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Knit Your Square To Give Your Share - Part 3



  • SunnyGirl
    SunnyGirl Posts: 2,639 Forumite
    Hi Everyone.

    I have just read the Red Friday info out to my DH who is also going to wear something red tomorrow. Brilliant idea Kathy crocheting a red wristband :T

    I have done a crocheted bunting this afternoon all the time wishing that it wouldn't be needed but sending love for the family that will use it into each stitch. Quite an emotional afternoon.

    Mum was doing good today. She is moving around a lot easier but, like all we women, is having to pace herself and not do too much. When I got there she went to get up to put the kettle on :naughty: I made her sit down in the kitchen & chat to me while I ironed which was lovely. She fortunately made tons of meals for the freezer before she went in so it's nice & easy for her or Dad now.

    Just had to rescue a Chalky square from the dog (Susie, our 14month old Labrador) she swapped it for a cat biscuit fortunately :rotfl:

    Have a good evening everyone. DH is out at a Lions meeting so I shall have an early bath and settle down with the hook whilst watching The Bill :)
  • f1widow
    f1widow Posts: 1,179 Forumite
    Hi ladies sorry have been missing - I dont know but I feel so tired as the week has gone on Im just becoming more and more exhausted and my legs are aching sooooo much - feel a bit embarrased really as I dont exactly do a lot .......:o (needless to say the spring cleaning fairy has been getting cross with me as I cannot shift myself

    knitting wise - well at least I got the parcels off - have managed 1 bunting and a chalky square (and i never updated last week aarrrggghhh there goes one of my new years resolution)

    chalky - hope everything was ok for you today i was thinking of you - the puppies are coming on great

    kathy - oooooo not long now i bet its soooo exciting for you - hope you are not burning yourself to a frazzle getting ready though

    oh the red friday link just sent me off this morning - then I read it out to Mum on the phone and she started - nice red jumper coming out tomorrow

    oh my mind is all in a muddle Ive read all the posts and now im in a blur
    sunnygirl - glad to hear Mum is brighter - hoping she makes a speedy recovery

    ISOM - sorry things are tough - big hugs xxx

    If I have missed anyone Im sorry - big hugs and gentle thoughts to you all xxxx shephereds pie and red cabbage tonight (boy am I looking forward to that - so better go before it burns)
    Debt Diary: Im not going to be an Ostrich anymore -LBM - 16/1/12 /
  • In_Search_Of_Me
    Aww thanks all...alas things are going to be tough for a good while yet I suspect but I am thankful for many good things, a roof over my head and people who love me...friend is coming round this eve to help sort computer out (memory keeps going low and need to swap email to firefox) so will then be able to sort knitting list out...tonight is doing some squares into blankets for pdsa-thankfully friend came to get some today so thats halved the load!
    Nerd no 109 Long haulers supporters DFW #1! Even in the darkest moments, love and hope are always possible.

  • Pippa.S
    Pippa.S Posts: 2,650 Forumite
    First Anniversary
    kathy - after all that effort you certainly can't leave any behind :rotfl:I can feel your excitement, ooo isnt it lovely to meet up with family and friends when you havent seen them for ages :) Good idea about the red wrist band, I have some red socks and a red gauze scarf so will wear them and red hmmm undergarments ;)but they certainly wont be on show:rotfl:
    mrs-moneypenny - hope you get the jumper finished soon, its awful when things seem to drag on forever, I've got one on pins like that I keep getting out doing a couple of inches then putting it back again ;)
    Ladykath - thanks for the Lydl info, I bought lots last time they had some in, I did a childs aran jumper and some sailors hats with the 400g ball, it knits up lovely
    Pol - oooo all that lovely wool....where to start ....and what with.
    :wave:May,shaz,elaine hope things are ok with you all and our other MIA's
    f1 - how is DS now???hope the school have sorted things out for him
    SunnyGirl - glad to hear your Mum is slowly getting back on her feet again,
    ISOM - hope the computer gets sorted out for you
    Jean - I had a vision of you speeding down the lanes with wool flying out in all directions :rotfl: did you make it on time???

    OH has gone off to play snooker so I am off to the sofa with my knitting, I have another cardi on pins that I started this afternoon so I will finish that off.

    Have a good evening all
  • chalky_75
    chalky_75 Posts: 2,491 Forumite
    Just popping in to say hello.
    Lots of love to all.
    Thanks for kind thoughts for today.Last night our friend stayed at the Tanatorio (Similar to Chapel of Rest I think)all night. Again 10 Spanish ladies stayed with her all night. This is the tradition here, but what wonderful support. The funeral was in the big Catholic Church and again the Deputy Mayor attended and then a sit down lunch which went on for over 3 hours.
    So of course as with all things the readjustment will start.

    I have given in for one evening and have got the hook out¬¬¬!!! It feels lovely

    Well Kathy nearly there!!!
    Isom- Gentle thoughts
    KinseyShaz Hi !!
    F1-- Hope things are easier with DS
    Jean Lovely to see your bright posts again
    Sunny girl --- The time with your Mum sounds wonderful
    Ladykath We hav a Lidl here but I have never seen any wool -- I wish
    Pippa -- Hope DGS is well

    Lovely idea about the red--- I will wear something tomorrow

    Sorry if I have not mentioned anyone but gentle thoughts to all and many thanks for all making the Chalky squares
    Hi to all just having a little lurk
    Night Night
    Try and do a good deed every day.
  • In_Search_Of_Me
    aww good that she is so well supported chalky...ging to look your recipe up for oil as now have myrhh! Hugs miol and safe journey. F 1 how is ds getting on at school?
    Computer had new memory winging its way (via quidco!) and is all happy now! My friends gtting his house tomorrow with his wife and its their first home so am v excited but couldnt do his cross stitch as he was here so have now crochetd a whole pdsa blanket and all power to you chalky...I hate doing it but said I would so must but its a labor of love! Off to bed as long awaited hosp appointment tom re pain I've been having by cheek...its a mystery which I hope they will clear up!
    Nerd no 109 Long haulers supporters DFW #1! Even in the darkest moments, love and hope are always possible.

  • mioliere
    mioliere Posts: 6,838 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited 5 February 2010 at 5:45AM
    Good morning everyone. As you can see, I am up early because I just can't seem to stay asleep - I wonder why?! It took me ages to get to sleep last night, and now I've woken up early, so I rather think that will happen again tonight - only ONE MORE SLEEP to go! My mind is racing (not least because I am just waiting to see DH's face when he sees how much I am expecting to get packed into the car!). I've saved all the Christmas pressies, and some more for recent birthdays, to take with us, and I can't believe just how much stuff there is! What with all that, our own luggage, and the cat, it's going to be a full load. At least the cat will be offloaded an hour up the road - much as I'd love to take him with us!

    F1widow - get yourself off to the docs if the tiredness and weakness is not how you usually feel. I hope you feel better soon. Hope things are going well for your DS.

    Chalky - what a sad time but what a lovely tradition with so much support.

    ISOM - I hope the hospital appointment goes well.

    Here are my latest Chalky squares, one finished and one almost finished, but I will count it in my sig as 'finished' because I will finish it in a minute! (How on earth did I manage to use the word 'finish' four times in one sentence?!). Also in the photo is the red wristband I crocheted to wear on Fridays for
    charityknitting013.jpg that Kinsey mentioned yesterday. I am wearing it now and will keep it on all day.

    The other square is a simple 6" one I made for a blog I follow She is collecting squares to sew into blankets for the elderly in memory of her grandmother who lived to the grand old age of 103! I wanted to send her at least one.


    I have loads of wool ready to be packed so that I can make more Chalky squares on the way to the UK and back, so I hope to have quite a few more to add to the totals when I get back.

    Anyway, I'd better go and do my sig. I'll call back later. Hope you all have a great day.

    Lots of (((hugs))) to all those who need one.


    Squares: 11, Animal blankets: 2
  • SunnyGirl
    SunnyGirl Posts: 2,639 Forumite
    Good morning everyone :)

    Kathy The squares are beautiful! I especially like the pink & white one. I'm getting excited for you now too!

    ISOM Glad that you're staying positive through the tough times :A

    F1 Please get yourself checked out at the doctors it doesn't sound right.

    My mind has gone blank now :o but massive HSarmhugs_9780.gif to anyone else who needs one.

    I am going to try some different patterns out in crochet now that I'm feeling a little more confident with it. That shall be this afternoons project I think.

    Thanks for all the good wishes re Mum. She has text me already to say that she had another good nights sleep & it's a week now since the surgery so she is feeling much better. It's just standing for long periods & lifting that she can't do.

    Better go and make the breakfast now before the children all start to leave for school/college. It's boiled eggs & toast today so nice & easy.

    Kathy - I wish you well on your journey, I can actually feel your excitement!

    ISOM - sorry you don't feel 100%, I hope things improve soon. Good luck with the hospital appointment. I've got a day off today so I'm going to attempt the oil methinks. I just need to get to Masala Bazaar in Richmond Road (where Bedybuys used to be) because the cloves are sold in huge bags and are dead cheap. There is also a great little herb and spice shop just off Albany Road by Tesco which sells spices cheaply, a massive saving on supermarket prices. The recipe uses loads of cloves. We must compare oils!

    Lovely pictures everyone.
    This link was posted on LH yesterday, it gives lots of hints and tips about preemie knitting, I thought it might interest some of you:

    (Sorry I've never mastered the posh way to insert links! :D)
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