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5 OS Pleasures in your Day Today part 2



  • DundeeDoll
    DundeeDoll Posts: 4,945 Forumite
    Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary First Post
    Mhagster all the very best for you and OH
    MrsSD declutter medals 🏅🏅🏅⭐⭐
  • Frith
    Frith Posts: 8,223 Forumite
    Mortgage-free Glee! Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary
    edited 17 April 2012 at 9:14AM
    Boys back to school this morning and OH has taken them! (Their father left when they were 4 and 1 so I have taken them to school for 7 years). It is very strange indeed to be sitting here at 9am and not be in the car.

    Anyway, as I am NOT starting my list of post-Easter holiday jobs and am instead spuddling on the laptop, here are my 5 or so for yesterday.

    1) Technically a bit of a lie in, but up much earlier than in the last 2 weeks!

    2) Picked my mum up and we went to Ikea. It's been extended (Wednesbury branch) so the boys enjoyed the new playground. Had 4 breakfasts for less than £4 :-) Just bought some new tea towels, couple of glasses and the usual pack of scissors to replace all the lost pairs.

    3) Went on to have a cup of tea with my friend afterwards which was a bit stilted with my mum being there, but still fun.

    4) Boys went to their father's from 4-8pm and I had a good tidy and made a huge quantity of nettle soup.

    5) OH came round. :-)

    6) Boys came back quite happy and had some nettle soup. Then some pizza.

    7) OH not too well (side effect of existing condition) so had to go to our local walk in centre. He got seen very quickly and thought it an excellent service. I found myself feeling strangely loyal to our local, little hospital (doesn't have in-patients any more) and was glad he thought it was efficient.

    8) Had a good sleep after 4 days of almost none at all. :-S

    Right, the list of jobs is staring at me. It's basically "sort smaller son's schooling out"...

    Oh, thought of a 9) ! Went the wrong way from friend's house and ended up driving straight through the middle of Birmingham! Bit of a nightmare but had forgotten my mum worked there before she got married. Cue mum giving perfect instructions peppered with "left at the shops - oh, they've gone... so and so used to live.... oh, it's gone... that's where I used to work... erm... it's gone".
  • beachbaby_2
    A fairly quiet day yesterday. Felt a little low with the pain I'm in. Went for more physio though which seemed to help. My five for yesterday..
    1. Long walk with the dog. It gets me out of the house, exercise and fresh air, and its one thing that doesnt hurt to do.
    2. Relaxing for five mins with a heat pack at the physiotherapist. Bliss!
    3. Door to door salesman making me laugh.
    4. Lovely homemade cottage pie for tea.
    5. Cuddles with OH. Then he 'forgot' to go home.
    Love to all. X
  • Kittikins
    Kittikins Posts: 5,335 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post
    Get well soon Sparrer, hope you have good friends at your pulm rehab classes to make the time go quicker x

    Yesterday's goodies...

    1. DD got up happily and we had a nice stroll up to school

    2. Good day at work

    3. Made us a delicious dinner, even if I say so myself! :)

    4. Took out a great book from the library

    5. Early night with OH :)
  • oldtractor
    oldtractor Posts: 2,262 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post Combo Breaker Mortgage-free Glee!
    Best Wishes Mhagster xxxx
    my 5
    1. baked some bread, some rolls, a loaf and a plait.
    2. Baked scones.
    3. HM spinach and cheese and onion pie with cabbage and potatoes for lunch.
    4.Shopping this morning saw a couple of nice skirts in a charity shop, am thinking of going back and buying them.
    5. Made a pan of veg soup to have with the bread for dinner later.
  • Frith
    Frith Posts: 8,223 Forumite
    Mortgage-free Glee! Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary
    5 for today (so far)

    1) OH took sons to school. :-)

    2) Good evening/night with OH. He's in Switzerland now showing people how to do something new with computers.

    3) Popped to mum and dad's.

    4) Wrote a letter to smaller son's paediatrician to see if we can sort something out re his problems at school.

    5) Took my aunty to hospital to see uncle (he's been in a month now).

    Sad time in hospital though. It is their wedding anniversary today but uncle very ill. Every time he stirred aunty gave him a kiss and said "happy anniversary" but I don't think he knew. :-( Then the man in the bed opposite (small, 4 bed ward) died which was not unexpected but it was sad to hear his daughter upset and the phone calls she made to his other relations. :-(

    Seems a bit callous to move on to other pleasures but

    6) Holby City later and have bought a ready cheaty meal for myself.
  • Chickenopolis
    Chickenopolis Posts: 1,450 Forumite
    oldtractor wrote: »
    1. baked some bread, some rolls, a loaf and a plait.
    2. Baked scones.

    OT -errr......when am I moving in then???:D

    mhagster - hang in there girl !

    Dundee - love your colourful language :rotfl:

    5 for today

    1. Ooooh ground hog day at work - she came, she saw, she reported ...

    2. A company that I have worked with very closely with told a colleague that they found working with me very helpful . I told my colleague to write this in Capital letters on an email to my boss- my boss then walked in to the office ,heard the feedback and sort of shrugged his shoulders ..I wish he would eff off and retire NOW !

    3.OH reverbed 5p for me.

    4. OH then emptied all of the loose unreverbed change out of his pockets for me to squirrel away /sort... I am obsessed with counting money, even if it is not mine !

    5. Quiet night in as OH is going out

    Ants everywhere again - not in my pants though:D

    Have a good evening all !
    :AToo fat to be Felicity Kendal , but aim for a bit more of the good life :A
  • oldtractor
    oldtractor Posts: 2,262 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post Combo Breaker Mortgage-free Glee!
    You'd be most welcome anytime Chicken, and all your little feathered followers too. Speaking of which mine have gone off lay, cold weather perhaps?
    Speaking of Reverbedoes she still post?
  • Purple_kitten
    Purple_kitten Posts: 3,058 Forumite
    Photogenic Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary
    LadyHawk: You are so right, but yup the feedback was thanks but no thanks, which I just knew from instinct.

    For today
    1.Renewed enthusiasm more jobs applied for and a good few calls about it.
    2.I am gearing up into holiday mode, just loads to do, if I’ve not mentioned it we are off over to Wales for a break, keeping it as cheap as possible with camping and bbqing, just looking forward to a change of scenery, as we are able to keep the costs low we will stay a few weeks. Can’t wait.
    3. clearing out a load of clothes and discovered some new/old clothes to wear.
    4. Dinner was leftovers but this really was the last meal we can scrap together without going shopping.
    5. I am seeking inspiration for OH birthday which is while we are away and think I have found the main part on line phew. But he likes lots of little pressies, and I’ve not really been anywhere to collect bits. But a pleasure to have found something.
    6. OH is loving the updates I say to him from here:p
  • CCP
    CCP Posts: 5,061 Forumite
    I've been Money Tipped!
    edited 17 April 2012 at 7:38PM
    Evening all.

    My 5 (or more) for today:

    1) Woke up to an utterly revolting morning, so I treated myself to a childhood favourite for breakfast - wheat biscuits, raisins and hot milk. :)

    2) It looks like I've found a buyer for my unwanted brooch - that could be the easiest £5 I've ever made. :money:

    3) Combined some vouchers and money off offers to get some very cheap shower gel for the stores.

    4) Treated myself to a RTC house plant - I don't know quite what it is, but it's got yellow flowers so I had to have it. :D

    5) Pork and bean stew for lunch, LO from last night's dinner and even better today, as such things usually are.

    6) Found my house still in one piece and unburgled when I got home, despite accidentally leaving the back door unlocked when I went out this morning. :eek:

    7) Almost finished my essay - there was much less left to do than I thought, and it only needs a final read-through tomorrow (not tonight - I'm far too tired now).

    8) Chilli pasta bake for dinner, chilli from a batch I made and froze, pasta bought on B1G2F, topped with RTC cheese. :money:

    9) Another HB episode tonight.

    PK - sorry to hear about the outcome of the interview. :(

    Frith - I hope you get something sorted out for your smaller son.

    oldtractor - it sounds like you had a great baking day. I've got a week off work next week and hope to do something similar myself. :)

    VJsmum - I've never tried redbush tea - I was put off, probably for life, when a former colleague commented that it smelt like Playdoh, and I had to admit he was right! _pale_
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