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June 2008 Grocery Challenge



  • hamish222
    hamish222 Posts: 716 Forumite
    Spent 1.03 on two baked potatoes today. Planning on next three days being nds as working lates and won't be at shops and taking my dinner with me.

    The cheese biscutes, hobnobs, shortbread etc. How long do they last?
    Yearly Grocery Budget - £100.77/ £3500. January Treats Budget - £11.80 / £100.
  • scotsaver
    scotsaver Posts: 824 Forumite
    sorry about the multiple posts!! i keep reading questions, answering them, and then forgetting to post my own grocery stuff!!

    well i now have the princely sum of £4.40 to last me till Monday :eek:

    went to Mr A's and got tuna, cereal, tinned toms,dog food, chocadoobies (the most essential item on anyone's shopping list :p) and a few other bits and bobs. spent £17.70 by the time she took my vouchers off....then i got home to find she'd short-changed me by a pound :mad: i rang the store, and they weren't all that bothered.the girl on the phone had the nerve to say "well, it is only a pound isn't it?" but when things are tight to start with, a pound's a lot to some people. anyway, i have to ring back tomorrow when they've checked their tills. normally i'd check my change before leaving the store, but i was buying for myself and my gran, and was trying to pack things separately, so i just shoved it in the zipped pocket in my bag....ah well, moan over!!

    i'll just have to hope i don't need much more before i get my money on Monday :rolleyes:

    mandy_moo_1 - you stick to your guns, £1 is nothing to a big Supermarket making millions every day but £1 means a lot to us, I always check my receipts/change now and you'd be suprised how often this happens.
    GC for OH, myself, DD18 & DD16 includes Toiletries, cleaning stuff & Food.

  • Hello all- been desperatly trying to get on all day but been sooooo busy!

    Welcome all the newbies-- come and join us! Everyone on here has been so lovely and helpful and I am a newbie too!:T :j :T

    Got not much money left until the end of my month now after a stop at Aldi's for cat food and this weeks shop and ended up doing just about two weeks in one! :eek: :eek: But now I really should only need a little bit of veg and cat food next week :o:D

    Forgot to factor in that boys doing exams graze from the fridge/ cupboards all day instead of revising! :mad: Either that or they have bottomless pits for stomachs- will be pleased when one returns to school- am starting on retraining the other one now! :rotfl:

    Ah well- keep trying! May have to rethink for next months target as one will be at home nearly all the time..... :idea: Feel a bit like I have fallen at the first hurdle....
    June Budget= £151.41/£150:cool:
    10 NSDs (with teenagers :eek:!!)= 8
    Reduced my overdraft a little today- slow but sure!:A
  • Sunny_Donny
    Sunny_Donny Posts: 300 Forumite
    Hi All,
    Just updated signature and realised I had forgotton to add on £3.00 from Poundland 2 x toothpaste and 3 x Imperial Leather deodorants.

    Been printing off the recipes to try - OH thought the meatballs were delicious. Have shopping list ready for Mr A or Mr T on Saturday. Cooking/baking Saturday or Sunday.

    Have just got another freezer for £25 - current one stufed to gills, so this will help with the bogof's and baking I will be doing.

    Back on Sat/Sun to update with the spend
    Mortgage free as at 1/9/13 :j
    To start work on the credit cards now!!
  • searching_me
    searching_me Posts: 18,414 Forumite
    hello everybody and how are we all... enjoying the sun i hope :D thank you all for your kind words im feeling alot better today docs want me to go to shrink to check if im mentally ok dont know if i wanna go but lets see .... was gonna have a nsd but popped in to the co-op after my dds's injection(that was not fun!) coz she had a little bit of money (she goes round the house collecting pennies i may have dropped or forgotten were there saves them and then gets something as a treat :D) but i bought 2 packs of whoopies pork chop from £3.49 each down to £1.75 so cheaper then bogof :D had one pack tonight for dinner they were lovely and popped the other in the freezer so i got £40 left til the 20th shouldnt be to much of a problem (i think, well hope) dont really need anything just bread and milk im baking every weekend for pack up stuff for my little madam.. god it saves so much money... plus gives me something to do rather then watching eastenders on a weekend (not my choice hubby loves it) hope your all good and not to sunburnt :D xxx
    :)Still searching .....:)
  • OrkneyStar
    OrkneyStar Posts: 7,025 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post First Anniversary Name Dropper
    Moniker wrote: »
    Re the discussion about washballs etc. I have tried these but I think the soapnuts are cheaper and more effective and I live in a very hard water area. I put about 6 or 7 in the linen bag they come with and although sometimes they 'escape' it's not really a problem. I like the fact that you can put them on the compost heap when they are 'spent'.
    I had more success with my soap pods today, I found an old washing powder tablet holder- the net type, to put them in and none escaped :T :T
    Am also glad to find out they can be composted- am presuming it is fine to put in a 'green cone'.
    Ermutigung wirkt immer besser als Verurteilung.
    Encouragement always works better than judgement.

    MRSMCAWBER Posts: 5,442 Forumite
    Evening all

    Well, we went to LIDL as planned... got another 48 x 1.5litre bottles of sparkling water -got 48 on friday evening but we have got through 30 already :eek: mind its that bloomin hot...and they are only 19c a bottle
    Spotted the mature cheddar they had advertised last week [STRIKE]jumped on it[/STRIKE] i mean i calmly walked over to where it was and got some :o oh ok then they had 14 blocks left -not anymore :p .... so that was €42 gone..hubbies face was a picture as i loaded it into the trolley -well you can't get proper cheddar in the supermarkets and the NAFFI charge €6 a block :eek:
    also picked up 2 more bags of meusli ...
    so i will take it all(€50.98) off this months budget and see how i go..if i run short i will have to take some out of the "bulk buying" pot... if i take it out now-it will just encourage me to spend more ;)
    I really shouldn't need a thing before next friday though :T have enough food to set up shop :D

    Just made a pasta dish for dinner finally managed to use up the last portion of HM chick n sweetcorn soup and that ramekin of egg/cream/cheese from the quiche -plus a few other bits n bobs that were getting on my nerves and taking up space ;) and the end result was really nice :D

    Looking at the next 7 days menu plan i have everything in and even enough fruit to last me possibly to next friday -depending how much i munch :rolleyes: I do get through shed loads ..but i tend to have a plate of that for lunch instead of anything else its not that bad i guess :o

    right i will get off and update my signature now..have a great evening all :D
    -6 -8 -3 -1.5 -2.5 -3 -1.5-3.5
  • SAV3R
    SAV3R Posts: 222 Forumite
    Lucifa73 wrote: »
    Thanks Sav3r.

    Unfortunately knowing the answers isn't the same as putting them into practice. I've learned a lot from my Mum over the years (and she 'couldn't even tie a pinny' (her words) when she first got married). I just don't get much time between a full time job, a pile of studying, spending time with my lovely Hubbles and trying to keep fit. Since signing up forthis thread I do try and batch bake at the weekend and we cook from scratch pretty much every day so I do okay, I'm just not quite the domestic goddess I dream of being.:rolleyes: :p

    When I was growing up, all I wanted was to get married, have kids and be a stay at home mum. My mum, Grans, Aunts all were at home, they baked, gardened etc. That was what I wanted, I suppose I grew up...
    Seriously I just want the kids to have nice things, clothes, holidays etc, I don't do too badly, I work school hours and in holidays manage to reduce to 3 days.
    Like many of us, we juggle work, kids, baking / cooking, housework - don't seem to manage the keep fit.
  • Hi everyone!
    Just popped into Mr T. Picked up mostly non-food items incl. wine for end of school year pressies (for staff, not children!) which meant I could use the money saved from my coupon towards food. A total spend of £1.09 towards GC (including some reduced finest bread-got there just in time) so I am pleased.
    Hope everyone is ok. Will catch up on the posts as I pack tonight.
    Told my friends we're dropping in for tea and twinks at a fellow GChallenger ,who lives in what was the address?
    :cool: Frugal Living 2010 member MFW by 2014 Was 88,000 now £46,877.90 Grocery Budget for Dec-April=£173.72/£244 (Groc Budget 2010 from Ebay/Voucher savings/Quidco -If we can do it will save our £980 GC budget) Now living the dream -in our tiny country cottage-all thanks to MS forums. x 39 2 go
    Stockpile Savings: £89.72 Voucher savings £8
  • lday77
    lday77 Posts: 320 Forumite
    My first homemade pizza is in the oven it smells bl**dy fantastic!!!!!
    Murphy's No More Pies Member No. 28 on hold
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