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OS Daily Saturday 1st Oct



  • mummy2jack
    Morning all

    Looks like another warm one today, so glad cos WM is on its 1st of 3 loads that needs doing.

    Not alot happening here today, not planning on going anywhere, so going to stay in and do some baking, Got some potatoes that need using up so going to make a few cheese & potato pies for the freezer also want to make a apple loaf and some biscuits with DS

    DH will be busy making his bench out of birch, he collected all the branches from out of the byway yesterday so by the end of the day I should have a nice rustic bench to plant my behind on whilst sitting in the garden reading a book... :)

    HM Macaroni cheese for tea tonight so slight change to the meal plan

    Right...I'm off for a quick Shower as I have a lady coming at 11 to swap me some budleia plants for a bag of DS's old books....

    Hope you all have a wonderful day....x
    October grocery Challenge
    £131.50/£200 /£68.50

  • adelight
    adelight Posts: 2,658 Forumite
    Morning all, I slept in big time :o Just writing my plan for the day which consists mostly of uni work whilst doing loads of washing until 7pm when i'm going to see LaLaLa Human Steps. I know, what a name, but brilliant!

    jc2703 the twins will have to get used to pasta at uni, it's the staple ;)

    I have almost washed everything in the battle of the moths. I haven't yet found any spray for clothes moths in shops, does anyone have any tips? Anti-bacterial spray? Few drops of lavender or cedarwood essential oil in the cupboards?
    Would adding a few drops of essential oil to my washing detergent "infuse" my clothes with the scent?

    I tried dehydrating apple, pear & banana in the SC overnight. It was on about four hours too long and I ended up with apple & pear crisps which are actually delicious :rotfl: I'm going to try carrot and sweet potato crisps in the SC on high today.
    Living cheap in central London :rotfl:
  • RosyRed
    RosyRed Posts: 3,127 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Anniversary First Post
    Hi everyone,

    Still hot here,our bedroom was stifling last night.DH is still snoring away as we went out last night,went back to friends who live near a golf course and the men decided it would be a good idea to go for a walk through it:beer:-this was about 1am,friend and I thought they were in the garden so once I'd finished my drink I was going to ring a taxi but they were nowhere to be seen :mad: By the time they strolled back and the taxi arrived it was nearly 3 o clock by the time we got home,men and their beer eh.

    We all went to see DGD yesterday morning,most of her clothes are too big/warm-being the end of Sept most people have bought autumn/winter clothes so she was wearing a 3mth size top as a dress and looked gorgeous :) DS2 is finding it hard to tear himself away,but his ex is being really good about us visiting,next week I am going to go up with my SisIL,DN and her baby.DS2 bought some photo paper yesterday,but can I get the printer to cooperate-bl**dy thing.

    Tea tonight is prawn curry I made yesterday as I'd defrosted raw prawns and forgot we were going out so they needed to be cooked.I really should do some ironing but its too hot.DH cleaned the conservatory roof yesterday,and powerwashed the path round the house,looks miles better,and the dog got a shower & shampoo too,much to his disgust.

    I havent read yesterdays thread yet so I hope everyone is ok and well,hugs if you're not.xx
    :heartsmil 'A woman is like a teabag: You never know her strength until you drop her in hot water'. (Eleanor Roosevelt)
  • Julie67
    Julie67 Posts: 2,362 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    Morning All,

    Had a lovely day with DGS yesterday, made crispy cakes and had fun in the garden collecting his grandads raspberries. After lunch we went to the park and had a paddle in the river and collected conkers and then some food shopping just before his mum got own. He was tired out at bedtime.:D

    Its soo warm here in Manchester, had a restless night so up early and nipped to the bank. Just had breakfast and about to do the usual Saturday morning clean.
    DD is moving back in with her ex so fingers crossed. She will start moving things out today. We will miss waking up to the little one but he will still come and have every Friday with us.
    Kimsmum know exactly how you feel my eldest boy and his gf went back to Australia last week, although we will see them next year its still hard:(
    Loved strictly last night and Russell Grant nearly made me wet myself:rotfl::o I think Anita Dobson did very well.
    DH will try and get one of the doors on the summer house today, just one more to build and then the windows to go in, hopefully the weather will let us finish.
    Tea tonight will be cod and wedges with a mango salsa, yumm.
    Have a great Saturday all , Julie
    Started Self Managed DMP 10th May 2017.
    Working hard to get rid of our debt.
  • Butterfly_Brain
    Morning All
    Glorious here today and the men in my life are out painting and doing the guttering so I am making bread and a few cakes DD loves blueberry muffins so I might make some of them.

    I have looked all over the house for some washing but I can't get enough to warrant putting the machine on :p

    Dinner tonight is SF chicken with salad and wedges.

    I will be watching the last Doctor Who tonight (is it just me or does the ending seem too much of a similar line to the last series? They just seem determined to kill the Doctor off :() Followed by the new series of Merlin :j

    Then I will watch Thor - treated myself to the DVD :D

    Well I can hear DH calling for a drink so must go

    Happy holidays hilstep
    BFN x
    Blessed are the cracked for they are the ones that let in the light
    C.R.A.P R.O.L.L.Z. Member #35 Butterfly Brain + OH - Foraging Fixers
    Not Buying it 2015!
  • jannyannie
    jannyannie Posts: 797 Forumite
    Afternoon all

    Nights done for a bit and I now have a bit of child-free time and some days off :j. Just woke up, it's boiling! Found that my neighbours have borrowed my paddling pool and lawnmower whilst I've been asleep. Good job I trust them, they're lovely people always doing stuff for me without asking.

    Off to jump in the bath and I need to pop to Lidl for a few bits. Suspect dinner will be barbecue at neighbours ;).

    Have a good day all and big hugs to all who need one.

    Jan x
  • daisiegg
    daisiegg Posts: 5,395 Forumite
    Afternoon, all

    I hope you don't mind me joining your thread! I need a bit of encouragement and inspiration to be OS today :(

    We've recently bought a house (moved three weeks ago). In our old, rented house, we used to have a cleaner come once a week (OH had that before I moved in and just didn't stop when I moved in). I know, I know...not very OS! But when we moved I decided that really it's lazy and a waste of time to have a cleaner....we both work long hours but we don't have any children or pets...and I was all excited about MY house and wanting to do it myself. OH didn't think it was a good idea to give up the of course that only spurred me on more!

    Seriously, do you all just spend your entire weekends doing housework? It's rubbish :( I was ill with a dreadful cold last weekend so didn't really do any cleaning then. I do toilets, wipe bathroom surfaces, clean shower and clean kitchen surfaces every day, so it doesn't get THAT bad, but overall cleaning obviously still needs to be done.

    Today I sat in bed with my cup of tea this morning and made a long list of everything I need to do...been at it since about 9am and just stopped for lunch but have TOTALLY run out of steam. Doesn't help that it's 'that time of the month' so have terrible cramps and back-ache and just want to sit on the sofa with some chocolate and last night's Strictly.

    So far I have tidied the whole house top to bottom (less impressive than it sounds...we are both pretty tidy to begin with), emptied all the bins, taken out the recycling, cleaned out the kitchen bin (it dried in about two minutes in the crazy scorching sunshine here!), done two loads of washing, hoovered and dusted the living room and conservatory, washed living room windows, dusted all the other rooms downstairs, made bread, received and put away a Sainsburys delivery and sorted out and written an inventory of my freezer....

    Doesn't sound too bad but it's nowhere near even half of my list. :(

    So please, give me some encouragement! Tell me that it IS possible for little old me to keep on top of the housework without resorting to getting a cleaner again. It's a ridiculously big house for just two of us (though we're going to hopefully start filling it with little people in the not too distant future)...five bedrooms, two bathrooms, a shower room, downstairs loo (so that's four toilets and sinks, two baths, and three showers!) as well as all the other usual rooms. But in theory with only two of us living here it shouldn't get too dirty so should be manageable for me...right?!

    I want so much to be OS and all housewifely and efficient and domestic goddessy....but at the same time I do want some 'me' time in my life! I'm a teacher so as it is I spend half of my weekend marking and planning.

    It feels horrid to think I need to spend the other half cleaning :(
  • jaxx46
    jaxx46 Posts: 613 Forumite
    edited 1 October 2011 at 1:58PM
    Afternoon All,
    Toe is stinging a bit but otherwise fine, thank-you :) Have to say it was not the most pleasant experience I've ever had, but hopefully a nice new shiny normal nail will grow now.
    Slept in til just before 9 this morning, then DS was up wanting to know what needed to be done in the garden as he wanted to do his bit & go out, so shed has been emptied, tidied & garden furniture put away, & DP has strimmed & cut the lawn, noticed there are more green beans, raspberries, tomatoes & cues to pick so will be out there later when it cools down a bit. Then I went to the library for an introductory course on researching your family tree which was interesting & is something I am hoping too look into more whilst my parents are still able to have their brains picked :)

    Hope everyone is having a good day inc those MIA x
    Hugs, spoons & hi5's x


    ps welcome to daisiegg x
    Sometimes not moving backwards is as much an achievement as moving forwards is on other times. (originally posted by kidcat)

    It's only a bargain if you were going to buy it anyway!
  • bargainbird
    bargainbird Posts: 3,771 Forumite
    Welcome Daisy :D - Crikey you've been busy :eek:. I would spruce unused rooms/bathrooms and then shut the doors ;). They can't get that bad can they ? To do the whole house in 1 day is extreme cleaning, i would do a bit each night ie bedroom one night, bathroom another etc etc. So it dosent take your weekends up. Have you looked at the Flylady thread you can get your daily "things to do" on there and will gradually work around the whole house. i dont do it, but there are others on here that do ;). Good luck in your new house and proving DH wrong ;).

    Fish pie made for tonight.....DD1 out on her bike, DD2 and DS at MILs DH out with the dogs :T.
    It's blooming fly city here today :mad:
    You know your getting old when you
    go to the pub sit outside
    and admire the hanging basket :cool:
    Is officially 48% tight :D
  • daisiegg
    daisiegg Posts: 5,395 Forumite
    Welcome Daisy :D - Crikey you've been busy :eek:. I would spruce unused rooms/bathrooms and then shut the doors ;). They can't get that bad can they ? To do the whole house in 1 day is extreme cleaning, i would do a bit each night ie bedroom one night, bathroom another etc etc. So it dosent take your weekends up. Have you looked at the Flylady thread you can get your daily "things to do" on there and will gradually work around the whole house. i dont do it, but there are others on here that do ;). Good luck in your new house and proving DH wrong ;).

    Fish pie made for tonight.....DD1 out on her bike, DD2 and DS at MILs DH out with the dogs :T.
    It's blooming fly city here today :mad:

    Thank you for your kind post :)

    Problem is I'm so knackered in the evenings, come in from work and usually have between an hour and three hours of marking/prep to do for school, so cooking dinner, washing up, preparing lunch for next day and giving the kitchen and bathroom a quick clean are all I can manage. My feet hurt so much by the end of the day I can't imagine whipping the hoover out on a work night! Hence it all ends up being left to the weekend. I have seen the flylady thread but it scares the cr*p out of me....

    Since I last posted I have finished hoovering downstairs, done another load of washing, cleaned the oven, prepared the veg for soup and made red onion chutney. It feels weird to be starting to make my Christmas chutneys etc when it's 29 degrees outside!

    Going to hoover upstairs, properly clean our en suite bathroom but only give the other bathrooms a quick wipe, and then make the soup before cleaning the kitchen and then I'll stop.

    That leaves tomorrow for schoolwork and admin stuff, as well as cooking a roast for my parents, grandparents and brother who are coming round.

    I can do this....

    Hope everyone else is enjoying a sunny Saturday :)
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