Moving to New Zealand
This is my first post, I have had a look for anything on this, so I hope I haven't missed what I need to know. I have a SIPP, which started in May 2000. We moved from the UK to NZ in August of this year and, so far, intend to stay. For the first 3 - 4 years of being here (nearly) all income on UK investments is free of tax…
SIPP - Question re protected rights
I moved my from my ex company scheme into a SIPP several years ago. However, at that time I couldn't move the Protected rights, amount as SIPP providers wouldn't allow it. Does anyone know if this has changed? I will ask the Provider in the New Year, but am interested if anyone has additional information? How sad am I…
Pension rookie needs help
Hi All I am 33 and wish to start putting some money into pension but I ve no idea where to begin Can someone tell me a website or an URL within this site which would help me understand how I should get started etc? Thanks in advance
Does this pension sound right?
Hi I am wondering if I have been shafted. I worked for a company from 1998-2003 (5 years) and left with a pension frozen at £1,200PA. I then went to work for another company from 2003-2006 (3 years) I was led to believe their pension scheme was excellent (as the employer contributed 21% of salery) I therefore transferred…
What to do with suspended pension?
Hi, I wonder if anyone could give me their opinion on what to do with this: Some years ago I had a pension backed mortgage, so for 5 years or so I made considerable contributions into a personal pension. I then moved and changed my mortgage to a repayment, so I suspended the pension payments. The pension is with Abbey, and…
Pension Advice Needed
Hi, I'm 25 and have a company pension (local government one) - can I also have my own private pension? I'm saving as much money as I can (put £3000 into an ISA each April) and save money in a couple of those 7% regular saver accounts - but I think putting some of this money (that would be going towards the future anyway)…
Pension fund investment
I have a small self administered pension, with a fund of £400K. At the moment it is in a bank earning 5%. I am 60 and my wife is 51, and we are retired and drawing down £23k p.a. I am concerned that investing in shares etc. might lose me a lot of money. Does anyone have any ideas on how i can increase the return on my fund…
Mis-sold Pension advise.
Hi, I'm after abit of advise. In 1991 I left the Civil Service after 13 years and did'nt think I'd return. A rep from Prudential told me I should transfer my pension to them as I'd get a better deal. I followed his advise. I returned back to the Civil Service in 2001 and am still there. However my boss tells me I was wrong…
Advice re Seven year rule/ Inheritance?
My mother in law who is 82 is about to go into a nursing home which will cost about £ 3,500 a month. She has about £230,000 in a Building Society Account and a monthly income of about £1,300. We've left it a bit late I know, to do any tax planning but it was until now a taboo subject. I understand that if my MIL gifts the…
State Pension
Hi My husband is 65 on 2nd Feb 2007, and as yet he hasnt had any letters regarding his pension, seeing as there are now different options with the pension I would have thought that he would have had some paperwork to browse through. Do we need to get in touch with them thanks Annie
Scottish Widows pension fiasco
Hi I have a stakeholder pension with scottish widows and have been unable to pay into it for nearly a year due to one error after another by the administration staff. I even have a letter dated July apologising for the errors. however it is now Dec and they appear to be still making the same mistakes despite the matter…
Should I opt back into SERP
Hi I am now off sick from work, age 41. I have a retirement fund which will stand still now. They reckon I will not work again. I opted out of SERPS at 22, should I opt back in Any ideas ps. What is SERPs
Help me - I need Pensions advice for dummies!
Anyone, any help whatsoever would be hugely appreciated: 1) How do private pensions work? Some day you have to choose where you put the money goes? My company offers to match our contributions to a private pension fund, but I have never signed up for it (saving the money and investing it in property). Is this stupid? 2)…
Company Pension and Free Standing AVCs
Can anyone tell me how to work out if I am overpaying pension contributions? My Company Pension is a 1/60th scheme where I pay 1%. I have been paying into this since 1987 and am now 42, with the aim of retiring at 50. The FSAVCs cost me 41.61 per month and I have been paying into these since 1994. Thanks for any advice.…
can i transfer pensions? / pensions comparison site?
Hi all I'm self employed and have a pension with Zurich. Is there any independent source where i can find out the performance of my pension fund? Also, anyone know if I can easily transfer from one pensions company to another? Is there a penalty for doing this?
any help with Surviving Pension options ?
Hi All, any help on this is appreciated. Have a relation she is 40 years old and has recently been made widowed , her husband was working and contributing to a private pension from Prudential. She herself is a housewife and has no pension in her name, she is not a tax earner and has no Ni contributions. She has been told…
1st time I've looked at this, so...
I'm 21, electrician, working for a small company. They don't have any pension schemes set up. I'm about to buy my 1st house, when it's finally finished in July. I think it's time to start looking at pensions, but with no work scheme is place, what can I do ?!
Pension Funds, Investments and suchlike ?!?!?
Guys, I have been trawling through the pensions threads here, and have asked some questions on a thread I started earlier, but I'm still confused. Why, can someone tell me, can't I just stash money away in ISAs or whatever, and do exactly as I like with it when I retire ???? I ask this against a background of 19 yrs in…
confused over pensions help please!
Just read the threads here and it is very useful, wonder if anyone can advise me? I work 15 hours and don't pay tax or ni contributions but have about 10 years before now, I'm paying £20 a month into my employers pension scheme but wonder if there is any point to this. My oh pays into a very god pension scheme and will get…
30 year contributions.
I have been listening to money box today and they were talking about contributions. Please can someone confirm that if I retire in 2015 and this becomes law will this mean 30 years of contributions would be enough.