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Daily Thread Sunday 2nd Oct



  • Gintotmelinda
    Gintotmelinda Posts: 1,734 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post I've been Money Tipped!
    edited 2 October 2011 at 9:32AM
    Hello everyone

    Got a good night's sleep after a lovely evening with friends in their garden. They have a firebowl and we had a great evening under the stars chatting and drinking wine. Had to leave the car and walk home but not far away. OH has just gone to fetch it and I am still in bed with the lappie and a cuppa.

    Sorry to hear about little dog Tired Mum. Have a hug from me.

    Not much going on today-will wash DS's bedding when we wakes up and strips it.

    Tea? Well we forgot to get the chicken out of the freezer last night so will probably get a ready cooked one from Morrison's as DH "has his mouth ready for it" -he hasn't even had breakfast yet!

    We would have done the chicken in the combi oven anyway and the veg in the steamer as it's too hot.

    Have a lovely day all.

    "It's hard to be a diamond in a rhinestone world"
  • bramble1
    bramble1 Posts: 3,096 Forumite
    Morning all!

    We have our internet back :) Went to the pub yesterday to watch the rugby, and spent nearly all day there :o. Had to say something to our friends girlfriend who happily accepted drinks from us all afternoon and didn't buy a round in herself. I also paid for our drinks last week, so have decided to distance myself from her as I don't get much in return from the friendship.

    Have to go out and get a lamb joint for dinner. OH has been paid again so looks like we'll be okay for money this month, we've even got a savings fund now!

    So plan for the day is get the clothes washed, (theres probably about 5 loads!) and dried. Get to the shops for a few bits, and hang out with my puppy for the remainder of the day catching up on the Great British Bake off!

    Have a lovely day all
    Annual Grocery Budget £364.00/£1500
    Debt payments 2012 £433.27
  • flutterbyuk25
    flutterbyuk25 Posts: 7,009 Forumite
    Morning all

    JC - hope DD is better
    Tiredmum - sorry to hear about the dog x

    I slept very well last night, but did have some very odd dreams!

    I'm waiting for the sun to come out so I can catch a late summer tan on my balcony. No plans for today, I should do some uni work :o and finalise some stuff for my trip, less than 3 weeks to go :D.

    OS wise - WM will go on twice, DW will go on later, may put BM on, will check how much I left. Need to put away laundry and tidy spare room.

    Have a good day all

    * Rainbow baby boy born 9th August 2016 *

    * Slimming World follower (I breastfeed so get 6 hex's!) *
  • Butterfly_Brain
    Morning All

    Glorious day again :D.

    tiredmum sorry to hear about your little dog it is heartbreaking losing a much loved pet (((((((((Hugs)))))))) xxxxxxxx

    Kimsmum........ Wow great for you :j her loss is your gain but I wonder who she will go to for advice when the brown stuff hits the fan :eek:

    DH and DS have got some bits to take up to the tip and I have found more washing to do :p

    I have bought a little kids paddling pool in the wilko sale just to sit in the shade in the garden with my tootsies in and a bottle of kronenberg this afternoon.......... bliss :D

    Dinner is gammon steaks with salad and new potatoes with ice cream sundae for dessert.

    Enjoy this lovely weather while you can folks and commisserations to those who have lousy weather x
    Blessed are the cracked for they are the ones that let in the light
    C.R.A.P R.O.L.L.Z. Member #35 Butterfly Brain + OH - Foraging Fixers
    Not Buying it 2015!
  • daisiegg
    daisiegg Posts: 5,395 Forumite
    Morning all :)

    I'm feeling much better than I did yesterday, so thanks for the encouragement. Despite my grumblings earlier in the day it was SUCH a nice feeling to collapse at 6pm having done so many chores...and to wake up this morning to an absolutely spotless, sparkling house was lovely :)

    Still a few things to do today. Need to do my marking and planning for school (two sets of Year 8 books to mark...ergh...wonder how many times I'll read "I think I did quite well in my presentation because I think I worked well in a group"..?!) and do a bit of admin (including paying Next Catalogue bill.....EERRRGGHHH). Want to whiz through those things as quickly as possible. I also want to take advantage of the lovely weather and wash my hair this morning so it actually has time to dry naturally (that's OS, right?!) I love doing this when I get the chance as I think the hairdryer can't be doing it any good.

    Then later this afternoon I have my parents, brother, sister, grandparents and cousin coming round for a roast dinner. Going to do it simply - just roast chicken and the usual trimmings and a simple apple crumble for dessert. Want to do as much of the prep for that as possible this morning so wish me luck!

    Then after they have gone I will have ironing to do...although I'm being very naughty and leaving it out on a chair in the hopes that my grandad will do it...he hates sitting around doing nothing and when he's at my mum's house he always starts doing all her chores, so I'm wondering if the same will apply to granddaughter as it does to daughter! If not, I'll whack on some rubbish TV once they've gone tonight and get it done.

    I have already done a load of washing and sorted and put away all the clean washing from yesterday, and enjoyed a huge cup of tea. Am slobbing around in my pyjamas but think I will make myself some porridge as a treat before washing my hair and getting down to business :) never have time to make porridge on a work morning and those Oatso Simple sachets just don't cut it.

    Hope everyone has a lovely day...and makes Sunday as much a day of rest as possible!
  • jaxx46
    jaxx46 Posts: 613 Forumite
    Morning All,
    Another hot day here so have had a rummage round for some washing to go on the line :D Dp has taken dogs for walk & the YA's are still akip.
    SIL rang yesterday to ask if we'd like to go to a bbq this lunchtime, have said yes as although it will mean putting diesel in the car I am sick & tired of only ever going out for the doctors or hospital, it will also mean no cooking here today :jPlenty of stuff in the freezer for those staying at home.
    Time for another coffee I think & then had better sort myself out for the day ahead.

    TM sorry to hear about little dog x
    Hugs,spoons & hi5's all round x

    Sometimes not moving backwards is as much an achievement as moving forwards is on other times. (originally posted by kidcat)

    It's only a bargain if you were going to buy it anyway!
  • wuvvies
    wuvvies Posts: 324 Forumite
    sunny here and as nice as it is im getting fed up of being so hot in bed!!(and not in a good way) i go to bed and have a shower you wake up and need another one. the family are suffering too dd has a cold and a sore throat and so have i. my head aches are still lurking.
    there has been uproar in my house today as i have run out of crisps. they said there is no food!! i have put on half a stone as i have not been to the gym for three months - as i hate it - and i need to start watching my food. i just love to bake so much and eat. im not really really over weight but none of my smaller clothes fit but the next size up i had are now tight. i must get a grip.
    have a good day
  • daisiegg
    daisiegg Posts: 5,395 Forumite
    Oh, I forgot to add...I have to make a batch of cupcakes today as it's the birthday of a girl in my form tomorrow (in my quest to be the best form tutor ever, each girl gets a cupcake on her birthday. It's all about building positive relationships...nothing to do with having an excuse to bake cupcakes weekly....honest) I am going to put them in the oven with the chicken, which I never would have thought of doing before coming to this board - I'd have just done them this evening and put the oven on especially.

    And I've just filled a cute, polka dot milk jug I usually have sitting on my kitchen windowsill with some cuttings from a tree in our garden (no idea what kind of tree it is but it has bright red berries). It's ok, because all the leaves and berries are speedily falling off the tree onto my lawn so I thought it would be ok to steal a few branches. It looks very pretty and OS (although I wouldn't be surprised if the berries are poisonous or not getting it near any food of course!)
  • brighteyes1987
    Morning all.

    So sorry about your dog tm xx

    Have been awake since 7 and foot wasn't feeling to bad so put the wm on which is now on the line, cleaned bathroom and front room which has resulted in the pain being worse than ever!!:eek: I think because I rested it yesterday I thought it was better, clearly not, I'm in agony now!!

    Another beauty of a day here 2day!
    Myself and DD made Pizza yesterday as promised, it was delicious!! She's only 5 (6 on Halloween) but she really does have the gift of the gab! I love watching her bake her face is lit up the whole time. We also made a huge choc cake which she decorated with smarties, curly wurly and buttons :)

    She's gone off to Sunday school with step-dad so I can have a lil rest now.
    Good news from the estate agent I've been given a date for next weekend :j not perfect timing with my foot but I'm soo excited! Yay!!

    Not much else planned for the day, chicken in oven now..may do a roast or with salad depending how I feel in a bit.

    Have a great day all xxx
    March grocery challenge 147.28 / 150.00 :j

    April grocery challenge 60.36 / 150.00
  • candygirl
    candygirl Posts: 29,455 Forumite
    Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary First Post
    Morning all:D:D
    It's peeing down here today, so i'm v jealous of you lot with nice weather:o:o
    Had a nice reunion with OH , Friday we went to the pub to watch rugby, and Leeds won, thank god:j:j:jYesterday went to get shoes n boots for OH, then to the pub for drinkies, and got an Indian takeaway:p:p:p
    OS wise today, we're doing a little shop, and OH is ironing;)He likes it tho, the weirdo:eek::eek::eek:
    He's only away 3 days this week, so we can get ready for the hols next Sat, can't wait to get away:D:D
    (((huggles))) to all in need esp TIREDMUM on the loss of her pooch:(:(:(
    "You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf"

    (Kabat-Zinn 2004):D:D:D
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