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The Sewing Room



  • Kandipandi
    Hart - I love your quilt you clever thing! I might take your advice and do a cushion cover first as I don't think I would dare tackle a whole quilt just yet.
    Vicki - I love your little over gloves and your lunch looks delicious! He is cute as butter too.
    You can stand there and agonize........
    Till your agony's your heaviest load. (Emily Saliers)
  • xxvickixx

    And espcially for Hart! In anticipation of my lavender arriving I made these hearts which I'm giving to my Nan for her birthday next week, they're a bit rough around the edges (part of their charm?) but my Nan will be 98 and her eyesight isn't so sharp so she won't notice I hope!
    The middle one I did first and although the lace looks pretty it got caught when stitching as I had to put it inside the heart while I sewed it together so I couldn't really see what I was doing. The other two don't look as nice though so any tips on how to get the lace better or even add it afterwards would be most welcome.
    I think I need to make a bigger dip at the top of the heart as it isn't as defined as I would like but hey not bad for a first attempt.
  • shirlgirl2004
    I love the hearts and once stuffed they will look fine. I love the oven gloves too, I made DD an apron but might have enough fabric to make oven gloves too which she would love. I am also a little green at the beautiul quilt made by Hart as this is still one fo the things I'd love to make but I'm not sure my machine will handle it.

    I haven't been doing much fun sewing lately as I've been adjusting loads of tops for my brother and each one takes about 5 hours including the unpicking. I still have more to do but TBH I'm a little bored of them.

    I picked up some bargain abric at a carboot sale yeasterday. I got 5 meters of gorgeous heavyweight purple striped fabric for only £4. It was new as the woman said she had intended to cover a sofa in it but then decided she was being too ambitious - I think I can relate to that! I'm going to make some curtains from it. It will be my first try at curtains and I'm going to try eyelet. This may be interesting!
  • Kandipandi
    Vicki -your hearts will be fine once stuffed. I draw a heart out on paper and trace that to make my hearts. With the lace around the edge, I'v not done that but could you not roughly hand tack it in first I had to do that with rikrak as it kept moving.
    You can stand there and agonize........
    Till your agony's your heaviest load. (Emily Saliers)
  • cuddles123
    Cuddles 123 could you explain puff patchwork? Isn’t normal patchwork filled with wadding, is there a difference? Im getting confused with the thicknesses I bought a medium and thick wadding but not sure which one to use. I like the puffier ones but have heard machines don’t like thicker wadding and I don’t want to quilt by hand, any recommendations?

    Puff Patchwork is each square individually padded, and is also reversable, unlike an ordinary patchwork quilt.

    You have squares all cut to size, place right sides together and machine around three sides. Turn the right way and insert a sqare of wadding, then hand sew the open edges. Make as many squares as you need (I worked out my pattern on graph paper as they are double sided so that the pattern is on both sides)

    You then place your squares edge to edge and hand sew together. I then tied each corner to strengthen the quilt. No need for backing as the wadding is inside each square.
    I do want to put some sort of edging on though, as I think that they look unfinished.
    I machine washed them yesterday and dried them in the sunshine, so all ready for an edging.
    :oJack of all trades ... Master of none :o
  • xxvickixx
    I forgot to ask, with the lavender hearts...Do I just fill with the flowers or do I put some padding in?
  • hart44
    Danables, I more surprised I managed to do the quilt so quick :rotfl: It will cover a single bed but it was only suposed to be half that size, I got carried away with the squares :rotfl:

    Vicki, I love your little boys oven gloves, my son used to love all roll play (nothing like his sister lol) and would have loved them.
    I just fill my hearts with lavender :)
    Your hearts are so pretty too :D You could put a few stitches in the top to define the heart top after padding if they still dont look round. I try to cut the top a little deeper so they round off (my 1st attempts looked spiky :rotfl: so just keep going it will get better :D)

    Thank you Cuddles for explaining how you did the puff quilt, I think that will be next on my list :D

    Well done shirlgirl on your bargin find :T
    Getting myself sorted 1 day/1thing at a time :) and Love sewing :)
    "Sewing fills my days,
    not to mention the living room, bedroom, and closets."
    ~ Author Unknown
  • dizzytina
    Wow you have all been busy. I love the hobby horses danables how clever:T
    Vicki your hearts are great i can never get me edges perfect though kandi seems to be brilliant at them:D. your little boy is such a cutie too.

    Hart i can't believe your quilt its amazing!!!

    Think i may have to try a visit Abakan Preston isn't far from me thanks nutty.

    i have made a couple of things which i have uploaded pics of on my blog http://scratchycatcrafter.blogspot.com/2010/06/easy-peasy-skirt-purse.html

    I'll pop some pics on here when i get a minute x
    V 12500 B 8300 N 1900 Oct £51/£155
  • hart44
    I realy must make one of the lazy day skirts for my grandaughter :) they are so nice :)
    Getting myself sorted 1 day/1thing at a time :) and Love sewing :)
    "Sewing fills my days,
    not to mention the living room, bedroom, and closets."
    ~ Author Unknown
  • Kandipandi
    Vicki - I stuff mine with pillow stuffing and add about 6 heaped medicine spoons of the lavender to the middle of it. If you fill them entirely with the lavender they are very stiff I prefer mainly stuffing with a nice smell.
    You can stand there and agonize........
    Till your agony's your heaviest load. (Emily Saliers)
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