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Weekly Flylady Thread 2nd May 2022

Natty68 Posts: 3,347 Forumite
Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary First Post
edited 5 May 2022 at 9:08PM in Old style MoneySaving

Welcome to the weekly Flylady Thread.

What is FLYLADY? Well, it's our version of the US flylady idea - but we work on the principle that housework is not fun, it's boring, can be time-consuming, is often thankless but, unfortunately, necessary. It's here on Old Style to provide the support we all need and to make the whole task easier and quicker. We also accept that, sometimes, life just gets on top of us and we can't keep up, maybe because we're time-poor, not in the best of health and/or we have littlies who need us. We are definitely NOT control freaks aiming for perfection and utterly spotless show-homes.

You're more than welcome to join us in the everlasting battle against dust, grime and gibble. The aim of our thread is to make those onerous tasks less daunting, and to support each other - and to make time for the finer things in life!
Please do remember we have to abide by MSE rules; each post should, ideally, include some mention of flying.
Thank you Valli for last week's

Please follow the forum rules on this thread as Flylady has been here a LONG time and is a fabulous support and resource for lots of us. All posts should have some Flylady-related content! (i.e. it should be on-topic)
The idea is that even if you are really busy you don't need to fall off the wagon!
Every room comes back around next week so please don’t stress about catching up
These lists are only suggestions and not a must do list; you are more than welcome to post and follow your own lists.
Also adding a declutter mission each day will help to gradually clear the clutter and make flying easier.

A few of the basics before we start the week -

Hotspots are areas where if one thing gets put there, loads of other things follow!
Daily routines are anything you need to do on a daily basis like washing, swish and swipe kitchen and bathroom, ironing, making beds, vacuuming high traffic areas, making meals etc.
Night-time routines are all things which make getting ready in the morning easier, preparing clothes for the next day, making lunches, swish & swipes of the kitchen and tidying the living room before you go to bed plus personals like shower/brush teeth etc.
Fling Boogie - stick on some loud music, grab a bin bag and whiz around the house finding items that can go out with the rubbish, recycling, for charity shop, basically anything that will stop it cluttering your home.
Swish and swipe/S&S means have a quick wipe over an area such as a sink or toilet to prevent the build up of dirt. This is usually done on a daily basis

HHE/HHC/HHI Half Hour exercise/challenge/ironing ... run around for 30 minutes to the 
Benny Hill music frantically cleaning exercising or ironing.. .other music may be used if you prefer!
WM ~ Washing machine
TD ~ Tumble dryer
SC ~ Slowcooker
BM ~ Breadmaker
DW ~ Dishwasher
SOAADFA ~ Sit on 'bottom' and do 'nothing'
KH/XH/FW ~ Ex-husband and other not so polite versions
DH/DD/DS/DW/DP ~ Dear husband/daughter/son/wife/partner/whatever
OH/SO ~ Other half/significant other
NN ~ nice neighbour
Toxic (friend/mother/sister/whoever) ~ person in your life that seems to exist to make your life miserable
AF ~ Aunt Flo 'time of the month'.. nothing to do with flying but it comes up often.
ETA ~ Edited to add
Gibble ~ miscellaneous crap that appears forever homeless
Dot-to-dot ~ pick a small area (not a whole room) like a chair/coffee/table/shelf/worktop or wherever- that’s your first 'dot' - totally clear it - clean it - and only put back what should be there - deal with what you have removed (not just move it somewhere else) then if you have time move on and do the same to another 'dot' -the idea is just like a dot to dot puzzle, you aim to join up all the dots and have a tidy room. The trick is to keep each dot tidy until you get them all joined up! All credit to former Flylady AnW's Mum for this one
RoD ~ Room of Doom, the one room that feels like it is a permanent pit and cannot be used to its potential!
MAD half hour - Mad is the abbreviation for Make A Difference.
The idea is that you have a Forth bridge (ie never-ending - or just huge) task but that you work on it in half-hour bursts. This way you know you ARE stopping, and that you won't get it finished but you will make a difference - so it might be clearing out - the garage or shed, or clothes sorting, or weeding - you get the picture - but rather than keep going until you've lost the will to live you do half an hour...but, eventually those half hours will get the job done!
Frog (or other amphibian) ~ google 'eat that frog'
Spoons ~ google 'but you don't look sick' and/or 'The Spoon Theory'.

Mr S/A/T/M/L/Al - supermarkets Sainsburys, Asda, Tesco, Morrisons, Lidl, Aldi. You get the picture!!

here to read Toots wonderful welcome guide

Bank Holiday Monday
Just the dailies.. if everyone else gets a day off so do we!! Now that was a shock for you all wasn't it?? lol.. Go enjoy your family/friends/typical Bank Holiday weather!

The Kitchen of Grot - Twinkling Tuesday
Level One
Clear and Wipe work surfaces & table
Wipe the fronts of the cupboards and big appliances
Level Two
Wipe appliances and put them back in their homes
Clean any windows that need it
Scrub the inside of the medicine cupboard/first aid tin and chuck out anything you no longer need!! .. Make a list of what you need to restock.
Level Three
Sweep and mop the floor
Clean the hob.. and the oven if it needs it!

  • Make any necessary phone calls.. are your tax credits up for renewal?
  • HHG if it is nice out there
  • 42 fling boogie
  • 15 minute filing!

Mad Wednesday - Living room, Hallway, Stairs
Level One
Remove clutter from floors, chairs and fireplace
Open the windows and let in some fresh air
Level Two
Vacuum floors and sofas
Wipe and water neglected plants
Dust those flat fluffy surfaces
Level Three
Vacuum under the furniture you can move
Clean windows, pictures, mirrors etc.
Change any lightbulbs that need doing!
Vacuum hall and stairs.. all the way up to the top!!!!!

  • Wipe woodwork in the hall and stairs & wipe front door.. inside and out!
  • Wash any nets/curtains that need cleaning.. put up fresh ones!
  • Clean out your handbag.. how many receipts??
  • 15 minutes filing

Master bedroom & landing -Thursday
Level 1
Check fire alarms are working
Remove and wash bed linen and duvet covers.
Fling open the window and let in the spring!
Level 2
Dust surfaces & make sure no cobwebs..
Vacuum & turn mattress before replacing with fresh linen..
Clean lightshade. And remove dead insects
15 minutes floordrobe clearance
Level 3
Vacuum floors in bedroom and on landing
Sort 10 things from your wardrobe (or someone elses) that you can get rid of.. you WILL have nothing left lol!!
Clear a hotspot.. or spend 15 minutes clearing one.
Extra tasks list, as usual choose one or more

  • 33 fling boogie time, go on grab a bag and clear that clutter
  • Clean windows in these rooms
  • Clear a box of clutter from the landing
  • Make any necessary phone calls
Study or other reception room, Sprog pits & bathrooms - Friday
Level One
Clear the clutter from these rooms!!.. HHC??
Ring someone you love just to tell them so.. we never do this enough!
Level Two
S&S bathroom
HHG... D
Level Three
Vacuum study/rec room and bathroom
Clean the windows.

  • HHI..
  • Clear a hotspot
  • Binbag dance
  • HHC in the childrens/spare/junk rooms

Weekend list.. get those other halves and children involved too!!

  • Work to level 3 in the messiest room
  • HHG.. get the grass cut and the weeds plucked!!
  • Sort through a wardrobe and find out what they need for summer!!
  • Make sure those school and work things are washed and ironed for next week.. inc shiny shoes!.. do any coats need washing??
  • Meal plan for the week
  • Reorganise the airing cupboard/under stairs cupboard.. whichever is messiest
  • Change any bedding that needs it, or you missed through the week
  • Wash any windows that need doing and always get neglected!
  • HHI
  • Binbag dance

Mortgage Free as of 20.9.17
Declutter challenge 2023, 2024 🏅 🏅⭐️⭐️
DH declutter challenge award 🏅⭐️


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