Hello Forumites! However well-intentioned, for the safety of other users we ask that you refrain from seeking or offering medical advice. This includes recommendations for medicines, procedures or over-the-counter remedies. Posts or threads found to be in breach of this rule will be removed.Weekly Flylady Thread 28th October 2024

Thank you, Valli, for last week's thread.
What is FLYLADY? Well, it's our version of the US flylady idea - but we work on
the principle that housework is not fun, it's boring, can be time-consuming, is
often thankless but, unfortunately, necessary. It's here on Old Style to
provide the support we all need and to make the whole task easier and quicker.
We also accept that, sometimes, life just gets on top of us and we can't keep
up, maybe because we're time-poor, not in the best of health and/or we have
littlies who need us. We are definitely NOT control freaks aiming for
perfection and utterly spotless show-homes.
Welcome to the weekly Flylady Thread. You're more than welcome to join us in
the everlasting battle against dust, grime and gibble. The aim of our thread is
to make those onerous tasks less daunting, and to support each other - and to
make time for the finer things in life!
Please do remember we have to abide by MSE rules; each post should, ideally,
include some mention of flying.
It is your responsibility to read the forum rules, please follow them on this
thread as Flylady has been here a LONG time and is a fabulous support and
resource for lots of us.
Please follow the forum rules on this thread as Flylady has been here a LONG
time and is a fabulous support and resource for lots of us. All posts should
have some Flylady-related (ooh a compound adjective) content!
The idea is that even if you are really busy you don't need to fall off the
Every room comes back around next week so please don’t stress about catching up
These lists are only suggestions and not a must do list; you are more than
welcome to post and follow your own lists.
Also adding a declutter mission each day will help to gradually clear the
clutter and make flying asier.
A few of the basics before we start the week
Hotspots are areas where if one thing gets put there, loads of
other things follow!
Daily routines are anything you need to do on a daily basis like
washing, swish and swipe kitchen and bathroom, ironing, making beds, vacuuming
high traffic areas, making meals etc.
Night-time routines are all things which make getting ready in the
morning easier, preparing clothes for the next day, making lunches, swish &
swipes of the kitchen and tidying the living room before you go to bed plus
personals like shower/brush teeth etc.
Fling Boogie - stick on some loud music, grab a bin bag and whiz
around the house finding items that can go out with the rubbish, recycling, for
charity shop, basically anything that will stop it cluttering your home.
Swish and swipe/S&S means have a quick wipe over an area such
as a sink or toilet to prevent the build up of dirt. This is usually done on a
daily basis
HHE/HHC/HHI Half Hour exercise/challenge/ironing ... run around for
30 minutes to the Benny Hill music frantically cleaning exercising or ironing..
.other music may be used if you prefer!
WM ~ Washing machine
TD ~ Tumble dryer
SC ~ Slowcooker
BM ~ Breadmaker
DW ~ Dishwasher
SOAADFA ~ Sit on 'bottom' and do 'nothing'
KH/XH/FW ~ Ex-husband and other not so polite versions
DH/DD/DS/DW/DP ~ Dear husband/daughter/son/wife/partner/whatever
OH/SO ~ Other half/significant other
NN ~ nice neighbour
Toxic (friend/mother/sister/whoever) ~ person in your life that
seems to exist to make your life miserable
AF ~ Aunt Flo 'time of the month'.. nothing to do with flying but
it comes up often.
ETA ~ Edited to add
Gibble ~ miscellaneous crap that appears forever homeless
Dot-to-dot ~ pick a small area (not a whole room) like a
chair/coffee/table/shelf/worktop or wherever- that’s your first 'dot' - totally
clear it - clean it - and only put back what should be there - deal with what
you have removed (not just move it somewhere else) then if you have time move
on and do the same to another 'dot' -the idea is just like a dot to dot puzzle,
you aim to join up all the dots and have a tidy room. The trick is to keep each
dot tidy until you get them all joined up! All credit to AnW's
Mum for this one
RoD ~ Room of Doom, the one room that feels like it is a permanent
pit and cannot be used to its potential!
MAD half hour - Mad is the abbreviation for Make A Difference.
The idea is that you have a Forth bridge (ie never-ending - or just huge) task
but that you work on it in half-hour bursts. This way you know you ARE
stooping, and that you won't get it finished but you will make a difference -
so it might be clearing out - the garage or shed, or clothes sorting, or
weeding - you get the picture - but rather than keep going until you've lost
the will to live you do half an hour...but, eventually those half hours will
get the job done!
Mr S/A/T/M/L/Al - supermarkets Sainsburys, Asda, Tesco, Morrisons, Lidl, Aldi.
You get the picture!!
Click here to read Toots wonderful
welcome guide
Ok here goes this week!
Seeing as many of our children
have half term this week wouldn't it be nice if the little (and not so
little!!) people helped!!!!.
Monday Mayhem ~ Living Room,
Hall and Stairs
Level One…
Vacuum floors and sofas
Level Two…
even if around everything
Remove clutter making sure stairs especially are safe
Clean TV, other electricals and cabinets
Water any thirsty plants, wipe their poor neglected leaves!!
Level Three...
Wipe light switches, sockets (make sure they are not switched on!!) and
Clean any other glass like mirrors, pictures etc
Tidy shoes, coats and bags .. wash any that need washing in preparation for
cold weather!! See if there are any that don't fit, past their best or just
plain uncomfy which could leave the house!
Put up linings or winter curtains to keep out those draughts.
Extra Mission:
Pick one or more of the following tasks –
- Paperwork clearance.. spend 15 minutes minimum sorting through those piles of paper.
- Vacuum under furniture you can manage to move without hurting yourself
- Clean a window or two.
- Binbag dance.. Get a binbag.. fill it and bin it!!!
- Ring someone you love, just to tell them you love them!!
Deep Clean Challenge
Clean light fittings, skirtings even the ones behind furniture.Clean fire-surrounds.
Wipe sofa's down.
Clear as may hotspots as you can.. see if you can get it all into one pile instead of 15!!!
Terrible Tuesday -
Kitchen and Dining Room
Level One...
Clean floors
Clear and wipe kitchen surfaces
Sort fridge bringing what needs using soon to the front, clean out any spills
or grots in there!
Wipe dining table.. (clean table cloth if necessary)
Level Three...
Dust any extra furniture in dining area, checking for cobwebs on way round
Wipe and replace all those small appliances.. kettle, toaster etc
Descale kettle and iron
Clean cupboard door fronts and fronts of appliances .. don't forget those kick
Check those washing machine filters and drawers for ickiness!! Tumble dryer and
dishwasher filters need to be done too!!
Extra Mission
Choose one or more of:
- Wipe window sills and clean windows in these rooms
- Wipe down any tiles and shine those taps.. a toothbrush is great for cleaning away the gunk!
- Clean oven if you didn't do it last week
- 30 minutes ironing.
Get in that minging cupboard. Give it all GOOD scrub out before placing the things you need to use soon at the front. If no manky cupboard do a different one! Feel free to get carried away and do more cupboards!!!
Wacky Wednesday - those
frightening kids rooms and spare rooms
Level One...
Vacuum the floor, even if it's just where you can see
Spend at least half an hour doing something for yourself!!!!! Paint your nails,
make an appointment to have your hair done, a lovely soak in the bath..
whatever you feel like!!
Level Two...
Clear away anything that isn't in it's place, clothes, toys, books etc
Dusting.. all those shelves and flat fluffy surfaces!! Don’t forget the light
shade and curtain pole!!!
Level One...
Strip beds, turn and vacuum mattresses!! and replace with fresh linen .. check
if duvets need freshening up too!!
Sort through a cupboard/chest of drawers and get the clothes out which are no
longer wearable, too small or out of season!
Wipe any sticky marks off walls and doors
Extra Task List
- Wash a set of curtains, nets, duvet or throw
- Wipe the radiators, skirtings and window & door frames!
- 30 minutes ironing.. You know you love doing it!!!!
- GbGrab a binbag and fill it with stuff to leave the house.. rubbish or charity shop or to donate to a friend!
Deep Clean
Sort the book shelves.. and toy boxes.. what can be flung? we are making room
for those lovely new things Santa will be bringing soon if we are all being
good boys and girls!!.. So get rid of all the things that are no longer
Level One...
Check fire alarms are working
Remove and wash bed linen.
Level Two...
Dust surfaces & make sure no cobwebs..
Vacuum mattress before replacing with fresh linen.. do you need that winter duvet yet?
15 minutes floordrobe clearance
Level One...
Vacuum floors in bedroom and on landing
Sort one area of clothes or linen storage making sure only what should be in there is, anything that's had it's day or doesn't belong there is removed
Clear a hotspot., or spend 15 minutes clearing one.
Extra tasks list, as usual choose one or more
- 27 fling boogie time, time for that midweek fling, go on grab a bag and clear that clutter
- Put away those summer clothes from someones cupboard and get out the winter woollies.. don’t store anything that is past its best! Make a list of things you need to buy!!
- Clean windows in these rooms
- Check house for places where draughts are getting in.. doors, windows etc and see if there are ways to stop it!
Deep Clean Challenge
clean out that airing cupboard!!!!!! get rid of those things you don't need..
use dead towels as cleaning cloths etc.. be ruthless!!!! you REALLY don't need
that 'thing' you've saved for 10 years.. 'just in case' If you did this last
week.. you can do the under the stairs cupboard!!!
Level One...
Clean floors in these rooms
Level Two...
Clean baths, toilets and sinks
Clear any clutter from desk
Dust PC and desk and wipe off those cup rings!!
Wipe keyboard, house phone, sockets, switches and mouse etc
Level Three...
Wash your bathroom mats, nets, clean blind/curtains etc
Wipe down tiles in bathroom..
Delete 10 links in your favourites which you no longer use or are dead!
Clean shower screen/curtain if you have one/if required
Clear a mega hotspot!.. shred it.. and fling it.. or just burn it! .. Does anyone have a pulper to make logs from their old papers??
Extra mission:
Pick whichever you want to attempt:
- Wipe the skirtings, door and window frames in these rooms
- Check through those bottles.. what can be flung/decanted/and do you not need to buy until the year 3000??
- Clean the radiators and woodwork in these rooms
- Get those uniforms, games kits, coats and things in the wash which you will need on Monday
Deep Clean Challenge
Scrub down the dirty marks on the walls in these rooms, and any dirty marks on
the walls. When did you last clean 'under the rim'? Get a mirror and check it
out.. how gross??? Wash any chair covers/throws/blinds etc. When did you last
replace the bath sponges & toothbrushes??
~ Flylady Christmas Card Swap ~
For anyone that hasn’t put their name forward to me and
is still interested….
If you are wanting to take part in this year's Flylady Christmas card swap
please PM me your details!! .. MSE name (if you wish to disclose that),
MSE user Id.. This is vital or you won't be included.. (just so I know you are
really a flylady!!) and address to which you want the cards sending, or pop a
quick comment on here to let me know you want to be added.. by midnight 14
November. You know the drill!!!!
I will be sending out the card list on 16th November 2024 as I need to get them
in the post by the 9th December so that everyone gets their cards in time for
Declutter Challenge 2025
DH declutter challenge award 🏅⭐️
And a reminder from me too...- FLYLADY SECRET SANTA -
Please PM with your details if you'd like to join in the Secret Santa this year.7 -
Thank you Natty for the new thread. I definitely need to do some flying this week - I can see the dust! But most areas are tidy, and K is coming to help with the vacuuming and changing the bedding on Tuesday.
The quiz went very well yesterday evening, and everyone who took part said they enjoyed it. It ended up with a 3-way tie for 2nd place, and the winning team only scored one mark more! We have raised enough money to twin both toilets in church, or one in church and one in the hall
Hope everyone has a good week xxx6 -
Morning all,
Been absent for a weeks with a week long school residential, being poorly and crazy busy last week of half term. Just been doing the basics and you can tell. My house definitely needs some TLC!
I haven't managed to keep updated on the thread but I hope everyone is well and looking forward to catching upnon everyone's news this week.
DS1 and DS2 are off to camp today for 4 days so just dd for the most of the week. Got some things planned to do with her but should have some time to catch up on the house!
Today......Monday Mayhem ~ Living Room, Hall and Stairs
Level One…Vacuum floors and sofas
Level Two…Dusting, even if around everything
Remove clutter making sure stairs especially are safe
Clean TV, other electricals and cabinets
Water any thirsty plants, wipe their poor neglected leaves!!
Level Three...
Tidy shoes, coats and bags.
Extra Mission:
Pick one or more of the following tasks- Clean a window or two
Deep Clean Challenge
Clean light fittings, skirtings even the ones behind furniture.
Clean fire-surrounds.
Clear as may hotspots as you can.. see if you can get it all into one pile instead of 15!!!
Wash bedding
Sort out charity pile that is accumulating in dds room
Sort out dds wardrobeGrocery challenge- feb 2015- £133.07/£2508 -
Thank you for the thread natty. It really helps to keep me focusedGrocery challenge- feb 2015- £133.07/£2508
Morning all xx
Thank you Natty and Valli for keeping the thread running smoothly 😘
I'm being dense iona. How do you twin a toilet? I'm assuming it's a predictive text change but I can't imagine what the original word would be. 🤔. In the meantime I'm imagining twinning with toilets in Germany - like towns used to twin. Do they still do that? See what a rabbit hole you've sent me down 🤣. Well done with the quiz 👏
I'm up, made my bed, taken my meds, turned over the calendars, failed at Wordle, completed Connections with three lives lost and a lot of pure guesswork, and supped my first brew.
Plan today:
Shower and wash hair
Get dressed
Feed the birds
Put out the recycling
Laundry shuffle
11.30 Bra fitting appointment
Mr Al shop
My anxiety is ramping up thanks to the bra fitting appointment today. The actual fitting is the least of it: first I have to drive there, and find where I need to be, park, then find where I need to be inside the Store. 🤢. Whose idea was this anyway? Oh. Mine!
Lost a pound this week. That's 3 stones 6 lbs off. Another pound off and I'll be in a new number on the scales. Citing 🤣
Have a good week.
Edited to update...
Morning, bright & sunny here (until this afternoon) so washing should get mostly dry✔️. Might go for a walk as well✔️.
Today's plan
Monday Mayhem ~ Living Room, Hall and StairsLevel One…✔️Vacuum floors and sofasLevel Two…✔️Dusting, even if around everything✔️Remove clutter making sure stairs especially are safe✔️Clean TV, other electricals and cabinetsWater any thirsty plants, wipe their poor neglected leaves!!Level Three...Wipe light switches, sockets (make sure they are not switched on!!) and banister✔️Clean any other glass like mirrors, pictures etc✔️Tidy shoes, coats and bags .. wash any that need washing in preparation for cold weather!! See if there are any that don't fit, past their best or just plain uncomfy which could leave the house!Extra Mission:✔️Paperwork clearance.. spend 15 minutes minimum sorting through those piles of paper.✔️Vacuum under furniture you can manage to move without hurting yourselfDeep Clean Challenge✖️Clean light fittings, skirtings even the ones behind furniture✔️Clean fire-surrounds✔️Wipe dining chairs downClear as may hotspots as you can.. see if you can get it all into one pile instead of 15!!!2 week MAD project - declutter & deep-clean kitchen cupboards, drawers & cubby holes. Started 28/100/11 cupboards✔️✔️2/5 drawers0/5 cubby holesUsual d/w✔️, w/m✔️, S&S✔️
🙂"I started out with nothing
And still got most of it left"
Seasick SteveOld Style Weight Loss Challenge 1st Quarter 2025 - lost 4.5/77 -
roundtuit said:
I'm being dense iona. How do you twin a toilet? I'm assuming it's a predictive text change but I can't imagine what the original word would be. 🤔. In the meantime I'm imagining twinning with toilets in Germany - like towns used to twin. Do they still do that? See what a rabbit hole you've sent me down 🤣. Well done with the quiz 👏
Toilet here *points* is twinned.
DW emptied, kitched S&S and WUALTD before I came to work.Don't put it DOWN; put it AWAY"I would like more sisters, that the taking out of one, might not leave such stillness" Emily DickinsonJanice 1964-2016
Thank you Honey Bear7 -
ionafan said:The quiz went very well yesterday evening, and everyone who took part said they enjoyed it. It ended up with a 3-way tie for 2nd place, and the winning team only scored one mark more! We have raised enough money to twin both toilets in church, or one in church and one in the hallWell done on the quiz and fundraising Ionafan.This morning started well. I managed to speak to the plumber and gently remind him that we need a new remote thermostat for our boiler. He's been and gone away to get one (I've been asking for a month), and also walked the dog. When I got back the garden bin had been emptied so I unlocked the gate to the back alley to get it in, but noticed that the alley was really slippery. Turning out a cupboard a couple of weeks ago I noticed a tin of J3y3s Fluid, so I reread the instructions and went outside to deal with it. Filled up the first watering can with the stuff, stepped into the alley and promptly slipped over.I am not a happy bunny.Better is good enough.6
Thank you Valli. Every day's a school day. I wasn't too far out with my guess...just a bit further afield than Germany.
I've survived being shut in a tiny room with a full length mirror; that was worse than the actual bra fitting. I may have nightmares. 😱
Groceries have been bought and put away. Advent calendars have been bought and put away. Birthday present for my niece has been bought and put away.
Honey_Bear said:When I got back the garden bin had been emptied so I unlocked the gate to the back alley to get it in, but noticed that the alley was really slippery. Turning out a cupboard a couple of weeks ago I noticed a tin of J3y3s Fluid, so I reread the instructions and went outside to deal with it. Filled up the first watering can with the stuff, stepped into the alley and promptly slipped over.I am not a happy bunny.
roundtuit said:Morning all xx
Thank you Natty and Valli for keeping the thread running smoothly 😘
I'm being dense iona. How do you twin a toilet? I'm assuming it's a predictive text change but I can't imagine what the original word would be. 🤔. In the meantime I'm imagining twinning with toilets in Germany - like towns used to twin.
For once my predictive text was not trying to write gobbledegook! You were definitely not a million miles off: aparently that's where the idea came from.
Today I have dusted and wiped (and disturbed the spiders) all around the upstairs rooms, even taking everything off the top shelves in the study to clean them for probably the first time this year. It already looks a lot better in here. K said she would help me do downstairs and vacuum all through tomorrow.
DH proudly announced that he had cleaned his ensuite with bleach and shower spray!!!!! - except that he hadn't touched the shower tray at all and it is filthy by the plughole. (He did claim to have bleached the underside of the non-slip rubber mat in the shower yesterday...) I despair. Apart from that, he has spent most of the day SOFA-ing and playing mindless games on his tablet. That makes me despair even more.
ETA: Oh, and I sorted out some donations for the Christmas Fayre and mended a church kneeler.6
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