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June 2008 Grocery Challenge



  • Sunny_Donny
    Sunny_Donny Posts: 300 Forumite
    Used the lidl bread in my breadmaker - dusting it off tomorrow to make another loaf - the granary bread is lovely, don't make white bread (sob, sob)., because I would sit and eat the whole loaf!! I have one loaf of white Warburtons, in the freezer that OH can't touch and treat myself to one slice of white toast with lots of butter on every now and again (especially when PMT head is on).
    Mortgage free as at 1/9/13 :j
    To start work on the credit cards now!!
  • Lucifa73
    Lucifa73 Posts: 7,726 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    galadriel wrote: »
    Self raising flour isn't really very good for making bread although there have been a couple of herby breads posted on here that used it. These didn't use yeast though. How about making a few cakes or biscuits. I can definitely recommend Twink's hobnobs.

    Any chance of a link to these infamous hob nobs please? I've made Nigella Lawsons cutter cookies (from Feast) the last couple of weeks which are lovely but I fancy something a bit different.

    26.2.19/14.1.19: T MC 3629.26/3629.26 : VM 0% 1050/13876.59 : W 0% 100/1485 = 4409.26/18990.85 =25.17%
    28.1.19/28.1.19 Hubs 0% £400/£2,977 =13.44%
    SPC 2019 #073

  • galadriel
    galadriel Posts: 217 Forumite
    sorry I can't work out how to do links yet :mad: I've just been trying to post links to the delicious herb bread I did last week and ended up posting a link to some gobbledegook in totally the wrong thread :rotfl:Hopefully someone a bit cleverer than me will point you in the right direction.
  • angelnikki
    angelnikki Posts: 892 Forumite
    Twink's Hobnobs Recipe (if you click the arrow next to where it says twink it will take you to the post)
    twink wrote: »
    this is the recipe i use
    8oz sr flour
    8oz sugar
    8oz porridge oats
    8oz margarine
    1tbsp golden syrup
    1tbsp hot water
    1/2 tsp bic soda
    mix flour, oats and sugar, melt marg, syrup and water in a pan stir in bic soda and add to dry mix, mix well, make smallish balls and put on greased tray and flatten slightly with a fork, 180oc for 15 mins, cool on the tray, you just want them golden in oven not brown

    miecherox Forgot to say earlier - if you sign up on the website they send you money off vouchers every few months. You could sign up using a few different names at the same address to get multiple vouchers. I save them up and use them all together to get a free pack from Boots as they will (usually) take loads of vouchers for the same item.

  • galadriel
    galadriel Posts: 217 Forumite
    Lucifa - if you look on the first page of the list of threads there is a thread called Homemade Hobnobs? about half way down - Twinks recipe is in that thread.
  • galadriel
    galadriel Posts: 217 Forumite
    Oh good - someone else has posted Thanks for saving me Nikki.
  • Lucifa73
    Lucifa73 Posts: 7,726 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    :j I have all the ingredients in already so tomorrow I'll make lovely biccies without breaking my NSD resolution:j

    Thanks everyone and I'm sure the Hubbles will thank you too..
    26.2.19/14.1.19: T MC 3629.26/3629.26 : VM 0% 1050/13876.59 : W 0% 100/1485 = 4409.26/18990.85 =25.17%
    28.1.19/28.1.19 Hubs 0% £400/£2,977 =13.44%
    SPC 2019 #073

  • angelnikki
    angelnikki Posts: 892 Forumite
    galadriel were you trying to post this? I haven't made it yet but it looks really yummy. Thanks PPM
    Didnt spend anything on groceries today, hurray! I have this great bread recipe that's saving me lots and goes really well with the special offers on antipasti at asda at the mo, hope you enjoy,
    Herb Quick bread
    375g S/R Flour
    1 cup Milk
    1/2 Cup of water
    1 egg
    50g sugar
    1 tsp salt
    grated cheese (up to 140g )
    4 tbsp dried herbs (your pref, i use oregano and basil)

    Combine all ingriedients in a bowl and mix throroughly making a batter, pour batter into a small roasting tin (4"x9" i use), or whatever your using, and bake at 180c until cooked browned and hollow sounding if knocked on bottom, It takes 1 hour for the tin stated above and 25mins for muffin tins.
    Hope you all enjoy and it helps on your way to target spends, considering the price of bread it realy does help to bake your own!
  • tq16
    tq16 Posts: 233 Forumite
    Still working my way through all the posts, but wanted to say congratulations lday77, big hugs x
    (Family of 5: 2 adults & 3 children aged 7yrs, 4yrs, and 18months)
  • Judellie
    Judellie Posts: 114 Forumite
    NSD today sport-smiley-001.gif. My first of the challenge and hopefully plenty more to come. The kids had leftover sausage casserole from last night and OH and I had baked pots with tuna and sweetcorn.
    Made 24 chocolate crispie cakes after school today, only about 6 left :rolleyes2.
    Need to bake more bread tomorrow, kids will only eat home made now, kind of made a rod for my own back now!!
    Need to go shopping tomorrow, looking out for a whoopsied chicken, I use it mainly for sandwich meat, works out much cheaper than buying sandwich meat.

    Jude xx
    GC June: £350/405.56
    GC July: £350 spent
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