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  • jason91
    I was at an interview yesterday in Newcastle for a company called JMS Marketing and everything that is written on this thread about companies like this and what they say to you is correct.

    They fed me all the lies about Talk Talk, and all the other companies they supposedly have clients in. Thanks to this thread it has saved me the time and effort of going back for the second interview today and wandering around trying to seel door to door and getting no pay for it.

    If this company contacts you then don't waste your time. Funnily enough the main managers name there was Kevin aswell and all the assistants were in there early 20's. I'm just glad that i did some research on this company before i went back.
  • Sazzles90
    jason91 wrote: »
    I was at an interview yesterday in Newcastle for a company called JMS Marketing and everything that is written on this thread about companies like this and what they say to you is correct.

    They fed me all the lies about Talk Talk, and all the other companies they supposedly have clients in. Thanks to this thread it has saved me the time and effort of going back for the second interview today and wandering around trying to seel door to door and getting no pay for it.

    If this company contacts you then don't waste your time. Funnily enough the main managers name there was Kevin aswell and all the assistants were in there early 20's. I'm just glad that i did some research on this company before i went back.

    I went to a JMS Marketing in Leeds today, After 5 minutes of the guy telling me about his wonderful life and how it only took him 13 months to reach management. I asked what exactly the job entailed as the position advertised claimed it was a 'customer service and handling' role.
    He said it was 'Field based sales roles' so i asked him 'you mean door to door sales?' He kinda hesitated before saying ' Well we do campaigns in supermarkets too' I politely told him that it wasn't for me and left.

    I tried to find more ads like the one posted as ive done actual customer service before and thought thats where i'd get a job. I found two other companies advertising the exact same role. PrimusUKLTD and R H Client Soloutions. Gave them a quick call and email with CV and they both gave me interviews. After ringing them, however i noticed the number i called was the same for all 3 companies and they were all on floor one of Pearl Chambers Building in Leeds city centre.
    I just rang them and they answered 'Hello Marketing'
    I asked precisely which marketing company it was, was this Primus, JMS or Client Soloutions.
    The idiot went 'oh well its all 3, which one do you want?'

    :mad: they shouldn't be allowed to advertise a role as one thing when its clearly another.
  • lynysys
    That makes sense.

    I recently had an "Interview" with Junior Enterprise Ltd (Norwich) and there were so many warning signs that I just couldn't even see it through.

    The office was totally unprofessional looking and the interviewer (Although very slickly dressed) started the interview by telling me the "credit crunch" was making people lose their jobs and how he'd interviewed 17 other people today for the role.

    So many little warning signs that taken together just screamed SCAM at me.

    Had I have been born yesterday, I may have fallen for it, but they'll have to try harder than that.

    Thanks for confirming my suspicions Mikek. :)
    MikeK777 wrote: »
    There is also one in Norwich called Junior Enterprise Ltd be aware its a scam to get you to work for very little and very long hours, Oh and don't forget you will be a manager soon thats to keep you on the hook for a bit longer.

    Don't be fooled by this people.
  • bombastic_2
    Ok, so the same thing happened to me with Bradford Marketing in Manchester. I realised what had happened when I was leaving following the first interview. I got the call later to come back the following day so I said I would but then took the following action. I wrote an email back to the company stating the following;


    After coming to your offices yesterday and having being 'interviewed' by your new 'Managing Director', Mr. 'Philip Alexander' if that is his real name I decided this job is not what it has been made out and is certainly not for me. Whenever I asked a question Philip replied with a vague answer and to be frank the offices were like a 3rd world dentist filled with cheap furniture and lack of equipment. The office had no trace of the name of the company and the MD did not even have a computer on his desk! It seems as though these backstreet offices have probably been rented on a very short term basis for a very low price.

    This is no legitimate company without a company website and instead prides itself with a link to the talktalk website. I do not even see the relevance of this link. The website was so unclear like you 'kids' interviewing. Which company tells everyone to come at the same time to be interviewed? Ridiculous.

    There is no pay on this job; it is commission only from a simple, lowly regarded job of door to door sales. You have mislead and lied to these poor graduates who have spent money travelling to your 'offices' and you will probably call everyone back to do your door to door sales of ripping off and annoying the public for pennies.

    I am surprised a person like yourself who seemed honest and pleasant could be involved in such a setup. If you don't know and haven't been paid yet I would walk out right now because believe me you will get paid peanuts.

    I'm annoyed I even got dressed to impress, wasted my time and paid money travelling to get scammed and now i feel sorry for all those clueless graduates that will turn up today. Employees of 'bradford marketing' should be ashamed of yourselves. You are bad people. I will be reporting you.'

    I received a reply from them and they were very apologetic. They even offered to reimburse my travel expenditure.
    So after this I went to report them. I phoned trading standards explaining what happened. They said they didn't deal with this and forwarded me another regulators number. They too forwarded me another number and whoever I phoned did not seem interested or want to know. I even spoke to the police at one point. It was so frustrating since I was trying report a problem so that it could be dealt with lawfully. Instead of these regulators responded they don't deal with this matter and passed me on to another number. Instead they should take it upon themselves to bring the matter to the appropriate departments attention. I think its ridiculous and a complete joke that there are so many British regulators that are funded by the tax payer and don't even do what they are supposed to do.

    This is why these scam companies are allowed to operate and do not get closed down. So I don't know which is worse; the fact these hit n run marketing companies are exploiting young, unemployed people to work for peanuts or the fact that there are so many UK regulators that turn a blind eye to the problem.....
  • wantsajob
    wantsajob Posts: 705 Forumite
    bombastic wrote: »
    This is why these scam companies are allowed to operate and do not get closed down. So I don't know which is worse; the fact these hit n run marketing companies are exploiting young, unemployed people to work for peanuts or the fact that there are so many UK regulators that turn a blind eye to the problem.....
    If people fall for it more the fool them. The most most people should lose is one day, travel expenses and the effort of booting and suiting.
    Wanted a job, now have one. :beer:
  • behindthelines
    wow, i'm just amazed that this "company" is still allowed to get away with this.

    I've been emailed by Bradford Marketing after they found my CV on totaljobs (even though I am a manager within the security industry and have no connection with marketing) ...obviously I haven't replied and I decided to google them just for a laugh and came across this epic thread....

    about 2 years ago, my then girlfriend had lost her job and was looking at graduate positions...she was invited for an interview at "Primus" if i recall correctly...

    Now I could just regurgitate what many many people have said on here so I won't but suffice to say after her first "interview" she was invited back to the training day which involved her being left alone to trawl the streets of Gorton and Beswick (if anyone knows Manchester they will know these areas aren't exactly prime locations in the city)

    As soon as I heard about exactly what this so called job involved I had to make her see the stupidity and down right irresponsibility of a company who leave a 20 something year old girl on her own in an unfamiliar area... it just beggars belief they can justify this.

    From what I read on here "Primus" has now become "Bradford Marketing" ... but is still based in the same building on Dickinson Street in manchester and Jake Bradford and his cult are still brain washing vulnerable people....

    Thank you all for making this thread exist so others will be able to see what they really are about before they get sucked in too far
  • swanswan1
    I had the same situation as you lot with a company called castle road marketing a year back.
    I got really mad and wrote a blog about it, seems we're not the only ones irritated with these sorts of jobs. 46 angry people have replied to my post so far, of which only about 2 of them had anything positive to say about the companies.

    Stay away from coulson corporation/jms marketing/castle road/marketing solutions in Newcastle, to name a few.
  • mboro
    mboro Posts: 294 Forumite
    edited 24 January 2011 at 6:44PM
    I sent Paramount Force my CV this morning....just had a phone call saying that they would like to arrange an interview on Wednesday. She emailed me directions and this....

    We are delighted to confirm your interview attendance with Paramount Force on 26th January at 3:00pm. Please find map below will full directions. Your interview will be conducted by the Managing Director.

    If you require any further information please don’t hesitate to contact me on 0161 2281312 and feel free to look on our company website www.paramountforce.com beforehand.

    So I then jumped on here and found this thread, me not a happy bunny, So I emailed her back with this...

    Hello Sarah, may I ask if this is commisioned based salary? and got this reply....

    I can confirm the pay is performance related, the office averages between £250 and £500 per week, we also pay on a weekly basis, however as stated it does depend on yourself to how much you will earn.

    I then sent her a curt email saying I was looking for admin/reception and not Sales!!!!!!

    Thank you all so much for this thread, you have saved me a wasted journey and money!!!

    Oh her name was Sarah!

  • helpfultips_2
    helpfultips_2 Posts: 2 Newbie
    edited 27 January 2011 at 3:17PM
    Interesting reading! I have experience working for them, oh and btw I quit! one of the joys is you dont work for them, yet appear by all intense purposes to, so they dont have to pay you anything as its 100% commission in the field. But its means you can quit without any notice! They all come under the same group PERDM. They work by 'customer acquisitions' posh for sales taking a commission from large corporate companies for every application they get. So its very cost effective for the large companies as they only pay for customers they get. What I find crazy is the charities side where the reps get £40 for each application so double that for the company and you see what the charity gets in the end - its not great!
    Whilst these companies do offer people jobs and potentially quick career progression one does have to basically be a puppet for them. Learning a script and memorising it verbatum and using everything you can to get the customer excited into a sale. Its very full on force-full tactics yet they "never force a sale" nor do they want to 'change you'. The hours are ridiculously long and they joys of a promotion is you get to work even longer hours - but you never have to 'sell your time' as its all 'an investment'!! I was told on the phone the hours were 9-5 then found out once i got the job they wanted me in at 7.45 and couldnt leave before 7.30 which is basically a 12 hour day. then you get promoted once you hit your sales targets and add an extra 30mins on either side. You can see its a VERY long day!
    So if you want to go into a very matey sales driven environment where you essentially harass the public in shops/malls/door-to-door/b2b etc. then great but if you want a life i wouldnt choose it. Its all a numbers game you ask 100 people you get 3 applications etc.. if you follow EVERYTHING they say word for word, ie. being extremely pushy keeping the customer excited and greedy about the savings or what ever you are selling. you get stories of people progressing very quickly but the reality is its not that quick.
    Anyways I just felt that would help. I know a lot of people are desperate for jobs but just keep your wits about you. I remember in the interview I asked about pay and I got told its way too early to talk about that?? They keep things hidden until they've suckered you in!!!
  • sparkel_82
    source maketing direct makes me sick!
    1. they wasted at least £20 of my own hard earned money (which they would no nothing about) for getting to london.
    2. they wasted 2 days of my life in the rain, good job i brought an umbrella with me or i woulda been screwing
    3. all the people there are too nice, working for charity. NAAT. they are blatently all evil and want to screw money outta innocent people
    4. they have clouded my judgement of people that are trying to do good, the next person working for charity who comes knocking at my door, normally i jus shut the door. but i am actually gonna ask who they are working for and if they like scaming members of the public
    5. no wonder people leave with in a week and not even getting paid for it the guy that took me round said he wanted to retire by the time he was 30 doing this job. yeah like thats gonna happen he had been walking the streets for 3 months and was still doing it.
    6. i may be dumb but u cant fool me that easy. the people that were at the second interview were all foreign people and good luck to them they can keep that job, being oblivious to the bigger picture of pure scam
    7. i wanted to go back to the offices and give them a piece of my mind but going there at 9.oclock at night i do not think bruuvv so i am getting on that bus back to the station
    8. the funniest thing that happened was a car broke down and the two guys offered to change the tyre, the lady in the car said if i had any money i would give to ur charity as ur so kind, thank god she didnt have any money cos we all kno where that will be going in their back pocket!
    9. i did learn that people are fearfull of opening the door no matter how nice u are
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