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OS DAILY Tuesday 1st July what a lovely day



  • Essex-girl_2
    Essex-girl_2 Posts: 3,503 Forumite
    Good Morning All

    Sending Good Luck vibes to your OH N9eav

    It looks like a lovely day here too. Unfortunatly will be in my office all day but will take the dog out later. Have DD at home, she had a high temperature last night with a blocked nose and sore throat hoping she gets over it quickly as it having 2 teeth out on Saturday.

    Think will be barbeque again tonight.

    Havnt caught up on the thread the last couple of days so plenty of (((hugs))) to anyone who needs one.
  • Hardup_Hester
    Hardup_Hester Posts: 4,800 Forumite
    Morning all
    Life here bounces fron drama to crisis & back to drama again, involving everyone from the police to nutty family members, hubby is keeping a very low profile, embarrassed, I think, by the fact that his family are the cause of all the problems. He knows me & my family well enough by now to realise we go about things in a completely different way. I'm not saying we are perfect by any means, but we don't immediately leap with both feet into everything that is going on & make it 10 times worse by getting drunk & throwing punches. The short version of all this is that word has spread about BIL's daughter being abused & a cousin of BIL's went round & gave the abused a good thumping, nothing wrong with that you might think, except that he hit the abusers brother by mistake & when arrested gave his name as BIL's. As I said before dysfunctional ain't in it. On the bright side he was so drunk, he only landed one punch before he fell over & when they got to the police station, the custody sargent knew he was giving a false name because her husband works with BIL on a regular basis.
    At work we are also expecting the big O, OFSTED, not Org**m, I have the only printer working in the whole school, so all the work is coming to me via email as if I didn't have enough to do.
    Hugs, congrat, happy b'days & annivesarys & welcome to all those as appropriiate. As you can imagine my brain has gone to mush.
    Hugs Hester

    Never let success go to your head, never let failure go to your heart.
  • twink
    twink Posts: 3,827 Forumite
    morning all

    none the worse of yesterdays walk now just the playgroup outing to the beach to get through 11 LO's under three and its very windy and cloudy but should be fun

    school holidays friday but will be doing a playscheme through the summer, extra money which is always handy

    Happy Anniversary to Mr and Mrs Pippa.S

    was wondering about churchmouse too, haribo is on hols i think and hope pink is feeling better

    Snowy hugs to you
    hugs to penny-pincher, anniestar, beth and all who need one

    fingers crossed for your oh's interview N9eave

    hester hugs to you and you thought you wouldnt have anything to write about in your blog, hope you have a calm day
  • redruby
    redruby Posts: 7,317 Forumite
    morning all,

    Another bright and beautiful day here, its meant to be the hottest day of the year so far up to 29 Degrees.

    Need to do a quick swipe around today, and will get the beds changed, might also mow the lawn, and the car needs cleaning :rolleyes: , not sure I will do all of it but we shall see.

    Lamb chops mash cabbage and cauli for tea, and hopefully get a walk in after, we went to the beach last night it was lovely, not a soul around, and the breeze coming off of the sea was lovely.

    Kathy, I am glad your nephew and his dad are getting on ok, he sounds like a character, is his dad still on his own ? your hubbie sounds like my dad, he is in his mid 70's and still plays footie with the children :D

    Hugs to Smoky, pen pin, poppy, beth xx

    Twink and Kyle, well done on completing the walk x

    Hester, take some time out for you xx

    Good luck to n9eav's OH

    Annie, hugs to you over the next few days xx

    Have good days all xx
  • mioliere
    mioliere Posts: 6,838 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Happy Anniversary Mr and Mrs Pippa.S!

    Pink - I hope you are feeling better very soon.

    Essex-girl - (((Hugs))) to your DD - she has got that horrid bug that's doing the rounds. Hope she gets better soon.

    Hester - how on earth do you cope? I'll lend you my fantasy island (no, not that sort of fantasy!). It's set somewhere warm and sunny and has a drawbridge that you can pull up when the outside world just gets too much. There is a comfy chair, lots to drink (alcoholic and non-alcoholic), plenty of chocolate, plenty of books, lots of beautiful flowers, and plain good old silence! You can sit there for as long as you like and NO-ONE disturbs you. It's entirely up to you when you feel you are rested, refreshed and ready to face the world again . It's something that came to me years ago during a particularly stressful time and I find it really helps to think about it. The last time I needed it was just after DH and I had one of our very rare tiffs last week while I was doing his accounts! Good luck with getting through today. (((Hugs))) to you.


    Squares: 11, Animal blankets: 2
  • poppyoscar_3
    poppyoscar_3 Posts: 1,566 Forumite
    Mortgage-free Glee!
    Morning all

    I overslept again:eek: not so badly this time, but even so!

    Will read up threads later.

    Lovely day here too.

    Hugs, congrats, etc etc,

    PO X
    :D2010 MFW Challenge No. 112 Mortgage paid in full 27/08/10 I was MF!!!:D
    But now I'm not - (Joint) Mortgage £104704.
    New MFW target £5000 overpayments by 31/12/2105 £400/£5000 = 8%
    SAVINGS TARGET - £25000 by 31/12/2015 £13643/£25000 = 55%
    No 17 Lewis Lane
  • candygirl
    candygirl Posts: 29,455 Forumite
    Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary First Post
    Morning all:D
    Back to the hell hole today, and guess which class I have 1st thing :mad: :mad: :mad: Yesterday I got a letter off my neighbour with the barking dogs, the other neighbours have complained about hers, so she was trying to say it was mine making hers bark as they play fight in my garden and hers get distressed:rolleyes: :mad: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: After 2 phone calls and a very long discussion with her last night, she has admitted it is her dogs who make the horrendous screeching noise, that is bugging us all day and night.Mine are too lazy to bark:D :D
    Anyway HUGGLES to all who need them today, as I haven't read the thread yet, and cya all later.
    ps just hung washing out and it's lovely here today :D
    "You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf"

    (Kabat-Zinn 2004):D:D:D
  • betheebee
    betheebee Posts: 1,818 Forumite
    Mioliere, I have googled Remoska as I've never heard of it before. It looks like I could save a fortune on the cost of using it instead of my large fan assisted electric oven. I'll go through Quidco and order 1 today, also search discount codes. It really looks like a MSaver. Thanks for mentioning it again as I had forgotten the first time you said you were getting one.

    Will look out for the books you mentioned, more thanks.

    HESTER, what an awfull time you are going through, you can choose your friends etc, etc. bet you wish Katy was back, seems like she was less of a prob and at least you gave us some laughs about her antics. Take care, hugs
  • charlies_mum
    charlies_mum Posts: 8,118 Forumite
    Name Dropper Combo Breaker First Post First Anniversary
    Morning all :wave:

    Sitting here in the caravan in sunny Dorset, and so far we have had lovely weather, but looking at the forecast, it isn't going to last :o

    I can report that Martyn is alive and well and still :j

    Off to an auction today (busman's holiday) and then fish and chips for dinner (don't tell my slimming world consultant) ;)

    Hope everyone is OK, haven't had a chance to read what happened over the weekend, so will catch up later

    You're only young once, but you can be immature forever :D
  • anniestar
    anniestar Posts: 2,600 Forumite
    Morning all. Where is the time going-its only 8:15 and I am running late already!! Slept very heavily. Made some cheese scones this morning (5 am!) as I wanted to MAKE something for tomorrow. Will try to post later haven't read everything so ((((((((((((((((((((99HUGS))))))))))))))))))))))))) to all. Take care nad have a nice day. I am really sorry that i cant remember hte new posters name who is celebrating 41 years of marrage CONGRATULATIONS.
    Have to go, take care and as ever thank you. Ann xxxx
    Blind as you run...aware you were staring at the sun.

    And when no hope was left inside on that starry starry night.

    :A Level 42- the reason I exist. :A
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