Advise Required on Works Pension Scheme
Hi, I am about to start contributing to my work's pension scheme and would Appreciate some advise. I have no idea about pensions so please forgive me if these questions sound silly. I am (almost) 32 years old and have not had a pension plan before, I plan to contribute 5% to the plan. I have been told that if I paid 5%, 4&…
Salary Sacrifice to boost pension
If you work for an approachable employer (more likely in a small busines) or are a director in your own company taking a significant part of earnings in salary consider getting your pension paid directly from your employers. Reason: If you put £100 into a pension from your own money it is topped up to £128.21 (the £28.21…
Taking early retirement. What next?
When My husband turns 48 (2008) he will have completed 30 years in his profession (PSNI) and will be eligible to take early retirement as part of the Good Friday agreement. He will get a lump sum payment from his pension fund and a further payoff as agreed in the Good Friday Agreement. He will also receive a monthly…
earliest retirement age.
what's the eartiest I can retire.57 poor recent health.just made redundant-no payout.and no surpriseno job prospects.any advice???
Marconi Pension
My Dad is 59 and was made redundant from Marconi 2 years ago. He is now worried that the company may change in the next 6 years, threatening his pension. His pension is currently deferred. I don't know if there are any protections in place for this? Can anyone advise? He is considering taking a lump sum which, to me, seems…
Trustees powers to reduce benefits!
I've been in a final salary pension scheme for many years. The scheme has stipulates that anyone retiring early, whilst still employed by the company will incur a 4% reduction per year from their pension, upto age 60 & if you are between the ages of 60 & 65 there is no reduction. Quite recently, the trustees have decided…
Offshore pension advice
Can anyone advise (ideally from personal experience) on a good offshore pension plan. It has to totally unlike the one I'm invoved in now, i.e. no massive charges, reasonable bid to offer spread,no penalty charges if you cease payments because it is not performing, etc. etc.!
When i started with my employer, i missed out on their pension scheme and started a pension so i can buy an annuity, don't know if i have done the right thing been paying into it for nearly 3 years, what do i do when i retire do i :j get the money back as a lump sum, also i had a company pension then i left what has…
An old question?
You may have covered this before (several times?) bur despite going back a few pages I didnt really find anything helpful. I am 40, self employed and have my personal pension split over 4 companies (NPI, Scot.Widows, Nat.Mutual & Nor.Union), 3 of which are "With Profits" funds. My IFA has said that for 5 years, these have…
Overpay on Pension or Mortgage?
This may be a simple or very difficult question to answer,but i would like some advice please. In approx April 2006,i should have an spare £600-700 per month. Six months ago,i would have wasted it on the lastest consumer product,but having discovered MSE,i would like to prepare for secure a decent financial future. The…
AVCs from 2006
Just been reading about changes to the pension rules, and it appears that from April 2006 I'll be able to place 100% of my salary in my pension scheme. Now as it happens I could afford to do this, for a year or two, as I have a relatively high level of savings. (I currently have a final salary scheme plus AVCs (separately…
Final salary scheme wound up and replaced
I have just been told that our final salary scheme is being wound up and replaced with a money purchase scheme. Anybody had any similar experiences and been able to do anything about it? I am not happy about it!!
Pension contribution for 25 year old
I have avoided starting a pension for the last few years as the pensions seemed to be in a bit of a crisis at the time. It now seems to have settled down and being 25 its probably about time I started one. My first question is what should my contribution be? The min is 2.5% and the company contribute 5%. I am bound to move…
missing NICO payment??
does anyone know why my NICO refund to a group stakeholder pension did not happen on the 5th april this year, as it has previous years? do we still get a refund? or has it gone to the wall like my married persons allowance and miras amongst other things!! oh well, at least tax hasn't gone up!?!
AVC's VS Stakeholder Post April 2006
I currently earn in excess of £40,000 and have a around £24,000 in an employer organised AVC arrangement with Standard Life at a reduced management fee. £100 is currently deducted per month from my gross salary. I have 10 years to work before qualifying for my employers final salary pension. Following the Pension changes I…
How to get pension / income with £2000
Hi all, I hope someone can give me a bit of assistance with this. My Grandad passed away about 10 years ago, leaving my Mother as execution of his will. He was seperated form my gran, but wanted £2000 invested, to give her an income of £20 per month. The £2000 wasn't enough at the time, so my Mum invested £5000, but she…
Stakeholder Pension transfer?
I have resigned from my current job, and will probably be taking up a job overseas. My employer and I have been paying into my stakeholder pension fund, but it has not been a particularly good investment, even though I have switched funds within the stakeholder company a few times. ( The website…
Personal Pension "too small to purchase annuity"
I got home last night to find that my partner's dad is having a little financial tussle with the financial adviser that brought a group personal pension scheme to his old firm. The scenario is a steel firm in Yorkshire (so no financial experts!). The company decided to set up a group personal pension scheme and the…
Deferred (State) pension help needed!
Hi, My mother-in-Law is due to retire in September, at which time she can start claiming both her state and Private pensions! Now, We have been discussing the relative merits of deferring her State pension in order to get a higher weekly payment later in life (Along with the lump sum). Now, Has anyone any experience of…
hope i dont sound thick but...
when you are contracted out how much is contracted out each week