Deferred Pension query.
I have a deferred pension with an ex employer and it is in a final salary scheme. I have received details today and it states that the DP in excess of GMP will increawe each year at the rate of 2.5 percent per annum until retirement date. It then says GMP will increase each tax year at the rate of 4.5 peercent per annum…
SIPP provider wanted
Hi, I don't have a SIPP at the moment and am considering starting one. I've looked through a lot of the threads have some basic understanding. I envisage to have mostly individual stocks in the SIPP and ease/access to different markets/cheapness of dealing is important. I would prefer no annual fees. I'm not so concerned…
Pension - FTSE 250
Hi, I have recently been offered a job by a FTSE 250 Retail company. As part of there offer they provide a defined pension scheme where they match upto 5%. Obviously many of the companies I have been researching for jobs within London offer better pension contributions than this (upto 17% where you contribute 3%). Would…
How Many Funds
Hi, i have just switched my epp to a sipp, before retiring soon to france, having done more research it seems i will be better off investing in france with the rest of my wealth but i have 80k in the sipp that i can't do anything about, how many funds should i invest in,(for income) Am i right in thinking the more funds…
avc's change
Does any one know anything about these funds. The Baillie Gifford Worldwide Equity Fund, The Newtone Global Balanced Fund, The Standard Life Cash Fund, The Standard Life Protection Fund. I can invest my AVC's with these funds or stick with the Standard Life's With-Profits Fund. Any ideas?
white paper on 30 years ni contributions for full state pension
white paper about 30years NI contributions for full pension Quote: Originally Posted by jamesd Yes, that's part of it. It won't be decided until the bills have passed but the speech itself is on 15 November. Expect plenty of news coverage. Has anything been sorted out yet, please. just wondered if you only need 30 years NI…
stupid question
Hi folks, I had a company pension through Norwich Union which I had been paying into for about 10 years. I have recently got a new job & have not transferred it or done anything to it yet. My stupid question is can I gain access to this cash now, even if I have to pay a release fee. I am 30 yrs old & like I say have been…
Pensions for children.
Hi, Am looking for information regarding starting a pension for my two nieces who are currently 10 and 13yrs old. I read an article somewhere about this but didn't take much notice at the time... Anyone point me in the right direction please? If I were to put £20 month away for them each, regularly, would a pension be a…
40% income tax and pension
My husband pays 40% income tax, and pays £200 a month into a personal pension plan. He fills in a tax return each year. Does the government automatically top up his pension with the appropriate amount of tax or does he need to reclaim this in the tax return? He only mentioned this to me last night, he's had the pension…
Pension Refund
Hello This is my first post on this forum and I hope someone can help me. In January 2006 I joined my company pension scheme with Scottish Life and paid in 3% of my salary and 6% was put in by my employer. However I left this company in November - therefore I made 11months contributions. However I would now like a refund…
Contracted out of SERPS & Company Pension
Have been contracting out of SERPS since the early days when it was the thing to do - have since started paying into a company pension - will this be a problem? TIA.
Back to work after career break, but don't have a clue where to start with pension
I am in the fortunate position of having managed to find myself an excellent well-paid part-time job having been at home looking after my children for the last 5 years. However, my employer is v.small company and does not have a pension scheme. Before my career break I worked for a big pharmaceutical company called Astra…
Cash Payment for Deferred Members
Hi, I would really appreciate any advice on the following. I had a 7 year pension with a past employer whom I left in 2000. This large employer has been taken over by another company and the new owners have set aside a fixed budget offering one off cash payments to deferred members. My current deferred pension is approx…
Ex-Pat pension
I am a UK EX-PAT living in the Cayman Islands. I left the UK 10 years ago and have a deferred pension from my last job....13 years worth...stuck in the UK. I want to get that money working better for me.....what are my options as far as transferring it to an offshore fund?
Pension Transfer Questions?
For the past five-and-a-half years I have been in a final salary pension scheme. My employers paid an 8% contribution of my annual salary and I paid the other 8%. Two months ago I started a new job and joined a new non contributory money purchase pension scheme. My new employer is paying 12% of my annual salary into the…
Lump sum, take it or leave it?
I took voluntary redundancy nearly three years ago and even with Margaret Clare's recent advice I still haven't got my finances in order. Now this morning I receive a letter from my pension provider asking me to make a decision within the next few months, and then sign the documents necessary to start receiving my pension…
Final Salary or Money Purchase scheme?
Hi all, wonder if someone could offer some advice please. Apologies in advance for such a long first post. Now it seems like a silly question in the title. I know from reading other threads if you're in a final salary scheme then it's best to stick with it. This is the situation. I am 43 and in a final salary defined…
pension mystery?
Reached the big 40:eek: best sought out a pension:j completly confused by all the ones on offer:confused: I've got two company pensions which were both going for a few years! You hear about so many horror stories, I not sure what to go for? Dave
Elderly parent care home
Hello After 5 years of suffering many mini strokes and eventually suffering from dementia, my elderly mum (88 last December) has recently been admitted into a EMI (Elderly mentally ill)unit for a 28 day assessment. We (my husband and I) have been advised this week that she is to go into permanent care in a local nursing…
lump sum contracted out
I am a 58 year old man and I contracted out of serps in 1987. I stopped working due to illness in 1996. The pension policy is with prudential and is approx £27000. I have asked prudential what my options are and I am able to take 25% in cash and a small pension sum. What I would idealy like to do is take the cash sum and…