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5 OS Pleasures in your Day Today part 2



  • scotrae
    scotrae Posts: 588 Forumite
    I tried to post last night and lost it - then did the same earlier today. Doh!

    So an extra few, to cover yesterday and today...

    Being in the car with the boys for 7.59am, ready to leave for school. We aim for 8 but it's usually a fraught 5 or 10 mins later. Even the boys noticed how light the traffic was that few minutes earlier - we sailed into town! (These Advent Elves are wonderful things:D)

    The postman delivering a box from Dove - a new product which they've chosen me to trial (along with hundreds if not thousands of other women, obviously). A very unexpected treat.

    One son coming out of school to say he'd had his 'second best day ever' and telling me about his achievements.

    Picking one son up for an hour together while his brother was at a school club. We went into one charity shop and found two funny videos for only 49p. In another, he spotted a book he wanted ... I didn't give in but I think that Father Christmas might like me to get it on his behalf if I can sneak in next week. :cool: Had to laugh though when he refused to let me hold a pair of boys' jeans against him. "I'm not wearing clothes from a charity shop! You never know where they have come from! I mean, it's not like Freecycle or car boots because you see those people." I reminded him that we've sent some perfectly good clothes to charity shops ourselves, and everything is washed etc etc. Very fixed in his ideas for a young-'un though, this one :rolleyes:

    Finding the liquid eye liner that I thought I must have thrown away by mistake. So I needn't cash in any more of my Boots points before Christmas.

    Nobody claimed the wonderful TV cabinet that we tried to Freecycle weeks ago, so today we moved it back into the lounge for the stereo in the other corner. Best of all worlds now - barely noticeable between the dark sofas and plenty of storage for the games and DVDs still, plus an ideal height for my cup of coffee!

    I'm really feeling the need for a good boot up the proverbial though. It's five weeks now since my redundancy and I'm finding the lack of response to applications very disheartening. I know I've been a little fussy ruling out some but some I thought I had a really strong chance for just came to nothing at all. Our finances are showing the strain and I think it's a large part of why I feel so useless. Of course lots of MSE homebaking, feeling low and around the house all day with zero self control doesn't help.

    Tomorrow is another day- and hopefully a sunny one. Sleep tight all.
  • Broomstick
    Broomstick Posts: 1,648 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post
    Big (((((hugs))))) to all of you who are having a tough time right at the moment.

    My five for today:

    1. Getting up and out early-ish to get DS1 into town for a class - lovely and sunny - and (not MS this bit but a good treat) bought myself a big, fresh pain au chocolat for breakfast.

    2. Going back to bed when I got back home since DS2 was still crashed out and caught up on a bit more snoozy sleep with the radio on in the background. It was nice and warm.

    3. Getting much needed tidying done and a lot of creative thinking with DS2 about how we might make the downstairs stone floor of the house warmer (mega-cheap or, ideally, for free). It's got so cold down here that it's becoming very difficult to work so we have to do something.

    4. Catching up on some programmes on iplayer.

    5. Babysat my neice and nephew again this evening so my sister and BiL could get out to a party. Lovely to share their woodburner for an evening. I got lots of home-ed planning out of the way.

    Sleep well everyone

    B xxx
  • Olliebeak
    Olliebeak Posts: 3,167 Forumite
    Good morning everybody :hello: - dreary and miserable looking morning here so far - not sure about the forecast for the day though.

    bunny too - I hope your mini pre-christmas weekend is going well for you all with much HSnana.gifHSchristmaswindow.gifHSlights.gif going on and that you don't have too much of an hangover this morning.
    blackcrow - sorry to hear that you've had such a bad week - HSarmhugs_9780.giffor you. What wonderful neighbours your Mum and Dad have - joining you in crossed fingers that your Dad is now well enough to be allowed back home again and makes a quick recovery. I hope your mum has local support for the next few days at least so she can care for your Dad while still being able to get on with other stuff.
    Muppet - thanks for your kind thoughts about my tenant. I've not heard any more since he went to hospital and it's a distance away from here. Hopefully there will be some news on Monday, though there will be many tests to be done before a decision is made regarding long-term plans for his future. I just hope he's settled down for his own sake as well as the hospital staff - his carer and I had to take a hammer off him on Friday :eek:! He's only about 5-4 and '5st dripping wet' - but we weren't taking any chances :rolleyes:.
    Patchwork - wd on your crocheted corsage - something I'd never thought of before :confused: - so I've been a-googling (again) and came up with this: - I think the '+Floral Wrist Corsage' is very pretty :). I've seen some lovely ideas on there for decorating my Christening Shawls.
    nuttybabe - love your No.2 - good to see that Otis is earning his keep ;). Wd to your OH on hanging onto the kids while you went around the Pound Shops - far better than taking them (AND him) in there with you :rolleyes:.
    SunnyGirl - I love the Christmas movies too - one favourite is the one with Dervla Kirwin and two children living in a toystore after it closes :grin:. WD to your DH, his friends from the Lions and you for taking the time and trouble to help that lady make a fresh start :T - hope somebody can do some follow-up visits on her to make sure that she's not left alone for Christmas/New Year and to make sure that she gets back on her feet with proper support.
    Caterina - It's great to see you getting better and stronger :j - hope you, savingforoz and the others all enjoy your OS meet today :grin:.
    bella - good that you managed some good weather this past week and wd on getting your holiday laundry all sorted so quickly :T - I hate having those cases staring accusingly at me for more than a day :o.
    funkymonkey - oooo a lovely new sewing box :) - my kids bought mine about 16yrs ago by clubbing together out of their pocket money - it's my pride and joy :o. wd on the Advent Candle - good luck with the house, hope your OH agrees with you ;).
    ACEY - :j on your log stash for the Winter - and wd to your neighbour for helping you :).
    scotrae - wtg on your trial of Dove products :grin:. :rotfl: at your DS in the charity shop - I used to have the same problem with mine as well :rolleyes:. HSchochugs.gif for you on the job front - very hard at this time of year especially. I just hope that there's something really wonderful waiting for you right around the corner. Have you tried any agencies for temp work - I once got something permanent out of doing that. Do you think that a change of direction may help the search :confused:?
    Broomstick - wd on your saturday activities with your boys and the baby-sitting. Hope you can come up with a solution for your stone floors soon - we had 'quarry tiled' floors when I was a child and well remember how cold that was in the winter months; and 'real wooden floorboards' in the parlour where the rug used to 'lift' with the draught through the outside airbricks :eek:.

    Mine for yesterday:

    1. Visit from DS2 with dgs 2&3 for a couple of hours while his g/f got some sleep after her 11hr nightshift.

    2. They'd been here for aobut 10mins when my mobile hairdresser arrived to colour and cut my hair. Kitchen door was promptly closed and OH and DS2 left to control the kids :rotfl:. I'm now looking less grey and much tidier :grin:.

    3. OH had whoopsied smoked haddock loin for his evening meal and I had a whoopsied pizza - both had been sitting in the freezer for ages :j.

    4. DD rang - she'd found a note among dgs1's PE Kit requesting donations of Home-baked cakes for a cake stall on Tuesday for the Christmas Fayre and immediately thought of ME! Oh well - 'Lemon Drizzle' here we come again!

    5. Visit from DS1 late evening with a huge thick fleece blanket (one of those with a tiger on) - he'd had it for ages and never used it and thought we would. It matches another one that we've got, so now two similar for over the sofas :j.

    6. Watched AbFab last night - never fails to get me giggling :rotfl:.

    7. Have taken some whoopsied Chinese Deli Counter meals and mini-snacks out of the freezer for this evening - so a lazy supper for us :grin:.

    Hope everybody has a great Sunday - HShugs.gif for all who need them - love Ollie xxx
  • bunny_too
    Morning everyone, my 5 for today are.

    1. Great day yesterday, food, friends and animals fab. 1 tail wagger as ollie would say, stayed overnight which has been lovely for me. Out bright and early for a long walk. :j

    2. Banana muffins baking at the moment recipe from the index. Smell really nice, can't wait until the cool a bit. Maker real coffee to go with them.

    3. Leftover lunch and dinners today, and few bits for the freezer too.:money:

    4. Made carrott fritters for a snack last night, recipe from nigel slaters dig it. Very morish. Son said they would go well with cold turkey leg etc for lunch. Must be good.

    5. Hope to keep tail wagger for a few days, really miss having my own. Rented flat no pet policy.:T

    Have a great os day everyone, hugs to all who need them.:A

    Ollie you'll be glad to hear no hangover......but ate way too much....Was really glad of the excuse for the walk this morning, i don't like going out to walk by myself i feel a bit silly iykwim. All the walkers around here seem to have one or two dogs each.
    Patchwork I would love to be able to crochet, i tried to knit flowers but too fiddly for me to manage.Can you post pics to let us see.
  • OrkneyStar
    OrkneyStar Posts: 7,025 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Not posted for a while, but I do like this thread :).
    1. HM lentil and veg soup for dinner
    2. HM pasta bake for lunch follwed by HM cheesecake for a treat
    3. making lots of Christmas presents (mainly knitting and crochet)
    4. just about to sweep instead of hoover
    5. HM Christmas tree decorations, which DS helped with.
    x OS
    Ermutigung wirkt immer besser als Verurteilung.
    Encouragement always works better than judgement.

  • Nomoneymummy_2
    Have been very bad recently and after starting new job have been far far from OS!

    Have my behind back in gear finally and here are my 5 for today!!

    1. Pre Xmas clear out complete! (kids room gutted, all litttle jobs finished house spotless!)
    2. Roast dinner prep all done, in time for me to sit with a glass of wine while the meat cooks nice and slowly!
    3. Ironing pile non existant, for the first time in about 3 years !!! :eek:
    4. Beds all changed and ready for nice snoozing tonight
    5. Tree up, decorated and looking lovely (for now at least!)

    I've missed OS ways, must get back into the habit now!:o

    Has gone to play on her own little world for a bit..... but its ok the voices in her head came too so she's not alone ;)
  • SunnyGirl
    SunnyGirl Posts: 2,639 Forumite
    edited 6 December 2009 at 4:11PM
    Nomoneymummy hellowave.gif Hope you're enjoying the new job!

    Ollie Yes the lady has other support in place & I'm going to be ringing round tomorrow morning to get some more for her. It's just as important, if not more so really, that she have some support in place for after the initial helping :T

    I'm early on today but having a nice one so thought I'd post.

    1. A lie in until 9.30am - almost unheard of for me as I'm usually up before 6am - I made the most of it & read a book for half an hour once I'd woken up too reading.gif

    2. Corned beef hash for dinner this evening yum yum! I make it the Lancashire way which is in gravy with onions, a handful of lentils, some celery, carrots & potatoes. It'll be served in big bowls with yorkshire puddings & crusty bread.

    3. DH has made a start on clearing the loft out :T:j The amount of [STRIKE]rubbish[/STRIKE] very useful things he has stashed up there is crazy. He has a problem throwing things out so I've persauded him into Freecycling a lot of it.

    4. All the children will be in for dinner tonight - it's been nearly a week since all of us sat round the table together due to various meetings, college/school activities. I enjoy chatting with them all it's fab to get their perspective on things & the discussions take us onto all sorts of subjects HSchat.gif from the problems in Africa to how to train dogs and many others in between!

    5. Looking forward to the X Factor tonight.

    Edited to add: No 6. I have downloaded a lot of christmas songs from spotify (for free you just listen to a 30 second advert every hour) so have been singing away :rotfl:

    I hope that everyone is having a good day & big HS18791paws.gif for anyone who needs one xxx
  • Sublime_2
    Sublime_2 Posts: 15,741 Forumite
    Hello, all. I've been lurking a while on here, so here goes:

    I. Homemade soup, with HM chicken stock
    2. Homemade bread in Bread Maker
    3. Going for a nice long walk with my dog. Cheaper than using a gym.
    4. Having a lazy afternoon, reading books, as OH's parents are taking the kids out today. :j
    5. Stretching it here a bit, but I'm saving all my stale bread in a bag, and using it for breadcrumb toppings, and HM croutons.
  • Dazi
    Dazi Posts: 1,354 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Hiya all - mine for today are

    decorating the new xmas tree with all new decorations, got in the sale at Wilkos last Jan

    hanging the xmas tree bunting I made after seeing the one on the laura ashley site and thinking I can do that

    OH doing all the prep and cooking for our roast tonight

    feeling as though I have more energy today, first time since the flu, going back to work was hard, felt like I was walking through treacle all last week

    Not falling out with SD this weekend, well still a couple of hours to go, but its looking good :rotfl:
    whoever said laughter was the best medicine has clearly never tasted wine

    Stopped smoking 20:30 28/09/11 :D
  • blackcrow
    Hi all,

    dad came out of hospital yesterday (yay!) and i spent nearly an hour chatting to him on the phone, just babble about my new job and son and family stuff but he seemed eager to listen to news and it was lovely to chat. bad news is that surgeons found a second 'suspicious lump' in the muscle wall which they removed as best they could but it has left him a bit more battered and bruised internally than planned. Because of this he now needs to go in for a full CT body scan to check for others and i guess everything hinges on the biopsy reports (i'm preparing for the worst news but hoping for the best) so its going to be a LOOOONG xmas wait until the results come through early january :-(

    but trying to appreciate simple pleasures so my list for today:

    1) supermarket NOT being so packed that weekly trip felt like a nightmare chore this morning

    2) lie in till 9am this morning and a cat cuddle again (different cat though, lol)

    3) HM veggie lasagne for tea

    4) snoozing for a bit on the sofa this afternoon

    5) looking forward to a warm bubble bath tonight and a warm (electric blanket jobby) bet to snuggle up in after... damn, i wish i liked horlicks as it seems it would be perfect then, lol!

    never play leapfrog with a unicorn...
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