Online Indian food supplier
Hi guys Just wonder if anyone can recommend good online suppliers for indian food, like spices etc?
M&S food tastings
I'm not sure where to post this offer, maybe Food maybe Freebies no spend or just here on the Grabbit board. M&S are offering free tastings of their food and drinks…
lidl half price weekend offers 30/31st May 2015
"deluxe" beef steak mince 250g 94p ( area 3,7,9 ) "Strahmore" lamb mince 400g £1.17 ( area 4,5,10,11 ) "deluxe" pork fillet medallions 300g £1.49 ( area 1,2,6) "Italiano" pasta sauce - various flavours 350g 49p mixed tomatoes 330g 59p for the whole week (28th -> 3rd ) they are doing an Italian week, so pushing lots of…
Crisps in Spain
hi - hoping someone can help. Last year on holiday in Ibiza spain, we bought crisps out of Lidl but didn't really have a clue what the flavours were supposed to be. In case we buy crisps this year, I was wondering could someone please give a list of Spanish flavours and what they translate to in English. Thanks.
M & S family meal deal
For £10 there is a meal deal, two mains, two side and dessert. Seems a good deal.
Robinsons Tropical Fruits Fruit Sweets (made by Monty Bojangles)
If, like me, you like these, keep an eye out for offers. 5ainsbury's had the 145g packs on offer last weekend "while stocks last". Worried that they were being discontinued, I searched online and found 125g packs for £1 + p&p. Depending on your local offer price, you might get the 145g packs cheaper per gram than the new…
Warning: Morrisons vine cherry tomatoes
Warning! This afternoon my local Morrisons had two boxes of vine (on the vine) tomatoes displayed above two boxes of loose cherry tomatoes. Pricing was unclear, (one sign saying cherry vine tomatoes,) but it turns out the cherry tomatoes are the same price as those on the vine - approximately TWICE the price of the…
There used to be a specific thread for these apps, where has it gone?
tescos 4 tins chickpeas/chopped toms a quid
In the International aisle at Tescos today mix and match get 4 tins for a quid of chopped toms/chickpeas and others I normally pay 39p each for chickpeas so a good deal! Also in the reduced area Ipswich Copdock lots of choc cookies in a green box labelled 50p but scans at 25P
Lidl weekend half price offers 23/24 May
"Deluxe" Beef Steak quarter Pound burgers ( 4 pack ) 454 g £1.49 ( area 1 ,2 ,3,4,5,6,7,9,10,11 ) "Braemoor" Beef Burgers ( 8 pack ) 681g £1.49 ( area 12 ) "Batte" BBQ Sauce 450g 37p "Batte" Salad Dressing ( Balsamic , Caesar, French ) 250ml 59p Cherry Tomatoes 500g 89p Official MoneySavingExpert insert 19 May: Lidl has…
anyone tried a laundry egg?
anyone tried a laundry egg Ecoegg Laundry Egg (720 Washes) - Spring Blossom RRP: £19.99 Price: £14.76 FREE Delivery. we use loads of laundry gel I was looking for a good offer I read on the which website that none of the laundry gels are as good as any of the laundry powders or tablet I thought I would have a look on…
40% off everything online at Freego Gluten Free foods website
All details and code are on the website. I got some gluten free beer, among other things! http://freego.com Hope that helps someone x
Saffron in Sainsburys only £1
Sainsburys is running a promotion of £1 per jar of their own brand herbs and spices. This includes Saffron which usually sells for £4 a jar. Any cooks worth their salt will snap up this most expensive of ingredients.:j
Kid's pizzas 10p for 4 in Asda
Asda own Chosen by Kids range 4 pack frozen cheese and ham pizzas were 10p per pack today in Asda Hamilton. https://groceries.asda.com/asda-webstore/pages/delivery_pass/ltr.shtml?icid=noms_ftrolley-1_150409-G&Balanced&#!product/910001175372
PG Tips tea bags £2.79 for 240 @ Midcounties Co-op
As title says, in my local (Midcounties) Co-op today. The Co-op group website says £2.99 for 240. So today, I'm liking my local :D Not sure how long the offer's running, but looks like I'll be stocking up :)
£2 washing liquid in Morrisons!
Morrisons Washing Liquid 32 washes £2.00 NON BIO & all other Variations it's really good!!!
Online grocery shopping advice...
I'm seriously considering having my groceries (mainly bulk stuff not fruit/veg/meat etc) delivered but I was wondering.... Being completely agnostic when it comes to supermarkets I just buy from whoever is the cheapest. Is joining ALL of the supermarket delivery services likely to be cost effective/possible once delivery…
Sainsburys Jewish selloff
Sainsburys appear to be selling off a few of the products they bought in for passover in April Look in the world foods / international foods. Bargains I found include large boxes of Matzos crackers at 10p
Waitrose - Beware of ‘Mix & Match Add 3 for 2’ deals, e.g. Jams and Spreads
Waitrose’s ‘Mix & Match Add 3 for 2 Cheapest Item Free’ on jams and spreads is a great deal (it includes Marmite, Nutella, Manuka Honey etc). But unlike other big supermarkets (like Sainsbury and Tesco), their tills don’t process the deal fairly if you buy 4 or more items in the promo (including if you buy 6 or 9 items).…
ASDA: Chopped Tomatoes 4 for £1
At the time of posting, 400g tins of KTC tinned tomatoes plus various beans and pulses are on offer at 4 for £1.00. http://groceries.asda.com/asda-webstore/landing/home.shtml#/promotion/ls85135