.
    it's a start.
  • katep23
    katep23 Posts: 1,406 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    I had never heard that either but it sounds like it could be serious so I didn't do any washing just in case ;)

    Well, the bed is cleared, the spare room looks reasonably tidy and I'm feeling zonked but very content with my endeavours today. The binmen are in for a shock this week - we normally put out half a bag of rubbish and a bag of recycling but it will be 3 bags of rubbish and at least 2 of recycling this week.

    Just offered a load of gardening mags on my local to work Freegle and had someone interested so they will go on Tuesday.

    Feel like I'm finally making progress :j

    Right, am off for a long soak in the bath then a very early night. Thanks for letting me gatecrash and I think I might be back if you don't mind x
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