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Keeping up appearances.......



  • Dolphin1
    Dolphin1 Posts: 855 Forumite
    Tenth Anniversary First Post

    1) Be in bed by 10.00pm and light out by 10.30pm Sunday to Thursday - Almost pass. I was in bed by 9.30pm and the light went off at 10.35pm.

    2) At least 30 minutes walking during the day - Pass. 30 minutes done (3 x 10 minute walks).

    3) Drink 3 bottles of water a day - Pass. This one is easier than I thought it would be. I only set the target because OH said I wasn't drinking enough. Well, I have proved him wrong.
  • Elnora32
    Elnora32 Posts: 172 Forumite
    The flat battery excuse. Really? It's a bit 'the dog ate my homework, isn't it?
    [FONT=&quot]Honey Bear, you do make me laugh – I wish I was half as witty as you are but I wasn’t in the queue when the quick witted genes were given out :D[/FONT]
    I seem to have hit a bit of a wall today. I think it's because I'm already planning ahead for September's targets and they seem more fun!
    [FONT=&quot] Happy, there's just one more day and you’re over the line – you can do it :T
    Almost pass. I was in bed by 9.30pm and the light went off at 10.35pm.
    Dolphin, I call that a pass - 3 out of 3 :T
    Drink 3 bottles of water a day - Pass. This one is easier than I thought it would be. I only set the target because OH said I wasn't drinking enough. Well, I have proved him wrong.

    [FONT=&quot]Today –[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]Exercise – no, went blackberry picking instead and I have the battle scars to prove it.
    Flying – yes, easy peasy as I completed it in between waiting for some swedes to parboil ready for the freezer. It is amazing how much I can achieve in 3 minutes.
    Feet – yes, just routine now.[/FONT]
  • Honey_Bear
    Honey_Bear Posts: 7,191 Forumite
    Name Dropper Part of the Furniture First Post Photogenic
    Dolphin1 wrote: »

    1) Be in bed by 10.00pm and light out by 10.30pm Sunday to Thursday - Almost pass. I was in bed by 9.30pm and the light went off at 10.35pm. Given how appallingly I'm doing, I think five minutes is neither here nor there. Pass, imho, although Miss may have something to say about that.

    2) At least 30 minutes walking during the day - Pass. 30 minutes done (3 x 10 minute walks). Well done.

    3) Drink 3 bottles of water a day - Pass. This one is easier than I thought it would be. I only set the target because OH said I wasn't drinking enough. Well, I have proved him wrong.

    Sometimes we're rather better at being sensible than other people realise! I think your OH owes you one.
    Better is good enough.
  • Honey_Bear
    Honey_Bear Posts: 7,191 Forumite
    Name Dropper Part of the Furniture First Post Photogenic
    Elnora32 wrote: »
    [FONT=&quot]Exercise – no, went blackberry picking instead and I have the battle scars to prove it. Exercise, foraging, and a (free!) fruit to add to your diet - Top Of The Class!
    Flying – yes, easy peasy as I completed it in between waiting for some swedes to parboil ready for the freezer. It is amazing how much I can achieve in 3 minutes. Swede's a strange veg, and it's not one I'd think of cooking in August normally I have to admit, but each to their own.
    Feet – yes, just routine now.[/FONT]

    Well done on the feet thing. I seem to remember that the reason Happy started this challenge was that there was a rumour that if you do something a certain number of times, it became a habit. Strangely, even though it didn't seem to work at the time, so of the things I started doing have become a habit now, having struggled with them on and off for years. All thanks to Happy's diary. Glad to hear you feet can be added to the Roll of Honour!
    Better is good enough.
  • Honey_Bear
    Honey_Bear Posts: 7,191 Forumite
    Name Dropper Part of the Furniture First Post Photogenic
    • Lose more weight, ideally down to 65kgs by 1 September. Up to 65.9 yesterday and down to 65.1 this morning. That's what I meant by yoyoing, but I'm taking the 65.1 because it hasn't been that low for a couple of years and I need all the encouragement I can get.
    • 15 minutes Flying a day, Monday to Friday; Freezer defrosted and reloaded, but I still haven't done the shower room. Yet.
    • Leg stretches immediately after all dog walks. Nope, just too busy racing from one thing to another, or too lazy.
    • Lights out by 11.30 pm. Total success. OH is away for 36 hours, lights out at 10.30 in the Bear Houseold. Bliss.
    Better is good enough.
  • Dolphin1
    Dolphin1 Posts: 855 Forumite
    Tenth Anniversary First Post
    Elnora32 wrote: »
    Exercise – no, went blackberry picking instead and I have the battle scars to prove it.

    What do you do with the glut of blackberries that you collect? There are loads of blackberry bushes around here but I'm not sure what I would do with them all if I went out picking them.
    Honey_Bear wrote: »
    • Lose more weight, ideally down to 65kgs by 1 September. Up to 65.9 yesterday and down to 65.1 this morning. That's what I meant by yoyoing, but I'm taking the 65.1 because it hasn't been that low for a couple of years and I need all the encouragement I can get.
      Excellent! :T
    • 15 minutes Flying a day, Monday to Friday; Freezer defrosted and reloaded, but I still haven't done the shower room. Yet.
      You know once you do the shower room, it will take you far less time than you think but the difference will be noticable. I am the same with our bathroom so I often think I'll just make a start on one part of it (like cleaning the bath) then take a break but inevitably once I get started I just get it all done in no time at all and then I wonder what I was making a fuss about.

    • Leg stretches immediately after all dog walks. Nope, just too busy racing from one thing to another, or too lazy.
      What was that about 'the dog ate my homework'? :think:

    • Lights out by 11.30 pm. Total success. OH is away for 36 hours, lights out at 10.30 in the Bear Houseold. Bliss.

    So you are saying that OH is a bad influence at bedtimes and that's why you sometimes go to sleep late? Maybe you should kick him out to the spare room.
  • Seasidegal58
    Seasidegal58 Posts: 5,804 Forumite
    Tenth Anniversary PPI Party Pooper Debt-free and Proud! Mortgage-free Glee!
    edited 31 August 2019 at 9:22AM
    Sorry I've been absent (hands apple and forged note to teacher with a :D)

    I travelled up north yesterday to stay with my DD for the weekend - yesterday went as follows:

    - Zero alcohol- OK

    - 1500 calories for five days, 500 calories for two days (to include 5 x fruit and veg and just one sweet treat on the 1500 days – Usual porridge breakfast and sandwich and fruit for lunch. On the train up I ate a free small bag of crisps, two small cookies and a choc truffle that I got with my coffee. DD's curry was excellent - I only had a small amount of rice. They are cutting back on their carbs (or "leaning" as they call it) and I also shared a couple of squares of dark chocolate with DD

    - Six glasses of water per day – just under!

    - Step up the walking pace – fail on this today somewhat. I did my morning work walk but that was about all as tube station to Kings X is right by my office and DD and OH picked me up at end of journey.

    - Go to bed at a reasonable hour – Not too bad as I didn't have to get up at the crack of dawn today.

    - No money wasting. Balance YNAB - nothing spent. Used my Oyster card on tube and train ticket paid for. Snacks and coffee on train free.

    I weighed myself yesterday morning instead of today as I'm not sure DD's scales will equate with mine. Another 4lb lost!.

    We're out today for a mooch and then off to v. nice restaurant this evening (DD and OH's treat). I think I'm going to fail the calorie test today!

    Today is the last day of the plan so I will be mulling over long term targets.

    (Good job I've never had the Bero book - the milk chocolate cake would have been my undoing!:D)
    Finally Debt Free! - July 2016 🌟
    Finished Emergency Fund- £10,000 April 2017
    RETIRED: MAY 2021!!!!😀🎆
    My diary: “Seasidegal's Scrimpy Retirement Diary!”
  • Seasidegal58
    Seasidegal58 Posts: 5,804 Forumite
    Tenth Anniversary PPI Party Pooper Debt-free and Proud! Mortgage-free Glee!
    Honey_Bear wrote: »
    • Lose more weight, ideally down to 65kgs by 1 September. Up to 65.9 yesterday and down to 65.1 this morning. That's what I meant by yoyoing, but I'm taking the 65.1 because it hasn't been that low for a couple of years and I need all the encouragement I can get.
      well done! 65.1 is confirmed!:j
    • 15 minutes Flying a day, Monday to Friday; Freezer defrosted and reloaded, but I still haven't done the shower room. Yet.

      The shower room will get done. Try the flylady crisis cleaning method? 15 mins on the task then 15 mins rest, then start again? Good job done on the freezer - I hate that task!
    • Leg stretches immediately after all dog walks. Nope, just too busy racing from one thing to another, or too lazy.

      It's hard isn't it? I've been doing your leg stretches - or trying to as it's been a shock how stiff I am now. I remember doing these years ago at the gym and it was a doddle then. :(
    • Lights out by 11.30 pm. Total success. OH is away for 36 hours, lights out at 10.30 in the Bear Houseold. Bliss.

    :rotfl: at Dolphin's comment about your OH!
    Finally Debt Free! - July 2016 🌟
    Finished Emergency Fund- £10,000 April 2017
    RETIRED: MAY 2021!!!!😀🎆
    My diary: “Seasidegal's Scrimpy Retirement Diary!”
  • Elnora32
    Elnora32 Posts: 172 Forumite
    edited 31 August 2019 at 9:53AM
    [FONT="]Exercise – no, went blackberry picking instead and I have the battle scars to prove it. Exercise, foraging, and a (free!) fruit to add to your diet - Top Of The Class! Well, thank you - takes a bow :)[/FONT]

    [FONT="] Flying – yes, easy peasy as I completed it in between waiting for some swedes to parboil ready for the freezer. It is amazing how much I can achieve in 3 minutes. Swede's a strange veg, and it's not one I'd think of cooking in August normally I have to admit, but each to their own. I know what you mean but they won't, thankfully, be eaten until winter.[/FONT]
    Well done on the feet thing. I seem to remember that the reason Happy started this challenge was that there was a rumour that if you do something a certain number of times, it became a habit. Strangely, even though it didn't seem to work at the time, so of the things I started doing have become a habit now, having struggled with them on and off for years. All thanks to Happy's diary. Glad to hear you feet can be added to the Roll of Honour!
    Yes, me too - I've been working to change things, kept failing but started again until finally it clicked. A Roll of Honour - my feet will love that.
    Lose more weight, ideally down to 65kgs by 1 September. Up to 65.9 yesterday and down to 65.1 this morning. That's what I meant by yoyoing, but I'm taking the 65.1 because it hasn't been that low for a couple of years and I need all the encouragement I can get. Fantastic news :T

    15 minutes Flying a day, Monday to Friday; Freezer defrosted and reloaded, but I still haven't done the shower room. Yet. One down, one to go .... although cleaning is not my favourite so I will let you off it doesn't get done

    Leg stretches immediately after all dog walks. Nope, just too busy racing from one thing to another, or too lazy. It's only 5 minutes - you can do it.

    Lights out by 11.30 pm. Total success. OH is away for 36 hours, lights out at 10.30 in the Bear Houseold. Bliss. At least you know what to do if you want to hit this target :D
  • Elnora32
    Elnora32 Posts: 172 Forumite
    What do you do with the glut of blackberries that you collect? There are loads of blackberry bushes around here but I'm not sure what I would do with them all if I went out picking them.
    We have apples trees so I will probably make blackberry and apple pie / crumble or some jam. I also have them with yogurt and find that they are OK from frozen. If I have enough, I might make some blackberry vodka which I've made before but there was talk about it on foxgloves diary which brought it to mind. If you've not made fruit vodka before it is really easy but don't discard the fruit after straining as you can make a sauce with it for use in yogurt or over ice cream.
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