What small DFW things will you do w/c 17th September?



  • carrielovesfanta
    carrielovesfanta Posts: 2,978 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post Photogenic
    edited 18 September 2018 at 1:57PM
    Morning all!

    Welcome to the thread mmharko!

    lpp - I hope you avoid the flu!

    merida - big hugs. I'm glad the chimp stuff was helpful. I recommend getting it from the library. But read it section by section as it gets very involved very quickly!

    oh hiii DNMS - we cross posted!

    I'm a bit peeved this morning. Essentially a very rash promise was made by a family member and it was always likely that it wouldn't be fulfilled. They have now said that OH and I will need to fulfil it. I get very cross about being put into situations where I can't say no. I am practising what I am going to say to them on Thursday.

    But - I am not going to let it spoil my day. I'll calm down once I've said my piece.

    Today's mission:
    • B/L/D from stores. Almost didn't sort lunch but rounded up a load of snacky bits from the fridge and a stray portion of soup from the freezer.
    • Gym at lunchtime - done
    • charge phone in work - done
    • Fave cafe after work
    • Make a decision re the glove. The pattern writer emailed me back and said about how the thumb stretches out as you work four extra stitches into the thumb - but I still can't see how it's going to stretch out enough. I will give it one last go with the normal pattern but I will use the 9mm hook for the first row of dc to keep the cuff join stretchy (they are for an old man with arthritis so need to be easy to get on and off) and I will keep the thumb join loose. I might add 1 ch to force it loose and keep space for the 4dc increase.
    • Decide what to try and do about stupid family situation that will cause the least aggro and expense.
    Have a good one all

    clf x
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  • ziggy2407
    ziggy2407 Posts: 4,081 Forumite
    Photogenic Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary
    edited 18 September 2018 at 10:00PM
    Good Morning All

    Welcome to Merida and mmharko

    Still here, still plodding on. Today we will

    Check Bank & Make PAD - Done
    Topcashback clicks - Done
    Pack yesterday's Ebay sale - Done & hubby took to PO
    Filing & shredding -
    List a few bits for sale - Done
    Swagbucks - Done
    Purge a few emails - Done a few
    Enter a few comps - Done
    All meals from cupboards/fridge/freezer - Done
    Check: Tombola Stars, Lucky Bob, FPL, WinaDinner - Done
    Read -

    Have a great day!

    C x
    Goodreads 2024 Challenge: 32/80
    Goodreads 2023 Challenge: 77/52

  • 1LuckyLady
    1LuckyLady Posts: 1,206 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post Name Dropper Photogenic
    edited 18 September 2018 at 6:24PM

    Morning all,
    :wave: to everyone :grouphug: to those who need it

    Welcome to lurkers and newbies :)mmharko its a great thread, always keeps me on track.

    Today's list (same old same old but it helps me :) )
    :heart: Switch dss alarm clock off at the wall for the daytime done
    :heart: Go to gym after dropping the kids off to make the most of my membership. Will fill up water bottle done
    :heart: Rm surveys done
    :heart: Rm other survey correctly delivered one done
    :heart: Triage fridge to make sure nothing goes to waste done. going to slice, oil and Cajun spice some cooked new potatoes to have with salmon tomorrow night
    :heart: Make families lunches for tomorrow done
    :heart: Check banking/update spreadsheet done
    :heart: Wash a load of dh's work shirts on quick 30 degree wash - not much chance of hanging out though done
    :heart: Hoover round everywhere
    :heart: Meal plan for the next few days
    :heart: Peel/chop & cook spuds for mash to go with stew I made yesterday done
    :heart: All meals from stores - stew made yesterday but need to check fruit bowl to sort out a dessert a few grapes and hm biscuit for dessert
    :heart: Get the freezer list back up to date after talking out salmon for tomorrow nights meal
    :heart: Share bathwater and continue use up of lotions and potions
    :heart: Check surveys done
    :heart: Continue going through my cupboards and reorganising/get rid of anything not needed to the charity shop/tip done
    :heart: Email ds1s school with some pictures of books, to see if they want them,done [STRIKE]if not they can go in the cs bag. [/STRIKE]they do want them so have put them in a bag ready to drop off :)
    :heart: Dad dropped off a couple of candle holders as part of our swap over of colour schemes :)
    :heart: Registered recent purchase for additional warranty
    :heart: Checked off Mr T cc (used for daily spends but paid in full each month)
    :heart: Sorted out info I need for our tax returns
    :heart: Swapped kids bedding over to the winter duvets as ds2 asked if we were going to put the heating on soon :eek:

    Hopefully I'll add more as the day goes on.
    Take care all.

    Sticking with the "Small things" thread to keep up us on the straight and narrow.
  • natlie
    natlie Posts: 1,688 Forumite
    Photogenic Name Dropper First Anniversary Combo Breaker

    I'm behind again, thanks DMNS

    I've had hell of a weekend - Catered a wedding, a birthday party and done a 7 hour round trip to take dauhter to uni - blooming traffic. Exhausted!

    This week should be quite quiet - I am movign middle daughter into eldest dauchters old bedroom though so its all a bit messy and dusty at home

    I need to post an ebay
    Do expeses for work and catering business
    its pay week so I need to do all my banking and budgeting
    chase unpaid invoices
    sort out daughters Uni Student finance - was supposed to be paid yesterday
    Had my mid-year review at work today went really well
    Quoted for a birthday cake for a friend
    Need to get more laundry done, I have no trousers clean
    Need to put away clean laundry
    Bake off tonight - so nothings really going to get done

    DMP: £30,668 £3,364.02 DFD July 2024
  • mmharko
    Just checking in to update and check list :)

    Yes Determined New MS, he is 5. We are in Scotland so he has just started his first year of schooling. I think its different in England is it? He doesn't have school issued homework (yet) but just want to get him into the habit of doing something! His bigger brother (8) has homework to do, so they can sit together and do 15/20 mins. I like the idea of spelling on the way to school, I'll keep that in mind, thanks :)
  • 1LuckyLady
    1LuckyLady Posts: 1,206 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post Name Dropper Photogenic
    edited 18 September 2018 at 2:19PM
    mmharko, times tables is another good for the school run too.

    Dnms, awesome weightloss there missy!
    Sticking with the "Small things" thread to keep up us on the straight and narrow.
  • merida88
    merida88 Posts: 116 Forumite
    Name Dropper Combo Breaker First Post First Anniversary
    edited 18 September 2018 at 2:45PM
    Hi all :hello:

    Breezy isn't it?! Goodness it was a tough ride into work today... the wind was blowing towards the east and I was furiously pedalling due west, feeling like I wasn't really getting anywhere! Must have been quite comical for the drivers sat in the traffic :rotfl:

    DFW activities as follows:

    - slogged into work on the bike, back for lunch, and back again. Hopefully going home the wind will be behind me so I'll be super speedy!
    - pegged out sheets and towels wash (as firmly as possible) at lunch - hoping it won't rain now...
    - leftovers lunch & supper is chilli from the freezer (defrosting now).
    - rejigged my week to go to my other site on Friday instead of tomorrow - gets me halfway to my mum's for the weekend and I can claim mileage :D
    - booked into the gym tonight to make the most of the membership.
    - MUST package up the baby-present to post - can do r0yal ma1l online & get it collected from work tomorrow so NO EXCUSE. So will be a small spend today.
    - Need to decide which exam(s) to book to take in November and get them booked - I have three left to take and I'd love to just get them all out of the way but it's rather expensive if retakes are needed. (TBH I would actually rather just spend my free time in the garden and say boo hiss to all of them, but it would be advantageous to get the qualification now I've started it).

    Right, time for a giant mug of mint tea and got to get back to work!
  • DawnW
    DawnW Posts: 7,458 Forumite
    Name Dropper Photogenic First Post First Anniversary
    edited 18 September 2018 at 9:24PM
    Afternoon all :)
    Thanks for starting us off DNMS :)
    Enjoy your hols Ally :)
    Welcome to new posters :)
    Love to everyone else :)

    Didn't manage to post yesterday as I got caught up with work in the morning, and DD and GS came round in the afternoon. Managed to get quite a bit of garden tidying done in between though :)

    Trying to get ahead today as Wednesdays are my long babysitting days (up till Christmas at least) and I get very little else done. So I have:
    Checked banks and updated spreadsheet
    Walked into town to pick up my new reading glasses (and free exercise). Glasses are already paid for, but a few other planned spends. Only small ones though :)
    Posted an ebay sale :)
    OH did the hoovering :A
    And I washed the bathroom floor
    Sausage sandwiches for lunch, using rest of sausages cooked last night :)
    Made a big pan of bolognese, mostly with ingredients I already had in (just had to add 50p of mushrooms from the market :)) There will be enough for 2 days, thereby avoiding needing to cook after looking after the grandkids all day :D
    Made a batch of Welsh cakes - we aren't Welsh, but love them... and Wales as well, come to that! Used St Delia's Welsh mother in law's recipe. I will use a bit less sugar next time - I always reduce sugar in recipes by about 20% as a matter of course, but I think that for this one, it could be reduced a bit more.

    Still need to:
    Redo freezer inventory - DD was moaning about her freezer being full, not having any money, and having to decide what to do for dinner after work, so I nagged her into inventorying what she had. She did so, and followed that by creating meal plans with what she has (and she has an awful lot, far more than me!) She now feels 'liberated' apparently :rotfl: Anyway, after nagging her, I really ought to sort my own out, as it needs updating :oDone :)
    Find receipts from today's spends and enter into spending diary / spreadsheet :)Done
    Accounts / paperwork for business also done :D
  • 1LuckyLady
    1LuckyLady Posts: 1,206 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post Name Dropper Photogenic
    edited 18 September 2018 at 4:50PM
    Dawn, I love Welsh cakes and aren't Welsh either (the kids are though!) they're so easy to make (welsh cakes not babies..... ;) ) They freeze really well and are nice broken up into vanilla ice cream too :)
    I might have to add them onto my to do list for tomorrow!

    They dust them with sugar here too which I never bother with.
    Sticking with the "Small things" thread to keep up us on the straight and narrow.
  • determined_new_ms
    1LuckyLady wrote: »

    Dnms, awesome weightloss there missy!

    ahhhh shucks! Thanks :D Feeling good for it, but having to take in quite a few things - oh the problems I have :rotfl:
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