Hello Forumites! However well-intentioned, for the safety of other users we ask that you refrain from seeking or offering medical advice. This includes recommendations for medicines, procedures or over-the-counter remedies. Posts or threads found to be in breach of this rule will be removed.Weekly Flylady Thread 19th August 2024

What is FLYLADY? Well, it's our version of the US flylady idea - but we work on the principle that housework is not fun, it's boring, can be time-consuming, is often thankless but, unfortunately, necessary. It's here on Old Style to provide the support we all need and to make the whole task easier and quicker. We also accept that, sometimes, life just gets on top of us and we can't keep up, maybe because we're time-poor, not in the best of health and/or we have littlies who need us. We are definitely NOT control freaks aiming for perfection and utterly spotless show-homes.
Welcome to the weekly Flylady Thread. You're more than welcome to join us in the everlasting battle against dust, grime and gibble. The aim of our thread is to make those onerous tasks less daunting, and to support each other - and to make time for the finer things in life!
Right now the thread is looking very quiet...but please do remember we have to abide by MSE rules; each post should, ideally, include some mention of flying.
Thank you Valli for last week’s thread..
Please follow the forum rules on this thread as Flylady has been
here a LONG time and is a fabulous support and resource for lots of us. All
posts should have some Flylady-related (ooh a compound adjective) content!
The idea is that even if you are really busy you don't need to fall off the
Every room comes back around next week so please don!!!8217;t stress about
catching up
These lists are only suggestions and not a must do list; you are more than
welcome to post and follow your own lists.
Also adding a declutter mission each day will help to gradually clear the
clutter and make flying easier.
A few of the basics before we start the week
Hotspots are areas where if one thing gets put there, loads of other things
Daily routines are anything you need to do on a daily basis like washing, swish
and swipe kitchen and bathroom, ironing, making beds, vacuuming high traffic
areas, making meals etc.
Night-time routines are all things which make getting ready in the morning
easier, preparing clothes for the next day, making lunches, swish & swipes
of the kitchen and tidying the living room before you go to bed plus personals
like shower/brush teeth etc.
Fling Boogie - stick on some loud music, grab a bin bag and whiz around the
house finding items that can go out with the rubbish, recycling, for charity
shop, basically anything that will stop it cluttering your home.
Swish and swipe/S&S means have a quick wipe over an area such as a sink or
toilet to prevent the build up of dirt. This is usually done on a daily basis
exercise/challenge/ironing ... run around for 30 minutes to the Benny Hill
music frantically cleaning exercising or ironing.. other music may be used if
you prefer!
WM ~ Washing machine
TD ~ Tumble dryer
SC ~ Slowcooker
BM ~ Breadmaker
DW ~ Dishwasher
SOAADFA ~ Sit on 'bottom'
and do 'nothing'
KH/XH/FW ~ Ex-husband and
other not so polite versions
OH/SO ~ Other
half/significant other
NN ~ nice neighbour
Toxic (friend/mother/sister/whoever)
~ person in your life that seems to exist to make your life miserable
AF ~ Aunt Flo 'time of the
month'.. nothing to do with flying but it comes up often.
ETA ~ Edited to add
Gibble ~ miscellaneous crap
that appears forever homeless
Dot-to-dot ~ pick a small area (not a whole room) like a
chair/coffee/table/shelf/worktop or wherever- thats your first 'dot' - totally
clear it - clean it - and only put back what should be there - deal with what
you have removed (not just move it somewhere else) then if you have time move
on and do the same to another 'dot' -the idea is just like a dot to dot puzzle,
you aim to join up all the dots and have a tidy room. The trick is to keep each
dot tidy until you get them all joined up! All credit to AnW's
Mum for this one
RoD ~ Room of Doom, the one
room that feels like it is a permanent pit and cannot be used to its potential!
MAD half hour- Mad is the abbreviation for Make A
The idea is that you have a Forth bridge (ie never-ending - or just huge) task
but that you work on it in half-hour bursts. This way you know you ARE
stooping, and that you won't get it finished but you will make a difference -
so it might be clearing out - the garage or shed, or clothes sorting, or
weeding - you get the picture - but rather than keep going until you've lost
the will to live you do half an hour...but, eventually those half hours will
get the job done!
Mr S/A/T/M/L/Al -
supermarkets Sainsburys, Asda, Tesco, Morrisons, Lidl, Aldi. You get the
Click here to
read Toots wonderful welcome guide
Ok here goes this week!
Magnificant Monday ~ Kitchen and Dining Room
Level One…
Sweep and mop the floor
Level Two..
Clear and wipe the
Clean the sink and slush the
drain out
Level Three..
Clean the windows
Wipe the door handles
Clean the extractor
fan/filter change?
Wipe the oven kn@bs,
underneath too if you can
Extra Mission
- Defrost the freezer and make a list of things to use up this week
- Find 10 things to throw/give away
Tuesday bluesday- Living
Room, Hall and Stairs
Level One…
Vacuum through the living room,
hall and stairs
Level Two..
Dusting, even if around
Remove clutter making sure
stairs especially are safe
Clean windows and all
glass.. including the tv screen
Clear the mantel and only
put back the items which are supposed to be there.. and that doesn't include
letters, keys or other treasure!
Level Three..
Open a drawer.. sort the
junk within!
15 minutes sort of the junk
on the landing!
Vacuum under furniture you
can manage to move without hurting yourself
Extra Mission
- Name all the school garments!!
- Wipe down any paintwork that needs it.
- Binbag dance.. Get a binbag.. fill it and bin it!!!
- Wash any cushions, throws or curtains that need it
- Deflea children 😉
- Deflea pets
Wednesday warts- Bathroom
and Study/Pc Area
Level One…
Clean floors in these rooms
Level Two..
Clean baths, toilets, don't
forget the outside! and sinks.. shine the taps with a toothbrush
Clear any clutter from desk
Clean the monitor/laptop..
Wipe keyboard, house phone,
sockets, switches and mouse etc
Level Three..
Wash your bathroom mats,
nets, clean blind/curtains etc
Wipe down tiles in
bathroom.. defragment your pc while doing this.
Empty and clean out all the
upstairs bins!
Clean shower screen/curtain
if you have one/if required
Pull out the pc desk (if you have one!)and
clean BEHIND AND UNDER it!!!!!!
Extra mission
- Wipe the skirtings, door and window frames in these rooms
- Fling all those empty bottles and tubes
- Replace any sponges, flannels, toiletries that need it
- Clean the outside of all cupboards in the bathroom
Thursday Throwout!!- Master
Bedroom & Landing
Level One…
Check fire alarms are
working.. mine needs a new battery... the damn thing keeps bleeping at me...
Remove and wash bed linen
and duvet covers.
Fling open the window and
let in the rain sunnyness
Level Two..
Dust surfaces & make
sure no cobwebs..
Vacuum & turn mattress
before replacing with fresh linen..
Air the duvet
15 minutes floordrobe
Level Three..
Vacuum floors in bedroom and
on landing
Sort through a cupboard and
fling everything that is dead
Clear a hotspot.. or spend
15 minutes clearing one.
Extra tasks list
- 32 fling boogie time, go on grab a bag and clear that clutter
- Clean all paintwork on the landing
- Clean windows in these rooms
- Clear out your spare linen.. all those holey sheets, manky duvet covers and stained pillow cases.. FLING!!
Friday Frenzy- those
frightening kids rooms and spare rooms
Level One…
Clear away anything that
isn't in it's place, clothes, toys, books etc
Make an appointment for some
ME-time.. hairdressers? manicure? night out with friends? .. whatever just do
Level Two..
Vacuum the floor
Dusting.. all those shelves
and flat fluffy surfaces!! Don’t forget the light shade and curtain pole!!!
Strip beds, turn and vacuum
mattresses!! and replace with fresh linen .. check if duvets need freshening up
Level Three..
Clean 2 windows
Sort through a
cupboard/chest of drawers and get the clothes out which are no longer wearable,
too small or out of season!
Wipe any sticky marks off
walls and doors
Extra Tasks
- Find 5 things to ebay/freecycle
- Wipe the radiators, skirtings and window & door frames!
- Binbag dance!!! Grab a binbag and fill it with stuff to leave the house.. rubbish, charity shop or to donate to a friend!
Declutter Challenge 2025
DH declutter challenge award 🏅⭐️
Thanks for the thread Natty. I don't think I've ever been the first poster on a thread before. It seems a shame to mess it up, it's so pristine.Anyway, I finally cleaned the kitchen today, apart from the inside of the fridge, which is always a stand alone job, and the hob. I also emptied and wiped out the kitchen bin, took the rubbish and a bag of recycling down and vacc'd around.This morning I went to the 08.30 and this afternoon we met a friend who moved to Chichester a few years ago but was up in London for a couple of days. We went to the Leighton House cafe, which we like and, as it was warm, sat outside; it faces north so is shady. We haven't seen for ages so it was good to catch up.There is a lovely full moon this evening, which is a pinky/orange colour. Evidently it's caused by fires in America which have sent smoke particles across the Atlantic.Is it just me who can't get excited about Banksy?Nothing else to report/say. Hope everyone had a good day.9
Evening all, just popping my head above the parapet to say hi...
Unfortunately I'm still suffering from a rather nasty bout of COVID, that I've had now for over a fortnight. It started with a sore throat the night of my.nephews baby's baby shower and is still here 18 days later 😭😭😞 For some reason it is hanging around with a vengeance.. I have hardly any sense of smell or taste, an up and down fever (it can't make it's mind up. Although it's normally up when the pills have worn off!)a very croaky voice and an awful cough. I'm on my 2nd bottle of lemon barley as I've been really craving that not that I can really taste one Plus absolutely no energy and feeling absolutely carpe. So in-between sleeping, napping and watching TV not a lot has gotten done. I did venture out for new glasses early part of last week but that floored me for the rest of the week.. Thankfully DH is being an absolute dear and sort of helping as much as he can.. Somehow the house doesn't look too bad as when I suddenly feel energetic I've hoovered, dusted etc etc.. Plus when I've gotten up at 3 or 4am (most nights) from coughing I've done some washing and tidying in the kitchen.
So in case I was missed...😁 That's where I've been the past few days. I'm hoping that it will start to go away this week as the cough, lack of energy and being woken up before the rest of civilization is awake is really piddling me off now.
Sorry if I've missed anyone's birthdays, anniversarys etc.
Mortgage Free as of 20.9.17Declutter challenge 2023, 2024 🏅 🏅⭐️⭐️
Declutter Challenge 2025
DH declutter challenge award 🏅⭐️9 -
Morning all. Thanks for the list Natty.
I have been moving stuff around on the kitchen worktops and wiping as I go, while waiting for DGD2 to wake up. Think I have a much better layout now. Have also watered back garden.
Have a great day everyone.Spend less now, work less later.7 -
Morning all.
Thank you for the new thread and the start of the lists, Natty. Sorry to hear you have been poorly, but well done on keeping up with the basics - even if you were doing them at odd hours! Hope you feel better soon xx
How are you today, round?x
And YL, I hope your anxiety subsides as the day goes on. Belated congratulations to you and MrYL xx
All our washing is up to date, and late last night I reached another milestone in the photo sorting: my own birth
I shall be doing the basic flying this morning, then the house will keep itself tidy until Thursday, as we are off to DS2's for a few days. We shall be responsible for taking DGS3+4 to Stonehenge on Wednesday and paying for a Chinese takeaway one evening, but otherwise most of the time we shall be relaxing. We hope to visit a couple of new-to-us NT or similar properties, if they will allow Rosie into the grounds (some do, some don't). The highlight of today will be lunch on the terrace at the posh Gloucester services
Must go and eat breakfast and then start packing. See you later - toodle-oo! xxx
6 -
Morning all xx
iona - delicate. I feel delicate. Thank you for asking. Returning to work tomorrow is looking unlikely. And I'm considering the realms of sick note territory after that. I'm pretty sure it's covid - especially after reading Natty's symptoms. One day at a time. Enjoy your trip xx
I took parrots before I went to bed and slept through the night. Yay. I'm up, made my bed, got weighed*, and I've supped my first brew.. which I still cannot taste. At all.
*I've lost another 1.5 lbs. Maybe it melted?
No-one responded to my query about Henry hoovers. Any thoughts at all on their efficiency? I'm thinking of buying one is all.
I'm going to have a look at Wordle and Connections.
Have a good day.
morning all
I think Piggers has a Henry (or a Hetty)
WM x 1, DW x 1
Thanks for the thread Natty and I hope you’re better soonDon't put it DOWN; put it AWAY"I would like more sisters, that the taking out of one, might not leave such stillness" Emily DickinsonJanice 1964-2016
Thank you Honey Bear6 -
Round I have a Hetty for the upstairs of this house. I really like it especially for getting under the bed 😁😄 For me it's as good as my Dyson that I use downstairs. Although the suction isn't as strong as the Dyson. And I also find the Shark on the same par as the Hetty/Henry. How can I own three Hoover's for a normal semi detached
Also it's really a preference if you prefer a cylinder or an upright. We have both and I like both to tell you the
The other thing professionals use them, i.e.cleaners, builders etc .
I also think you can get different powered ones..but don't quote me on
Hope this has helped 👍
I'm off to make the bed then have a shower..before I fall asleep on the sofa. 😉Mortgage Free as of 20.9.17Declutter challenge 2023, 2024 🏅 🏅⭐️⭐️
Declutter Challenge 2025
DH declutter challenge award 🏅⭐️6 -
Thank you for the listsNever used a Henry or Hetty so cannot comment, sorry.So far3 x WM out on whirlyDW epmtied and restackedClean up from yesterdayHoovered whole house (I have an upright Samsung 2000, old but great, bagless)Stripped bed, not yet remade as I have washed the underblanket.Bins doneLarge recycling bin emptied by council, now able to put more recycling in it.Extra paltes and such like put awayBathrooms cleanedAll hard floors cleanedHave a good day allBreast Cancer Now 100 miles October 2022 100 / 100miles
D- Day 80km June 2024 80/80km (10.06.24 all done)
Diabetic UK 1 million steps July 2024 to complete by end Sept 2024. 1,001,066/ 1,000,000 (20.09.24 all done)Sun, Sea7 -
I used a Henry when I worked as a cleaner and it was fine - however I've been retired for 12 years so I have no idea if they are still as good! I have a Miele cylinder cleaner and I like that but they are a bit pricey.One washload done today because it said no rain until 6pm. It rained at 1pm.... A few bits dry but most on the airer now. Dusted and vacuumed all through the house, I have been trying to make myself do upstairs for days but today I just did the lot. Also I sorted out the fridge and freezer ready for a shopping delivery on Wednesday, all tidy and shelves cleaned now.Why am I so tired nowadays? Oh yes, I'm 727
Sorry to hear you have covid and that it's going on so long Natty. I hope it clears up soon. There's a lot of it about I think. I always try to sit at the back at church but the rear two pews were taken when I got there on Sunday so I had to sit a bit further forward. I had not been there long when the people behind started coughing. I wanted to move but I didn't want to make them feel bad so stayed put and hoped for the best.Round, you seemed to be getting better too; I hope it's just a short-lived relapse. Our cleaner for the communal areas uses a George (it's the same as a Henry but it does both wet and dry cleaning). I've not used it myself but it seems to do a good job. Our builder uses a George to vac up when he's finished a messy job and that also seems very good - in fact I think a lot of tradespeople use them because they are robust and reliable, as well as efficient.Are you still away @pigpen ? Hope you having (or had) a good holiday.This morning A wanted to go to the bank to pay in a cheque in at the machine. The branch is closing in October and will leave no banking options at all in that area. There is a post office but it is always very busy and they always seem to make a fuss about everything. There used to be a Lloyds, a Santander, a Barclays and a RBS but they are all gone. All that is left is the soon-to-be-closed Natwest. Thanks goodness taxpayers didn't bail the banks out during the financial crisis or I would be even more annoyed at their closing so many branches [rolls eyes].After having successfully banked the cheque we celebrated by going to the pub! There is a lovely old pub nearby, built in the 18th or early 19th century I think, with a garden and we went there. After that we came back and had lunch and I'm now about to wash up A's breakfast things and our lunch things before making a cup of tea for A and a coffee for me.7
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