Moving Abroad. What should I do?
At the end of next month I am moving to New Zealand. My only concern relates to the debt I have here. I have 2 loans and 2 credit cards. In total we are talking about £20000. I aim to continue paying as I am keeping my UK bank account and aim to transfer money from my wages to help keep paying. I can also manage all my…
Re: Advice on Debt Needed
This is going to be tough ... :'( I'm going to post a "no-nonsense" response as you seem to be in the "soft & smelly". Sorry, but that's how it seems. You simply can't afford that car and should look at selling it & paying back the loan. Read the terms of the finance deal, as you sometimes need to involve the lender if you…
Advice wanted about arreers
Hi all I'm kinda embarrased posting here. A few years ago I was in an abusive relationship with someone who ran up huge debts in my name. I could have taken some measures to transfer the debts or something before breaking up with this guy, in fact I was trying to gradually do that (I managed to get two credit cards in his…
Debt in UK, living in the USA
Here's the situation: I was living in the UK until 9/02. Just before I left I took a consolidation loan to pay off credit cards - loan was for (pounds) 20K. That left a balance on one card of c. (pounds) 5k. I have no assets in the UK, and am exceptionally unlikely to ever return - married, kid in USA..... Exchange rate is…
will applying for loan affect mortgage application
I am in the process of remortgaging to another lender. Should I wait until I have the offer until I apply for a loan, or is it OK to apply in the middle of the application
Ripped off and nothing I can do?????
Hi, I'm an ex student is due to graduate next month. I say ex as I have actually been working full time for over a year now, but went to night school in order to complete my degree. The reason I had to do this is bacuase I could not afford to carry on in full time study as I had that many debts. Due to being at college and…
Best way to fund new car purchase?
To cut a long story short, I've recently started a new job and plan on buying a new car in the coming month or two. I’ve no other debt and very little expenditure, and having never previously had a loan of any kind (not even a student loan during Uni) I'm a bit new to all this. What im wondering is what is the best way to…
credit rating
tried to get a mortgage about 6 months ago with birmingham midshires and was turned down. on enquiring was told that i was an undischarged bankrupt. i was advised to send for my credit rating from experian which had no untoward "bad references" on it i also wrote to the land registry where they keep all records of bankrupt…
£24,000 in debt at 22!
I almost feel embarressed writing this e-mail and often wonder how I actually managed to get into this much debt! Basically it all boiled down to being a prat when I was 18/19, I had an expensive car on finance £16,000 got banned from driving about a year after I got the car. When I got my license back I was paying £4000 a…
using cheap loan(s) to pay off expensive overdraft
Barclays charge me 3.75% over base rate (an effective rate of 8.50%) to cover an overdraft of £25 K. Would it be feasible to use plastic to repay this hefty charge?? There must be many small businesses out there who would be interested in hearing what alternatives there are to being in hock to their bank. ??? ???
council tax and prison??
hi , of interest how long can you go to prison for debts with council tax, is it that severe? when does it get to that stage? thanks
Payment Protection
Hi all, This may sound like a radio show call-in, but am a long term reader of the message boards, but a first time poster on them...... (Thats that out the way!!) I am now starting to look at getting my debts under some serious control, I have 2 credit cards, 1 x £4000 with HFC (Formerly Beneficial) 18.9% 1 x £4000 approx…
Just had a phonecall from a friend in Belfast. She has signed up for this debt consolidation service (despite me giving her the freephone nos I found on here for CAB, etc) :-/ The website address is http://www.moneytalkonline.co.uk/ and I have trawled through it for more details, but no luck. They don't say if they are…
Cooling off period?
My friend D is paying off debts through an agency, I've been trying to persuade him to go to CAB or CCCS. I thought I was finally getting through to him then he goes and arranges a meeting with a financial advisor who says D is probably blacklisted but he will probably be able to get him a loan. The trouble is D's…
my credit report
I have always had problems with getting credit, so I decided recently to have a look at my credit report! There is nothing showing on there bad against my name, but there is against 2 of my brothers on it!! I now live at a different address, and would like to clear all information not regarding me off of it!! Is this…
www.**edited by Mod2 ** -> your gateway to the &
meet thousands of new buyers and suppliers for your products daily at ** Referral links on the appropriate referral board only please - Edited by Mod2 **
Wrong %APR - dispute with Bank
Hi everyone I am presently in correspondence with my bank about the 12.9%APR they quoted (and I agreed, at the time, without checking its correctness) for a Personal Loan. I've been repaying on that basis for 1.5 years. Now, looking back at old leaflets they issued, I've seen that for a loan of that amount at that time,…
Loan Agreement or Promissory Note?
About to lend some interest free money to daughter to help with house purchase. Obviously we need something in writing, so I told her one of the conditions was, she could draft the agreement ;D She has come up with a Promissory Note, which seems to say all we want/need it to, but I wondered what technical…
Amazing Debt Offer
I graduated as a mature student last summer with my degree. As one would expect, I had run up some debts including a reasonably sized credit card bill. The debt had been passed to a collection agency who wrote me an amazing letter the other day. Pay one quarter of the bill in one hit, and we'll forget the rest! The letter…
£5000 cash needed - best option?
Doing some major house improvements just now and as always the folding stuff has run out. I reckon I need £5000 more - cash - to finish the job. Spoke to my bank today and they are happy to give me further advance on my mortgage. I am on a 2 year fixed mortgage at 3.9% until june 2005 - so well pleased with that. They are…