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The (not so old) Crocks Cafe -Part 2



  • sunnyone
    sunnyone Posts: 4,716 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    I have no idea how I'm going to cope in our new flat. It has an entry phone system. :(

    I think one of the problems is that I have to see people's faces when they're talking to me otherwise I freak out a bit. :L

    Sorry to hear you're having a bad day. :(

    I have to see people's face's to lip read them and a lot of people dont like being lip read for some reason, even one woman at my bank covers her mouth when she sees me approach the counter (and worse she is always on the lowered wheelchair friendly counter) and she keeps doing it despite knowing Im a deaf lip reader.

  • LadyMorticia
    LadyMorticia Posts: 19,899 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Photogenic Name Dropper
    sunnyone wrote: »
    I have to see people's face's to lip read them and a lot of people dont like being lip read for some reason, even one woman at my bank covers her mouth when she sees me approach the counter (and worse she is always on the lowered wheelchair friendly counter) and she keeps doing it despite knowing Im a deaf lip reader.


    Oh my gosh. That is weird.

    That's almost like saying "Oh, here she comes again. Better make it hard for her to understand me!". :(

    DH is sat next to me and was like "Why would anyone do that?!".

    It's so strange. :(
    2019 Wins

    £2019 in 2019
  • I have no idea how I'm going to cope in our new flat. It has an entry phone system. :(

    You might find it preferable to having people just turning up right by your door. And you can switch the things off overnight or any time you don't feel able to use it - if you are expecting visitors, you can tell them to text you when they're outside, then you can a) get them to buzz up when you know who is going to be outside and can take it off mute or b) chuck your doorkeys down to them.

    And anyway, once in the Purple Palace of Morticia :), you'll feel a lot safer than you would imagine, as it is up to you and Sam alone who is allowed in at any time.

    I hate someone else on the phone in the same room as me. They always seem to shout, which always puts my teeth on edge, and when I'm having a bad stretch, I can't stand using it and will let the battery run out. If I'm really ill, I can't tolerate the post, either.

    But, it is one year since we moved here now, and I think I have to say that this place feels so much safer than any of my previous places. It's mine, all mine :D
    I could dream to wide extremes, I could do or die: I could yawn and be withdrawn and watch the world go by.
    colinw wrote: »
    Yup you are officially Rock n Roll :D
  • LadyMorticia
    LadyMorticia Posts: 19,899 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Photogenic Name Dropper
    You might find it preferable to having people just turning up right by your door. And you can switch the things off overnight or any time you don't feel able to use it - if you are expecting visitors, you can tell them to text you when they're outside, then you can a) get them to buzz up when you know who is going to be outside and can take it off mute or b) chuck your doorkeys down to them.

    And anyway, once in the Purple Palace of Morticia :), you'll feel a lot safer than you would imagine, as it is up to you and Sam alone who is allowed in at any time.

    I hate someone else on the phone in the same room as me. They always seem to shout, which always puts my teeth on edge, and when I'm having a bad stretch, I can't stand using it and will let the battery run out. If I'm really ill, I can't tolerate the post, either.

    But, it is one year since we moved here now, and I think I have to say that this place feels so much safer than any of my previous places. It's mine, all mine :D

    I didn't really think of that and looking at it that way, I guess that would be better. I hate it when people ring the doorbell here or knock on the door. It sends me into a panic and I can't open it. :(

    I have an anxiety disorder as well as BPD and the M.E so little things send me over the edge. :(

    I'm always excited when the post comes though as I have loads of penpals and getting letters from them makes me smile. :)
    2019 Wins

    £2019 in 2019

  • I'm always excited when the post comes though as I have loads of penpals and getting letters from them makes me smile. :)

    You want one more sending you letters? :D
    I could dream to wide extremes, I could do or die: I could yawn and be withdrawn and watch the world go by.
    colinw wrote: »
    Yup you are officially Rock n Roll :D
  • LadyMorticia
    LadyMorticia Posts: 19,899 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Photogenic Name Dropper
    You want one more sending you letters? :D

    Yes, yes, yes, yes!

    Please! :D

    Seriously, I love sending post so much.

    I don't really have any real life friends so it makes the not having a social life that little bit easier.:o
    2019 Wins

    £2019 in 2019
  • juno
    juno Posts: 6,553 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Anniversary First Post
    Yes, yes, yes, yes!

    Please! :D

    Seriously, I love sending post so much.

    I don't really have any real life friends so it makes the not having a social life that little bit easier.:o
    If you love sending post, have you seen post pals? You can send post to ill children :) If it's the receiving that you love, most don't reply, although I have had 2 lovely thank you cards and a few mentions on the website.
    Murphy's No More Pies Club #209

    Total debt [STRIKE]£4578.27[/STRIKE] £0.00 :j
    100% paid off :j

  • Trialia
    Trialia Posts: 1,108 Forumite
    And another, LM? I have two penpals in the US, and I may need to type a few letters, but... :)
    Homosexual, Unitarian, young, British, female, disabled. Do you need more?
  • The_Dragon
    The_Dragon Posts: 9,749 Forumite
    Also postcrossing, send cards, get cards back! I used to travel a lot with my job, I now travel virtually through cards :D (not affiliated yada yada but word of warning if you do sign up in your profile specify no advert cards)
    Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for thou art crunchy and good with catsup :D
    NSD 15/20, OS WL 21-6 (4) :(C.R.A.P R.O.L.L.Z #44 Twisted Firestarter, VSP #57 - £39.43
    :p Every Penny's a Prisoner :p
  • LameWolf
    LameWolf Posts: 11,236 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker Name Dropper 10 Posts
    I have no idea how I'm going to cope in our new flat. It has an entry phone
    I have an entry phone in our bungalow; but it allows me to see who's there; I can see them, but they can't see me.;)

    For some reason, it's not like using the telephone as such, and is much better than having to go to the door and cope with people face-to-face. Now that's scary, specially when it's someone trying to flog me something I can't afford and don't need!:eek:

    Tbh, if it's someone I don't like the look of, I ignore them til they conclude that there's no-one home, and go away.:D

    Sunnyone imho that bank clerk lady is being downright ignorant, and it sounds like she could use some training in how to interact with customers.
    If your dog thinks you're the best, don't seek a second opinion.;)
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