Pension Query: I know nothing!
I have been paying into a police pension for just under 2 years but am looking at leaving the service and moving abroad (viva espana!). Colleagues are under the impression that i will not receive my contributions back as i have paid these for over 3 months? Its not much (£8000?) but i could do with the cash to put towards…
Stakeholder [et al] pensions financial protection - capped?
[Taken from the 'key features' document for a CIS Limited Stakeholder Pension] So does this mean that there a capped level of protection [like that covering savings held with banks etc] of £48,000 per £50,000 held? Unlikely as it is that Stakeholder [and similar] pension providers would 'lose' the money [its in your own…
Standard Life Pension - Help!
Hi, I was hoping to get some help for my mam, she's just received all her forcasts through for her Standard Life pension. She is 59, and due to retire february next year. She has been paying £10 a week for 22 years (doesn't sound a lot today, but suppose it was 20 yrs ago). Whilst the money in the pension pot is around…
Pension contribs to reduce business profit
My other half and I have a fairly new small business and have made more profit than we thought so our working and family tax credit estimate was out by quite a long way. Would it make sense to invest the right amount of money in a pension so as to take us to the level of profit we thought we would be at and therefore not…
AVC vs Student Loan Payment
I'm 26 nad have a pretty lousy group personal pension through my work. My employer pays 3% of my salary and I also pay 3%. I owe about £9k to the student loan company, but don't earn enough to have to pay it back (£20K in salary and bonus) Is it beeter for me to pay spare cash as an AVC into my pension, or to pay off the…
Pensions Shortfall
Hi all I work for a major IT company and have a contributary pension through them. I recently read a little bit in all the bumph they send me every so often that there is a big shortfall. I don't really understand what this means. Does this mean that the company hasn't been paying into the funds what it should have? Does…
Occupational pension question
I am starting a new job very soon and one of my first tasks, no my first task as I will be losing out otherwise, will be to help the Director set up a penison scheme for the company. I have been researching a little and am getting more and more confused the more I read. Can anyone tell me what the first place of contact…
New job - new final salary pension
I'm about to start a new job that offers a fianl salary pension just as my old employer (BBC) does. Should I ask to transfer the funds to my new scheme or leave them where they are? Last time I moved jobs I lost out on years of pension in the transfer. Any advice?
SHP Trivialty Rules
I have a number of one-off minimum SHP's with various providers (taken out for 'bagging purposes ;) ). Eventally I will want to either: (a) amalgamate all these with one provider or (b) cash them in - which I believe can be done under the "Triviality Rule" - rather than having to purchase an annuity :confused: Would…
Pre retirement courses
Has anybody been on one of these courses and would they recommend it?
Serps/Protected Rights Query
Hi all, I am 34 and have been opted out of SERPS for most of my working life... during that time I paid into...then exited and then rejoined the NHS pension scheme (and have around 6 years of contributions there). After leaving the NHS I joint a company with no occupational scheme so I started a Friends Provident…
Government admits Residential Property SIPPs only for the rich
There has been a lot of discussion over the residential property changes come A-day, so I thought this might be of interest. In a statement to Radio 4's Inside Money (to be broadcast tomorrow) the Government has said that putting a residential property into your pension would be inappropriate for all but the rich.…
deferring state pension.....question
if you defer your state pension by a year but lets say you fall ill within that 1st year and you need your money because you cannot work could you then ask to get your state pension. I am told you would lose your right. any tips appreciated. thanks in advance.
Home Responsibilities - My Partner
Looking on the pensionsadvice website I stumbled across the Home Responsibilities page and thought about my partner. She has not worked for 7 years whilst looking after our two children (6 and 4), she does have a frozen occupational pension scheme with around 7 years paid in I believe and was opted out of serps when she…
Advice on Britannic Personal Pension Plan? Am I Stuck with Nothing?
resolved the problem =) contacted britannic who will allow us to put the account in holiday, indefinetly. meaning no money will be lost and the balance will be allowed 2 gain any interest & bonuses untill the i reach the retirement age. thanks for all the help people!
Pension Lost?
Hi, I was made redundant 20 years ago and have never had my pension value given to me, each company that has bought my pension just send me letters to say they are unable at the moment to give me any idea of value this is a long time and I have tried OPAS and they traced the pension to a company that I never knew had taken…
State pension query
Hi, I received a letter from the Inland revenue, stating that from the Tax years 1996-97 I had a short fall of my National Insurance - £273.70 I have no knowledge what so ever on state pensions and national insurance and i would appreciate a help in hand on this Background During this time i was in my last year in…
Receive reduced pension - would you appeal?
Hi, I currently get a small reduced pension (£80pm) when I was pensioned off through ill health. Originally they awarded it for 2 years as they said the illness might not be permanent. Well they are still paying the pension 4 years later. And my health is still not wonderful. In fact other conditions have developed. Should…
Thrown in at the pension deep end!
Hi folks, I'm hoping for a little help... I recently left employment at Cambridge University where I was part of the University Pension Scheme. Obviously now I'm not working there I can no longer use it and I've received a letter telling me that I can either withdraw the money minus Income tax and minus 'member's share of…
State Pension Question
Would some kind person, who is knowledgeable about the state pension please read and comment on the following - My wife is foreign born and has only worked part time, for low pay, in the UK for the last few years. We have a child born in 1985 in the UK. My wife has been awarded 15 years Home Responsibilities Protection.…