How can home energy assessments be more useful?
The National Energy Foundation, an independent charity, is working with partners to develop 'My Home Energy Planner', an innovative free tool for assessing your home’s energy performance. We want this tool to help people better understand their energy use and to improve awareness of the upgrade opportunities and the best…
MoneySaving Poll: The MSE Leaders’ Debate - Pick the key subject for PM candidates
Poll started 31 March 2015 The MSE Leaders’ Debate - Pick the key subject for PM candidates Seven party leaders have agreed to take written questions on consumer finance issues – Tory, Labour, Lib Dem, UKIP, Green, SNP & Plaid. Here’s our subject shortlist, some from us, some suggested by you – voting isn’t about whether…
MoneySaving Poll: What do you pay cash in hand for?
Poll started 24 February 2015 What do you pay cash in hand for? Ed Balls recently caused controversy by saying he’d expect his gardener to give him a receipt for trimming his hedge. With the onus being on the trader to declare the income for tax and VAT purposes, which of these would you typically pay cash in hand for? FOR…
MoneySaving Poll: How much are you worth excluding your home?
Poll started 24 March 2015 How much are you worth (or do you owe) – not counting your home? To answer this question, you first need to do a little sum: 1. Add up: the total value of your assets such as your savings & pension (excluding your home). 2. Subtract: include credit card debt, exclude student loans & mortgage. Do…
MoneySaving Poll: How much are you worth?
Poll started 16 March 2015 How much are you worth (or do you owe)? To answer this question, you first need to do a little sum: 1. Add up: the total value of your assets such as your house & savings. 2. Subtract: outstanding debts - include your mortgage, exclude student loans. Do you have a 'net worth' or a 'net debt'?…
MoneySaving Poll: Have you ever 'tweaked the truth' on an insurance claim?
Poll started 10 March 2015 Have you ever ‘tweaked the truth’ on an insurance claim? Lying on an insurance claim is fraud. No question. Yet many people admit to ‘tweaking the truth’ (still fraud) such as saying their mobile phone was taken from their bag when they know the bag was unzipped and it actually had dropped out.…
Would you have been fooled by this toy Euro note?
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-31834328 Apart from the ELC logo..
MoneySaving Poll: What have you already bought for next Christmas?
Poll started 13 January 2015 What have you already bought for next Christmas? No this isn’t a leftover from last year, we’re talking Christmas 2015. While some may groan in horror at the thought, serious MoneySavers have already been out there piling January sales goods into the back cupboard ready for next Christmas.…
Is it OK to use a 2for1 voucher on a first date?
Poll started 4 Feb 2014 Valentine's is coming, but has using vouchers finally broken through the last taboo? Is it acceptable to use a 2for1 voucher on a first date? We asked this last year - let's see if it's changed... Imagine Ollie asks Samantha to dinner on a first date, saying he'll pay. When the bill comes, he pulls…
What class are you?
Poll started 7 May 2013 It’s an old-fashioned concept, but still something that’s talked about. The aim is for you instinctively to say where you think you fit. Which social class do you see yourself in? Vote in this week's poll Did you vote? Why did you pick that option? Are you surprised at the results so far? Have your…
Money Moral Dilemma: Should I charge my Mum for my old phone?
I've upgraded to a new phone and my Mum wants my old handset as she's never had a smartphone before. It's pretty ancient but a friend of mine has offered to pay me £50 for it and I reckon I could get more online. Should I ask her for cash? Or let her have it for free? If you haven’t already, join the forum to reply!…
MoneySaving Poll: Should a man take paternity leave instead of a woman?
Poll started 25 November 2014 Should a man take paternity leave instead of a woman? From next April, maternity leave can be transferred to men for the first time (or the other partner in a gay relationship). We thought we’d test how desired this actually is. So please choose the option closest to how you would WANT to do…
MoneySaving Poll: Are you the senior financial partner in your relationship?
Poll started 2 March 2015 Are you the senior financial partner in your relationship? Is looking after the household's finances a shared job, or is one of a couple the senior financial partner – taking charge of decisions about insurance, energy bills, investments, debts and more? What situation is closest to your own…
MoneySaving Poll: How do you rate your bank account's service?
Poll started 16 February 2015 How do you rate your bank account's service? We run this poll on big banks' current accounts every six months to see how the experience changes. We’d love your feedback... Please rate based on CUSTOMER SERVICE for your main CURRENT account over the last SIX MONTHS. Vote in this week's poll Did…
MoneySavingPoll: Is it OK to use a 2for1 voucher on a first date?
Poll started 9 February 2015 Is it OK to use a 2for1 voucher on a first date? Valentine’s Day will be here this Saturday, but has using vouchers finally broken through the last taboo? Is it acceptable to use 2for1 restaurant vouchers on a first date? We ask this each year – let’s see if it’s changed… What do you think?…
A new survey for you to complete :)
Hi, I'm working hard and studying for my part-time degree atm. Was wondering if anyone could spare a minute to help by answering a few questions in a survey? Thanks sooo much in advance! surveymonkey.com/s/8KSR6MY :) :) :) :)
How do you spend abroad?
Poll started 26 Feb 2013 With the value of the pound plummeting, how you spend abroad counts (see cheap travel money). Which of these is your most common method? Vote in this week's poll Did you vote? Why did you pick that option? Are you surprised at the results so far? Have your say below. To see the results from last…
Should Scotland be an independent country?
Poll started 3 Dec 2013 The Scottish Government has launched its white paper ahead of the independence referendum due in 10 months’ time. The question that’ll be asked is: “Should Scotland be an independent country?” While only people in Scotland will vote, we wanted to see the answer from across the UK. Vote in this…
MoneySaving Poll: Should restaurant menus tell you the calories?
Poll started 5 January 2015 Should restaurant menus tell you the calories? It’s a new year and a great swathe of the nation is on a diet. In some US cities it’s a requirement that menus tell you how many calories are in their dishes ― would you welcome that information being compulsory here or would you prefer not to know?…
MoneySaving Poll: Do you approve of the clocks going back?
Poll started 28 October 2014 Do you approve of the clocks going back? The clocks have gone back an hour – we've left British Summer Time behind and are now back on Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) until the spring, when the clocks will jump forward again. This means relatively more light in the morning but less light in the…