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Getting to know you........



  • Dee2
    Dee2 Posts: 101 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Anniversary
    Hi, I'm Dee, long time lurker but now have decided to come out of the closet!
    I'm 43, married with 2 teenage daughters. I work part-time for a high street health shop which I really enjoy.
    My OH is currently under threat of redundancy which is a very strange and scarey feeling. We'll just have to make the best of it and with everyone's help on the site (because everyone seems so nice!) I'm sure we'll get through it.
    During my lurking I have taken on board loads of tips and ideas - I just wish I had some really good ones to give in return!
    Not Buying It! 2015
  • ravenlooney
    ravenlooney Posts: 135 Forumite
    Hi, I thought I should post a bit of an intro here as I love this board and have had some really good tips here, even though I normally lurk and dont contribute often enough (I will change ok!!)
    Im 28, married SAHM of 3 fantastic children aged 10, 8 and 2. I live in N E Scotland. What do I do???? hmmm, I cook and clean lots, play lots of games and read lots of stories for the kids. Im a self confessed wholefood fanatic and am constantly obsessed with making sure I feed my kids well. We are constantly skint and take great pride in living very frugally so that means I recycle and reuse lots, and grow as much food as I can myself. Hubby wont let me have chickens tho :(. I really want to home school my kids but they love their school and wont leave it (damn that good school :rolleyes:)
    Oh and I also do reiki healing!!
  • carriel_2
    carriel_2 Posts: 186 Forumite
    Hi, I'm a newbie to the board, having been reading for a couple of days & it has some fantastic info, I just wish I had found it earlier.

    I'm a sahm to 2 children aged 3 & 6. I'm totally fed up with the amount of money we waste every week & am determined to make a change.

    I'm a cross stitch addict & am studying bookkeeping & accounts with ICS.
  • Kantankrus_Mare
    Kantankrus_Mare Posts: 6,114 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper 10 Posts
    A big Hello to everyone!!

    I'm Karen and pretty new to these boards.

    I'm finding it so refreshing after chatting in AOL chat rooms which are becoming very clicky and back biting. Havn't found none of that on here and finding so much great info on here on so many different subjects.

    I'm 38,married with 2 kids aged 10 and 12.

    Not particualarly in debt but always seem to be skint and am trying to make money go further so keep up the good work everyone and only wish I'd found this site earlier!!

    I have 2 part ime jobs. One is in a posh restaurant which is the day job and I'm also a bar supervisor 2 nights a week in a very busy seaside pub. Dont get in till gone 1.30 some nights hence the late postings.

    Its my way of winding down.
    Make £10 a Day Feb .....£75.... March... £65......April...£90.....May £20.....June £35.......July £60
  • ocemeer
    ocemeer Posts: 414 Forumite
    Am a 33 year old red head who lives in the deepest darkest SW.
    got married got divorced hence the edit life unfortunatley is not made from fairy tales.
    Dream to live somewhere remote with cows and sheep and hens (use to be a shepherd/dairy maid) bake bread make jams and never ever do paperwork again.
  • fruityslh
    fruityslh Posts: 123 Forumite
    Hello All

    I'm 31, work in a male dominated environment (I'm the only female) Daily tasks involve mopping up and sorting problems created by the male contingent, only joking, I'm a Data administrator for a tyre manufacturer working on the factory floor (although I do have my own glass box office) Go home every day covered in Carbon Black and use lots of lovely Lush products to keep me spotless.

    Have Husband & Jack Russell who are both barmy

    Love MSE, it takes me back to my Yorkshire Roots (especially some of the yummy recipes I've seen of stuff my Nan used to make)
    Pay all debts by Xmas 12 # 072 £1201.79/£15,105.68:eek:
    2012 Frugal Living Challenge
    Sealed Pot Challenge 5 #1711
  • gravitytolls
    gravitytolls Posts: 13,558 Forumite
    Stay at home mum too.

    Husband is a thatcher, works v hard and plays golf zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    I love and look after 7 children between 16 yrs(almost) and 6 mths.

    I love my dogs - ex foxhound (now lazy old devil), an Scruffy old cat called scruffy, and Chinese Crested(little hairless doggy) called Herbie.

    I read books borrowed from the library van, I cook, which would explain mine and hubby's weight gain:whistle:

    We walk - lots - it's free and teh dog likes it, as do the children and I; still a alrdy though . Try the self saucing choc pud recipe and youll see why.

    I spend far too much tim eon here.

    I try to see my friends and folks at least once a week. I help care for my elderly in laws, they're lovely.

    Housework, is a necessity, and is only achieved as such. My mum is obsessive about it, I am not. I like bright colours and don;t care if stuff doesn't match. I also don't worry about cobwebs from ceilings and toys on the floor (well not the youngests ones anyway).

    So long as the loo and the litchen are clean, I'm fairly okay with the rest of it getting done when I notice it.

    And that's me.
    I ave a dodgy H, so sometimes I will sound dead common, on occasion dead stupid and rarely, pig ignorant. Sometimes I may be these things, but I will always blame it on my dodgy H.

    Sorry, I'm a bit of a grumble weed today, no offence intended ... well it might be, but I'll be sorry.
  • bright_side
    bright_side Posts: 1,799 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post
    Just stumbled across this thread by accident. Finding out about other people is so fascinating :o

    I'm Karen, 35, single mum to two fantastic kids (girl 14, boy 8). I stopped work 4 years ago when the childrens father and I parted, but am currently doing counselling courses and would really like to go in to some form of counselling work when the little one is older. Have been battling with depression for 15 years and am pleased to say I'm finally winning :j thanks to the brilliant therapist I've been seeing for a year. MSE has become a brilliant focus for me and I'm here every day without fail, though I'm a little shy so I don't often say a lot ;)
    Some people see the glass half full, others see the glass half empty - the enlightened are simply grateful to have a glass :)
  • Julie14_2
    Julie14_2 Posts: 13 Forumite
    I work three evenings a week at sainsburys, and the rest of my time is spent with my two children, 5 yr old boy and a 14 month old girl, my husband looks after the kids while I'm in work (the house always looks like a bomb site when I get home!).

    I enjoy being with the kids but housework isn't my idea of fun, I worked full time as a receptionist before having the children and do sometimes miss it. I also suffer depression which with the help of tablets is under control, we are in debt (since having the kids we still spent like we did when I worked full time) but now we have started budget which I find hard with the grocery shop, I do set a limit but always go over it, with loans and credit cards to pay off - I have to try harder, so I will be reading with interest all of your helpful advice.

    I'm off to write my shopping list now and will try to stick to it!
  • katglasgow
    katglasgow Posts: 404 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post
    Hi nice to hear more about you all.

    I'm 30 work full time as a project assistant for a youth health project in North Glasgow anmd have an 18 month old son - which I also consider a full time job as I make all his own food for nursery and he is always full of beans. Discovered MSE about 6 months ago whilst deparately seeking solutions to debt problem after suddenly finding out husband to be had a gambling problem. This site has really help me take control of our money problems and make the most of our potential. Both my partner and I have had counselling and treatment for depression and our lives and going very well now - we get married in 7 weeks time. The advice and support on this site has been fantastic and I love old style, thats how my mum brought me up!
    PS. 10 year old cat called Felix who is always referred to as "my first love".
    Me debt free thanks to MSE :T
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