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Weekly Flylady Thread 12th December 2011



  • greenbee
    greenbee Posts: 16,242 Forumite
    Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary First Post
    I outsource my ironing Dusty, so no thanks... I just remembered that Toots used to organise one around this time of year :D
  • Goodintentions
    Goodintentions Posts: 1,911 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post Photogenic
    edited 18 December 2011 at 1:28PM
    Good morning

    i have been awol all week again, and haven't caught up on the thread. Congrats to Seafarers, and hugs and spoons to those that need them.

    Feeling a bit fed up at the moment :( Been really busy with work, and I am due to do a 45 hour week this week as well. The house needs attention, and my bedroom is a tip (dumping ground for presents/laundry/stuff on its way to the loft). Dh is still working stupid hours :( He is supposed to be off between Christmas & New Year, but I am wondering if he will be. He was supposed to have Thursday & Friday off, but didn't :mad::mad: He really needs a break! And on top of that i am getting a cold!! That's what comes of being surrounded by snotty kids all day :p

    So, consequently, our Christmas is way behind schedule! I went Christmas shopping for stocking bits yesterday for the first time (in Tescos!) Thank god for the internet, otherwise the kids would have nothing!!

    Plan for today:
    washing (darks, lights, bedding, cushion covers) 2nd load in
    drying 1 load in
    walk dog
    town won't be done today :(
    wrap some presents
    finish putting up decorations :o (then they can go in the loft) WIP
    [STRIKE]empty DW & restack[/STRIKE]

    I also need to do some uni reading, but it is on the laptop, and not that easy to do :(

    Ok. I need to get of my bum & do something! WM is on with the first load. I will update later.
  • jackywhizz
    jackywhizz Posts: 726 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker Mortgage-free Glee!
    edited 18 December 2011 at 5:16PM
    Hi all. Well Russel Howard was great and the boys loved it but after a late finish, early start and full day in work on Friday I was subdued yesterday to say the least.

    Valli - thoughts going out to that poor boy - what a dreadful thing to happen

    Dusty - Gratz to DS - hope he enjoys himself

    DS2's birthday yesterday so he has a friend sleeping over. They are asleep on the floor in the living room. DS1 is asleep on futon in teenager pit(which is where they should be) DH still asleep in our room so I am sitting in DS2's bedroom!! Glad our BFs gave him this Ikea chair. Poing I think they are called - well comfy anyway :rotfl: Going to have to look for some quiet jobs to do in the kitchen.

    SIL's present sorted - she told me what she wanted:T

    Tuesday - Living Room, Hall and Stairs, downstair loo
    Level 2
    sort a drawer
    Level 3
    Remove all hotspots into the box you started yesterday
    Clean your dirtiest window

    Wax any furniture that needs it

    Wednesday – any downstairs area which is left especially if it’s a room of doom
    Level 3
    Wipe computer keyboard and mouse, clean the screen
    Change any pet bedding that needs it
    If you have been putting all your hotspots into a box/pile now is the time to deal with them

    Write a few more Christmas cards
    Update your address book
    Polish your silver/brass

    Thursday – Bathroom and Landing
    Level 3
    Clean the shower screen or wash the curtain
    [STRIKE]Wipe window ledges [/STRIKE]and dusty areas

    Use vinegar to descale around taps and plugs
    Degunk the drains with soda crystals and hot water
    Check supplies of soap, shampoo etc to last over Christmas
    Clean the mirrors
    More Christmas Challenges for those who want them

    Friday/Weekend – Bedrooms – any or all your choose
    Level 1
    Hoover the bedrooms
    Level 2
    Dust all fluffy surfaces
    Kids to get those rooms totally tidy
    Half Hour Ironing
    Level 3
    Clean any window your choose
    Finish any outstanding jobs on your lists
    Sort some socks, get rid of any threadbare ones

    Extra mission:
    If you’ve got this far you deserve a well earned break! Do anything your heart desires.

    More Christmas Challenges for those who want them

    Wrap any presents you need before the 25th, gifts for teachers or friends. Do you need to give Christmas Boxes to milkmen, window cleaners etc or has this tradition died?

    All done, sort your present drawer for the rest of the year and see what gaps there are which you could fill in the January sales, write a list now.


    Sadly house break-ins increase at this time of year. They are most common late afternoon and early evening so please make sure you leave a light on a timer or just on so it looks like you are home. Make sure to always lock your door (even if just popping to a neighbour who may invite you in for a mince pie). Windy weather is also a great cover for the toe rags as if you hear a bang or breaking glass you put it down to the weather. Please look out if you hear such things.

    So today check all your window locks, where are the keys, set timers if possible or if not which light with a low energy bulb can you leave on.


    It simple today my friends get all those cards which have to be posted written, addressed and stamped.

    It's a wrap flyladies. If it's done great, if it's not make a start if possible getting the kid's ones done as lots will be finishing school today.
  • jjef
    jjef Posts: 1,750 Forumite

    Do you want a New Year Ironing Challenge?

    Yes please I managed to keep ontop of mine up until March this year!! So aiming to have it all cleared by the 31st this year as well.

    Christmas prep here as well, need to make sausage rolls, cakes/biscuits and soup, going to visit OH family this afternoon so need to get their card and pressies wrapped. Other than that still working my way through the list i made yesterday but progress is being seen.
  • Mudbath
    Mudbath Posts: 5,479 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post
    Well done Dusty on finishing your ironing. I don't iron but I remember lots of people loving (perhaps the wrong word!!) the ironing challenge last year.

    Valli - my thoughts are with the boy who's mum died. Awful!

    Off to my parents so my children can decorate their house and then back here and i'm going to finish all the wrapping whilst watching a cheesy christmas film. Heaven! xx
  • Natty68
    Natty68 Posts: 3,351 Forumite
    Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary First Post
    edited 18 December 2011 at 11:59AM
    Do you want a New Year Ironing Challenge?

    I'll join :D I definately need to get the ironing under control again.. Every so often I have a splurge and get it cleared then it piles up for another 4 or 5

    While we are on the ideas of Challenges, is it possible we could have Christmas Eve Challenge - rather like last year where we signed up and everything was all organised/wrapped/cleaned/cooked etc by midday on Christmas Eve :D

    Yikes JoJo that is one lonnnnnnnnng list..:eek:

    Ok I need to get a life, especially when I can get excited over doing the washing and going to babysit my friends younger children on a Sunday..:rotfl:
    Mortgage Free as of 20.9.17
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  • wit40iwtwan
    WHY do you iron sheets?? giggle ( though I hate ironing sheets!).

    But I do kill irons, though, - married for 24 years and 2 have caught fire whilst 12 or so more have just given up on me....

    I loved the image of your iron killing! thanks for the laugh... I agree with you about the steam generator thing - they are not quite up to hard water areas! I stopped ironing quite a few things when I realised that if I simply folded sheets up from tumble dryer or washing line, nobody really noticed - perhaps in a house full of men they are not really into that detail. It has saved me LOADS of time not ironing sheets & duvet covers... I still like to iron pillowcases though...
    Well lets see - I dip in and out of MSE all the time but I still come back - have done since 2007!!! 2023 - Fashion on a ration - 5/66 2023 - 1p Chalenge - £18 in Monzo pot (cannot do pennies so am rounding up)2023 - Frugal Living - Budget still to be finalised - ambition is to cut my food budget by 20% by shopping smarter and meal planning 2023 - January - NSD 15/20 February - NSD 3/15
  • Valli
    Valli Posts: 24,885 Forumite
    Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary First Post
    Got up, showered, plastered legs in body lotion (it hellps keep the heat in, honestly!) then long johns then trouser. 2 jumpers, pair of gloves, mittens to go over gloves, extra socks, hiking boots and off we traipsed to football (via Londis - thanks to Sunday Paper I now have a jar of cranberry sauce and a box of Ritz crackers) and out DS and mate got. Am putting on more socks/hiking boots when they return to car - match off, solid pitch. Drive them all back again...

    anyway washing on line (it's blue sky and blowy and it's sheets so *might* dry and garden cleared of poop.

    Just having a coffee.

    They got the man btw - her ex/estranged husband (and the boy's father) has been arrested:o:(
    Don't put it DOWN; put it AWAY
    "I would like more sisters, that the taking out of one, might not leave such stillness" Emily Dickinson
    :heart:Janice 1964-2016:heart:

    Thank you Honey Bear
  • stephga23
    Morning all :D

    Been a bit quiet as I was back to work on Thursday and Friday and boy can you tell my house is a tip :eek:

    Did some washing yesterday and set the dishwasher away :T that's about it though!!

    Today I got up at 8am to sort things out but have been watching friends on tv, I have ate a full Jamaican ginger cake and crawled back into bed as its freezing!! :D

    I will get up soon and do my flying I promise :D
  • Goodintentions
    DW emptied, decs in hall done, some stuff put in loft (DH has popped home for a while :j I don't do ladders!!). 1 load in TD, WM on again.

    Some progress I suppose. Back to it now. I don't think I will be going to town today, so may have to brave town with a child or 2 in tow in the week :(
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