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slow cooker quick questions thread



  • Thank you Loumac-E book received and I shall have a read through it tomorrow whilst I should be working-lol.

    Dora x
  • SandiRaRa
    SandiRaRa Posts: 173 Forumite
    Sorry if this has already been answered, how much water do I put in the SC to do a whole beef joint? Do you need to cover it? Thanks in advance
  • tiff
    tiff Posts: 6,608 Forumite
    Combo Breaker Savvy Shopper! First Anniversary
    No, you dont need to cover it. Just put a small amount in the bottom, an inch or so.
    “A budget is telling your money where to go instead of wondering where it went.” - Dave Ramsey
  • hi guys, sorry if this has been asked before, tried going through all the slow cooker threads, but there's so many!

    Being a student, I'm trying to cut down on what I spend, and I'm considering getting a slow cooker.

    I love chickpeas as a substitute for meat, however, once you soak the chickpeas, can you bung them straight into the slow cooker with whatever sauce you're cooking them in, or do you have to cook them separately first?

    Also, which slow cooker would be the best size for me if I'm just cooking for myself (I don't mind freezing, as long as there's not too much - shared freezer!).
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  • thriftlady_2
    thriftlady_2 Posts: 9,128 Forumite
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    squeaky wrote:
    From my book "Crockpot Cooking" by Mary Norwack:-

    Pour boiling water into the crockpot to come half way up the sides of the basin.

    Cook on high for 5 hours.
    Thank you Squeaky, thing is, it's not going to be in a basin. It's a roll. My recipe says to wrap in a floured cloth and tie up like a cracker and place in water and cook on the hob for 2 hours. I don't want to do that 'cos I'll be at school at the crucial moment :rolleyes: so I thought -slow cooker ! I'm wondering if I just put it in the water for 5 hours will it not get very soggy ? Anyone know (before 1.30pm today :D )?
  • tiff
    tiff Posts: 6,608 Forumite
    Combo Breaker Savvy Shopper! First Anniversary
    hi guys, sorry if this has been asked before, tried going through all the slow cooker threads, but there's so many!

    Being a student, I'm trying to cut down on what I spend, and I'm considering getting a slow cooker.

    I love chickpeas as a substitute for meat, however, once you soak the chickpeas, can you bung them straight into the slow cooker with whatever sauce you're cooking them in, or do you have to cook them separately first?

    Also, which slow cooker would be the best size for me if I'm just cooking for myself (I don't mind freezing, as long as there's not too much - shared freezer!).

    I would cook the chick peas properly first. I usually use tinned chick peas if I put them in the slow cooker.
    “A budget is telling your money where to go instead of wondering where it went.” - Dave Ramsey
  • squeaky
    squeaky Posts: 14,129 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    thriftlady wrote:
    Thank you Squeaky, thing is, it's not going to be in a basin. It's a roll. My recipe says to wrap in a floured cloth and tie up like a cracker and place in water and cook on the hob for 2 hours. I don't want to do that 'cos I'll be at school at the crucial moment :rolleyes: so I thought -slow cooker ! I'm wondering if I just put it in the water for 5 hours will it not get very soggy ? Anyone know (before 1.30pm today :D )?


    Have you got a loaf tin that will fit?

    Otherwise, properly wrapped in foil (after using the cloth) should be OK. Make the foil a fair bit bigger than you need and make sure all the sides and corners go high enough to stay well out of the water before scrunching them together. One missed corner and you will indeed have a soggy pud :)
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  • thriftlady_2
    thriftlady_2 Posts: 9,128 Forumite
    First Post I've been Money Tipped! Combo Breaker
    Thanks again Squeaky :A
    I just realised that to have it ready for 5.30 I needed to get it in by 12.30. So I have done as you suggested with the foil and a cloth (great minds etc:D )

    I expect the pastry will stick to the cloth :rolleyes: but I reckon it will taste good - I'll let you know how it turns out :)
  • Voyager2002
    Voyager2002 Posts: 15,591 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post First Anniversary Name Dropper
    Any advice on buying meat for slow cooking?

    I understand that the best and most economical results come from using the cheapest cuts of meat. But the only butcher near me is an up-market organic one, and the supermarkets only seem to sell prime cuts, in both cases with prices to match. Am I missing something?
  • Hello everyone

    I have some steak in the freezer but I don't want steak steak if you know what I mean as I can never do it right OH likes well done I like raw so I give up.

    Can I use steak serlion or rump (can't remember which cut it is) as braising steak and slow cook it for a casserole??

    Do I need to do anything different?

    Thanks everyone

    I love my slowcooker - its an old one that was given to us a while ago just has a high and low setting but it is so hand to come home and have a meal ready when you have been out at work all day especially in these cold winter months.
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