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Please help a new mum - baby will not sleep!



  • skintchick
    skintchick Posts: 15,114 Forumite
    Debt-free and Proud!
    jenhug wrote: »
    maybe your milk isn't filling enough~? you could try supplementing with a formula bottle?

    She put 10oz on in the last week so I think it must be! She just is one of those babies that likes to suck and be held. Although I was wondering about a night formula feed as someone above has suggested but I guess I still need to BF overnight?
    :cool: DFW Nerd Club member 023...DFD 9.2.2007 :cool:
    :heartpuls married 21 6 08 :A Angel babies' birth dates 3.10.08 * 4.3.11 * 11.11.11 * 17.3.12 * 2.7.12 :heart2: My live baby's birth date 22 7 09 :heart2: I'm due another baby at the end of July 2014! :j
  • smartie12
    smartie12 Posts: 7,658 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    skintchick wrote: »
    She is a very sucky baby so the dummies might help. She is also very clingy and cry-y!! I always said I wanted 3 children but now cannot imagine doing this again - I really am pretty much hating every minute right now :( I don;t want to be a dairy tanker any more :(


    Things WILL get better hun
  • jenhug
    jenhug Posts: 2,277 Forumite
    skintchick wrote: »
    She put 10oz on in the last week so I think it must be! She just is one of those babies that likes to suck and be held. Although I was wondering about a night formula feed as someone above has suggested but I guess I still need to BF overnight?

    you can try giving her a formula feed in the evening, then breast feed through the night.
    My sister did have this exact same problem, everytime baby got upset he wanted a feed again to settle down, formula did fill him up for longer than breast milk.
  • Emma79
    Emma79 Posts: 114 Forumite
    I am in agreement with SandieP above with regards to the bottle before bed. I'm on baby no 2 (who is 5 months old), and this really does help with getting them to sleep through the night and also givs you Oh some time with the baby if you want an early night.

    I know there is a whole guilt issue about giving formula milk, but when/if you make the decision, I'm sure you will feel better for the sleep you are getting if nothing else!

    Giving a bottle early on hasn't ever caused me any trouble - babies are very adaptable. It also helps when you want to give the baby a bottle (which you will at some point). Friends have left it until 6 months when they are returning to work and the baby then has trouble adjusting at this age.

    With regards to colic, it isn't necessarily caused by wind, it is one of those unfathomable things that babies get. My DD had it until 12 weeks and it was very hard.

    Keep with it!
  • seven-day-weekend
    skintchick wrote: »
    She is a very sucky baby so the dummies might help. She is also very clingy and cry-y!! I always said I wanted 3 children but now cannot imagine doing this again - I really am pretty much hating every minute right now :( I don;t want to be a dairy tanker any more :(

    I totally understand that, I felt exactly the same. My m-i-l gave me a really good bit of advice and said that if I'm tired, upset and stressed by it the baby would be too and if we were both going to be more relaxed bottle-feeding, then that would be the better option.

    I breast-fed him for three weeks, feeling like a dairy cow the whole time, but my m-i-l was right, we WERE both more relaxed once I'd switched to bottle feeding.

    Don't take any notice of what other people do, or what is the best thing for them, do what is necessary for you and your baby to feel happy and contented, and if that is bottle feeding , sobeit.
    (AKA HRH_MUngo)
    Member #10 of £2 savers club
    Imagine someone holding forth on biology whose only knowledge of the subject is the Book of British Birds, and you have a rough idea of what it feels like to read Richard Dawkins on theology: Terry Eagleton
  • Emma79
    Emma79 Posts: 114 Forumite
    Also! you say she is clusterfeeding lots during the evening, but perhaps this isn't helping your yield at the last feed and she isn't getting enough to last more tahn a couple of hours. I know Gina Ford recommends doing a yeild test to see exactly how much milk the baby is getting. You could then give hte baby your milk through a bottle. Hope you get on ok!
  • jha
    jha Posts: 1,095 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    Skinty i have just checked with my mum as i cried constantly untill 2 (due to illness though) and unitll 4 months i was in a welsh shawl on my mums front tightly tied (i suppose it would be a wrap today) during the day and swaddled in an attached cot like the one you have got and either my mum or dad slept with their hand on my belly (over covers) in the night. Interestingly i didnt cry as much when with my dad - somethng to do with smelling the milk. Later on if it got too much for her she just used to have to leave the room as i did drive her insane - but i am sure your lo will settle soon. I am all embarrased now:o- lol but if it helps you out i dont care:D.
  • hi new mum

    im not going to go on about what a wonderful experience you are having with a new baby (like some kind of spacey village distric nurse)

    but she is only four weeks old and it will probabily take longer for her to get into a routine. the best advice i can give you (from my 20yrs of being a nursery nurse) is BE CONSISTENT (you'll have to do this for the next 20yrs anyway when she s latched on to some chav boy or thinks shes old enough to go clubbing all nite) if you want her to sleep in the crib your going to have to ride out the storm. put her in but resist the urge to pick her up unless shes being sick etc. dont forget to put her on her back and it also worth not putting anything on her feet which is a pain if you've got babygrows. also speak to your doctor she might have abit of collic also ASK the doc if its ok to use a little rose or lavender oit in the room (its a natural sedative). and if there anythin you can take to help you . sorry but you sound alittle nurvey but thats probabily the lack of sleep

    make sure the bedroom is not too hot there is a small light and try some low music (people swear by classic fm but i think chilled trance works better) Sounds odd but babies dont like the quiet ( remember they could hear you before they were born. also decide on a feeding routine and STICK WITH IT if your going to feed on demand still try to add some sort of regiular timing to it especially at bedtime.So she gets use to either having a bath feed and falls asleep in your arms or goes straight inbto the crib.
    i know she only little but its worth getting started on this from now try to tire her out in the day so she ready to sleep in the nite

    AND REMEMBER your doing great even if it doesnt feel like it now

    good luck
  • sandiep
    sandiep Posts: 915 Forumite
    I totally agree with all of the (7 day weekend post) above.
  • skintchick
    skintchick Posts: 15,114 Forumite
    Debt-free and Proud!
    Emma79 wrote: »
    Also! you say she is clusterfeeding lots during the evening, but perhaps this isn't helping your yield at the last feed and she isn't getting enough to last more tahn a couple of hours. I know Gina Ford recommends doing a yeild test to see exactly how much milk the baby is getting. You could then give hte baby your milk through a bottle. Hope you get on ok!

    And yet - she fed at 11.25 for 20 mins, I put her in the sling at 1pm and she has been asleep every since, so surely the milk is enough to sustain her? She just only does it in the sling!

    Which brings me to another question - if she is asleep, how long should I leave it before i wake her for a feed or should leave her to wake naurally? She has now not eaten for 3.5 hours but has only been asleep for 2 hours.
    :cool: DFW Nerd Club member 023...DFD 9.2.2007 :cool:
    :heartpuls married 21 6 08 :A Angel babies' birth dates 3.10.08 * 4.3.11 * 11.11.11 * 17.3.12 * 2.7.12 :heart2: My live baby's birth date 22 7 09 :heart2: I'm due another baby at the end of July 2014! :j
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