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OS Tuesday 23rd August 2011

donny-gal Posts: 4,654 Forumite
First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
edited 23 August 2011 at 9:14AM in Old style MoneySaving
Hi, this is the Daily Thread for Tuesday 23rd August. This is an “over the garden fence” type thread where we chat about everything Old Style and maybe a little bit more. It’s a great, inspiring and motivating thread we start each day to discuss what Old Style things we’re going to do today or what we’ve achieved already. Everyone’s welcome, please do come in, put your feet up (although check the fence hasn’t just been painted first!) and join us for an Old Style natter. The more the merrier!

As this is the Old Style Board, it would be appreciated if posts could include some Old Style content. Please be aware that many people may have small screens, or slow internet connections, so please don’t post large pictures, or clip art – links are preferred.

When you make a post, if you feel like giving it a title, that will help others that don’t have the time to read everything skim through the thread quickly but if not it's not a problem. Please do not start a new daily thread before you go to bed at night because this often leaves things confusing with two daily threads live at the same time. The idea is that a member would start each new daily thread after they get up in the morning.

Some people who chat here like to try to answer everyone. Don’t feel you have to though, a general “hi everyone, hope everyone’s well” type start does just as well.

Morning All - Don't all faint at me being up at this time, and no the bed isn't wet. Just woke up around 4.30am far too hot and not tired, so thought I would start you off today.

DNeice (in law?) and the dgreat neice and smallest dgreat nephew came to see us yesterday, he is a rogue but a loveable, polite one, he has no choice Mum is boss :D, unfortunately though a wasp climbed up under his t-shirt got trapped and stung him. Luckily I had a spray handy, which once sprayed he stopped crying, so it must have taken the pain away. I think I need to have the DGNeice down on her own, as she is 7 years older, and he demands attention, so I think I need to go down the HH route to have some quality time with her.

Also popped to the Drs. as I have come out in a rash(nothing new there I can be allergic to anything at times) which was not calming, and a dry cough at night, he thinks it could be a form of Hayfever starting at my old age, however, the result is I just had my first bonus of being 60 - free prescriptions - I have to wait for OAP & Bus Pass until Jan 2013.

Today I will be loading the 'van - we are off down to London to help DS & GF move into their new flat, first one they are actually buying so can do something to it. Buying paint at B&Q Pensions day tomorrow, and loading the car up with all spare decorating equipment we have, and tools for DH to do a few woodwork jobs. They will not have much furniture, went to order a bed base and it was out of stock. Concerned due to size of doors/hallway whether they can get a settee they fancy in, and other than a F/Freezer, that is it. We have a old metal framed arm chair in the loft which takes to pieces, so we have been asked to take that and a 70's smoked glass/chrome coffee table. so will be well loaded down. I will also stuff the caravan freezer with meat from home as I need to use some up, and can stock them up with what is left when we return home.

Did last load of washing yesterday, so that is up to date, will take my cards down and have a quick dust round in the lounge, and a tidy in the bedroom.

(((hugs))), Spoons, Hi-5's, Positive Vibes, as needed. Have a great Tuesday. DG

p.s. :wave: Welcome newbies, as someone said, we are a friendly lot, slightly made (or very crazy) whichever you like.
Member #8 of the SKI-ers Club
Why is it I have less time now I am retired then when I worked?


  • Hardup_Hester
    Hardup_Hester Posts: 4,800 Forumite
    edited 23 August 2011 at 6:58AM
    Morning DG & all who follow
    Pay day on Thursday so I need to think about getting my car sorted out, I found a couple of gold bracelets in my jewelery box that I've never worn, I think they were my mothers, though she never wore them either. I shall be sending them off to sell as I have to insure the car this month as well.
    It's raining here today & probably will do for a while, the Reading Festival is coming up at the weekend & if the ground is waterlogged I shall be looking after DGD2 as it's very difficult to get a buggy through the mud, I'm hoping the older 2 will be ok to go with DD & SIL in their wellies, if not I shall have all 3 of them for the weekend.
    Plans for today include sorting out some of the kitchen cupboards as they are full of junk & I need to make room to put things away.
    Have a good day everyone.
    Hugs Hester

    Never let success go to your head, never let failure go to your heart.
  • Julie67
    Julie67 Posts: 2,362 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    Morning DG and HH and all who follow,

    Not posted for a couple of days as everyone has landed and chaos reigns. There are now 8 of us with the youngest sleeping on a put you up in the lounge:eek: I suspect this will be my new posting time.
    Still a nice evening having everyone together and a large chicken casserole was polished off and enjoyed by all, along with some hg new potatoes.
    Today I may be out to lunch with a friend, just waiting for her to confirm. so will enjoy the me time.
    OS wise just cleaning and meal planning.
    Anyway off to drop DD at work and DGS at nursery.

    Have a good day all, hugs and spoons as required J x
    Started Self Managed DMP 10th May 2017.
    Working hard to get rid of our debt.
  • betheebee
    betheebee Posts: 1,818 Forumite
    Morning all,
    I woke at 4.30 tossed and turned and got up at 5.30, not sleeping well at all. Been MiA for 3 days due to lots of gardening, painting, h/work and looking after DGD. BM & WM on the go. Made DH's packed lunch as he is off to DD1 to work on her bathroom, she now wants a new floor laid. He's gonnna take a de-humidifier up because the plaster hasn't dried out still.
    Went to B&Q y/day and bought some lovely plants reduced to 50p and large tericcota pots 3 for 2 price, planted up my strawb planter, looks pretty. Painted a large metal sun dial and a stork in a verdigre finish. Quite chuffed with the results. I have an old milk churn I painted and hope to do some stenceling on it, a bit like the pots and stuff they have on barges.
    Going to mow the lawn again before the forcasted rain apears, I mow twice a week to keep it looking lush.

    Off to catch up on posts since friday, hope it's a good day for all.
  • silvermaid
    silvermaid Posts: 643 Forumite
    Good morning DG, HH, Julie, Bbee & all who follow.
    Well back down to earth with a bump. DH was back to work yesterday and I am up to my armpits in washing. Got lots dried on the line yesterday, but it's not looking so hopeful for today.

    We had a most fantastic holiday and the boys were great. The weather was just right for us - the first full day was very overcast ( we didn't see one sunbeam) but DGS2 still managed to catch a little sun. Next day was our one wet day and all the rest were idyllic. The campsite organised a few football matches which pleased the boys. The rock pools were teeming and gave us lots of fun - particularly the amorous hermit crabs! Lots of BBQs by DH & DSIL. We had one meal out and a couple of take-aways. The local pizzas were delicious. I am going to try to copy them - even DH liked them:)

    Need to get back to real life and start meal planning again,
    Happy Tuesday folks, hugs to those who need or want.
    Cheers, Silver x
    Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read.
    Groucho Marx :laugh:
    As Cranky says, "M is for mum, not maid".
  • bramble1
    bramble1 Posts: 3,096 Forumite
    Morning all! Another one who woke at 4:30 - but i forced myself to go back to sleep :)

    Not idea what time OH came in, but it must have been late, the bad weather is here, so he's off today. Shame I don't get days off when it rains!

    Lunch today is going to be fruit and a cuppa soup, OH can sort himself out.

    Need to finish my list of things to do around the house today, I lost interest last night :o

    have a lovely day all
    Annual Grocery Budget £364.00/£1500
    Debt payments 2012 £433.27
  • PipneyJane
    PipneyJane Posts: 4,152 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post I've been Money Tipped!
    Morning Everyone.

    DH dropped me at work at the crack of dawn (or so it feels) because my boss organised a meeting/business trip to Manchester later today, which meant car problems whatever way I looked at it. My choices were: drive home then taxi to airport; leave car at work for 2 days then get the train in (which means getting a 6am bus to get here 2 hours later); or beg DH to drive me here and get in at 7am, so that he can get to work by 9 (he works near home). Chose the latter That's the problem with working out in the Boondocks. :o)

    Hope you all have good days.
    "Be the type of woman that when you get out of bed in the morning, the devil says 'Oh crap. She's up.' "

    It ain’t what you do, it’s the way that you do it - that’s what gets results!

    2024 Fashion on the Ration Challenge 66 coupons, 4 spent.

    4 coupons - 200g Caithness Yarns DK Sedge
  • redruby
    redruby Posts: 7,317 Forumite
    morning all,

    I must say being a labourer is completly shattering, I must have been up and down the stairs 100 times, carying sinks pedalstals, baths etc :D, we got the old bath set out, (currently in the back garden) and a lot of the floor boards need replacing, so OH has gone to get them, all the plumbing has been moved to its correct place, just waiting for OH to get back and will carry on.

    I had a strip wash in the butler sink in the utility last night, which was interesting, but did not wash my hair, I will have to do it tonight, will get dd to help me, its nearly to my waist and very thick, so not the easiest job in the world.

    The water was off nearly all day yesterday, so no washing got done, I have a small quick wash on now, which will have to go on the airer as its pouring, dinner tonight is a chicken pasta, chilli dish, dd will cook, she has been fab making endless cups of tea, and sandwiches for lunch.

    Dazi, well done to your dsd, :T brilliant results, and hugs to your dad.

    OK better get some breakfast before the foreman comes back :D
  • Moorhen
    Moorhen Posts: 964 Forumite
    First Anniversary
    Morning everyone,

    Silvermaid glad you had a good holiday.

    Redruby the bathroom sounds so exciting, if a lot of hard work.

    It rained here last night but not enough for the garden, will have to go out and water the veg again later and washing will still go out.

    House was full of teenagers all of yesterday, loud but fun and all my food was eaten!

    We have got visitors for the day today and I was planning a picnic lunch, if it rains we will have it in the kitchen.

    Tea tonight will be chilli as everyone is eating at different times, DS at rugby training and OH on a bike ride.

    Have a lovely day everyone.:)
  • blondy24
    blondy24 Posts: 702 Forumite
    Morning All,

    Feel so tired today even though I had about 10 hours sleep last night, I think the reason I feel knackered is due to all the dreaming I do, happens most nights and makes my brain work on overload.

    Not got much energy today, will put meal in SC later (Sausage Pot). Unsure of what other OS to do....
  • Kimsmum
    Kimsmum Posts: 221 Forumite
    Thank you all for the welcome.:D
    As my OH is disabled the hospital appointment was really just a check-up.
    The weather here is miserable today dull and showers.
    Today was going to be washing day but will have to see what the weather is like later. So I think I will attack the kitchen for a while and clean out some cupboards in between looking after the OH.
    Hope everyone has a nice day :)
    Taking it one day at a time
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